Inertia closed the office door and pressed the button to shield under the desk.

Nick Fury then picked up the diary and read it.

[Within a week, Steve’s apparent mood had stabilized. Although the melancholy in his eyes was still there, it dissipated a lot more than at the beginning. 】

[During these seven days, the two of us went for a morning jog in the morning, came back to take a shower, and then went to breakfast together. 】

[I spend the morning at the café and go fishing in the river in the afternoon.] 】

The pace of life has been very slow this week, so it may not be long before Steve can accept all the current realities.] 】

[At least in his words, this week, I can fall asleep in the evening! ] 】

【… Well, actually the real reason why he can accept reality and be at ease. 】

[It’s because I told him that I’m not actually from this world. 】

[Many things are like this, not suffering from the few – suffering from inequality. 】

[So when a person who is abandoned by the world meets another person who is abandoned by the world, there will always be some comfort in my heart. 】

[He is: Me too. 】

“Suffer from inequality without few? What does this phrase mean? ”

Looking at what was recorded in the diary, Wanda looked up at Natasha and asked.

“This is a famous saying in Oriental China.”

In the face of Wanda’s inquiry, Natasha explained with a smile: “The original text of this sentence should be “Those who have a state-owned family do not suffer from poverty and inequality, and do not suffer from poverty and anxiety.” There is no poverty, no widowhood, no peace.” ”

“Hmm… To take the simplest example, it’s like giving candy to a few children. ”

“If everyone is the same, then everyone will be very happy.”

“But if you give one of the kids three candies and give the other five candies.”

“Then the child who gets three pieces of candy will have an imbalance in his heart.”

Hearing Natasha’s explanation, Wanda nodded gently: “So it is.” But Natasha, how do you know this? ”

Looking at Wanda’s very sincere and inquiring eyes.

Natasha was silent for a while, and then put her arm around Wanda and said, “When I was receiving special training in the Red House before, in those years, we not only had to learn a lot of chemistry, firearms, makeup, concealment, and other necessary skills that agents needed. ”

“It is also necessary to learn some knowledge from various countries.”

“Because only in this way can we better integrate into some local environments and complete some tasks more smoothly.”

It was clear that Natasha didn’t want to say anything more when it came to the Red House.

So he changed the topic and smiled: “However, it seems that Su should have written a diary in Chinese, and what we saw should be the content of the black gold diary that was literally translated.” ”

“I didn’t expect that the black gold diary actually had the function of literal translation, at the beginning, I thought that Su wrote the diary in English!”

Hearing that Natasha obviously changed the subject, she didn’t want to continue talking about the Red House.

Wanda smiled sweetly at her, then continued to look at the diary.

It’s just that the white and delicate hand gently held Natasha’s hand.

Everyone has a past that they don’t want to talk about.

Wanda has long been clear about this.

Feeling the temperature coming from Wanda’s palm, Natasha smiled silently.

She knew that it was Wanda silently trying to comfort herself.

[Steve’s mood is getting more and more stable, and he seems to have developed a habit.] 】

[Almost every morning I would come knocking on my apartment door, but that’s fine. 】

[At least, I’ve forgotten how long I haven’t woken up early.] 】

“When I used to live with my wife, Wanda, we always had to lie in bed until 7:30 in the morning. 】


Seeing that he mentioned himself, he also said something about himself and him hugging each other in bed in the morning.

Wanda suddenly felt as if her cheeks had been burned by fire.

A sneak glance at Natasha found that Natasha looked as usual.

There was not even half a mockery.

Wanda quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fourteen or five years old is the time to save face. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This kind of thing is too shameful!

Well, not yourself!

It is the self of the parallel world.

Constantly comforting myself in my heart.

Just looking at the following words, the corners of Wanda’s mouth still rose.

[It’s Wanda’s birthday a few days away, Natasha has already invited me, maybe I should prepare a birthday present in advance.] 】

[Pietro’s birthday gift is a good choice, just buy him a large game console and add a wear-resistant basketball. 】

Ask for flowers 00

【Wanda’s birthday gift: It’s time to prepare it with your heart. 】

Look ready to prepare gifts for yourself.

The corners of Wanda’s mouth rose slightly.

Like, since the death of my parents.

I haven’t received a birthday present for a long time!

[Mentioning Natasha, something suddenly came to mind. 】

[In my parallel universe, after Tony Stark was kidnapped and returned, Nick Fury sent Phil Coulson to ask Tony about what happened and what happened to the Warframe to no avail. 】

[Taking advantage of the time that Pepperpotts became CEO of Stark Industries, Natasha became Tony’s assistant.] 】

[It was for this reason that Nick Fury knew that Tony Stark was about to die of palladium poisoning. ] 】

[But now, Tony Stark is back, and Pebo has seen Natasha more than once at the Peach Blossom Grove Cafe.] 】

[So what to do next?] Will Nick Fury send someone else to be Tony Stark’s assistant to investigate this? 】

[But since Tony Stark held a press conference announcing the closure of the weapons manufacturing department.] 】

[Listening to Pepo, it seems that no S.H.I.E.L.D. person came to the door to ask about Tony’s kidnapping. 】

[Nick Fury is actually not curious about how Tony escaped back? 】

[If he wasn’t curious, then Tony might be dead!] 】

Seeing the diary written here, Nick Fury’s expression suddenly became serious.

Looking at what was written in front of the diary, I thought it was just a sigh about my recent mood.

Unexpectedly, I actually saw the black gold diary saying that Tony Stark was about to die?

This can’t help but make Nick Fury pay attention!

[Forget it, anyway, now Tony hasn’t investigated, and the person who instigated his kidnapping is Obadiastan who he trusts the most, even as an uncle. ] 】

[Wait until he investigates, and then wears Mark armor and finishes the battle with the Iron Overlord of Obadiahstan.] 】

[If Nick Fury doesn’t make a move again, then I can only pretend to “accidentally” find out about Tony Stark and tell Natasha.] 】

[Anyway, listen to Pepo, Tony has been looking for someone to inquire about my Mr. Superman in Pepo’s mouth! ] Zero].

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