Chapter 157 Volume 2 Simulation, Open!!

After Rome was taken, Roa spent several months stabilizing the situation, and then by early summer, his eyes were set on the Huns’ side.

For the situation of the white giant, he heard Odin say, and he also had his own understanding, and Meili’s side also had some speculation about the white giant.

“The white giant, when it first appeared is not clear, it can only be said that it should still be the Stone Age at that time.”

“And the second appearance is the dawn of the gods, and the white giant that appears during this time period cannot be fought against even the gods – because the existence of the other party is completely aimed at civilization, so all creations from civilization cannot harm it, but can only enhance it.”

“In the end, it was penetrated by the original Holy Sword Envoy using the Star Holy Sword. And this time, it’s the third time…”

Roa and Melly came to the Roman border against the Huns, and he stood on the city wall watching everything that was obscured by the city wall, and there was some silence for a while.

Roa is not without battlefields.

Whether it is for people, or for Warcraft, whether there are many dead people, or few dead people… He has fused a lot of simulated memories and has seen quite a few battlefields.

But he had never seen such a tragic one… No, this should perhaps not be described as tragic, but should be called desolate!


On the outside, which is obscured by huge walls, there is no doubt about the desolation! Everything on the earth seemed to be scorched, and the whole earth was black, emitting an unpleasant smell of burnt.

No corpses, no plants, no mountains, no rivers… Not even bugs!

The pitch-black scorched earth is like the sea with no end in sight.

“This is the scar created by the whip of God, which gave the star…”

“Do not destroy for the sake of expansion, do not destroy for the sake of killing, destroy what is not possessed, and destroy what is possessed… Although I have heard many people say the horror of the Star Soldiers, if you don’t see this scene with your own eyes, you really can’t imagine what is called the Star Soldiers. ”

Roa sighed, while Melly continued to talk to him about the situation.

“Before I came, I read some information, it is said that the whip of God does not appear often, most of the time it appears is a kind of magic puppets that seem to be born just for destruction, those magic dolls are very tall and numerous, and if you look at it from a distance, it seems to be directly hitting the city of the Huns!”

“And according to those intelligence, after these guys die, they won’t even leave their bodies, as if they have turned into air, which makes the soldiers who stay here for many years to fight them have the feeling that they are exchanging their real lives with the air… In fact, I think those magic dolls should be the embodiment of the will of the white giant, and it is also an important part of the recovery of the white giant. ”


Hearing Meili say this, Roa was a little puzzled, while Meili said her analysis.

“Can the white giant ignore the harm caused by civilization, and can transform this damage into his own power against civilization, one by one, under such circumstances, civilization really causes harm to these puppets?”

“If according to Odin, the white giant will be revived, then my guess is one – these so-called magic dolls are part of the white giant, deliberately did not destroy the Roman border when fighting Rome, but have been using this method to absorb the power from civilization from the Roman side.”

“Then after the power is absorbed enough, it will return to the body, and in this way, it will continuously bring energy to the white giant, so as a means to awaken it”

Hearing Meili say this, Roa nodded.

“But if that’s the case, then that Hun King shouldn’t have a reason to appear, right?”

Hearing Roa say this, Meili was also a little helpless.

“I don’t know about this, it is said that the current border pass of Rome has retreated four times, and each time it was not advanced by those demon puppets, but by the Hun king.”

“Once the other party arrives, the Roman border gate will retreat a little, and then the territory that is given up will be directly destroyed by the other party to look like outside…”

Absorb and destroy ah…

After Roa listened to Meili’s report, he nodded.

“If this is the case, then don’t let the British soldiers push them over one by one for the time being, otherwise if the power instilled in those demon puppets in one breath is too great, it may lead to the early recovery of the white giant.”

“But if that Xiongnu king comes, I can make a move, at least I can’t allow her to continue to completely destroy the border pass.”

Hearing Roa say this, Meili was okay.


“Roa, if that’s all, we can’t win. If it is you who hold the Star Holy Sword, then we awaken the white giant in advance, or find the location of the white giant, and we can directly use the power of the Star Holy Sword to penetrate the white giant again, right? ”

“Indeed… But wait. ”

At this time, it is already the beginning of summer.

If all the information about the Huns had been sorted out in the spring, then Luo A might have started to act directly, but it would have been sorted out at this time, so it would have been possible to wait.

And those magic dolls generally come in a wave at the end of autumn, and sometimes a wave at the beginning of spring, just a few waves a year.

When Britain declared war on Rome before, Rome had just finished dealing with the puppets in late autumn.

Then at the beginning of this spring, the puppet didn’t come.

Some people think this is lucky, but Roa also heard some veterans say that this may be the prelude to the whip of God!

But for these, Roa listened.

If he really judged, it would have to wait until he saw it with his own eyes. After all.

It’s summer.

“Meili, let’s go back first.”

Roa said this, and Meili answered, and then they returned to the palace that had been temporarily built at the border pass in the spring.

Meili was still observing the situation on the Hun side with her clairvoyance, while Roa was lying down early today.

Then before his eyes, a countdown was being calculated little by little. That’s the countdown to the analog system.

It’s been a year since I simulated the first volume. So, that’s why Roa asked Melly to wait.

Because from midnight tomorrow, Roa will be able to simulate the second volume.

Look at the things about the white giant and the whip of God, and look at the girl’s sand love song that disappeared directly when she caught those nobles.

Thinking of this, Roa also clicked on the update page.

On the page, the section that shows the question mark in the completion conditions of the previous second volume also appears.

No more question marks

Instead, it changed from a question mark to a sand strip love song.

With this thought, Roa waited silently.

It wasn’t until the end of today, when tomorrow had just begun, that the countdown in front of Roa finally became the number he wanted to see.


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