“Before leaving, by the way, leave another big gift for the winery.”.
62. The secret arsenal (ask for the first order!)
After a whole morning’s discussion, the rescue plan for Miyano Shiho was finally finalized.
Plan A is to put a large amount of hypnotic gas into the ventilation system of Sumitomo Pharmaceutical at night to make everyone in the company fall asleep.
Then directly through the window, Miyano Shiho was taken away without anyone noticing.
If Plan A fails, it will be discovered by those security personnel in the organization.
Then start plan B.
Start a fire and create chaos within the company.
Taking advantage of the chaos, he took Miyano Shiho away.
If the protective force around Miyano Shiho is too strong, then continue to launch Plan C.
Get rid of all the members of the organization around Miyano Shiho.
Forcibly took Miyano Shiho away.
And act quickly, don’t waste too much time.
Otherwise, if a large number of criminal police arrived, they might not be able to leave.
One or two criminal police officers are not afraid, but if there are dozens or hundreds of special police officers, even Guan Zu may not be able to withstand it.
The equipment of the special police is much better than that of the criminal police.
“I’m going to prepare weapons and equipment. Machiko, take this and keep an eye on your sister. In case of danger, we have to execute the rescue plan in advance.” Guanzu handed the detection robot mouse suit to Sakurada Machiko.
He was mainly worried that before they started the rescue, Miyano Shiho had eaten APTX4869 himself and turned into a primary school student.
Although there is no need for them to rescue them, how can a seven or eight-year-old elementary school student smell like an eighteen-year-old beautiful girl scientist?
“Shiho will be in danger?” Machiko Sakurada became worried when she heard this.
“This possibility cannot be ruled out. After all, you, the older sister, have betrayed the organization, and the organization will definitely be wary of your younger sister,” Guan Zu said.
“Don’t worry, we will definitely rescue your sister, don’t worry.” Guan Zu said comfortingly.
“Honesty. To prevent the police from coming to make trouble too early. You go to other places and plant more bombs.”
“Once there is a disturbance on our side, you will detonate the bomb and cause chaos. Disperse the police force of the Metropolitan Police Department.”
“Okay, leave it to me.” Asai honestly nodded.
It’s just creating confusion, she’s fine with this little thing.
Just detonate a few more bank parking lots, or shopping mall parking lots.
At that time, there will definitely be a large number of police forces sent to the bank where the explosion occurred to investigate the situation.
After all, those who can open a bank are all big consortiums.
“That’s it, honesty, you go to prepare lunch. Machiko, let’s pick out equipment!” Guan Zu got up and said.
“Okay, I’ll go right away. I’ll call you when the meal is ready.” Makoto Asai got up to cook.
Guan Zu and Sakurada Machiko came to the basement.
Enter the basement, here is a study.
But behind one of the bookcases, there is a secret room.
Open the entrance to the secret room through the mechanism.
Inside is a bombastic arsenal of weapons!
Pistols, shotguns, submachine guns, rifles, sniper rifles, heavy machine guns, and even individual bazookas.
All kinds of weapons hung all over the walls.
On the shelf below, there are boxes of bullets for different weapons.
There are also bulletproof vests, bulletproof helmets, night vision goggles, and more.
There are also plastic bombs, and various electronic parts.
This is used to make bombs for a variety of different purposes.
It is not an exaggeration to say that this is the arms dealer’s arsenal.
When Guan Zu brought back a large number of weapons for the first time, when he put these weapons and ammunition in the secret room in the basement.
Both Sakurada Machiko and Asai Makoto were taken aback.
Where did you get so many weapons?
You know, guns are banned in Sakura Country!
Even those yakuzas, at best, brought back some small pistols.
Long guns are mostly shotguns or shotguns, and automatic rifles are rarely available.
And Guan Zu directly got an arsenal and put it at home!
It’s an exaggeration!
However, it was precisely because of seeing so many weapons that Sakurada Machiko was full of hope in rescuing her sister.
To get so many weapons, there must be a lot of energy.Even, the power behind Guan Zu is not necessarily smaller than that of the Black Organization.
The two came to the underground arsenal.
“Machiko, you pick some convenient equipment yourself, and I will make some bombs.” Guan Zu said.
“it is good.”
The two were busy with their own affairs.
Machiko Sakurada walked to the shelf and carefully selected the equipment she needed.
Submachine guns, pistols, body armor, tactical helmets, etc. are all useful equipment.
Guan Zu, on the other hand, picked up a box of plastic explosives, detonators, and some electronic parts, preparing to make a remote-controlled bomb.
The remote control bomb is actually very simple to make. It is to insert the detonator used for detonation into the plastic explosive like plasticine.
Then use the signal receiver to connect with the detonator used for detonation.
As long as a paired wireless signal is received, the receiver releases an electrical current, detonating the detonator.
The detonator detonates the plastic explosives again.
This can be said to be the simplest remote control bomb.
Sometimes, though, the simpler things work better and are less prone to surprises.
For creating chaos, these remote-controlled bombs are more than enough.
Soon, Guan Zu completed ten sets of remote-controlled bombs.
Makoto Asai can make a lot of explosions away from the pharmaceutical companies.
As a result, a large number of police forces on duty at night in the Metropolitan Police Department were transferred away.
In this way, if there is a big commotion on their side, the criminal police from the Metropolitan Police Department will not rush over so quickly.
As for some inspections nearby, don’t care about them at all.
Machiko Sakurada’s equipment has also been selected.
Mainly also gear, flashlights, protective gear, and offensive gear.
If the operation goes well, there may not be a single shot fired this time.
But if it doesn’t go well…
Guan Zu also prepared a set for himself according to Miyano Akemi’s equipment.
In addition, downhill ropes are also prepared.
The two left the basement, and Makoto Asai’s lunch was just ready.
After lunch, the three of them split up.
Makoto Asai drove an ordinary car and carried a remote-controlled bomb to a location far away from the pharmaceutical company to arrange the bomb in advance.
Machiko Sakurada drove another ordinary car with weapons and equipment to the vicinity of the Sumitomo Pharmaceutical Building to monitor the situation inside and protect Miyano Shiho.
In case something happens, you have to act in advance.
Guan Zu left alone to prepare a large amount of hypnotic gas.
There are some hypnotic gas bombs in the arsenal, but if the gas is diluted to the entire building, it is not enough.
A large amount of hypnotic gas must be prepared.
It’s not easy for Guan Zu to buy directly from the system mall, so he can only drive out and go around to bring back the hypnotic gas.
Not long after, Machiko Sakurada came to the parking lot near the Sumitomo Pharmaceutical Building.
And control the scouting robot mouse to enter the pharmaceutical building.
Soon, in a laboratory, Miyano Shiho was found.
However, an accident soon happened.
63. Is my sister reincarnated as a mouse? (Please subscribe!)

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