People In Konoha, Anbe Tortured Ninjas For Ten Years!

Chapter 88: Is there a third situation?

  Thank you [curly hahaha] the big guys are rewarded for your support!


   After half an hour.

   Yamanakaizumi's forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and his face was slightly pale.

   While he was searching for his memory, he felt Uchiha's thoughts.

   But this idea is very weak.

   seems to be hidden.

   can't find any details at all.


   Yamanakaizumi sighed, walked in the direction of Qingyu and Yamanaka Kazuma, and shook his head slowly.

   "No results?" asked Kazuma Yamanaka, he was still more concerned about this matter, after all, he was the first to discover Uchiha.

   "Let's go over there and talk." Yamanakaizumi glanced towards the corner, and then walked over first, with a solemn expression on his face, knowing that this is not the place to talk.

   "Okay!" Yamanaka Kazuma glanced at Qingyu, motioned Qingyu to be with him, and then followed behind Shanzhongquan and walked towards the corner of the dark pavilion.


   Three people came to the corner and formed a small circle, which looked quite mysterious.

   "I don't think this is right!"

   Yamanakaizumi spoke immediately, staring at Qingyu with both eyes, and then turned his gaze to Yamanaka Kazuma.

   "What did you find?" Kazushima Yamanaka couldn't help but ask.

   "This matter is not as simple as imagined, listen to me slowly..."

   Yamanakaizumi waved his hand, did not immediately answer the truth of Yamanaka, his face was extremely serious, which formed a sharp contrast with the radicalism just now.

   "I have just carefully explored this person's memory. Only in some extremely vague places I perceive the three words Uchiha, but there are no things or characters. This feeling is like..."

   Yamanakaizumi said here, his voice paused, and there were sharp gleams in his eyes.

   "It looks like a memory has been tampered with!"

   The words came out.

   Aoba and Kazuma Yamanaka's face changed.

   Yamanakaichi really did not expect that Yamanakaizumi would come to such a conclusion, and was particularly shocked when he heard it.

   Aoba is performing with Izumi Yamanaka.

"how do I say this?"

   Yamanakaichi took a deep breath and tried to calm his mood as much as possible. He felt more and more that they shouldn't be involved in this matter.

   "Yizhen, don't worry, I just think it's a bit like it, but I can't make a conclusion about the specific situation, and it's difficult to make a conclusion."

   Yamanakaizumi spoke again, his face still dignified, and when he recalled the time he was searching for his memory, goose bumps appeared on his body.

   "According to my experience, he can produce such a memory situation, there should be two possibilities!"

   Yamanakaizumi stretched out two fingers, then signaled the first finger first, and swayed in front of the two of them.

   "The first case is that this memory itself belongs to him!"


   "It was erased by some means!"

   "It may be medicine."

   "It may be a mental illusion."

   "It may also be disturbed by some special secret technique."


   "He has only one brain left, and his memory is declining. It is impossible to investigate whether this is the case!"

   "But I can be sure."

   "This level of lack is definitely not forgotten by nature!"

   After Izumi Yamanaka finished speaking, Kazuya Yamanaka's face became more solemn.

   Both of them have worked in the torture department for more than three years.

   explored many memories.

   has experienced many scenes.

   Although they don't usually tell what they have seen and heard, it doesn't mean that they don't have their own thoughts in their hearts. They will have accumulated a lot of experience through those memories.


   Compared to Kazuma Yamanaka.

  The qualifications of Yamanakaizumi are even higher, and he has higher proficiency and experience in secret arts.

   After hearing the conclusion of the first situation made by Izumi Yamanaka, he immediately understood what it meant.

   That is this corpse named Guangzi Lang. He had a certain secret in his lifetime, but it was sealed, and now the secret cannot be discovered. This discovery is very troublesome.

   "What about the second situation?" Qing Yu asked slowly.

   He put on a puzzled look.

   as a person in the same group.

   Always show some concern about this matter.

   And give Yamanakaizumi a reason to continue.

   Following Qingyu's words, Kazuma Yamanaka refocused his attention on Izumi Yamanaka and immediately listened.

   "The second case is more complicated..."

   Yamanakaizumi sighed heavily, he pursed his mouth, the expression on his face became more serious.

   "This situation is just my guess, without any basis."


   "Someone planted a memory into him before this life, the memory of the Uchiha clan."

   "But because that person is not strong enough, the memory fragments were not fully implanted, or because of the death of this person, the memory fragments were missing."

   "This led to the emergence of this kind of situation where there is only a little idea, but no specific details can be found."


   "Although this method just stays in conjecture, and it is somewhat difficult to implement, if this person actively cooperates and has the ability of Captain Yuta, UU reading can still do it!"

   Yamanakaizumi is really worried about this, he found a very heavy trace of Yamanaka in the memory of the corpse.

   He believed that anyone present had discovered this.

   includes other corpses.

   must have this memory.

   It is absolutely certain that Yuta Yamanaka is a member of the rebellious Konoha village organization.

   Such a discovery.

   makes his hair horrified.


   Yamanaka Kazuma took a breath. When he first heard about this second situation, he felt unrealistic, but when he heard about the fame of Yamanaka, he felt that there was a big conspiracy here.

   If these things are the work of Yuta Yamanaka...

   So whether it is Yuta Yamanaka who is erasing the memory or implanting it, this is a terrible thing.

"what should we do?"

   After Yamanaka Izumi said all his judgments, he looked at Qingyu and then at Yamanaka Izumi.

   "When I was searching for memory, I kept thinking about what Qingyu said. Maybe we shouldn't be the first bird. These vague memories make other groups find it better." Izumi Yamanaka said immediately.

"I think so..." Yamanaka Kazushima's hairs are standing upside down, and he is already a little scared in his heart. You must know that the greatest sense of security in the torture department is not to be retaliated, but now it is different. It involves Yuta Yamanaka. He dare not.


   However, at this moment, Qingyu made a sound of thinking, pinching his chin with his right hand, and looking up at the mountain spring, his dark eyes flashed with thinking.

   "Brother Quan, is there a third situation?"

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