People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 163 The First Person of Maoshan Sect [Please subscribe]

"Master nephew, isn't it too risky to do this? Although I am a little jealous of Zhengying's first love, if something happens to her, your master uncle will not let me go!"

Gu Gu felt a little adventurous.

Zhang Jingyun's plan is simple, just ruthless. The evil baby inhabits a pregnant woman in order to be born, so he doesn't want anything to happen to the host.

If the evil baby wants to be born into the world, he will take the initiative to protect the host. And as far as Zhang Jingyun knows, the evil baby actually has a trace of conscience and is not so ruthless.

After all, he is still a naughty kid.

In fact, both Uncle Jiu and Aunt Sue are top-notch people in terms of cultivation, and they should be able to deal with an evil baby with ease.

But because the evil baby was living in Michelin's belly, Uncle Jiu and Aunt Sue didn't dare to kill her, but Zhang Jingyun's plan was to do the opposite.

Zhang Jingyun confidently said to Aunt Sue, "Don't worry, I just threw Michelian into the water and drowned her. The evil baby will definitely escape if he doesn't want to die together. I will use my secret technique to put Michelian into a state of suspended animation. She will not Really dead."

Gu Gu was doubtful: "Is there such a secret technique?"

"Of course there is. Do you want Aunt Zhe to give it a try first?" Zhang Jingyun asked with a smile. Aunt Zhe looked at him with a smirk on his face and shook his head subconsciously.

"You and Lin Zhengying have completely different personalities. You are much more decisive than him in doing things. If he is like you, how can he miss this marriage?"

What Gu Gu was talking about was that Uncle Jiu and his first love Michelian, he hesitated and failed to make a promise, and then Michelian married Marshal Long.

Uncle Jiu is still very sorry to this day.

"Okay, then follow your plan."

Gu Gu made the decision without asking Uncle Jiu for his opinion. Then Zhang Jingyun entered the Long Mansion and met Uncle Jiu. Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai had also just returned.

"Nephew, if I had known you were coming, I wouldn't have bothered Aunt Zhue to come." Uncle Jiu said sadly when he saw Zhang Jingyun.

"Uncle Master doesn't want to see Aunt Sue?"

Zhang Jingyun found it funny. Uncle Jiu was upright, but when he saw Aunt Sue, he became depressed. He was really afraid of being tortured by Aunt Sue.

"Of course I don't want to. You don't know what I went through that day... Fortunately, she didn't come. Let's find a way to deal with the evil baby first."

Uncle Jiu was talking about the time he was tricked by Qiu Sheng into visiting Zhegu's Taoist temple, and he was almost raped by the overlord of Zhegu who was wearing a chrysanthemum wetsuit.

From that day on, Uncle Jiu had a shadow in his heart. He felt like vomiting when he saw chrysanthemums, and even gave up his favorite chrysanthemum tea.

Asking Aunt Sue to help this time will definitely pay a heavy price. If you can subdue the evil baby before Aunt Sue arrives, you won't owe Aunt Sue any favors.

Of course, there is no such thing as dedication.

Zhang Jingyun said with a strange expression: "Uncle Master, it may be too late. I came here with Aunt Zhue. She asked you to talk about the spiritual baby in 302 of Laifu Inn."

Uncle Jiu: “…………”

As soon as he finished speaking, Uncle Jiu's body trembled obviously. Zhang Jingyun actually saw fear in his eyes. Even Uncle Jiu had to accept the fact.

"I understand. Then I'll go see Aunt Sue. You'll stay at the Dragon Mansion. Apart from the fact that Michelle is possessed by an evil baby, I suspect that there is a problem with the maid in the Dragon Mansion."

Zhang Jingyun nodded and watched Uncle Jiu leave.

Looking at Uncle Jiu's back, Zhang Jingyun actually felt that the wind was rustling and the water was cold, and there was an artistic conception of a strong man gone and never coming back.

"These two are quite interesting."

Zhang Jingyun shook his head and said, Uncle Jiu and Aunt Zhi should have been together a long time ago, but Uncle Jiu was too reserved for the sake of face.

That is to say, Aunt Sue is generous and takes the initiative to express her feelings. Women chase men, waiting for Uncle Jiu to pursue them, unless Aunt Sue turns into a ghost and harms others.


In Long Mansion, Zhang Jingyun didn't see Qiu Sheng's literary talent, nor even Nianying, who had just returned. It wasn't until he used his golden eyes to explore the mansion up and down that he saw Qiu Sheng, Wen Cai and Nianying in the same room.

The three of them stretched out their hands and groped around the room, as if their eyes were blinded by something, and they stretched out their hands randomly, as if they were fishing in muddy water.

Zhang Jingyun's figure flashed past, shuttled through the Long Mansion, and opened the door. The three of them still turned a blind eye, as if they were in another world.

"This is an illusion!"

Zhang Jingyun held a talisman with his backhand to activate his magic power. The talisman burned violently in front of the three people, and the white smoke made people's consciousness instantly return to clarity.

"Why am I here?"

"What am I doing here?"

"What happened?"

The three of them were very confused. This was a typical ghost beating the wall. They must have been imprisoned here by evil spirits. Zhang Jingyun asked them who they saw last?

"He is my sister's servant, serving her every step of the way." Mi Qilian's sister Nianying said with certainty.

"You three continue to pretend to fish here while I go outside to take a look." In order not to arouse the maid controlled by the evil baby, Zhang Jingyun left after explaining.

The three of them looked at each other and fished openly and openly, and they did so all afternoon, with no intention of stopping until it got dark.

During this period, Zhang Jingyun had been observing secretly. He saw that the maid came once during this period, and turned away when she saw nothing unusual.

Zhang Jingyun hung behind him and followed him outside Michelian's room. Michelian's belly was bulging and her expression was extremely painful because of the evil baby.

The evil baby will absorb the energy of the host in order to be born. Michelin is just an ordinary person. If this continues, he may not be able to survive the day of delivery.

However, Zhang Jingyun saw it the next second.

The maid with a charming appearance gently lifted up the top of her thin pajamas, revealing her smooth and delicate skin. She then lightly scratched the northern hemisphere with her fingernails, and a trace of blood appeared.

"Master, it's time to eat!"

The maid gently lifted Micheline's head and put her mouth on the blood stain to absorb her blood to replenish energy for the birth of the evil baby.

Micheline drank the blood and soon became quiet. Her belly was obviously bigger. It seemed that the day when the evil baby was born was not far away.

"Isn't it finished yet, Aunt Sue?"

Zhang Jingyun looked at the time. It was already past eight o'clock. It was time to calm down the heat from afternoon to evening. Middle-aged people should not be too indulgent, okay?

About half past eight.

Zhang Jingyun and Michelian showed pain again, and big beads of sweat formed on her forehead. She just screamed a few times before the maid brought a jar and scooped out a few spoonfuls of red and white stuff and fed it to her mouth. It became quiet again within a few seconds.

Zhang Jingyun frowned as he looked at the contents in the jar. The white ones looked like tofu curds and the red ones looked like bloodshot threads. There was a hint of fishy smell in them that made them tremble.

"Whose brain is this?"

Zhang Jingyun shook his head. The evil baby had already tried every means to be born into the world. Just sucking blood was no longer enough for the evil baby to replenish his energy. He also had to replenish his brain.

"call out!"

There was a sound, and a firework exploded outside the house. Zhang Jingyun's heart moved when he saw it. This was the secret code for her and Aunt Sue's agreement.

That's it.

Zhang Jingyun flew up into the air and jumped into Michelin's room. Under the astonished eyes of the maid, he snatched Michelin directly in front of her.

"court death!"

The maid in front of her has been indirectly controlled by the evil baby. When she saw her master's parasitic body being snatched away, the maid immediately became violent and wanted to kill Zhang Jingyun.

But her strength was far behind Zhang Jingyun. Before she finished speaking, Zhang Jingyun had already rushed out the door, and she didn't even have a chance to attack Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun walked swiftly and went straight to the outside of the house. Aunt Sue was already guarding here. When she saw the maid behind Zhang Jingyun, she threw the rosary beads away fiercely.

The eighteen rosary beads suddenly turned golden, and each rosary bead contained a large amount of magic power. Gu Gu's magic weapon was no ordinary thing.

The maid was knocked several dozen meters away.

"Who are you two, and what are you going to do?" the maid asked fiercely, and a stern smile appeared on Gu Gu's face.

"Steal my man? I'm going to kill her!"

The maid had a question mark on her face: "What do you mean?"

Gu Gu said sternly: "Lin Zhengying is my man. This woman is married and seduces a married man. I want to put her in a pig cage."

"Lin Zhengying? That stinking Taoist priest? Are you crazy? Madam just invited him to come and see Feng Shui. Is there any misunderstanding here? Tell me what you have to say!"

the maid said impatiently.

Michelian is the host of the evil baby. If she dies, the evil baby can only leave her body and find another host. If she knew that Michelian had such a complicated love triangle with the unreasonable female Taoist priest in front of her, she would definitely not Let the evil baby lodge Michelin.

"You're talking about your mother's legs. If you care about her so much, are you also thinking about my man? I'll beat you to death!" Gu Gu couldn't help but hit her.

The maid was speechless for a while, "Is your man gold or silver? Who cares about him? Get out of my way, you crazy bitch!"

The two had another big fight.

Zhang Jingyun, on his side, carried Michelian to the river, found a place with deep water, and threw Michelian into the river without hesitation.

At the same time, he said: "I asked you to rob someone of a man, and you suffered this fate in vain. Don't blame me. If you want to blame me, blame Gu Gu. She asked me to do it."

Michelian sank into the water without any movement at first, and then suddenly flew up from the water. A child in his eighties or nineties, all purple, appeared in the air.

The strong resentment soared into the sky, and it was none other than the Evil Infant. As the Evil Infant broke away from its host, Micheline fell from the air into the water and floated on the shore.

"If you ruin my good deeds, you deserve to die!"

The evil infant was furious. In a day or two, he would come to the world. The evil infant was the spirit infant who had failed to reincarnate many times and had a twisted mentality.

Even if he comes to the world, he is still a monster.

Zhang Jingyun did this, and the evil infant's overwhelming resentment naturally fell on him. Now the evil infant just wants to kill Zhang Jingyun for revenge.

"You don't know, I'm actually targeting you!" Zhang Jingyun couldn't wait for a long time. He acted all the way just to get the evil baby out of Micheline's body. All the plans were to set him up.

Zhang Jingyun flipped his wrist and held the magic weapon Peach Wood Sword. Infused with strong magic power, the Peach Wood Sword radiated golden light and contained amazing power.


Facing the magical weapon Mahogany Sword, the evil infant did not give up. Even his skin was dark purple and his body suddenly flashed with electric light, making a sizzling sound in the air.

The next second, a bolt of lightning struck.

Zhang Jingyun dodged, but the thunder and lightning seemed to have eyes and chased after him. Zhang Jingyun chopped the thunder and lightning into pieces with the peach wood sword, but the peach wood sword also turned black.

"How can this thing be capable of lightning?"

Zhang Jingyun only knew that this evil infant had some strength, but he did not expect that even the thunder method, which is recognized as the number one among many Taoist spells, could be used like an arm.

There is no doubt that Thunder Method is the most powerful Taoist method.

There are countless Maoshan methods, but the only one that can be called the number one is the Lei method. This is why senior brother Shi Jian is the number one person in the Maoshan sect.

The evil baby, to put it bluntly, is just a more powerful ghost, gathering more resentment. Do evil spirits and ghosts master the thunder method and have their own destiny?

Even Zhang Jingyun and Lei Fa can't do it.

"It seems that after the spiritual infant is dealt with, we must find a way to cultivate the thunder method. Even if we don't break through the god refining process, we can reach the level of the lightning method king Shi Jian."

Zhang Jingyun thought in his heart.

In the Maoshan Senior Brother Shi Jian and Lin Zhengying series, it can be said that they are the ceiling of Taoist priests. If anyone is most likely to be promoted to the real person of Lian Shen, it must be Shi Jian.

Even Zhang Jingyun thinks so.

If Shi Jian didn't go crazy because of the death of his illegitimate son, but instead broke his obsession, he would definitely be able to break through the God Refining process, and then he would be able to ascend.

It's a pity that one step is wrong and every step is wrong.

The number one person in Maoshan died in his own hands.

After coming back to his senses, he looked at the stern-looking Evil Infant in front of him. Although he could use the thunder method to control the power of thunder, it was not that powerful and could not compare with Shi Jian.

In Zhang Jingyun's opinion, this level of thunder technique might be able to temper his body. Then Zhang Jingyun put down the peach wood sword and let a bolt of lightning fall on him, and the lightning on his body flashed.

The evil baby was also stunned when he saw this scene.

Zhang Jingyun was bathed in thunder and lightning. Except for his clothes being torn, his body was unscathed. Even his flawless body, tempered by thunder and lightning, revealed a power that made him feel horrified.

boom! Zhang Jingyun rose from the ground.

Even the ground was kicked out by Zhang Jingyun, making a big hole, like a cannonball, moving at an extremely fast speed. The evil infant watched as Zhang Jingyun's fist fell on him.

After one punch, half of his body was numb.

"The naughty kid deserves a beating!"

Zhang Jingyun has been practicing Taoism for a long time, and he is already considered a master. After combining Maoshan Taoism with the power of his body, it feels like seeing a ghost when he sees it.

Followed by a fat beating.

The evil infant looked at Zhang Jingyun with clearly clear and kind eyes. Even when Zhang Jingyun raised his hand, he instinctively trembled for fear of being beaten.

"Don't you just want to be reincarnated? You have to take shortcuts. Who taught you this? From now on, follow me to purify for a thousand days to ensure that you are reincarnated into a good child and come to the world safely."

The evil infant looked at Zhang Jingyun with doubts.

"What? You don't believe it?" Zhang Jingyun raised his hand, and Evil Infant shrank his neck and said, "Believe it, can't you do it after I believe it?"

"That's pretty much it."

Zhang Jingyun carried Evil Infant and Michelian back to Long Mansion. Gu Gu had already subdued Evil Infant's maid and released Evil Infant's control over her.

"Is she okay?" Aunt Sue asked.

"I used a secret method to hypnotize her into the fetal breath state. The fetal breath state is not limited to breathing through the mouth and nose, but can be breathed through the pores of the whole body.

How could a naughty kid like Evil Baby know this secret technique? He thought Micheline would die in the water without breathing, so he showed up. "

After Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, he tapped acupuncture points on Michelian's body. After seven consecutive taps, Michelian, who had stopped breathing, slowly returned to normal.

"Where's Uncle Nine?" Zhang Jingyun suddenly asked.

Gu Gu's face turned red: "I worked too hard in the afternoon and have been resting. Before I left, I was afraid that he would come out and cause trouble and I gave him some medicine..."

Zhang Jingyun didn't think much about it.

A few days later, when Uncle Jiu had a nightmare, he heard him roar. That day, Aunt Sue wanted him seven times. Uncle Jiu shouted: Don't come over...

Zhang Jingyun was immediately in awe.


Zhang Jingyun practiced quietly for more than two months.

That day Uncle Jiu came to Zhang Jingyun and told him a good thing. After this period of building up the relationship, Zhang Jingyun finally had the opportunity to practice thunder.

"Elder brother has decided to meet you. If you can get his approval, you can learn the Shangqing Thunder Technique. With your ability, it shouldn't be difficult."

Zhang Jingyun's heart trembled.

Finally, I am going to meet the number one person in Maoshan.

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