Why are you blushing?

Yukinoshita Yukino had a heart-to-heart talk with her sister after a long absence.
Whether the current self is better or the previous self is better, a heated discussion started.
Yang Nai saw that this was Su Xiao’s masterpiece, and Su Xiao deliberately asked Yukinoshita Yukino to think for himself.
Because Yukino Yukino did not give an accurate answer to Yukino Yukino. Instead, he spoke slowly and ambiguous.
“Whether it’s the previous Yukino or the current Yukino, my sister likes it very much~
Now Yukino looks happier, and Yukino was cuter before. ”
Both liked, and both praised, causing Yukinoshita Yukino to continue to be at a loss.
Which one is better?
“If Yukino still can’t decide which state he thinks he is in better.
My sister recently learned a new move, which is very useful for this kind of wandering situation.
Although she couldn’t tell Yukino Yukino directly which Yukino she liked more, so she kept Yukino in which state, but Yukino Yukino also had her own little tricks. Just learned it not long ago.
“What is it?”
Staring closely at Yono Yukinoshita, Yukino Yukino asked Yono Yukinoshita.
“Flip a coin~”
“Flip a coin?”
“Yes, just tossing a coin.
Set the head is one self and the tail is one self, and toss the coin.
Let’s try it first. ”
Yukino Yukino nodded, this is the move she recently learned. However, Yukino Yukinoshita did not explain everything clearly, but with a faint smile on his face, he urged Yukinoshita Yukino to try it first.
At the same time, Yukino Yukino handed Yukino Yukino a coin.
Yukino Yukino didn’t understand, but he still did as Yoono Yukinoshita said. As a result, the coin, with the intended number of characters, was heads, the heads were the current self, and the cup noodles were the old self. Then, Yukinoshita Yukino took a deep breath and bounced the coin.
Looking at the coins spinning in the air, Yukinoshita Yukino was suddenly stunned. Knowing that the coin fell, Yukino Yukino subconsciously caught it.
“How is it? Is there a result?”

Looking at Yukino Yukino’s appearance, Yukino Yukino knew that she had succeeded!
Yukinoshita Yukino had already noticed that he felt that the current self was better or the previous self was better.
Assuming that the coin is heads and tails, when the coin is thrown, the result is not important. What is important is that when the coin is waiting for the coin to fall, the choice has been made in the heart. Looking forward to the side is naturally a better result deep down in the heart, even subconsciously.
“hmm> there is a result g”
The face is two and five: Yan Danjing smiled, Yukinoshita Yukino nodded to Yukinoshita Yangnao, and said slowly.
She didn’t understand it before, but now, she understands why Yukinoshita Yono didn’t explain clearly, so she let her toss the coin first.
Because in this case, she doesn’t knowWhat was the reason Yukinoshita Yono asked her to toss a coin? The feeling in her heart was the most real.
When the coin was rolling in the air, Yukinoshita Yukino couldn’t help thinking, if it were heads…
Then, he instantly realized what Yukinoshita Yono’s purpose was.
“It’s good to have results.”
Yukino Yukino didn’t ask, what was the result in Yukino Yukino’s heart.
Judging from Yukinoshita Yukino’s current smile, sure enough, Yukino also feels that she is better now, right?
“The reason why a dream is called a dream is that it is thought that it cannot be realized, so it is called a dream.
Just like ordinary people want to become billionaires, except for a few, the rest of the people can’t see this dream. ”
“However, children from rich families have an ideal and want to earn tens of millions on their own. Combining various factors, most of them can succeed in the end.
£Wenke 1-tailed king Limumu
There is a difference between ideal and dream.
Speaking meaningfully to Yukinoshita Yukino, Yang Nai picked up her bag and turned to leave.
I came here this time to see how Xuenuo has been doing recently. The goal has been achieved. Xuenai doesn’t really like her staying at Xuenuo’s house for the night.
“Dreams and ideals…
Sister, don’t go now, just stay and live. ”
After whispering softly, Yukino Yukino suddenly raised her head to look at Yono Yukinoshita, and opened her mouth to hold back.
What Yang Nai said was right. There is a gap between dreams and ideals. Having strength and aiming at what you can do within the scope of your own strength is ideal. Without strength, aiming for something beyond the scope of one’s own strength is a dream.
Su Xiao thought that she had proposed such a concept more than once, but now, Yukinoshita Yukino finally understood it.
“Can you?”
Surprised, he turned his head to look at Yukinoshita Yukino, and Yukinoshita Yang was surprised.
Xuenai actually stayed with her? Snow has never done such a thing since junior high school!
“Can’t you?”
Looking at Yono Yukinoshita, whose face was full of surprise, the smile on Yukino Yukino’s face became even better, and he asked back.
Can’t she keep her sister and stay at home for the night?
“Yes! Sister is very happy.
Saying that, Yukinoshita Yukino opened her arms, rushed towards Yukinoshita Yukino, and hugged Yukinoshita Yukino tightly in her arms, her face full of happiness. Xue Nai took the initiative to keep her overnight, how long has it been since she experienced the feeling?
The last time was in junior high school, and now Xuenai is already a sophomore at 880. Of course Yukinoshita is happy!
After all, Yukinoshita Yang is someone who has a tendency to control girls~
“It’s hot… Also, don’t put useless fat on my face…”
Struggling to get out of Yukinoshita Yono’s embrace, Yukinoshita Yukino said slowly.
Although Yukino Yukino is willing to stay with Yono Yukinoshita for the night, it doesn’t mean that Yukino Yukinoshita is willing to be smeared with fat by Yono Yukinoshita!
Obviously they are all sisters, why is Yang Nai so good! ? And her fat doesn’t grow in the right place!
“Oh yeah~
Speaking of which, it’s time for Yukino to care.
Songyue Temple ё rebellion┲ under the arms of Yukino, Yukino said, with a meaningful expression on his face.
Although Yukino will care about this time, but the previous Yukino never cared.
“Is it because of Su Xiaojun?”
It should be because of Su Xiaojun, right? After all, Su Xiao really has a knack for coaxing girls, although I promise, I have no feelings for Yukinoshita Yukino.
However, it seems that we can’t relax our vigilance at present. Su Xiao has no feelings for Xuenai, which does not mean that Xuenai will not be moved by Su Xiao.
“Why do you think of him?
I have no intention of falling in love…”
“Ah~ Then why are you blushing?”
“You are like this, go back and live now!”?

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