But if something (Liu Li. ò ? ó. First release) happens, I’m afraid it will take time.
“Shouldn’t you discover another treasure?” Xiao Ai looked at Guan Zu curiously.
Last time, Guan Zu also said that he had something to do, and they met on Shenhai Island.
And Guan Zu’s business is to find the treasure on Shenhai Island.
In the end, he killed someone on the island. Fortunately, it was self-defense, so he was not prosecuted.
I just don’t know if Guan Zu found the treasure on Shenhai Island that time.
“Emmm… It can indeed be said that a treasure has been discovered.” Guan Zu thought for a while and said.
For Miyano Akemi and Xiao Ai, there is no need to hide everything.
After all, they are all living together, so it’s okay to reveal something.
Of course, what he was looking for this time was the golden villa that once belonged to Renye Karasuma, and he would not tell Miyano Akemi and Xiao Ai about such things.
Miyano Akemi may not know what Renye Karasuma represents.
But Xiao Ai knew it.
She knew very well that Renye Karasuma was the boss of the organization.
If she knew that he was going to rob the boss of the organization, she might be too scared to sleep.
“However, it is still uncertain whether there is really a treasure, and we have to go to the field to investigateJust have a look. ” Guan Zu added.
“Then I hope you can find the treasure. Anyway, treasure hunting is much safer than robbing a bank.” Xiao Ai took a sip of milk and said.
At least, the treasure hunt will not have a detective chasing after you.
There will also be no SATs charging with shields and automatic weapons.
“Then I will lend you a good word~~” Guan Zu smiled and drank the milk in front of him in one gulp.
“Okay, it’s time for me to go. If everything goes well, I can make it back tonight.” Guan Zu wiped his mouth with a tissue, then stood up.
“Bon voyage!” Miyano Akemi sent Guanzu to the gate.
Guan Zu took the keys and drove away in his modified sports car.
The first part of the journey from Tokyo is quite easy to run.
When you get on the expressway, you can run at a speed of more than 100 to 200 kilometers.
Of course, this is actually speeding.
In Sakura Country, there are also speed probes on the highway.
But Guan Zu is not worried, his car is a deck, even if it is photographed by the speed sensor, he will not be fined.
Moreover, he would not foolishly see the speed sensor and continue speeding.
If you see the speed measuring probe from a distance, just slow down a little.
His driving skills have reached the level of a world racing driver, and he doesn’t need to worry about the road conditions on the highway.
Even if the expressway in Sakura Country is relatively narrow, there is no problem at all.
In more than an hour, Guan Zu had already got off the expressway in Nagano County.
Find a place where there is no one to stop.
Firstly, he changed his capacity, then put the sports car into the storage space, and took out a street car from the storage space.
Wearing a full-face helmet, passers-by could not see his face from the outside.
Riding on the motorcycle, twisting the accelerator, the whole person jumped out like the wind.
Not long after, Guan Zu walked into Panshan Road.
Feeling the breath of the mountains mixed in the wind, driving on the mountain road, it is more comfortable to ride a motorcycle.
The roar of the engine echoed through the valley.
There were almost no cars on this winding mountain road, but Guan Zu didn’t ride too fast.
Always keep your speed within your control.
Because he has not acquired motorcycle driving skills, his motorcycle driving skills are average.
It’s not like driving a car and reaching the level of a world-class racer.
However, with his super high physical fitness, his control of motorcycles is much better than that of ordinary riders.
Even if it doesn’t reach the level of a world-class racer, it won’t be too bad.
After driving for nearly an hour on the Panshan Highway, Guan Zu rode a motorcycle and drove into a small road with only one lane…
After riding on the small road for two minutes, I came to a three-way intersection.
There is a wooden road sign at the intersection, indicating that the Twilight Villa should go left.
During the divination, the divination crystal ball had already displayed the name of the Golden Villa, which was the Twilight Villa.
Guan Zu naturally knew which direction to go.
After walking along the path for a few minutes, passing a wooden bridge, we can already see the villa on the top of the hill.
A few minutes later, Guan Zu rode a motorcycle and came to this ancient villa.
The big iron gate of the yard was open, and Guan Zu rode his motorcycle directly into it.
After entering, Guan Zu frowned.
Because in the yard of this villa, there is actually a car parked.
In other words, there are people here!
“Shouldn’t it be the right time to enter the plot?” Guan Zu was a little speechless.
Could it be that just after I found this golden villa, that kid Conan is coming again?
But…it’s not a big problem.
If there are people, it’s a big deal to tie them up.
At most, it is from treasure hunting to robbery. The rewards for robbery are much richer than treasure hunting.
Guan Zu parked his motorcycle, walked to the gate of the villa, and unlocked the door with a wire in seconds.
In the hall, no one was seen.
Guan Zu shut the door with a bang.
He is not afraid of disturbing the people in the villa, or in other words, he just wants to disturb the people in the villa.
If the people in the villa came out on their own initiative, he wouldn’t have to search from room to room.
It’s just strange, Guan Zu stood in the hall for a long time, but he didn’t see anyone coming to check the situation.
“Didn’t you hear me?”
Guan Zu frowned slightly.
If you can’t come out, then you can take the initiative to find it.
Guan Zu took out the infrared thermal imager, but after starting it, he found that the detector could not detect anything behind the wall!
Only then did Guan Zu remember, this is a golden villa!
Gold renders thermal imaging cameras useless.
There is no way, Guan Zu can only search from room to room.
But after searching the entire villa, it was found that there was no one here at all.
“There’s no one there? But the car outside doesn’t look like it’s been parked for a long time?” Guan Zu was a little confused.
It feels strange everywhere in this golden villa.
192. I’m a Little Expert in Dismantling Houses (Please Subscribe!)
There was no one in the other hall at dusk, which happened to be good for Guan Zu to poach the wall.
It’s really poaching.
Guan Zu bought a pickaxe from the system mall, pointed at the wall of the room, and went down with a draft.
Ding! !
The pointed end of the pick easily pierced into the wall, but within two centimeters of the wall, it was blocked by some kind of metal.
Guan Zu mentioned the wooden handle of the pickaxe. Because of the principle of leverage, the pointed end of the pickaxe directly pried open a small piece of wall.
reveal the gold inside the walls.
“As expected, there is gold!” Guan Zu was excited when he saw the gold.
Hastily waved the pickaxe, destroying the wall for a while.
Soon, the entire wall of the room was dug open by Guan Zu.
Inside is a large piece of golden gold, which gives people a very strong visual impact!
But on the golden wall, the ones with sharp mouthsThe dents made by the manuscript have a little impact on the appearance.
Of course, the impact is not great.
Because he was about to take off all the gold on the wall.
Guan Zu took out the gas cutting machine he bought earlier, and cut along the edge of the wall, easily cutting the gold.
26 Gold is a soft metal. Guan Zu inserted a dagger into the gap and easily pried the gold off the wall.
The gold on the walls is not thick, it can even be said to be very thin.
But at least not as thin as a cicada’s wing of gold leaf.
One gram of gold can make nearly 0.5 square meters of gold leaf.

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