People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 207 White Snake repays favor [Please subscribe]

The realgar sword stood in front of Xiao Qing with a cold light. This sword had a great origin. It was named after realgar, which was originally the nemesis of snakes and monsters in the world.

But Bai Suzhen still uses this sword to protect herself. On the one hand, because of her profound cultivation, the realgar sword that deters other snakes is completely under her control, which makes her even more unpredictable.

On the other hand, Bai Suzhen sacrificed and refined the realgar sword to remind herself to always be careful and vigilant. The world is just like the realgar, full of dangers.

Xiaoqing complained in her heart. She was taught a lesson yesterday. Zhang Jingyun used a flying sword in front of her. Today she scored twice. What a bad luck.

In fact, Xiao Qing's cultivation level is not low in this world. Although he does not have Bai Suzhen's eighteen hundred years of practice, he has barely reached the thousand-year threshold.

In the New Legend of the White Snake, Xiao Qing's Taoism is definitely at the thousand-year level, and his skills are very profound. This can be traced.

For example, Fa Hai said that Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing are both thousand-year-old snake demons. Bai Suzhen once said to Xiao Qing, you and I have been practicing for thousands of years, but we are both trapped by love.

And Bai Fu said to Bai Suzhen, Miss Xiaoqing, you have been practicing Taoism for thousands of years, I believe you will be able to return to your original shape soon.

In addition, the most authoritative Master Guanyin, after taking Xiaoqing with him to practice for 20 years, said, I am thinking of you to repay my kindness, and it is not easy to practice for thousands of years, etc.

It is enough to show that Xiaoqing has a thousand years of Taoism.

Thousand years of Taoism is a threshold, and it is already considered a great demon. Because of this, Ku Shen did not want to fight with Xiao Qing that night, but turned a blind eye and let Xiao Qing go. Only then was he pinched by Zhang Jingyun Hold the handle.

The battle between Xiao Qing and Bai Suzhen just now also showed that before Bai Suzhen used the realgar sword, Xiao Qing fought with her with ease.

Bai Suzhen has profound Taoism, and Xiaoqing has been in the world for so many years, but she still worked hard on her moves.

It wasn't until Bai Suzhen used the realgar sword to frighten Xiaoqing that the latter simply admitted defeat. Seeing the realgar sword getting closer, Xiaoqing quickly begged for mercy.

"Girl, please be merciful. I know I was wrong. We are all of the same kind, so why be too hasty with each other?" Xiao Qing was forced to blurt out even poems.

Bai Suzhen said with a smile on her face: "You can't tell, you green snake still has some ink in your belly. It doesn't matter. You can correct your mistakes if you know them. There is no greater good. Remember, you are not allowed to do anything harmful to nature in the future. Go ahead."

As soon as the realgar sword was sheathed, Xiao Qing also stood up. Unknowingly, she got closer to Bai Suzhen, clasped her fists and said, "Thank you girl for sparing your life."

Bai Suzhen turned to leave, Xiaoqing said quickly: "Girl! Spare my life, I don't know how to repay you?"

"You and I are different species, so you don't have to be polite." Bai Suzhen is kind-hearted in nature, and her impression of Xiaoqing, who is also a snake, is not bad.

Xiao Qing said to Bai Suzhen sincerely: "If you don't dislike her, I am willing to serve you all my life and be a loyal maid."


Bai Suzhen looked at Xiao Qing, who looked like a handsome young man, with a strange expression on her face. Xiao Qing turned around slightly to reveal her daughter's body: "Xiao Qing, meet my sister."

Xiaoqing's voice turned into a daughter's voice and she said, "Sister, I don't know. What I did just now was just to tease you."

Bai Suzhen came to Qiantang County for the first time and was not familiar with the place. Now that a green snake of the same kind came to her, she was naturally very happy as a woman.

"Great, get up quickly, sister Xiaoqing. My name is Bai Suzhen, and I am practicing in Qingcheng Mountain. From now on, the two of us will be called sisters."

Bai Suzhen held Xiaoqing's hand and said.

Xiao Qing smiled mischievously and emphasized in a serious manner: "Hey, no, master and servant must be proportionate. Xiao Qing will never forget my sister's kindness in sparing her life."

"It's up to you, then Prince Qiu's Mansion is your territory?" Bai Suzhen changed the subject and asked, Xiao Qing nodded: "I often stay here with ghosts from all directions.

By the way, why did my sister come to the human world when she was not cultivating as an immortal in Qingcheng Mountain? This human world is not a place for cultivation and cannot be coveted. "

"You know the truth very well, but why are you still greedy for the world of mortals?" Bai Suzhen couldn't help but nodded Xiaoqing's forehead.

The latter knows that he is wrong, and everyone knows the truth, but doing it is another matter. Xiaoqing only finds it more interesting after staying in the world for a few years. Otherwise, with Xiaoqing's talent, he is actually higher than Bai Suzhen. Some.

You must know that Bai Suzhen practiced for 1,800 years before reaching the threshold of becoming an immortal. In the original plot, after Bai Suzhen was crushed under the Leifeng Pagoda, Xiaoqing was expected to become an immortal after practicing with Guanyin for twenty years. It can be seen that ordinary people Xiao Qing didn’t practice too seriously at all.

"Sister hasn't said why she came to the human world yet."

Xiaoqing asked reluctantly.

Bai Suzhen also said truthfully: "I want to become an immortal, but Master Guanyin pointed out that I still have a favor that I have not repaid in the human world..."

Bai Suzhen told Xiaoqing everything that happened seventeen hundred years ago. The latter admired Bai Suzhen extremely when he saw that Bai Suzhen knew how to repay his kindness.

"But more than 1,700 years have passed. How can my sister find the original shepherd boy? Has Master Guanyin given any instructions?"

Bai Suzhen nodded: "Master Guanyin just asked me to go to the heights of the West Lake to search for it on the Qingming Festival, the third day of March."

"Go to the heights of the West Lake to search?"

Xiaoqing thought about it for a moment but had no idea.

However, since Master Guanyin has already reminded him, he only needs to wait until the third day of March to go to West Lake to find his benefactor.


Time flies and it’s the third day of March.

In Qingyu Hall, Zhang Jingyun still sees doctors and prescribes prescriptions. After spending this time together, Wang Yuanwai has come to admire Zhang Jingyun's medical skills. He originally wanted to accept Zhang Jingyun as his disciple, but he found that his teacher was not as good as Zhang Jingyun's medical skills.

"Chinese." Wang Yuanwai came to Zhang Jingyun's side, "Let me talk to you about something. Have your sister and brother-in-law made an engagement for you at home?"

Zhang Jingyun raised his eyebrows, what is going on? Does Wang Yuanwai want to give him a wife? This is absolutely not possible at this time. On the third day of March, Bai Suzhen may have already come looking for her.

"I mentioned it, but I didn't ask for it."

Wang Yuanwai couldn't help but wonder: "Do you look down on him, or do you think he is ugly?"

Zhang Jingyun could only say: "It's because I am not successful. I haven't achieved success yet, and I haven't achieved a good name. How can I choose a wife?"

Wang Yuanwai teased: "You don't have a small tone. You haven't achieved success yet, and you haven't achieved fame yet. How long will it take to become famous? Or do you have to meet a fairy beauty before you are willing to have a family?"

Zhang Jingyun said vaguely: "Absolutely."

Wang Yuanwai valued Zhang Jingyun very much, so he was very concerned about his life-long events, but with his attitude Wang Yuanwai had to say a few more words.

"Han Wen, don't even think about it. How can you support this beautiful lady? Stop thinking all day long."

Zhang Jingyun said half-jokingly: "Maybe instead of me supporting the beauties, the beauties will come to support me instead?"

"Oh, you kid, are you dreaming in broad daylight?" Wang Yuanwai said, "Why should a beautiful lady support you?"

"What if I look as good as Pan An?"


Wang Yuanwai was speechless for a moment and wanted to reprimand him, but looking at Zhang Jingyun's appearance, it was clear that no one came up to the pole to ask for marriage these days, and even there were inexplicably more female patients in Qing Yu Tang.

"Hanwen!" At the right time, Xu Jiaorong walked into the medicine shop, asked Yuanwai Wang for a courtesy, and then expressed his intention: "Wang Yuanwai, please forgive me, today is March 3rd, and my father-in-law and I want to take Hanwen to pay homage to our ancestors near the West Lake."

Wang Yuanwai hurriedly said: "This is what it should be. I heard that Capt. Li made great achievements a few days ago and recovered the stolen treasury silver. Congratulations."

"Hey, what's the point of congratulations? My father-in-law got twenty slaps for this matter before. I just hope that everything goes well for him."

"Wang Yuan, let's go first."

Zhang Jingyun also said goodbye and left.

During the Qingming Festival, it rains heavily, and pedestrians on the road have to visit graves. This matter of visiting graves is quite uniform regardless of the country.

Some may think so.

After burning so much paper, I might still be poor in the next life, but if I change my mind, is it possible that I am so poor because no one above me burns paper?

Zhang Jingyun was originally a Taoist priest from Maoshan. Instead of resisting when he went to the grave to burn paper, he was very positive. Li Gongfu was in a particularly good mood because of his great achievements, and he bought more sacrifices than in previous years.

After a set of procedures, Zhang Jingyun said goodbye.

"Eh? Hanwen, where are you going?"

Xu Jiaorong asked.

"Sister, brother-in-law, look at how beautiful the scenery here is. Going further is the West Lake. I want to see everywhere."

Xu Jiaorong said: "If you want to see the scenery of West Lake, then let's go together."

"No, my sister and my brother-in-law are in pairs. I have to go on my own, just in case... ahem, does it save my sister from worrying about me all the time?"

Xu Jiaorong complained: "You kid, you just say whatever you want, and you still play riddles with your sister!"

Zhang Jingyun looked at Li Gongfu, who understood what he was saying, "Jiaorong, Hanwen has grown up, give Hanwen five taels of silver, and don't worry about anything else."

It has to be said that Li Gongfu, the brother-in-law, was quite perfect. Xu Jiaorong was suspicious and gave him five taels of silver.

When Zhang Jingyun left and Li Gongfu whispered in his ear, Xu Jiaorong's eyes suddenly lit up and she wished she could catch up and give him five more taels of silver.

Li Gongfu was sweating profusely. Is it easy to make money?

Zhang Jingyun was not short of money, but the money given by his sister still made people feel happy. In a short time, he had arrived next to the West Lake.

Climbing high and looking into the distance, Zhang Jingyun enjoyed the scenery all the way without deliberately looking for Bai Suzhen. It just happened naturally without any extraneous details.


Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing arrived at the West Lake early. Master Guanyin reminded them that they must search high up in the West Lake, but they had already reached the highest point and still could not see the shadow of their benefactor.

"Sister, could it be that Master Guanyin made a mistake?" Xiao Qing couldn't help but muttered, and Bai Suzhen quickly covered her mouth.

"Xiao Qing, Master Guanyin can't be wrong."

Xiao Qing knew that he had made a mistake, so he clasped his hands together and said, "Master Guanyin will definitely not argue with Xiao Qing, right?"

"You, you!" Bai Suzhen laughed dumbly.

Xiao Qing suddenly said: "We need to search high up in the West Lake. Could it be that my sister's benefactor is a very tall man? Sister, look at that one, he is tall and strong."

Bai Suzhen followed the sound and her eyes fell on a person. Although this person looked ordinary, he was more than six feet tall, which is about 1.9 meters in modern terms.

"That's not what Master Guanyin means, right?" Bai Suzhen hesitated, "If the benefactor is really the person in front of me, how should I thank him? What does Xiaoqing think of giving him some gold and silver to help him live a happy life?"

Xiao Qing nodded: "I think it's okay. By the way, sister, can't you see through the past lives of mortals? Just cast a spell and you will know."

"Okay!" Bai Suzhen formed a seal with her hands and cast a spell to examine. As the fog in front of her eyes cleared, she saw that this person committed a major crime of rebellion in his previous life and was divided into five horses. His soul was elongated, so he was reincarnated as a tall person in his next life.

"It's not him." Bai Suzhen breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sister, let's see if that person is a benefactor?" Xiao Qing then pointed and saw a person squatting on a tree, pruning the branches.

This is not an expert.

Bai Suzhen looked at it as usual and shook her head: "No, he was a scholar in his previous life. What I am looking for is a shepherd boy."

"What about that one? The expert selling pastries!"

Bai Suzhen is helpless, can cakes be associated with an expert? But she still cast a spell and found out that the man was just a farmer.

Before I knew it, it was noon.

Zhang Jingyun walked to the Broken Bridge of West Lake, stopped and looked far away, sighing that the scenery of West Lake is infinitely beautiful. In this season, only by the West Lake can one enjoy all the spring scenery in the world.

"Hey, sister, look, there is a handsome and handsome man on the bridge!" Not far from the broken bridge, Xiaoqing and Bai Suzhen suddenly said after taking a rest.

"How can he be an expert?"

Bai Suzhen cast spells repeatedly, but her interest was waning. Xiaoqing still said energetically: "Sister, but he is really good-looking, and I always feel like I have seen him somewhere before?"

"Really?" Bai Suzhen said and turned her gaze to Zhang Jingyun. She couldn't help but feel shocked and could no longer look away.

"Xiao Qing, really good-looking."

A trace of blush flashed across Bai Suzhen's face.

However, just as he was talking, Xiao Qing's expression changed slightly, "How could it be him? No, the temperament is different, and he has no cultivation. Is that right?"

Xiao Qing suddenly remembered where she had seen Zhang Jingyun. She was almost killed by Zhang Jingyun's flying sword a few days ago, but when she saw her today, firstly, her temperament was different, and secondly, Zhang Jingyun did not have any cultivation, so Xiaoqing was not sure. The two are not the same person.

"Xiao Qing!" Bai Suzhen called.

Xiao Qing came back to her senses and said, "Sister, since you think he is good-looking, why don't you quickly use magic to see his past life?"

Bai Suzhen nodded shyly, and then cast a spell to investigate, only to find that Zhang Jingyun was not a shepherd boy in his previous life, but a doctor. Looking further back, he was a down-and-out scholar, and looking further back, he was a musician...

Bai Suzhen continued to explore until her eighteenth life, and finally saw a familiar figure, a shepherd boy who rescued the white snake from the snake catcher.

"It's him, it's him, it's him!"

Bai Suzhen stood up and exclaimed.

Xiaoqing felt the same and was happy for Bai Suzhen, "Congratulations to sister, you have found a benefactor. After repaying your kindness, you will become an immortal! I wonder how much gold and silver treasures sister is going to give? I have quite a lot of money..."

Bai Suzhen shook her head and said: "How can gold and silver be worth the grace of saving a life? You see, he is young, but he is alone, and he has never been married before.

Isn't the most sincere repayment of kindness in this world the promise of one's life? Sister Xiaoqing, if he is not married, what do you think of me marrying him? "

Xiaoqing: "???"

That's not what you said just now!

"Sister, how can you become an immortal if you marry him?" Xiao Qing couldn't help but remind her. Bai Suzhen said firmly: "A mortal's life span lasts only a hundred years. For us, it is just a special day. Don't worry, I will not be greedy for the world of mortals. of."

Xiao Qing was doubtful: "Really?"

"Huh? Where is the person?" Bai Suzhen said suddenly.

Xiaoqing looked towards the broken bridge, but there was no trace at all. The two of them quickly cast spells to find him. It turned out that he had gone to the lake to take a boat while talking.

"Stop him." Bai Suzhen said.

Xiao Qing directly used his power to cast a spell to bring down a heavy rain. The sky was filled with lightning and thunder, and clouds and rain suddenly began to rise. Zhang Jingyun saw two beautiful figures, one green and one white, standing on the shore.

"The weather is like this. The two girls didn't even bring umbrellas. Boatman, it's better to row back." Zhang Jingyun said kindly.

Although the two figures, one green and one white, in his eyes, underneath the charming appearance, are actually two blue and white snakes who are successful in cultivation.

He still faced him bravely.

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