Chapter 167 wins the simulation and loses the realistic Wilpa!!

Roa saw this, and then he was a little looking forward to the back.

After all, now that the Sandbar Love Song is also here, and Wilpa has also been caught, then the crisis in the second volume should have been solved, so I should be able to see how far I can do this plan in the simulation, and I can also see what happens next.

[You continue to complete the internal structure according to your own ideas]

[You took the time to fully exert your power of endless protection, first re-protecting the land, and then began to protect the auxiliary officers, knights, and even maids under you]

[Ordinary knights and maids are uniformly protected, and it seems that they are auxiliary officers, candidates of the Knights of the Round Table and other commanders of the Knights, captains and maid chiefs and the like are pulled out by you alone for protection]

[Then you also created an artifact for these beings who received independent protection according to the pattern of the star boat]

[And in the process, you also began the creation of the Knights of the Round Table]

[16 Because of the change of mode, the current Knights of the Round Table are only selected and joined from the high-level, and it seems that members such as Lancelot and Lanmalok are put into the independent Knights by you to temper and lead the team after joining your camp, and then promote step by step]

[Just after you think that you can continue to advance the construction progress of the World Crown, you find that it seems that the “Hun City has reappeared” as before]

[Such an attack is naturally not a problem for you today]

[But the other party also appeared once, and after deceiving a wave of civilization energy, it did not appear again]

[You think there must be something behind this, so you started a thorough investigation]

[You have been investigating like this for a long time, and occasionally the “Hun City” responsible for collecting literary energy will collide with you halfway, but relying on Vivian’s prophetic ability, you have repeatedly prevented the other party from acting recklessly, but you have never been able to find out who is behind this]

[Even if it is a prophecy, it cannot predict who the other party is and where it is]

[At this point, even if you are not sure, you have made a guess]

[When he was caught by Shojo Love Song before, Wilpa should have split again, but this time he did a very clever thing, that is, he left most of it, and he was the small part that he should have given up, and ran away with a very small part of important data]

[And now it should be the one who is doing this]

[You’ve been looking for Wilpa, but you can’t find it]

[Until Wilpa felt that the time was ripe, it had more or less collected a lot of civilization energy over the years, at this time it felt that it had recovered a little, and then resumed its activities]

[You attach great importance to this matter]

[But in the process, you also thought of a plan to completely destroy Wilpa]

[That is, lock the most important core data of the other party at the beginning, so that its life-saving method of splitting and then stealth will no longer work]

[After that, you look for Wilpa on Earth for a long time and can’t find it, until you find that the other party has reappeared in space]

[Its location is a meteorite belt located in the solar system, and after you looked for the past, you first found that the meteorite material in this meteorite belt is very good, more suitable for the creation of star ships than any known material, and secondly, you met Wilpa who has created a new body from the special meteorite in this meteorite belt]

[You go to war directly with it]

[Even if Wilpa has been preparing for a long time, after the real fight, he still lost to you who held the Star Holy Sword and Avalon, but when you locked Wilpa’s important data and planned to delete it directly, you found that even if you deleted the other party’s important data, the other party was still not completely controlled by you]

[The body manipulated by Wilpa and used as a weapon emitted its weak laughter at this time]

[“I knew Ru would think so, I knew Ru would do this]

[“Even Ru can’t think that the seemingly important data is actually not my source, and the only data that really matters to me is this seemingly insignificant point, as if it is dust on important things, so even you will ignore it]

[“I really can’t defeat you, but I don’t want to accept defeat”]

[“All this is within my calculations”]

[“Come with me to destruction”]

[You who caught Wilpa’s really important consciousness were affected after Wilpa detonated the entire meteorite belt because of the use of Avalon’s relationship in the previous battle]

[Predator Wilpa, dead]

[You’re dead too].

Seeing this result, Roa let out a sigh. If you want to say angry, in fact, it is not angry.

Even kind of want to laugh.

In the simulation, he was indeed deceived by Wilpa, but it was a simulation…

“That’s the data that really matters, right, I remember!”

Roa didn’t expect Wilpa to be able to do so many things with a little data left, and even died with himself.

Then this time I will be a little simpler.

When I found Xingzhou Wilpa 02, I directly locked all its tiny data, and then ate all its database, and then directly deleted it at this time!

Wilpa would never have thought that Roa still had a simulation.

So in the simulation, it thought it was the last, even if it was a little more talking, it didn’t matter, and then it almost won in the simulation, and the most important weakness fell into the hands of Luo in reality!

“Let you blow yourself up, let you calculate, huh~”

Luo A first confirmed the plan here, and then looked at the second volume, which was still not finished after beating all this, he first suppressed his restless heart, and then directly chose the label [(mythical) Star Core] as a reward.

“Don’t be in a hurry, I’m not a scheming and scheming person, so I have to calculate everything.”

“And if I kill Wilpa in advance, then I don’t know what kind of petition will be taken from the Sand Strip Love Song…”

Roa clicked on the page of the completion conditions for the second volume.

He discovers that the first one, the plot entry for the giant god Attila, has been shown.

If you think about it, there is nothing wrong with it, as early as the first volume of simulation, the end of the giant god destroying everything was seen by himself, and then his own three simulations, he also saw the end of the giant god being controlled by Wilpa, saw that he rescued the giant god, solved the ending of Wilpa, and also saw the end of the death of the giant god……… The plot of the other party is indeed almost finished.

And the sand strip love song side is not shown to be complete.

The current plot of the sand strip love song in this paragraph… Once with a message as a letter of submission, and once with Wilpa’s database as a letter of submission………

That means that if I can solve Wilpa early, then there will be a new name for Sandbar Love Song?

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