People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 169 You came at the right time [Please subscribe]

The speed of sound is about 340 meters per second, which is 1,224 kilometers per hour. This means that Zhang Jingyun can reach any location on the earth in one day.

What is the level of this kind of speed in the world of Xianxia? There is no doubt that it will definitely surpass the Qi Refining Stage, and at the lowest it will be the ancestor of the Foundation Establishment Stage, or even the Golden Pill Powerful...

Zhang Jingyun shook his head and laughed.

The richness of spiritual energy in each world is very different. In some worlds, it is extremely difficult to break through the foundation building. It is normal to call the foundation building ancestor and the golden elixir powerful.


Arriving in the world of spirit cages.

Zhang Jingyun did not feel the location of the lighthouse. He flew in the sky for more than two hours and did not feel the signal from the lighthouse.

If the lighthouse had not fallen, he would definitely have felt it. It is estimated that the lighthouse is no longer on the Australasian continent. Due to the violent geological disaster, the Australian continent and the Asian continent collided to form the Australasian continent.

"I've been away for a year, and I don't know what this world has become. How come I haven't seen a single pole-devouring beast on the ground?"

Zhang Jingyun did not deliberately control the flow of time. He stayed in the last mission world for about a year, and nearly a year passed in the spiritual cage world.

So when Zhang Jingyun just returned to the spirit cage world, he didn't even know his location. He originally wanted to find a lighthouse to confirm, but there was no signal yet.

After another half an hour, Zhang Jingyun noticed that there was a familiar landmark on the ground, which was a large crack hundreds of kilometers long.

Seeing this crack, Zhang Jingyun was sure to find the location of the ground base. Sure enough, it didn't take him long to find the entrance to the ground base.

This ground base was built based on Bai Yuekui's skeleton after killing a super-large king-level pole-devouring beast.

The entrance to the base was a temporary rest area. Zhang Jingyun's eyes fell on a round nuclear warhead and he smiled.

"Familiar place, familiar nuclear bomb."

A year ago, he and Bai Yuokui were sitting on the nuclear bomb, drinking drinks and playing games. Whenever Bai Yuokui was about to lose, he would throw the controller to Xia Dou.

Zhang Jingyun used his spiritual energy to sense it, but found that there were not many people inside the base. Originally, there were many miners in the base, driving various mechas.

The blue lake in the base is full of people practicing. Now there are only a few dozen people in the base. It looks like they are watching the gate.

Zhang Jingyun flashed and entered the base. After looking around, he caught a person and pulled him in front of him, ready to ask him something.

"Are you the lord?"

Zhang Jingyun was slightly surprised before he opened his mouth. Logically speaking, even if the people at the base knew Zhang Jingyun, they would not call him City Lord.

Only the people of Lighthouse would call it that.

"Are you from the lighthouse? A superior citizen or a dust citizen?"

Zhang Jingyun didn't recognize the young man in front of him.

"Lord City Lord, there is no longer a distinction between upper citizens and ordinary citizens in Lighthouse. The coalition forces have suffered heavy losses recently and the population supply rate cannot keep up, so..."

Zhang Jingyun roughly understood that before he left, the two major human forces in the spirit cage world had formed a ground coalition to jointly kill the pole-devouring beast.

After a year of fighting, even if humans have mastered the method of killing the Devouring Beast, there are still too few humans compared to the size of the Devouring Beast.

"What is the situation of the coalition forces? Who is leading it? Why didn't I receive the signal from the lighthouse on this continent?" Zhang Jingyun asked again.

"It is led by Marshal Bai Yuekui and Captain Mark. The coalition forces have moved to another continent. The lighthouse can only be contacted through a specific communicator."

"Give me your communicator."

When Zhang Jingyun spoke, the young man handed over the communicator without even thinking about it. Zhang Jingyun asked a few more questions before leaving the base.

"It only takes one year to clean up a whole continent. Bai Yuekui's actions are quite fast. I hope this eighty-year-old girl will not overdraw her vitality."

Zhang Jingyun knows Bai Yuokui's situation best. The problem of cell failure has not been solved. It's okay for him to be here, as he can replenish his vitality through dual cultivation.

Zhang Jingyun leaves the world of spiritual cages, and unless Bai Yuekui can practice the Everlasting Eternal Spring Kung Fu to the realm of heaven and man, communicate with heaven and earth, unite heaven and man, and integrate the body and heaven and earth, then the problem of cell failure will be completely solved.

But in less than a year, no matter how powerful Bai Yuekui is, it will be impossible for her to cultivate her internal skills to the realm of heaven and human beings, so there will still be sequelae for her actions.

"Call the lighthouse, call Jingnan!"

Zhang Jingyun left with his sword and contacted the lighthouse at the same time. A cold voice came from the communicator, which was the intelligent voice of the lighthouse's central control system.

"Sorry, your authority does not allow you to directly call the commander of the lighthouse navigation control room. Do you need to call your superiors for you?"

"No, please re-authenticate your identity information and continue calling Jingnan." Zhang Jingyun is also a city lord and is very familiar with the central intelligent system of the lighthouse.

After all the verification procedures were completed, a beep came from the communicator, "Beep! The identity information was confirmed successfully. Welcome back, Lord City Lord! We are calling Commander Jingnan for you."

"I am Jingnan, city lord, is that you?"

In the communicator, Jing Nan's voice was trembling. One year later, no one knew where Zhang Jingyun, the city lord, had gone.

Jing Nan is not only the lighthouse navigation commander, but also has a child with Zhang Jingyun. This relationship makes her always care about Zhang Jingyun!

Of course, it is not only Jingnan who is concerned about Zhang Jingyun, but also Fanti the Light Bearer, Feixue the Wilderness Hunter, Erica the Wilderness Hunter, etc.

Zhang Jingyun said: "Jingnan, it's me. I'm over the Austro-Asia continent now. I heard that the coalition forces are fighting on another continent. Give me the coordinates."

"Do I need to send you an anti-gravity spacecraft?" Jing Nan sent the coordinates and asked. Zhang Jingyun raised his eyebrows after hearing this.

"Where did the anti-gravity spaceship come from?"

Although the technology of the lighthouse is much ahead of the main world, Zhang Jingyun does not remember that there is no such high technology as anti-gravity spacecraft.

"After the coalition forces cleared Australia and Asia, they restored some high-tech technologies from the original Chinese underground base, including anti-gravity spacecraft and nuclear fusion energy that can last for at least two hundred years." Jing Nan said truthfully.

Zhang Jingyun was secretly stunned. What level had the earth's technology reached before this catastrophe? Is my Chinese Empire card America's neck broken?

"The straight-line distance is only over five thousand kilometers. Forget it, there is no need to send an anti-gravity spacecraft over. I can just go there myself."

Although anti-gravity spaceships have been developed, they are not as fast as Zhang Jingyun's flying sword, and going back and forth is more troublesome.

"How did you get there by yourself? Are you swimming on the sea?" Jing Nan asked in confusion. She didn't know that Zhang Jingyun was no longer what he used to be, so she made a joke.

"Ms. Jingnan, I will only swim on you." After Zhang Jingyun said this, he heard a snap from the communicator, and then there was no movement.

After a while, Zhang Jingyun received the message.

"Damn it, this is a public channel!"

Zhang Jingyun: "..."


Another continent, a coalition battlefield.

It took Zhang Jingyun three hours to fly over and arrived at the coordinates given by Jing Nan. Zhang Jingyun saw some coalition forces fighting against the Devouring Beast.

It has been more than three years since Zhang Jingyun spread the cultivation method on the lighthouse. With the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth and the threat of death hanging over their heads, the people of the lighthouse practice in an almost life-threatening way. As long as they can practice without dying, Just practice to death.

Coupled with the advanced medical technology in the spirit cage world, except for the problem of immortality, diseases in any other field can be successfully treated, making cultivation more scientific.

So, just three years.

Some people even broke through the realm of holding pills!

Even Zhang Jingyun secretly marveled that in the apocalyptic world, human potential is indeed endless. At this time, a certain piece of news can be understood.

That is, in a world foreign cycling competition, there was an unknown young man whose performance suddenly soared, breaking many records, and even leading the second place for a long time.

The organizers of the event agreed that this person had taken doping, but the test revealed that he had not. The reason why his potential exploded was because he was suddenly chased by an adult brown bear during the competition, so he was forced to take first place.

Similar is Zhang Wuji. If Zhang Wuji hadn't mastered the Xuanming Divine Palm when he was a child, he probably wouldn't have been able to master it in five years if he had been given the Secret Manual of the Nine Yang Magic Skills.

The Devouring Beast is the sharp sword on the heads of the survivors, and it may fall down at any time, so many Transformation Realm warriors can still be seen on the coalition battlefield.

"Why don't you see Bai Yuekui?"

Zhang Jingyun didn't see Bai Yuekui's figure. He flew all the way to the depths of the battlefield. It had been a year since the pole-devouring beasts had evolved into a species that could fly, so the sky was the safest.

After a while, Zhang Jingyun paused.

Going forward, the number of pole-devouring beasts became more and more, and it was unlikely that there would be humans. On the ground, Zhang Jingyun also saw that after a fierce battle, only a female military doctor who was slightly embarrassed and injured was left.

If Zhang Jingyun had come earlier, he might have been able to save her in time. Now only the female military doctor could be saved, and her condition was not good either.

The injuries on his body were serious. There were several wounds on his waist that were scratched by some kind of pole-devouring beast, and scarlet pigment was constantly exuding from the wounds.

"Can the Devouring Beast release scarlet pigment?"

Zhang Jingyun remembered that most species couldn't do it. Spinal voodoos could release scarlet pigment, but they usually parasitized people instead of causing such cuts.

"Why? Why choose us?"

The female military doctor was leaning next to an abandoned military vehicle, with a look of despair on her face. It turned out that the team she was in was a suicide squad-like team selected by the coalition forces, with the purpose of attracting the Extreme Devouring Beast.

The result was as seen before, everyone died, and she was the only one left alive. The dissipation of despair may attract the gnawing beast to attack again.

Will she die by then?

The fate of the selected people is actually the same, except that the female military doctor dies later than the others. The coalition battle is a desperate one, and no one dares to hope to survive in the apocalypse.

"Which army are you from?"

At this moment, a voice penetrated her ears. The female military doctor looked up and saw a tall man standing outside looking down at her.

In the sky, Zhang Jingyun was slightly surprised.

"Mark? Didn't he evolve into Mark Dragon and become a pole-devouring beast? How can he still return to human form?"

Mark and the female military doctor chatted for a while. The next second, under Zhang Jingyun's gaze, Mark actually picked up the female military doctor's face and leaned over to kiss her.

The amorous kiss made the female military doctor completely addicted. She opened her mouth slightly, and then responded fiercely. Mark was extremely passionate about the kiss and even dared to stick out his tongue.

"It seems Ran Bing is going to change his hair color."

Zhang Jingyun had a weird look on his face. If Ran Bing were here, his nose would probably be crooked with anger. Mark looked at him and Honest, who were dumbfounded, and even kissed others.

It was at this time that strong pheromones were released, and the female military doctor's intense emotions spread uncontrollably, directly shaking the mountain... Attracting a giant 15-meter-high pole-devouring beast, which was obviously a king-level pole-devouring beast.

Zhang Jingyun noticed that when Mark kissed the female military doctor, the wound on her waist returned to normal color, and the scarlet pigment contained in the wound was absorbed by Mark.


The air vibrated slightly.

Mark was currently a female military doctor who had been kissed unconscious. Her eyes were full of murderous intent, and her back was shining with blood-red lines, which were exactly where the spinal cord parasite had been.

The speed of the king-level pole-eating beast exceeds the limit of human beings. Its four thick arms and legs climb on the ground, causing dust to fly and high-rise buildings to be knocked aside by it.

The next second, Mark actually faced off against the king-level pole-devouring beast, and dealt with the king-level pole-devouring beast in human form. This change was already huge.

"With a girl kissing him, and a pole-eating beast cooperating with Mark to show off, he really is the template for the protagonist." Zhang Jingyun was thinking about it when his eyes suddenly changed.

I saw a pole-devouring beast coming quickly from the other side, its size was no less than the king-level pole-devouring beast in front of me, and Mark must have been distracted by himself.

At this moment, Zhang Jingyun's eyes flashed, and there was actually a small team hiding under his nose. They came out as soon as the king-level pole-devouring beast appeared.

The team was small in number. The leader was a woman, tall and wearing a familiar mink cloak with a gray V-neck sleeveless and arm guards on her hands.

Holding a Tang Dao, he has short white hair, skin like snow, picturesque eyebrows, a small cherry mouth under the bridge of his delicate nose, and a little baby fat on both cheeks.

"You actually studied the Guiyuan state to this extent?" Zhang Jingyun was slightly surprised. Bai Yuekui was hiding nearby and he didn't notice it.

"I look more tired than a year ago, and my vitality has also decreased. It seems that I have returned to the state of dual cultivation. I must always fight desperately."

Zhang Jingyun looked distressed. The problem of cell failure must be completely solved by Bai Yuekui this time. Now he wants to destroy all these pole-devouring beasts!

"I know the name of the five-direction thunder god, and he will arrive as soon as he is called. His powerful spirit will respond to his voice. All gods will listen to him. He will manifest himself and march in the direction of heaven!

Hurry like a law! "

Zhang Jingyun was seen with his hands clasped together, his five fingers hiding armor, and the thunder technique he performed was the most powerful Heavenly Thunder Technique of the Thunder Clearing Technique on Maoshan Mountain.

Suddenly the sky was filled with thunder!

The sky and the earth thundered, and Bai Yuekui subconsciously raised his head. He could vaguely see a figure, and a familiar feeling came to his heart.


Violent thunder fell from the sky with terrifying power. The thick thunder and lightning was full of violent power. The endless thunder light illuminated half of the sky. A figure stepped on a flying sword and loomed, like a god.

Bai Yuekui saw this.

A long-lost smile finally appeared on his face.

The thunder rolled and hit the king-level pole-devouring beast, which also electrocuted all the pole-devouring beasts in a large area around it to the ground. Their cores were shattered and turned into dust.

In front of Master Lian Shen, the king-level pole-devouring beast is nothing more than this. Zhang Jingyun can find out the truth of the spirit cage world at any time if he is willing.

But Zhang Jingyun is not in a hurry now.

His sword fell from the sky and passed through the coalition battlefield. When these people saw Zhang Jingyun's face clearly, they knew that their city lord was back.

Zhang Jingyun enjoys the feeling of being a saint in front of others. Compared with the main world, he can show his true strength unscrupulously in the spirit cage world.

The Devouring Beast was killed one-sidedly.

Then collect the spiritual breath seeds.

It didn't take long for the coalition forces to completely control the area, and Zhang Jingyun returned to the central command room of the lighthouse with Bai Yuekui's sword.

Just as he held Bai Yuekui in his arms, Jing Nan opened the door and walked in. Apart from Zhang Jingyun, she could enter the central command room at will.

"I...I came at the wrong time."

Jing Nan was stunned for a moment, then turned around to leave. Zhang Jingyun saw Bai Yuekui's joking expression and knew that she knew everything, so he became bolder.

"Don't leave, you came just in time."

Zhang Jingyun used his magic power to pull Jingnan over, and he subconsciously screamed, and then he and Bai Yuekui were held in Zhang Jingyun's arms at the same time.

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