“Hmm~” Guan Zu shruggedshoulder.
“With the previous explosion, those guys in the Metropolitan Police Department wouldn’t dare to gamble~” Guan Zu said with a relaxed face.
“Are you not afraid of what happens?”
“It won’t happen.” Guan Zu exuded confidence all over his body.
“…” You Xizi was a little lost.
This handsome and confident appearance is simply a ‘female killer’!
However, You Xizi quickly recovered, after all, she was no longer a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old.
She called Guan Zu here this time, but she had something to say.
“That… Azu, can you be more tolerant of Xinyi in the future? How can I say that Xinyi is also my son…” You Xizi looked at Guanzu pleadingly.
It’s okay to kidnap Shinichi before, after all, at that time, no one knew anyone.
But now, they are all their own people, so don’t target Xinyi anymore.
“You Xizi, I didn’t target your son on purpose, he committed suicide.” Guan Zu looked innocent.
“Just like yesterday, everyone squatted on the ground honestly, and he was alone, running around like a thief.”
“I can’t pretend I didn’t see it, can I?”
“Besides, even though your son’s body has turned into the appearance of a primary school student, it doesn’t mean that he is an ordinary primary school student.”
“I know that there is an inventor who made a lot of special props for your son.”
“Like a bowknot voice changer, a watch-type anesthesia gun, foot-strengthening shoes and the like.”
“I’m really going to be attacked by him. I couldn’t escape yesterday.” Guan Zu looked at You Xizi and said.
“This… That kid is indeed a little naughty.” Yukiko smiled shyly.
Her son is indeed a little different from ordinary children.
“It’s not a bit naughty, it’s jumping repeatedly on the verge of death. It was me yesterday. If someone else came, the bullet would have hit that kid directly in the head.”
“You Xizi, you’d better take the time to educate your son. Otherwise, when you are really in danger, you don’t regret taking the medicine.” Guan Zu looked at You Xizi and gave his opinion.
“This…” You Xizi was very embarrassed.
Xinyi’s personality is the same as his father’s, he is very stubborn, and it is difficult to change the things he decides.
Coupled with a smart mind, it is even more ‘self’.
“Really, why do you keep mentioning that kid when we’re dating? Come on, after drinking this glass of wine, let’s have some sideshow~!”.
100. The little Saiyan in the reasoning manga (please subscribe!)
Guan Zu and You Xizi did not stay together for too long.
In the evening, the two separated.
Guan Zu ran in the bathtub to check the rewards he got for his actions yesterday.
【Ding! After completing a hijacking of a cruise ship, reward [Voice Imitation・Entry-Entry]
Seeing this reward, Guan Zu’s eyes lit up immediately.
Voice imitation is finally here!
【Voice Imitation・Getting Started】: You can change the voice and imitate the voices of people of different ages.
Guan Zu tried it, he could imitate the voice of a child, he could also imitate the voice of an old man, he could become a rough man, and he could also become a frail scholar.
But only voices of the same gender can be imitated.
The voice of the opposite sex can barely be heard, but if you listen carefully, you will find that it is fake.
But it doesn’t matter, the krypton gold upgrade is all it takes!
Spend 100 million to upgrade [Voice Imitation] from entry level to proficiency level.
It is also possible to make a female voice vividly.
It took another billion days to upgrade [Voice Imitation] to a proficient level.
Now, not only can the voices of people of different age groups and genders be heard.
You can even specifically imitate the voice of a specific person!
“Hmm…” Guan Zu adjusted his voice.
“Xiao Ai, can you rub my back for me?” Guanzu asked Miyano Akemi.
“Come here, sister.”
brush! The bathroom door opened, and Xiao Ai appeared at the bathroom door.
Then he stared at Guan Zu with wide eyes, as if he had seen a ghost!
Wasn’t my sister calling me just now? Why is it Guan Zu who is taking a bath? ?
“What’s the matter? Do you want to come in and wash together?” Guan Zu smiled sadly at Hui Yuan.
“Wash you bastard!”
Xiao Ai slammed the door shut.
Awkward! So embarrassing!
Why is it Guan Zu who is taking a bath? ?
She clearly heard her sister’s voice! !
Could it be… my sister is in there too?
Could it be that my sister and Guan Zu…
In Hui Yuanai’s mind, some unsuitable images suddenly appeared.
“Impossible! Impossible!”
Hui Yuanai quickly shook his head, throwing out all the unhealthy images in his head.
Even if my sister and Guan Zu are really… It is absolutely impossible to invite myself in!
illusion! Definitely hallucinating!
At this time, Miyano Akemi came down from upstairs.
“Huh? Ai, what are you standing here for? Are you going to take a bath?” Miyano Akemi looked at her sister curiously.
“It’s nothing, I suddenly thought of a research problem, I’m going to work!” Hui Yuanai blushed, and hurriedly ran into the underground laboratory.
She was embarrassed to say that she ran into the bathroom while Guan Zu was taking a bath.
Although I didn’t see anything that I shouldn’t have seen, it was too embarrassing!
“Huh?” Miyano Akemi tilted her head.
Why do you feel that Xiao Ai is a little strange today? ?
In the bathroom, Guan Zu was still running in the warm hot water.
There are hot spring bath salts in the hot water, which is not too comfortable.
He has tried the skill effect of voice imitation just now, and it can be said that the effect is very good.
They all used Miyano Akemi’s voice to lure Xiao Ai into the bathroom, wouldn’t the effect be bad?
The skill level of Kaitou Kidd and Belmode should be at this level.
RefinedWith a general level of voice imitation, it is already possible to imitate anyone’s voice.
Guan Zu is very curious, if he goes up one level, the master-level voice imitation, what abnormal effects can there be?
It takes 10 billion days to upgrade from the proficient level to the master level.
He doesn’t even have a master-level skill yet.
Master level skills, only mixed martial arts, car driving, disguise and voice imitation.
Before, he didn’t have enough money to upgrade his skills to the master level.
But now there is.
Twenty-four hours have passed since the jewels were taken away last night.
The items snatched from those rich people can be sold by the system store!
‘system! Recycle the contents of the storage space! ‘
【Ding! A large amount of recyclable property was found. Do you confirm the recycling? 】
‘confirm! ‘
【Ding! Recycling is complete! Get 20 billion Japanese dollars
Hearing this number, Guan Zu was quite satisfied.
The minimum amount he estimated was at least ten billion or more.
In fact, the minimum amount of 20 billion daily “remote” and his own estimate has been doubled.
Not less.
On average, every guest has 40 million daily income.
This is already quite high.
0・・・・・Please ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・
In fact, the jewelry on most people’s bodies is not worth so much money.

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