On the Kun-type fighter!

“Where are you going to take our brothers and sisters?”

In the cabin.

Looking at the older sister sitting opposite him, who looked cold.

Wanda asked warily.

Recall that before being picked up, Baron Strack warned him and Pietro to forget that they had joined Hydra in Sokovia.

It is absolutely not even allowed to reveal the identity of half a person of two people.

Inexplicably, Wanda felt a burst of apprehension in her heart.

Although Wanda still doesn’t understand what the meaning of Hydra represents.

But when I thought of Baron Strack’s cold and serious expression.

Wanda knew that the person who picked herself up and Pietro this time was definitely not simple.

After all, Sokowia, despite its perennial turmoil, is very dangerous everywhere.

But no force has ever dared to clash with the organization they belong to.

And although the time to join the Sokovia Hydra base is not long.

But Wanda knows very well that in the castle where she lives, there are various fighter jets and tanks.

A force like this is already remarkable in Sokowia.

But in the face of these people who took him up, Baron Strack did not dare to resist.

She didn’t even dare to show up, but sent herself and Pietro to a residential building and asked her to take herself and Pietro away.

As soon as she thought of this, Wanda subconsciously hugged the black and gold diary that others could not see.

It seemed that this black-gold diary could bring her some comfort.

If.. If only the owner of the diary, Su Che.

The future husband of the parallel world knows these things.

He will definitely come to save himself.

But now.

He didn’t even know that he and Pietro had been taken away by this group!

What should I do now?

In case this group of people were to themselves and Pietro…

The mood was extremely anxious.

Wanda didn’t notice that her palm had turned slightly red.

Just when Wanda was apprehensive, the big sister with a cold expression suddenly spoke.

“Don’t worry, Wanda, Pietro. We are Homeland Strategy: It’s S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and we don’t have any malicious intent. ”

As a professional agent, Maria Hill can certainly see the tense and apprehensive mood of Wanda and Pietro at the moment.

Facing this moment, he looked at himself vigilantly like a wounded little beast.

Maria Hill has a slight soft-heartedness.

After all, it is still two children who have lost their parents and live in war-torn areas for many years, and are only fourteen years old.

Face Wanda’s eyes are wary and guarded.

And Pietro on the side is ready to look desperate.

Although I don’t care about the desperate efforts of these two teenagers who are only fourteen years old.

But Maria Hill spoke up to comfort, “Please rest assured, we at S.H.I.E.L.D. will not hurt you in the slightest. ”

“The reason why you twin siblings were taken away from Sokowia is because the environment is too dangerous for you to continue living.”

“After arriving at S.H.I.E.L.D. in a while, we will arrange a safe and comfortable accommodation for you.”

“You are of your age, and you should be studying carefree on campus.”

“I’ll arrange it for you.”

Listen to the soft and gentle words of the big sister with an icy expression in front of her.

Wanda and Pietro did not dare to relax in the slightest.

Although, the reddish energy in Wanda’s palm gradually disappeared.

But Pietro didn’t believe what the big sister in front of him said.

Over the years, Pietro has seen too many children of his and Wanda’s age in Sokowia.

Either they, like their siblings, had their parents killed in the war.

Or doing all kinds of work on the street begging for food.

Even those who died on the street have seen it.

Why didn’t they see the more pitiful people being taken away by this person in front of them, claiming to be the so-called S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Compared to them, their twins seem to be less in need of rescue.

Also arrange a comfortable living environment for yourself and Wanda, and let yourself and Wanda go to school?

From the moment your parents died, from the moment you prayed to the gods countless times, but it was useless.

Pietro does not believe in the so-called good luck, the so-called goodwill will come to himself and Wanda!

So in the face of the kindness that Hill exudes.

Pietro is still vigilantly protecting Wanda.

No matter what will happen in a moment, if this group of people dares to make a move on themselves and Wanda.

Then Pietro decided to fight with them himself.

Even if.. Even if it can only bring Wanda a little bad luck late.

Then it is worth paying with your own life!

Because, he is the older brother!

Looking at the twins who were still wary and disbelieving.

Maria Hill didn’t continue to say anything.

Although I don’t know why Nick Fury suddenly gave the order.

Let yourself lead the team yourself and bring the twins back at all costs.

But Maria Hill knew that Nick Fury should have his own plans.

All he had to do was follow the order to bring them to Nick Fury.

Speaking of which, when Nick Fury gave himself the order, he seemed to unconsciously touch his broken eye.

It shouldn’t be related to the eyeball, otherwise if you want to replace that eye, Nick Fury would have done it a long time ago.

Still traveling thousands of miles to find the twins?

But think of Nick Fury’s eyes.

Maria Hill was a little skeptical.

She really didn’t know how Nick Fury’s eyes were broken.

I heard him say it was a mission, hurt by someone he trusted the most.

Could that be why he later became suspicious and never trusted anyone?

So why is one of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s unwritten rules banning cats?

Forget it, Hill won’t think about things he can’t understand.

If you don’t let you have a cat, don’t keep it.

Anyway, it’s not a big deal!

Qingming reading ceremony! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 5th to April 5th)

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