People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 188 Practice【Please subscribe】

In the dead of night, Fu Qingfeng looked a little nervous. He raised his head and looked at Zhang Jingyun. There were some things in his heart that he didn't know how to say.

"Qingfeng, do you have something to say to me?"

Fu Qingfeng nodded and said, "Young Master helped my sister and I rescue our father. It is a great kindness that I will never be able to repay in this lifetime."

"Master Fu has a good reputation and is a good official. It is fate to meet him. How can you stand by and watch? What's more, you met me in the previous life."

Fu Qingfeng bit his lip and asked, "Young Master is talking about the girl Xiaoqian in the painting, right? I want to know if I didn't have that relationship with her, Master, would you still act righteously?"

Zhang Jingyun said without hesitation: "Even if not, with my nature, I won't ignore him if I encounter him. I used to have friends like your father.

In troubled times, such people are so rare. In the current world, it is mostly normal to drift with the flow, and it is even more valuable to stick to your true heart. "

Fu Qingfeng looked at Zhang Jingyun with a smile on his face: "I know that people like Mr. Young Master must tell the truth.

Qingfeng also has something in his heart that he has been wanting to tell you. Ever since he saw the young master, he doesn’t know why, but his heart is always beating loudly.

Sometimes I know that you think of me as Miss Xiaoqian, but I still can't help but think of the young master. Even if there is no fate in my previous life, I may still fall in love with the young master in the end, but in this life, I..."

Fu Qingfeng hesitated to speak. Zhang Jingyun thought for a while and suddenly understood something. Fu Qingfeng in the second part of A Chinese Ghost Story had already been betrothed to Mr. Ma by Fu Tianchou and was planning to get married next month.

Sure enough, Fu Qingfeng said: "To be honest with you, my father has already promised me to someone else. Even if I like you, I can't be with you."

Zhang Jingyun looked strange. He came to Fu Qingfeng because he wanted to awaken the memory of Nie Xiaoqian in his previous life so that he could protect himself in future wars.

He didn't expect it, but he was confessed out of nowhere, and then he said that he was married to someone and it was not destined. Zhang Jingyun couldn't help laughing for a while.

"Why are you laughing, Master?" Fu Qingfeng asked.

Zhang Jingyun shook his head and said: "Your worries today will be solved soon. Don't you want to know the story about me and Xiaoqian? You will know it in a while."

"Sir, I'm...not ready yet..."

"It doesn't matter, you can refuse."

"I'm not rejecting the young master, it's just that this kind of thing will hurt a lot, right?"

"It hurts? It's a little bit, but it will get better soon, and it will be very comfortable afterwards. Don't worry, I will be as gentle as possible."


Outside the door, Fu Yuechi had just arrived at the door and before opening the door, he heard an inexplicable conversation coming from the room. He didn't understand it at first, but after thinking for a moment, Fu Yuechi suddenly thought of something.

Immediately afterwards, Fu Yuechi's face turned red rapidly, even his slender snow-white neck was covered with a layer of pink color, and his mouth was even a little dry.

"Young master and sister are developing so fast, but she will get married next month, and sister is a bit too courageous, and she is not afraid of daddy's blame..."

Fu Yuechi didn't dare to open the door. When he saw no movement, he didn't dare to stay here any longer. He turned around and left, but no one could see the disappointment on his face when he left.

Inside the house, Zhang Jingyun quickly used the Maoshan Technique to awaken Fu Qingfeng's past life memories. This kind of magic can only be mastered by masters of all generations in Maoshan.

It is said that it evolved based on the secret technique of Tongyou, one of the seventy-two methods of earth evil. Originally, Tongyou could only communicate with ghosts and gods, but after the study of Maoshan Patriarch, it had the effect of knowing the past and present lives.

Unlike if you rely solely on this secret technique to awaken your memory, the success rate is actually not very high. A bowl of Meng Po soup in the underworld will make people forget their past and present lives. This is the rule of the Yin and Yang worlds, and it is extremely difficult to change!

The reason why Zhang Jingyun is confident in recovering his past life memories is mainly due to the trace of Nie Xiaoqian's soul imprint.

The soul mark was originally used to control Nie Xiaoqian, but unexpectedly it ended up becoming the key to Zhang Jingyun's search for her reincarnation.

As Zhang Jingyun used his secret skills.

A ray of golden light shot out from Zhang Jingyun's mind and disappeared directly into Fu Qingfeng's eyebrows. In the dark, Zhang Jingyun felt that he could control her soul again.

It's just that in this life, Nie Xiaoqian is not a ghost, but a reincarnated body of flesh and blood. The soul and body are integrated and inseparable.

Therefore, Zhang Jingyun can no longer control her soul. Unless Fu Qingfeng passes away and turns into a soul again, Zhang Jingyun can continue to use Julingsend.

But now there is no need to use Ju Ling to send generals. Nie Xiaoqian was reincarnated as Fu Qingfeng. They are both human beings. The right way is to become a Taoist couple and practice.


Fu Qingfeng couldn't help but scream.

Outside the door, Zhiqiu Yiye, who happened to come to ask Zhang Jingyun a question, heard the ecstatic voice and quickly covered his ears: "Don't listen to what is inappropriate, don't listen to what is inappropriate!

Holy shit! As expected of a senior, he moved so quickly. It was an unlucky time to come here today, so I’d better ask you about spells tomorrow. "

Zhang Jingyun looked very strange. First Fu Yuechi, and now Zhiqiu Yiye, always felt that there was some misunderstanding.

It didn't take much trouble for Fu Qingfeng to awaken his past life memories. As a stream of memories poured into his mind, his past and present lives suddenly became clear.

As he opened his eyes again, Fu Qingfeng seemed a little confused, until he saw Zhang Jingyun and Fu Qingfeng subconsciously called "Young Master".

"Qingfeng? Or Xiaoqian?"

Zhang Jingyun asked belatedly.

Soon, Fu Qingfeng's eyes gradually became clear, "Sir, Qingfeng and Xiaoqian are one. The past life has become the past. In this life, we are still called Fu Qingfeng."

Zhang Jingyun saw the affection in Fu Qingfeng's eyes. This was the way Nie Xiaoqian looked at him before, and it was only now that Zhang Jingyun felt a sense of familiarity.

But in addition to affection, Zhang Jingyun could also see the shadow of Fu Qingfeng in this life in his eyes. She was also a strange woman who dared to love and hate.

Zhang Jingyun hesitated for a moment and hugged Fu Qingfeng. The latter didn't resist at all, and naturally pressed against Zhang Jingyun's chest, as always.

"Little...Qingfeng, you have only been reincarnated for less than a year. Logically speaking, you should be a baby now. Why are you so old?"

Fu Qingfeng suddenly joked: "Didn't the young master like older ones before? And if it wasn't like this, he doesn't know how many years it would take for the young master to find me."

Zhang Jingyun's face turned red and he said, "That's nonsense, be careful I punish you like before. Tell me quickly, what happened in the underworld?"

Fu Qingfeng sat upright from Zhang Jingyun's arms and said, "Sir, this matter has something to do with you and Senior Yan!"

"What does it have to do with us?"

Zhang Jingyun couldn't imagine how he and Yan Chixia, the bearded man, could affect the six paths of reincarnation in the underworld. They only had so many abilities. How could they have Sun Wukong's ability to cause trouble in the underworld.

Fu Qingfeng's words were shocking: "It's not like the last time you used a supreme magical power in the underworld, even the six realms of reincarnation were shaken, and the underworld was in chaos."

Zhang Jingyun trembled, was it the nuclear bomb?

It's just a nuclear bomb thrown into the underworld. Can it still affect the six paths of reincarnation? Zhang Jingyun felt that the underworld should not be so fragile.

"Naturally, the underworld is not easily destroyed. Your supreme magical power only shakes the cycle of reincarnation, and it will not take long for it to recover.

However, after all, this is a major event that caused the underworld to get out of control. The high-level officials in the underworld are also conducting a thorough investigation. The young master and Master Yan are both from the underworld and they have no control over it.

But if I was found out, let alone reincarnation, I might even be sent to the eighteenth level of hell and experience various tortures.

I was nervous at the time. Under a thorough investigation in the underworld, I would definitely not be able to escape, so I took advantage of the turbulence of reincarnation and jumped directly into the passage of reincarnation.

Unexpectedly, he was reincarnated eighteen years in advance. In the past eighteen years, my soul has shown signs of disappearing, which is obviously due to the rules of the underworld. I can only seal my soul and wait for the young master to awaken. " Fu Qingfeng said.

Zhang Jingyun found it thrilling. All the experiences he had had could be written into a novel. No wonder Nie Xiaoqian gave up her original identity after her memory was awakened. This was because Nie Xiaoqian herself was about to be wiped out by the rules of the underworld, and her existence was unreasonable.

"In this case, you gave up your identity in the previous life and gave up the magic power of Lianyuan Shen. It will probably take a long time for you to practice to the realm of the previous life."

In fact, Nie Xiaoqian's cultivation level in her previous life was not considered weak. She could fight a thousand-year-old tree demon a few times and escape from Yan Chixia's hands. How could her cultivation level be weak?

Not much worse than Zhiqiu Yiye.

Fu Qingfeng nodded and said: "I let you down, but even if you don't have the power of the soul in this life, Qingfeng will not drag you down..."

"That's not what I meant." Zhang Jingyun waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter if I don't have the power of the soul, I've prepared everything for you.

This is an inner elixir condensed by a thousand-year-old Zombie King. If you run the exercises to absorb and refine it, it is not difficult to return to your previous life's cultivation. It is enough to protect yourself. "

Fu Qingfeng took the green inner elixir, and she could feel the pure power contained in it. If she absorbed it, she could restore her previous life cultivation, and Zhang Jingyun would naturally benefit from absorbing it.

"Young Master's kindness, Qingfeng can only promise me with my body." Fu Qingfeng said and pretended to reach out to take off Zhang Jingyun's clothes, but Zhang Jingyun jumped away.

Fu Qingfeng and Nie Xiaoqian, both of them have characters that dare to love and hate, and they have become more eccentric after reincarnation.

"It's nonsense. You don't even want to see where this place is. We'll talk about it later. You should quickly recover your cultivation. There will be strong enemies in the near future and time is running out."

After Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, he turned and left.

A burst of laughter like silver bells came from behind, "Young Master can be shy, okay, just give me three days."

After walking out of the room, Zhang Jingyun walked to a pool of water and suddenly saw a slim figure. When he looked closely, it turned out to be Fu Yuechi.

"Yuechi, what are you doing here?"

Fu Yuechi was startled when he heard Zhang Jingyun's voice, and then blurted out: "Isn't the young master in my sister's room? Why are you here?"

"Obviously I asked first, but you asked me back." Zhang Jingyun said with a strange expression, "Also, how did you know that I was in your sister's room?"

"I...I..." Fu Yuechi was speechless.

Zhang Jingyun smiled: "You can still listen to the corner, tell me, what did you hear?"

"I didn't mean to be young master. I didn't expect that my sister and young master had already made a private marriage for life, but my father had already betrothed my sister to Mr. Ma.

If you two get together, it will be difficult for Mr. Ma's father, but it doesn't matter. If it doesn't work, I will marry my sister and make my sister and Mr. Ma happy. " Fu Yuechi blurted out.

This was the solution she came up with here. Fu Yuechi would not have said it originally, but after seeing Zhang Jingyun, these words blurted out.

The smile on Zhang Jingyun's face froze, and he said seriously: "Yuechi, you want to marry Mr. Ma for your sister, who you have never even met? Why, what relationship do I have with you, is it worth doing this?"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not here for you, but for my sister. I don't want her to be unhappy." Fu Yuechi said hurriedly.

Zhang Jingyun looked directly into her eyes and said in a deep voice: "So you can be unhappy? What's the truth? Do you like me?"

Fu Yuechi's heart beat faster. She didn't even have the courage to look at Zhang Jingyun, but she was right. She was indeed moved as soon as she saw Zhang Jingyun.

Emotions are very strange things. From the first sight, Fu Yuechi fell in love with him uncontrollably. It was like love at first sight. If he could be with Zhang Jingyun, he would even die.

Fu Yuechi kept these words in his heart, "Master, you'd better go find your sister. I won't argue with her."

After saying that, Fu Yuechi ran away as if running away.

However, at this point, if she wanted to leave, how could Zhang Jingyun allow it? Fu Yuechi felt a force falling on him as he thought, and she screamed and was pulled down into Zhang Jingyun's arms.

"You are so generous. Good people have done everything for you. You will let your sister do anything, even the people you like. How could there be such a stupid person like you?"

Fu Yuechi said shyly: "What else can I do?"

"You can stay with me too."

Fu Yuechi said in shock: "Young master, you are too carefree. I will not argue with my sister. Anyway, you and I can only choose one."

Zhang Jingyun smiled and said, "Then I choose you."

Fu Yuechi was stunned: "That sister..."

Zhang Jingyun grabbed her hand and said seriously: "Your sister was mine in her previous life, so she can't be counted here. Come on, follow me into the house."

Fu Yuechi: "???"

Fu Yuechi was carried to Fu Qingfeng by Zhang Jingyun. Fu Qingfeng looked at the two hands holding together. Fu Yuechi was glanced at by her and lowered his head shyly.

"Look at your good sister, in order to satisfy us, he will marry that Mr. Ma for you." Zhang Jingyun told Fu Qingfeng her plan in detail.

Fu Qingfeng glared at Fu Yuechi and scolded: "Nonsense, you don't know what kind of existence the young master is now, but you will know it later.

It's just that I didn't expect that you would have such thoughts. Since the master doesn't mind, I don't have any objection, and my sister doesn't need to worry about secular etiquette. "

Fu Qingfeng was a ghost in his previous life and a human in this life.

The experience of two lives made her know that there is nothing more worthy of pursuit than immortality in this world. Since Fu Yuechi chose Zhang Jingyun, it was her chance.

Fu Yuechi didn't expect that things would go so smoothly, and she couldn't believe it for a moment. However, after listening to Fu Qingfeng's words, she understood that Zhang Jingyun was not an ordinary person.

"You continue to practice, and I have to teach Yuechi the practice method." After Zhang Jingyun said that, he took Fu Yuechi to another secluded room.

"Ordinary people will turn into withered bones in a hundred years. I am a Taoist who competes with heaven for longevity. It is not difficult to stay young forever, and I can even become an immortal."

"Eternal youth?"

Fu Yuechi's eyes lit up.

Transforming into an immortal is too illusory, but staying young forever, no woman will not care about her appearance, and Fu Yuechi is no exception.

Especially since she is less than 20 years old and flawless. Li Jiaxin, who is only 20 years old, can probably charm all the men in Hong Kong.

"Your martial arts are not weak. I will teach you the Eternal Spring Kung Fu, and you will soon be able to stay young forever. The other Kung Fu is the Dual Cultivation Kung Fu. I will tell you in detail..."

Zhang Jingyun spoke eloquently, and Fu Yuechi listened carefully. After a moment, his face turned red with embarrassment, and he said coquettishly: "Master, don't be so rude..."

More than half an hour later.

Zhang Jingyun heard the system prompt tone.

[Double cultivation with your partner once to gain attribute points +1]

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