People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 270 Sect Expansion【Please subscribe】

In the sky above the Golden Sword Gate, many disciples were flying with swords, coming in and out, quite busy. After two months, no one expected that the Demon Cauldron Sect's attack on the three sects would end like this.

The Demonic Cauldron Sect with its Nascent Soul cultivators had the upper hand, and the three sects had no power to resist in front of it. What was the result? He attacked the Immortal Cultivation Sect and wiped out his own sect.

The disciples of the Golden Sword Sect felt it was too dreamy.

The Demon Cauldron Sect was defeated like a mountain and completely destroyed, so that was it. However, the Golden Sword Sect, which had never participated in the fight between the Immortal Cultivator Sect and the Demon Cultivator, had inexplicably become the largest sect in this Immortal Cultivator Domain.

The Demonic Cauldron Sect was destroyed, the Zhenyang Sect was exterminated by the Demonic Cauldron Sect, and Linghua Mountain was plotted by the Demonic Cauldron Sect. Only two Jindan monks were left and the mountain was sealed.

Therefore, the area controlled by the Golden Sword Sect has been expanded more than ten times from the original sixteen counties. There are nearly 20 Xiuxianfang City waiting to be taken over by the Golden Sword Sect.

The territory of the Demon Cauldron Sect plus the territory of the Zhenyang Sect, as well as most of the Linghua Mountain area, are larger than those controlled by the Golden Sword Sect.

The Golden Sword Sect has been rooted here for nearly three hundred years and has been operating steadily. The main reason is to open the Yanluo Secret Realm and obtain its inheritance.

This time the Demon Cauldron Sect invaded, leader Tian Song and others thought that it was unlikely to regain the sect's headquarters. Even if they could return to the sect one day, they didn't know how many years it would be.

However, reality is such a dream.

The leader Tiansong Zhenren, Elder Wu of the Sutra Pavilion, and Taoist Huo Chi, the three Jindan monks had led their disciples to a safe area, and were thinking of waiting for Bai Zhaorebu to join up and discuss their plans.

Unexpectedly, I received a letter from Bai Zhaorui from Feijian. The content in it was that the Supreme Master of the Yuanying period of the Demon Cauldron Sect and the Jindan elders had been killed, and Tian Song and three other Jindan followers had been ordered to follow them. She killed the remnants of the Demon Cauldron Sect.

At first, Tiansong and others couldn't believe it. As the three of them secretly returned to the sect's headquarters, they saw that Bai Zhaojie had taken control of the Demon Cauldron Sect's floating ship.

This fourth-level top-grade pontoon boat is fifty-four feet long, twelve feet wide, and more than five feet deep. The exterior of the hull is engraved with defense, floating, and extreme speed formations, and the interior is inscribed with many Nuxu formations. Therefore, the pontoon boat The interior space is huge, more than five times the volume of the entire ship.

With such a pontoon boat, with the financial background of the Golden Sword Sect, buying one would not be far from ruining your fortune. Fortunately, it now belongs to the Golden Sword Sect.

All the elites of the Demon Cauldron Sect in the pontoon were restrained. After Tiansong and the other three were briefly shocked, all of them with red eyes followed Bai Zhaorei and attacked the Demon Cauldron Sect.

The Demon Cauldron Sect lost the Supreme Leader of the Yuan Ying Stage and the Golden Core Elder, and the disciples of the Zi Mansion also suffered a lot. The disciples who stayed behind in the sect could not withstand the attack of the four Golden Core monks even if they activated the mountain protection formation.

Less than a day before and after.

The arrogant Demon Cauldron Sect was completely destroyed. They rejected four people and moved all the Demon Cauldron Sect's Kung Fu inheritance and sect accumulation back to the Golden Sword Sect. In an instant, the Golden Sword Sect became extremely rich.

There are eight techniques in total that can be passed down to the Nascent Soul stage. Before this, there was only one technique in the Golden Sword Sect that could be practiced to the Yuanying stage, which was the Jinjian Chaoyang Jue, the Zhenpa technique.

There are more golden elixir stage techniques, the inheritance of the Demon Cauldron Sect, and the inheritance of the Zhenyang Sect they just searched, totaling nearly forty.

It can be said that in the future, if the Golden Sword Sect openly accepts disciples, no matter what kind of talent they have, they will basically be able to find the most suitable technique.

In the past, the Golden Sword Sect did not have such conditions, and there was no guarantee that any talented disciple would be able to have the corresponding training techniques. Of course, a very few special disciples might not be able to meet the requirements, such as Sheng Jia, who has the wind, fire, and wood talent. people.

In addition to the skills and various magic weapons, the most practical ones are a lot of spiritual stones. The number of spiritual stones seized from the Demon Cauldron Sect is not less than 5,000 of the fourth level.

This is only part of it.

The real savings of the Demon Cauldron Sect are found in the treasure storage of the Grand Master of the Nascent Soul Stage. There are nearly 20,000 fourth-level spiritual stones, and dozens of fifth-level spiritual stones.

These things naturally went into Zhang Jingyun's pocket. As for the rest of the items in the storage magic weapon, the exercises and the like were all rejected by Bai Zhao, including the magic weapon.

For no other reason, Zhang Jingyun gave Bai Zhao the credit for killing the Demonic Cauldron Sect's Yuan Ying Qi Taishang and refused, claiming to the outside world that she had used special means.

Otherwise, the Jinjian Sect's Jindan period would not be at ease with Zhang Jingyun. Although Zhang Jingyun was not afraid of them, anyway, Jinjian Sect's natal family was rejected for nothing.

Baizhaoyu is now the number one contributor to turning the tide and laying the foundation of the sect. As long as Zhang Jingyun gets Baizhaoyu, nothing else matters.

Inside the pontoon, the core training room.

Zhang Jingyun hugged the naked Bai Zhaoji and thought that Wan Lao Demon would enjoy it. There was even a spirit gathering array arranged in the core training room, with seventy-two fourth-level spirit stones as true eyes. The richness of the spirit energy, No worse than a fifth-level cave.


Bai Zhaohui's eyelashes trembled slightly. After working for more than a month, the situation of the Golden Sword Sect was basically stabilized. After taking a break from the busy work, he and Zhang Jingyun happily spent three days in a fourth-grade floating boat.

The training of the two was extremely arduous, day and night, even though it was all for nothing, it turned out to be Master Jin Dan. His physical strength was beyond imagination, but in front of Zhang Jingyun, who was practicing the Nine Turns Mysterious Technique, he was still so exhausted that he slept soundly for five hours.

Bai Zhao refused and squeaked, then slowly opened his eyes. When he saw Zhang Jingyun, who was still vigorous and vigorous, his body couldn't help but tremble, and the good fields could not bear to be plowed back and forth!

"Has your body-training technique improved again?"

Bai Zhaorui asked subconsciously.

Zhang Jingyun nodded and said: "There is a high probability that the physical cultivation of the golden elixir stage is not as strong as mine. Master, you must be deeply impressed, right?"

"How many times have I told you not to call me master when we practice together? Why can't you remember?" Bai Zhaoji frowned. Although she knew Zhang Jingyun couldn't change it, she still said it.

After a pause, Bai Zhao refused and humbly urged: "Spend more time practicing swordsmanship, as long as it is enough for body training."

Zhang Jingyun raised his eyebrows, turned away the white move, pressed it under his body, whispered in her ear and asked: "Is it enough?"

Bai Zhao refused and said shyly: "Rebel!"

Zhang Jingyun laughed twice, and then demonstrated in person what it means to challenge a master and rebel against a disciple. Another half day passed, and the attribute points increased steadily.

"This time the sect is expanding, all the disciples of the Golden Sword Sect will be sent to Fangshi. So much territory has been added at once. It will take time to digest. Logically speaking, you should also go to Fangshi."

Bai Zhaoji suddenly said.

Zhang Jingyun was about to speak when Bai Zhao refused and said, "Other tasks have been arranged for you. You don't have to go to Fangshi and you don't have to leave your two beautiful wives."

There was some resentment in Bai Zhaorui's tone.

Zhang Jingyun gave the credit for killing the leader of Yuanying Stage Taishang to Bai Zhaorui. She was famous at the height of her popularity, but it was difficult to announce that the two were Taoist couples. It was rare to spend a few days together now, and it felt like an affair no matter how you looked at it.

"Only Liu Lixia is considered a wife..."

Zhang Jingyun emphasized that Bai Zhaojie has always been puzzled: "I heard that she is the woman you brought from the secular world. Her qualifications are not very good. She is much worse than another ice-type talent. Why do you care about her more?"

"Of course there is a reason."

Zhang Jingyun thought for a while and refused to tell Bai Zhao about Liu Lixia's situation. After hearing the word "furnace", her eyes suddenly widened.

"You traitor, you have taken advantage of all the good things!" Bai Zhaoji suddenly realized, no wonder this guy would be so enthusiastic about taking care of his wife, it turned out that he was motivated by sex.

Zhang Jingyun's expression remains as usual, otherwise?

He doesn't take care of everyone's wife.


The Golden Sword Sect expanded rapidly and digested the surrounding forces. Even the foundation-building period disciples were sent to manage the city. Although casual cultivators did not have much status, some large cities also had Zifu monks. It was somewhat difficult to convince the public by sending a foundation-building period disciple. And Golden Sword Sect doesn’t have that many people.

After Tiansong and others discussed it.

It was decided to recruit some Zifu monks from casual cultivators to serve as outer sect deacons, and open some of the golden elixir stage exercises to them, with a certain amount of monthly allowance.

The effect is naturally surprisingly good.

The casual cultivators who can sneak into the Zi Mansion have a certain status and have no problem managing other casual cultivators. The sect's foundation-building disciples only need to supervise them.

The disciples are very busy.

Tiansong and the other four Jindanqi have not been idle. The Devil's Cauldron Sect and Zhenyang Sect were destroyed, and it is impossible for the Golden Sword Sect to move the sect to any of them.

The underground spiritual veins of the Demon Cauldron Sect are as high as the fifth level. They were secretly transformed by Wanlaomo over the years. This laid the foundation for his promotion to Nascent Soul.

There is also a fourth-level spiritual vein underground in Zhenyang Sect, which is ranked high. Needless to say, the importance of spiritual veins to monks is impossible for Golden Sword Sect to give up.

Tiansong and the four people joined forces to move the spiritual veins back to the sect. When the three sects' spiritual veins converged, the spiritual energy in the Golden Sword Sect would be extremely rich and it would become a holy place for cultivation.

This kind of cultivation environment is considered favorable in the Southern Territory. In a few decades, the Golden Sword Sect will also have a place in the Southern Territory cultivation world.

Zhang Jingyun was rejected by Bai Zhao and arranged to go to the secret realm. There is a vast area outside the Golden Sword Gate and a secret realm inside. It is only a matter of time before he rises.

The secret realm is of great importance and cannot be known to too many people. After Tiansong and others discussed it, they did not intend to tell their disciples, with the exception of Zhang Jingyun and Sheng Jia.

In fact, the leader Tiansong Zhenren always thought that it was Shengjia who opened the secret realm. Zhang Jingyun only learned that the sect had a secret realm after being refused by Bai Zhao to take him into the secret realm.

Zhang Jingyun did it deliberately. With Shengjia's cooperation, there would be no omissions. As for Shengjia, Zhang Jingyun was still useful to this immortal who couldn't talk enough to beat him.

Sheng Jia is Immortal Yan Luo. Zhang Jingyun originally thought that he was Sheng Jia who took over the body, but finally found out that Immortal Yan Luo has been reincarnated as a soul for tens of thousands of years.

The places of reincarnation are also around the Yanluo Secret Realm, but according to him, the price of each reincarnation of the soul is very high, and reincarnation cannot always be done.

He was an immortal in his heyday, but after recultivating once, he could no longer reach the immortal realm. After that, every time his soul was reincarnated and cultivated to the limit, he would fall one level lower than the previous life.

From the fairyland to the peak of divine transformation, from the late stage of divine transformation to the middle stage of divine transformation... This time the soul reincarnates, he estimates that he will reach the peak of Yuanying at most.

Watching lifespan getting shorter and shorter.

It was also a kind of torture for Immortal Yan Luo. Zhang Jingyun knew that he still had many secrets, so he simply kept him and practiced as Sheng Jia.

"Uncle Bai has not entered the secret realm for a long time. It seems that the scope of the sect's expansion is wider than I imagined. What are you going to do with those monks from the Demon Cauldron Sect?"

The elites of the Demon Cauldron Sect in the floating boat, as well as the disciples captured when Tiansong and others destroyed the Demon Cauldron Sect, were all rejected by Bai Zhao and thrown into the secret realm, with no time to deal with them.

The disciples of the Demon Cauldron Sect thought they would be finished soon, but as a result, the Golden Sword Sect was extravagant enough to throw them into the secret realm and imprison them. Everyone was trapped by the God-locking Chain, but they could still practice. There were even a few disciples who were trapped in the secret realm because of The rich spiritual energy broke through the realm.

But now the good times are over.

"Aren't you an immortal? Do you have any suggestions?"

Zhang Jingyun looked at Immortal Yan Luo, who said: "Golden Sword Sect is a small sect after all, how can you say this?

It's like the cultivation level has improved too quickly, but the temperament has not kept up. It is normal for monks who don't know how to deal with captives..."

Zhang Jingyun: "..."

"Tell me the key points."

"Demon cultivators have some restrictions that specifically control monks. Later, Zhengdao sects also used them, and various forbidden secret techniques evolved. I only know a little bit about them."

"Give me the best one!"

Immortal Yan Luo's soul was reincarnated as a disciple of the Golden Sword Sect, all for the sake of the sect. Naturally, Zhang Jingyun was not polite at all.

"You want to be the most powerful? It's not that I look down on you..." Immortal Yan Luo said for a moment, with a hint of disdain in his eyebrows, looking particularly unworthy of a beating.

This is what he said himself. Yuanshen has been reincarnated many times. In this life, he has the most approachable appearance. In the past, his appearance alone would inexplicably anger others.

"Even if I gave you the most powerful forbidden secret technique in the world of immortality, you probably wouldn't be able to practice it."

Zhang Jingyun laughed when he heard this: "If you can't practice, I will return the Yanluo Secret Realm to you, and how about never coming in again?"

"make a deal!"

Immortal Yan Luo agreed very happily.

The secret technique Zhang Jingyun obtained is called Dingpo Divine Light, which is a forbidden secret technique of the Five Elements Sect in ancient times. It is also one of the two secret techniques of divine light created by the leader of the Five Elements Sect.

"Haha, this is one of the two great divine light secret arts. The bastard who owns the Five Elements Sect created it based on his Five Elements talent. The other divine light secret technique is the five-color divine light refined by the Five Directions Heavenly Emperor's Cauldron. You have the ability. Learn to show me."

Zhang Jingyun looked strange, "Where did you get the secret technique of the Five Elements Sect?"

"The master of the Five Elements Sect has left with the immortals. How difficult can it be to enter and exit the Five Elements Sect? I also know the other secret technique of divine light..."

Immortal Yan Luo kept talking.

Zhang Jingyun seemed unaware, and suddenly his fingertips glowed, and then turned into a ray of light in the astonished eyes of Immortal Yan Luo.

Invisible divine light shot out.

Among the many forbidden secret techniques that control monks in the world of immortality, the only one that cannot be cracked through the ages is this soul-fixing divine light.

It requires the cultivation of the Five Elements talent. If it is to be cracked, it also requires the Five Elements talent. In the tens of thousands of years of the world of immortal cultivation, two people with the Five Elements talent have never coexisted.

"It's really clever!"

Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but sigh at the exquisiteness of the soul-fixing divine light. The master of the Five Elements Sect is really a genius. He looked at Immortal Yan Luo: "Do you still know the secret technique of the five-color divine light?"

As soon as you hear the name, you know that the five-color divine light is extraordinary. In the prehistoric world, Kong Xuan defeated Ran Deng and Lu Ya with the five-color divine light. He is so powerful that he doesn't know what is extraordinary about this five-color divine light secret technique. .

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