“Darkness falls!”

Tapir Liang launched the dark game.

To this.

You Feng didn’t have to think about it to know that this would happen.


You Feng and Tapir drew five cards.

“I’ll attack first, draw cards.”

You Feng took the lead in drawing the sixth card.

Other words.

He grabbed the right to attack first.

“I summon the Giant Axe Raider and then close a card to end the round.”


A monster and a cover card appear on the wind field.

Giant Axe Raider, Attack Damage: 1700

“It’s Uncle Ben’s turn, draw the card. Then the inside means to summon a monster and end the turn. ”

Tapir smiled.

As if you will definitely win.

“It’s my turn.”

You Feng drew a card.

Then order the Axe King to attack.

Although there is no virtual image device.

But because it’s a dark game.

Monsters are also materialized.


The Axe King rushed up.

And then.

The inside of the tapir indicates that the monster has appeared.

It’s a man-eating bug.

You Feng frowned.

He knew about this monster.

[Man-eating insects].

2 stars.

Land properties.

Insect family.

Attack damage: 450

Guard power: 600

This is a flip monster and the effect is:

Destroy a monster on the field.

I have to say.

This effect is still quite strong.


Under the effect of man-eating insects.

The Axe King is dead.

Of course.

Man-eating insects due to being attacked.

Also dead.

To put it bluntly.

It is to die together.

“I summon the lion wizard and end this round.”

Since there are no monsters on the field.

You Feng had to summon one.

“It’s Uncle Ben’s turn, draw cards.”

Tapir summoned the drawn card.


It is still the inside that indicates the call.


Only he knows what kind of monster this is.

And then.

Ended the round.

It’s your turn again.

After drawing a card.

Let the lion wizard attack.

He was covered with a quick attack magic card before.

Increases the attack power of monsters by 700.


Even if you encounter high defense, you are not afraid.

Unless it reaches 2050.

But in the current era.

There are relatively few monsters whose defense reaches this value.

Under fire.

The tapir’s inner monster was turned over.

This is a three-eyed monster.

You Feng recognized.

His name is Three-Eyed Monster.

In a past life.

Originally, it was closed to the small black house, but it later became a restriction card, and then it became a quasi-restriction card.

The effect is to pull a monster with an attack power of less than 1500 from the deck into the hand.


Tapir laughed twice.

And then.

A card was selected and added to the hand

I don’t know why, You Feng has an ominous premonition.

“I’m done.”

You Feng said helplessly.

“It’s my turn.”

Tapir drew a card.

And then.

It also indicates that a monster has been summoned.

You Feng frowned.

How so?

It’s endless.

“Uncle Ben ends this round.”

Tapir said with a smile.

“It’s up to me, draw cards.”

And then.

You Feng orders the Lion Wizard to attack.

The inside monster of the tapir is destroyed.


This card is…

Held a grass.

You Feng almost scolded.

Because this Kahran is:


It’s the same as man-eating insects.

Attack and defense are weak, but they have a flip effect.

[Needle worm].

2 stars.

Land properties.

Insect family.

Attack Damage: 750

Guard power: 600

The effect after flipping is:

The top five cards of the opposing deck are sent to the graveyard.

Unable to help, You Feng had to send the five cards on the deck to the cemetery.

One of them turned out to be a real red-eyed black dragon.

What a distress!

The other four cards are useless.


You Feng realized.

Tapir lied this guy.

Isn’t it supposed to be a card chipping flow?

“I’ll finish this round.”

The wind had to end.

Let’s be honest.

Duel with each other.

Some resignation.

“It’s my turn.”

Tapir drew a card.

And then.

Another inside monster was summoned.

Look at each other’s evil smiles.

Swimming wind feeling.

This is another underworld card.

After the tapir is over.

It’s your turn.

After he drew a card.

Let the lion wizard attack.

When the card represented on the inside is turned up.

Its flip effect is also activated.

【Transformation pot】

2 stars.

Land properties.

Rock tribe.

Attack power: 700

Guard power: 600

Flip effect:

Both hand cards are discarded, after which both sides draw 5 cards from the deck.

You Feng: “…”

Have a swear word you don’t know when to say it properly?

Right now.

You Feng has already affirmed.

Tapir lied this guy.

It’s about cutting deck streams.


There are forty cards in the deck.

If it’s twenty.

It is estimated that he lost in a few strokes.

Wang also saw through Tapir’s tactics.


Very worried.

After all.

In front of the tapir’s deck.

A vigorous attack is useless, you have to come up with a way to deal with it.

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