People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 184 Knowing the Autumn Leaf【Please subscribe】

Guobei County, the county seat.

Zhang Jingyun was still dressed as a scholar when he walked on the street. It had only been two months since he last collected accounts at Jubaozhai, but the scene in the city was turned upside down.

The last time I came here, although the order was already in chaos, when the officials saw an outsider without saying a word, they would first compare it with the portrait to see if he was a thief.

But at least the people from the government are really catching thieves. However, this time when they came to Guobei County, the people from the government were indiscriminate. They would arrest outsiders when they saw them, say they were thieves, and put them in jail directly.

Originally, Zhang Jingyun didn't understand yet.

Before, he asked Master Jiang to arrange a meeting with Zhuge Wolong, but Master Jiang just said that Zhang Jingyun could just take a walk around Guobei County.

Now Zhang Jingyun completely understands.

"A small Guobei County is in such chaos. The two capitals and even the provinces still don't know what the situation is. This is probably a hell on earth."

Zhang Jingyun shook his head. He was the real God of Lian. If he didn't take the initiative to walk like a mortal, the officials would not be able to catch him anyway.

However, Zhang Jingyun did not immediately cooperate with the officials to arrest him and then go to see Zhuge Wolong. He was still walking in the city.

The scene in Guobei County is horrific.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that people were dying of hunger everywhere, and people were competing for food. Even the trees were bare. However, Zhang Jingyun noticed such a miserable situation.

There is still a noodle shop in the city that is open as usual.

As he passed by the door, there was a strong aroma of meat wafting out. Zhang Jingyun glanced at it, and then walked straight in. As soon as he sat down, several eyes focused on him.

Zhang Jingyun met the eyes of a circle of people.

There were seven or eight men next to him, with slightly white lips and fierce eyes. They had been staring at Zhang Jingyun since he entered the door, as if they were not looking at a person, but a pot of fragrant meat.

"Here is a bowl of noodles." Zhang Jingyun said.

"Unfortunately, my guest, all the noodles have been sold out today." The waiter came over quickly and saw Zhang Jingyun dressed like a scholar, his face became even more enthusiastic.

"what else?"

The waiter said: "There is meat!"

Zhang Jingyun said meaningfully: "In a noodle shop, all the noodles are sold out, but there is meat left. Your noodles are more delicious than meat?"

"That's not true. My meat is also very fragrant. Guests often know it. I'll make sure you want to eat it after you eat it." The waiter said with a smile.

"Okay, go get a bowl."


A few minutes later, "Here comes the stew!"

As the waiter shouted, a bowl of fragrant stew was immediately placed in front of Zhang Jingyun. The waiter did not leave after serving the meat, just looking at Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun did not move his chopsticks.

The smile on the waiter's face gradually solidified, and the eyes of the seven or eight men next to him became even more fierce, and their ferocious looks were particularly scary.

"Why don't you eat, sir?"

Zhang Jingyun looked at the waiter jokingly and said: "Waiter, there are so many people outside now who can't eat, let alone meat.

You haven’t eaten meat for a long time, right? It just so happens that I'm happy today, so I'll give you this bowl of meat, and I'll pay for it. "

The waiter's face was stiff, and he flexed his muscles and said with a smile: "Guests are meat eaters, how can we people be qualified?"

"Why, you don't dare to eat it? Is it poisoned?" Zhang Jingyun didn't seem to want to move his chopsticks at all.

The waiter laughed: "You really know how to joke. Eat it while it's hot. I won't disturb you."

With that said, the waiter turned around and left.

Zhang Jingyun suddenly said: "You can't leave."

The waiter's face instantly turned gloomy as he stepped forward. However, he turned around and put on another smile. He came to the table in two or three steps and placed a few pieces of meat on his plate.

"Sir, if you are really kind-hearted, I would rather be respectful than obey your orders. Okay, I'll eat it. Hey, this meat is so delicious! Eating meat is such a beautiful thing!"

The waiter sniffed the meat vigorously and said with a look of enjoyment, then he ate the meat with a bowl in hand, smashing it in his mouth while eating, and the smell of meat was lingering between his lips and teeth.

Xiao Er ate all these pieces of meat in a few seconds, "Sir, you see I have already eaten the meat and it has not been poisoned. You can eat it while it is hot."

Zhang Jingyun remained motionless.

Finally, the waiter broke out and shouted ferociously: "Eat, you should eat quickly, why don't you eat?"

After saying that, the waiter threw the bowl on the ground angrily, and the fragrant stew spilled on the floor, with a little finger mixed in it.

"Chop him into pieces!"

The waiter pointed at Zhang Jingyun and said angrily.

Seven or eight men next to him stood up and came over. Zhang Jingyun stood up slowly, flicked his sleeves, and everyone flew out together.

One of them broke through the wall and looked around. There were picked bones in the next room, but the shape of these bones was clearly human bones.

Looking further inside, several large pots were stewing pieces of meat. There was a hand hanging down on the side of one of the pots. Seeing this, the person stewing the meat quickly put his hand into the pot.

"Starvation is everywhere, and people are competing for food. It turns out that the descriptions in the book are true. It seems that the world is completely hopeless."

Zhang Jingyun shook his head.

Several men were frightened by Zhang Jingyun's beating: "Sir, we don't want this, but I'm hungry and I don't have anything to eat!"

"So you eat people? You're not afraid of being struck by lightning!"

"If God had eyes, he wouldn't let us all starve to death. So what if we were struck by lightning? It's better than starving to death!"

Zhang Jingyun closed his eyes, the lightning flashed in his hand, and as bursts of thunder sounded, everyone in the noodle shop fell to the ground.

"People are still different."

In the world of Antarctic Love, the original owner Wu Fuchun and Jing Ruyi were about to starve to death in the end, and they did not dig out the buried Mao Mei and roast them.

"What happened?"

A voice sounded from behind.

Zhang Jingyun turned around and saw that there were several people from the government. One of them looked at the person who was struck by lightning and frowned as he looked at Zhang Jingyun.

"This is a black shop. They sell human flesh, and they want to kill me too. Fortunately, God has the eye and strikes them all to death with a thunderbolt." Zhang Jingyun said.

Several people from the government obviously didn't believe it, and said seriously: "Is it such a coincidence? I think you are also from this black shop, right?"

Zhang Jingyun looked at himself in scholar's attire, and it was obvious that he was out of tune with these people. The official also realized that it was unreasonable and immediately changed his tone.

"If you are not from a black shop, then you are a fugitive! I think you look like Zhou Yabing, a fugitive. Come with us!" The official came to detain the person without saying a word.

Zhang Jingyun was displeased and was about to send these people away, but suddenly he remembered, isn't this scene the scene in A Chinese Ghost Story where Ning Caichen is imprisoned and meets Zhuge Wolong?

Zhang Jingyun did not resist at that moment and let them arrest him. Half an hour later, as Mr. Jiang said, he would be sent to jail just for walking on the street.

In the cell, Zhang Jingyun saw a man with unkempt hair and a slovenly beard who liked to carve words on the walls. After asking Zhang Jingyun his name, he also carved Ning Caichen.

Except for Ning Caichen, the other people who had their names engraved were obviously the unlucky ones who had their heads cut off and had their heads cut off, and then had a cross behind their names.

"Your Excellency is Zhuge Wolong?"

Zhang Jingyun asked.

The slovenly prisoner raised his hair and said, "You're a scholar. You recognized who I am as soon as you came in. Have you heard my story?"

"The gentleman's face is full of stories."

Zhang Jingyun chuckled and said: "Tongtian Bodhisattva, Zhuge Wolong, no one knows outside. I didn't expect that my husband would hide here."

"Hide? You're kidding, I'm a prisoner too." Zhuge Wolong laughed at himself: "Who would be willing to go to jail if it wasn't a last resort?

But there is no way. I love to write articles. However, when I write travel notes, some people say that I am leaking state secrets.

When I write history, some people say that I use the past to satirize the present, that I explain the art of war, that I instigate rebellion, that I write stories about gods and monsters, and that I lead people into superstition.

In the end, there was no way to rewrite the celebrity's biography. Hey, the celebrity got into an accident and was convicted of being a traitor. He and I were sentenced to life imprisonment. "

Zhang Jingyun smiled, and there is no need to blame him. In A Chinese Ghost Story, Zhuge Wolong, the scholar of the world, is a bit like Wang Yangming.

"Anyway, my husband has been sentenced to life imprisonment. He is just writing a book in prison. In time, he may be able to have a dragon field enlightenment."

Zhuge Wolong's eyes lit up and he said to Zhang Jingyun: "You are a scholar who is different from others. You actually have the same idea as mine."

"Have you realized anything, sir?"

Zhuge Wolong escaped from a book and said seriously: "My insights in the first half of my life are all in this book. Do you want to read it?"

Zhang Jingyun looked over and saw a blue booklet with three words "The Way of the World" written on the cover. This is Zhuge Wolong's perception of the world.

Zhang Jingyun stretched out his hand to take it, but Zhuge Wolong stopped it and said, "Hey, I won't show you, what crime did you, a scholar, commit to be imprisoned?"


Just when Zhang Jingyun was about to open his mouth, Zhuge Wolong said: "Don't say you were arrested by mistake, everyone here was arrested as Zhou Yabing."

"Then I probably committed the crime of entering Guobei County with my left foot, right?" Zhang Jingyun said casually, then lay down leisurely on the ground and closed his eyes to rest.

After a while, Zhang Jingyun entered a state of unity between heaven and man, and every breath and breath seemed to be made by heaven. Zhang Jingyun was also immersed in the practice of Taoism.

Wait for Zhang Jingyun to open his eyes again.

A pair of dark eyes were staring at him.

"Scholar, you are by no means an ordinary person. Tell me, what do you want to do with me?" Zhuge Wolong, a scholar in heaven, could naturally see that Zhang Jingyun was cultivating Taoism, and it had reached a level that he could not understand.

"I thought I would stay here for a few more months, but I didn't expect that your husband would be more direct. To put it simply, I would like to borrow your identity and token."

After Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, Zhuge Wolong took out the token, with the word Zhuge engraved on the front and Wolong on the reverse. The token signified his identity.

"Identities and tokens are nothing but external possessions. What do you want from them? And you can borrow them as soon as you ask. What good do I get?" Zhuge Wolong asked jokingly.

"Of course I won't lose money, sir."

Zhang Jingyun is going to teach him the practice method.

"Practice? Can you gain immortality?"

Zhuge Wolong asked teasingly.

Zhang Jingyun smiled and said nothing. After more than ten days, Zhuge Wolong woke up Zhang Jingyun with a shocked look on his face. He, who was always eloquent, was a little incoherent.

"Scholar...Brother Ning, what exactly are you teaching me? Why am I still so energetic even though I only sleep for half an hour every day.

Moreover, his body is getting stronger and stronger, his strength is getting stronger, and his reactions are faster. He seems to be dozens of years younger, and he can even see at night. "

Zhuge Wolong couldn't believe it.

Although all changes are good, the obvious changes are really worrying. Even if you become an immortal, you won't see such big changes, right?

However, Zhuge Wolong's changes were very obvious. After more than ten days, his energy and blood were running high. Even a strong young man in his twenties was not as energetic as him.

The reason why the effect of practice is so obvious.

In fact, Zhuge Wolong's own realm was high enough, because Zhang Jingyun taught him the crystal meditation method, which paid more attention to the realm of thought.

The ancient thinking masters Chen Tuan and Zhang Sanfeng were highly regarded by those who created the crystal meditation method. Zhuge Wolong is known as a scholar of Tongtian, and his ideological realm is much higher than ordinary people.

He just started practicing and soon fell into a deep sleep state. As the saying goes, there is true meaning in the unintentional. Maybe he himself didn't know that he was so suitable for practicing crystal meditation.

"Is there any problem?"

Zhuge Wolong was still worried.

Zhang Jingyun thought for a while: "Well, I'm progressing too fast, and maybe I can't keep up with my nutrition. You can just take one mouthful of this every day."

Zhuge Wolong took over a jar, which was full of spiritual liquid extracted from the Kunlun Mountain Cuigu Spirit Spring, enough for him to practice for several months.

In this way, several months passed.

Zhang Jingyun's cultivation has improved. On the other side, Zhuge Wolong has already reached the third stage of deep sleep and has begun to break through to the state of concentration.

After entering the state of concentration, the vitality will be greatly improved. If the limit of the vitality of a normal person is 1, which is probably that of Zuo Qianhu, then the vitality of entering the state of concentration is at least 3. This is a qualitative breakthrough.

To this day, Zhuge Wolong still doesn't know that he has received a great opportunity. This is a real way to live forever!

It stands to reason that Zhuge Wolong should immediately bow to Zhang Jingyun as his teacher. He also mentioned it, but Zhang Jingyun refused due to his age. However, Zhuge Wolong still decided to call Zhang Jingyun his teacher.

After all, there is no predecessor or predecessor in learning, and the master is the teacher.

Four months had passed, and Zhang Jingyun's beard had grown longer, and his body had gained an air of immortality. Until that day, the prison head brought him a bowl of rice with chicken drumsticks.

Seeing the chicken legs, Zhuge Wolong sighed and said, "Every banquet in the world must come to an end. It seems that the time has come for me and you to say goodbye."

Normally, the food in prison is so bland that there is no meat at all, so why would he be so kind as to give him chicken drumsticks? This is obviously the so-called decapitation meal. It is estimated that some high-ranking official's son has broken the law and needs a scapegoat.

"Teacher, this is my token and clothes. I have prepared them for you. You can just go out of the cave." Zhuge Wolong opened the tunnel entrance and said.

"You can practice with peace of mind. When you break through and enter the realm of concentration, you can come to Lanruo Temple to find me." After Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, he did not climb out of the cave entrance, but disappeared directly in front of Zhuge Wolong.

"The teacher is indeed a strange person!"


"Is this where it is?"

Zhang Jingyun appeared again at the exit of the Dalao Tunnel. The sun was shining brightly at this moment. Zhang Jingyun looked around and saw a fat and strong horse. There was indeed a Taoist priest defecating in the grass next to him.

"Hey!" A smile appeared on Zhang Jingyun's lips, he got on his horse and ran away with a clang. A moment later, a Taoist priest who was hurriedly fastening his trousers emerged from the grass, pointing at his back and cursing.

"Fucking beast! Take my horse!"

The Taoist priest is Zhiqiu Yiye, an academician from Kunlun. "You want to run away after snatching my horse? How can such a good thing happen? Escape!"

The words fell.

Zhiqiu Yiye used the escape technique to catch up.

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