He looked at the GPS position, ran to the port quickly, and chased after him in a speedboat.
Unfortunately, the signal soon disappeared.
The wiretapping locator can protect against some rain, but it cannot be soaked in water.
The signal disappeared, apparently the locator was broken.
He now has two options.
The first is to jump into the sea together and continue to catch up!
However, there is no diving equipment in his speedboat, so this option is directly passed.
The second is to go back and wait for these people to go ashore, and then think of other ways to figure it out slowly.
The man jumped onto the other ship and hid another bug locator in the wheelhouse.
He has prepared a lot for this.
The purpose, of course, is to see if anyone can help him find the treasure.
After installing the wiretapping locator, the man jumped back onto his speedboat.
Then sail back to the island.
The wind at sea is relatively strong today, which is not suitable for going to sea.
Right now, it’s a little better off the coast.
But no matter how strong the wind is, the coastal waters will become dangerous.
In this kind of weather, even if that guy really found the treasure, it was impossible for him to leave the island with the treasure.
So, don’t panic for now.
Back on the island, the man kept an eye on the movement on the sea.
Guan Zu escorted two treasure hunters into the underground palace through a crack in the cliff.
Soon, they entered the underground palace through the narrow and long stone passage.
“What the hell are you trying to do〃?” Steve asked, taking off his mouthpiece.
Guan Zu didn’t speak, let alone take off the mouthpiece, but moved the muzzle of his gun, signaling them to move on.
“…” Steve bit his breathing mouth again.
They also know that there is a lot of gas in it.
Although the gas itself is not toxic, if the concentration is high, it will still cause dizziness, nausea, and even coma due to lack of oxygen.
They discovered this cave the day before yesterday, and took off the mouthpiece after entering. After a long time, they almost stumbled.
Fortunately, it was discovered in time, and the air in the compressed air bottle was rebreathed before slowly recovering.
But before we finished exploring the underground palace, the compressed air in the compressed air bottle was insufficient.
I have no choice but to leave here temporarily.
Yesterday, with a spare compressed air bottle, I planned to continue exploring here, but encountered a shark attack on the way.
In the end, he could only flee in a hurry.
This time, they did not prepare a spare compressed air bottle. He was not sure whether the compressed air in their compressed air bottle could last until they found the treasure.
The three continued to walk deeper into the tunnel.
Sometimes if you go the wrong way, you will be corrected by Guan Zu and you will go back to the right way.
Soon, the three of them came to the stone gate.
“Found it! Really found it!!” Will took off the mouthpiece excitedly.
Steve frowned.
This stone gate is indeed like the last level where the treasure is hidden, but why is there a big hole opened above the stone gate?
And the big hole was not blown out at first glance, but was cut out by something.
what on earth is it? ?
“Okay, go in, the treasure you are looking for,right here. “Guan Zu ordered from behind.
Will couldn’t wait to get in.
“Have you been here?” Steve looked back at Guan Zu.
“‘ 〃 Who do you think opened this? Go in!” Guan Zu ordered.
Steve could only get in through the cut stone hole.
Under the light of the flashlight, a huge pirate ship appeared in front of their eyes.
“Hey hey!!! I found it!! I found it!!!” Will shouted excitedly.
Steve looked a little more serious.
Since ‘Ito’ has already been here, what does it mean for him to bring them in?
It is definitely impossible to distribute the treasure to them.
Is it dangerous? Or do you want them to help move the treasure? ?
“Now, take off your scuba gear and go get the treasure out of the boat,” Guanzu ordered.
“Good! Good!” Will excitedly took off the compressed air bottle, and then ran towards the pirate ship.
The compressed air bottle is quite heavy. If you carry it on your back, you won’t be able to lift the treasure.
Steve didn’t take off his equipment, but walked directly towards the pirate ship.
“Hey! I want you to take off the compressed air bottle!” Guan Zu ordered while holding up his underwater rifle.
The underwater rifle is not underwater, it can also shoot, but the range in the air is not as far as a normal rifle.
But Bailaimi is still available.
Steve still didn’t take off the compressed air bottle, but turned around and looked at Guan Zu.
“The treasure here has been taken away by you long ago, right? You want to trap us here to death, right!!”
“Hehe~! You still have some brains.” Guan Zu smiled.
“But you have no choice now, either take off the equipment, or I will kill you now!” Guan Zu aimed the gun at Steve’s chest.
Gritting his teeth, Steve took off the compressed air bottle anyway.
Without the compressed air bottle, he might last a day or two, but if he doesn’t obey, he will die now.
After forcing Steve back, Guan Zu released all the compressed air in the two compressed air bottles.
Then back away slowly towards the exit.
“Damn it!! There is no treasure on board!” Will appeared on the deck of the pirate ship to make up.
“Idiot!” Steve cursed under his breath.
“Bye bye~~” Guan Zu had exited Shimen and disappeared quickly.
129. Beautiful police officer, would you like to buy me morning tea? (Please subscribe!)
Xiao Ai and Miyano Akemi, who had renewed their disguises in the bathroom, came to the hotel restaurant.
Others are already sitting here, waiting for breakfast.
“Where’s Mr. Mori?” Miyano Akemi asked suspiciously.
“He said that a search meeting would be held early this morning, so he went to the village office.” Xiaolan explained.
“That’s it, Mr. Mori really worked hard.” Akemi Miyano sighed.
Obviously came to this island for vacation.
As a result, as soon as he came to this island, a murder occurred on the island, and it was still a murder.
This is too bad luck.
“Okay, since everyone is due, then…”
Xiaolan hasn’t finished talking yet…
“I’m going to start!!” Yuan Tai said excitedly.
He couldn’t wait to eat.
“I’m going to start!” Others picked up their chopsticks one after another.
When everyone was about to eat, the owner of the homestay came in.
“Is the food enough for you?” the boss asked.
“Well, the food is really delicious, thank you.” Xiaolan said politely.
“By the way, are you going diving today?” the owner of the homestay asked.
Because those sharks were attracted by humans with fish blood, not gathered naturally.
So the village did not ban diving because of this.
You can go diving if you want.
“I won’t go, because I still have lingering fears about what happened yesterday.” Yuanzi shook his head quickly.
She and Xiaolan saw with their own eyes a group of sharks besieging those people.
“However, we don’t have much time to play tomorrow, so we want to take a boat ride today.” Xiaolan said.

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