Absolutely cheated!
That Hirota Masami is definitely not a pawn who knows nothing.
She is definitely a core member of the robbers!
And he is still a core member who knows very important information about their gang!
Otherwise, the robbers would never be so anxious to save her!
The Miyamoto Police Department was very annoyed that he was tricked by a woman! !
What a disgrace!
But now he can’t do anything, because the above has issued an order to immediately release their members according to the robber’s request.
This is to convince them that the other party really installed a large number of bombs all over Tokyo, so they directly blew up the shrine.
The ghost knows if they don’t let people go, they will blow up somewhere next time.
And judging from yesterday’s arrest operation, among those robbers, there was at least one person who was very good at making and using bombs.
The robbers must not be allowed to detonate the second bomb again! Door.
166. Akemi Miyano is Released (Please Subscribe!)
Metropolitan Police Department detention room.
The Miyamoto Police Department brought out Miyano Akemi who had just been imprisoned.
“You guy, you are the core member of your team! I didn’t expect that I would be deceived by a guy like you!!” The Miyamoto Police Department looked at Miyano Akemi angrily.
“Officer, why can’t I understand what you’re talking about?” Miyano Akemi still pretended to be stupid.
Anyway, she killed herself as a little character who didn’t know anything.
In this way, even if it is really sent to court, the sentence will be reduced as appropriate.
“Hmph! You’re still pretending here! Your accomplices have asked us to release you!”
“For this reason, I even blew up the Shrine of the Coffin Shrine!”
“Do you know how many people were killed or injured!!” The Miyamoto police department clenched their fists and asked, looking at Akemi Miyano.
“…” Miyano Akemi’s eyes were full of shock.
(Liu Li. ò ? ó. First release) She was really shocked.
Miyano Akemi guessed that there is a high probability that Guan Zu will not ignore him.
But in order to save her, he actually blew up the inner shrine!
She never thought of it.
The Miyamoto Police Department looked at Akemi Miyano, looked at the shock in her eyes, and couldn’t tell if it was true or if she was still acting.
If it’s acting, then her acting skills are amazing.
“Now, you are free!” Miyamoto Police Department returned all of Miyano Akemi’s personal belongings to her.
In fact, there are not many things.
It’s just a cell phone and some cash.
There is nothing useful in the mobile phone, it is a new mobile phone prepared for use in action.
Not much cash either.
That’s ten thousand yuan tickets.
He didn’t know whether the 100,000 days was his own, or he took it from the bank during the robbery yesterday.
But give it back to her.
The province will cause even bigger troubles because of the 100,000 miles away.
For example, another bomb detonated, that would be bad.
“Can I really go?” Miyano Akemi had an expression of disbelief.
“Yes! Take your things and leave quickly, call your companion and tell him that you have left!” Miyamoto Police Department said impatiently.
They only have half an hour.
More than 20 minutes have passed since the robber called.
If this Hirota Masami doesn’t leave quickly, her accomplice will have to detonate the bomb again.
Miyano Akemi picked up the things and bowed to Miyamoto and other detectives.
“Trouble for you!”
It is indeed trouble for the police, and it is a big trouble.
The first is to rob the bank and loot all the billions of days in the bank.
Now, bombs are planted everywhere to force the police to release her.
The people in the Metropolitan Police Department are afraid that they will all be pissed off.
“Hurry up! Hurry up!” Miyamoto Police Department urged.
If you don’t leave quickly, another place will be bombed.
The coffin shrine is right next to the Imperial Palace, and there was an explosion there, and the locusts living in the Imperial Palace were startled.
This Hirota Masami must be let go quickly.
Under the escort of Miyamoto Police Department and others, Miyano Akemi left the Metropolitan Police Department.
Hauled a taxi on the side of the road and left.
“Send someone to follow secretly, don’t be discovered by her.” Miyamoto Police Department ordered.
“Got it, officer!”
Several men ran out immediately.
Miyano Akemi left the Metropolitan Police Department, but did not immediately call Guan Zu or Hui Yuanai.
As a former member of the organization, even if it was only a peripheral member, Miyano Akemi was not a fool who knew nothing.
The mobile phone was once taken away by the police. Who knows if the police will install some Trojan horse virus in it, obtain location and microphone information, and eavesdrop on their calls.
So Miyano Akemi didn’t plan to use this phone from the beginning.
The reason why they took it was to show it to the police.
After getting in the car, Akemi Miyano threw her phone on the seat.
She won’t take this phone with her when she gets off the car.
When Akemi Miyano got into the car, she asked the driver to go to Shinjuku.
But on the way, before reaching Shinjuku, Miyano Akemi asked the driver to park the car on the side of the road, and then gave the money to get off.
I found a phone booth, put in coins with the change the driver found, and called Guan Zu.
Of course, it was not the mobile phone he usually used, but the anonymous mobile phone that he only used when he was on the move.
No matter what she says, she is also an old worldup.
jingle bell~~
Guan Zu heard the phone call and immediately connected the phone.
“Uncle, it’s me, doctor.” Miyano Akemi said.
“Where are you now?” Guan Zu asked.
“In the coin booth near Yotsuya Subway Station.”
“Just walk around outside to see if anyone is following you. If there is, call me immediately.” Guan Zu ordered.
“Okay, I see.” Miyano Akemi responded.
She also knew that there must be a tail following behind her.
She must not bring back the tail of the Metropolitan Police Department, otherwise not only she will be arrested, but Guan Zu and her sister will also be arrested by the police.
Even if he was not caught, he would no longer be able to continue to live such a ‘peaceful’ life.
Miyano Akemi took the subway, got off at the next stop, and then changed to a bus.
Sure enough, someone was following him.
As a former member of the organization, I still have some anti-tracking capabilities.
Not to mention completely getting rid of those who follow you, at least you can find out when someone is following you.
As long as a face has appeared twice in front of you, it is an ‘acquaintance’.
She didn’t go shopping in the mall, but changed the means of transportation continuously, so that she could meet ‘acquaintances’, which was obviously abnormal.
How can there be such a coincidence?
Miyano Akemi got off the bus, found the nearest phone booth, and called Guan Zu again.
“It’s me, doctor.”
“How, did you find the tail?” Guan Zu asked.
“Well, there is indeed a tail following.” Miyano Akemi said.
“Understood, you continue to walk around outside.”
After hanging up Akemi Miyano, Guan Zu called the police again.
“Hello, this is the alarm center…”
“Listen, I’m very dissatisfied that you released my companion, but you keep sending people to follow. So, I decided to detonate the second bomb!”

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