People In Konoha: Evolution From Sharingan

Chapter 55: The Power Of Terror




In the direction Uchiha Xiu was looking at, three people slowly walked out of the shadow.

"What a keen sense of smell. We hid it so well, but we didn't expect to be discovered by you."

Luo Sha looked at Uchiha Xiu with the same expression on his face, but there was a huge wave in his heart.

The speed of Uchiha Xiu's shots just now made even him feel ashamed.

"Looking at you, you seem quite happy. Don't you care about the lives of these three guys at all?"

Uchiha Xiu looked indifferently at the three people who came forward, with a playful tone,

Although he didn't care about the three corpses lying on the ground,

But Uchiha Xiu- would be very happy if he could disgust the opponent before the battle and affect the mentality of the opponent.

Although it may not be able to play a role, but as an excellent ninja,

Even if there is a slight possibility, you have to try it.

After all, the only way to know the effect is to try it.

"Hmph! It is their honor to sacrifice for the village, I believe they will be proud of themselves.

Luo Sha snorted coldly, with an indifferent expression.


"Then why didn't you dare tell them the truth in advance?"

Uchiha Xiu casually leaned against a tree, silently observing the three of them,

Since Sand Shinobi lured him out on purpose, the strength of these three people must not be underestimated.

"I'm just afraid that they may reveal their flaws inadvertently.

Luo Sha naturally knew Uchiha Xiu's intentions,

It's nothing more than to make him feel guilty,

and affect his state of mind,

For this,

Luo Sha snorted,

He's a seasoned ninja,

My mind has long been honed to be as hard as steel,

in hereafter,

Treating your own children so cruelly,

Not to mention the others,


Naturally, Luo Sha would not be affected by Uchiha Xiu's understatement.

"The way Sand Shinobi treats his companions, I can't believe it."

Uchiha Xiu looked at the faces of the three people opposite and smiled,

His purpose has been achieved,

Although Luo Sha was not affected at all,

But the expressions of his other two companions obviously changed,

Especially that female ninja,

Mood was visibly affected.

"Galiuluo, he said that on purpose, don't be influenced by him."

Luo Sha also noticed the abnormality of his companion, so he quickly reminded him.

"I know."

Jia Liuluo took a deep breath and finally calmed down.

But she is not like Luo Sha, looking at the dead body of Uchiha Xiu's companion, she still feels a little sad,

Uchiha Xiu is right,

It was Luo Sha who used his fellow villagers as bait,

Such an approach made Jia Liuluo's dissatisfaction with Luo Sha a lot more.

"I didn't expect that the guy who gave us such a headache turned out to be such a brat."

Looking at Uchiha Xiu's handsome face and calm demeanor,

Cariolo was shocked,

They originally thought that it was at least Konoha Sannin who had such a big influence on them,

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the young boy in front of him.

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense with him, let's go!"

Keenly aware of Jia Liuluo's gaze, Luo Sha snorted coldly, and then took the lead in attacking Uchiha Xiu,

"Wind Style, due to breakthrough!"

Facing the opponent who took the lead in attacking, Uchiha Xiu took no time to rush, and instantly activated the Three Tomoe Sharingan,

Then he quickly rushed towards the weakest party on the opposite side.

"Hmph, brat, court death!"

Seeing Uchiha Xiu rushing towards him, Mitsui Takuya showed a sneer on his face,

He is Sunagakure's long-fame ninja,

Although the strength is not as strong as Luo Sha, it is at the top among Elite Jōnin,


Seeing Uchiha Xiu rushing straight towards him,

Mitsui Taku didn't have any hesitation, he quickly formed seals with his hands, wanting to get rid of Uchiha Xiu directly.

"Wind Style, wind cut!"

"Wind Style, Wind Blade!"

Unleashing two extremely lethal Wind Style ninjutsu in succession, Mitsui Takuya seemed to have seen the body of the kid in front of him being cut into pieces.

"Fire Style, Dragon Fire Technique!"

Facing the oncoming Wind Style ninjutsu, Uchiha Xiu did not dodge or dodge, and directly shot a b-level Fire Style ninjutsu at Mitsui Takuya.

"Haha, brat, are you afraid that you were scared silly?"

Seeing Uchiha Xiu's actions, Mitsui Taku couldn't help but burst out laughing,

Use Fire Style to deal with Wind Style, this kid may have a problem with his head.

“Wind Style, Great Breakthrough!”

After Mitsui Takuya finished laughing, his hands quickly formed seals, and then a gust of wind came out of his mouth,

Don't you like playing with fire?

Then I'll blow your ninjutsu back,

Let you have a good time.

However, soon, Mitsui Taku couldn't laugh anymore,

Under the offensive of Uchiha Xiu Fire Style,

The three Wind Style ninjutsu he sent out before were disintegrated the moment they came into contact.

There was no disturbance.

"How can it be?!"

Mitsui Takuya was shocked and angry, and couldn't figure out why his ninjutsu didn't work at all.

Unfortunately, Uchiha Xiu's offensive will no longer give him time to think,

The huge fire dragon, roaring, came to Mitsui Takuya in an instant,

His tall body, in front of the fire faucet, is as small as an ant,

Mitsui Takuya was filled with despair,

It seems that in the face of the wrath of nature, it is difficult for human beings to even have the will to resist.

“Magnet Style, Jinsha Waves!”

At the critical moment, Luo Sha cast Magnet Style,

A large amount of alluvial gold appeared from the ground out of thin air, forming a sand wall, blocking Mitsui Takuya's face.


The next moment, a wave of heat exploded with shocking power,

The alluvial gold in front was directly melted by the fire dragon,

The air also became distorted under the high temperature.

"Is it blocked?"

Take the smoke and dust to disperse, and a huge sand wall is exposed.

Although a big crater was blown out by Haolong Fire Technique, it was not penetrated after all.

"As expected of a man who can become the Fourth Kazekage."

Uchiha Xiu couldn't help admiring,

Although Haolonghuo Technique is only a b-level ninjutsu, he just increased the amount of Chakra tenfold.

Under such a powerful offensive, Luo Sha was able to block this move in such a short time,

I have to say, there are still two brushes.

"This power..."

Seeing this scene, Jia Liuluo opened his mouth in shock,

She's been through a lot of battles,

Since becoming a ninja, she has fought countless ninjas who are good at Fire Style,

But the Fire Style ninjutsu used by those ninjas, compared with the boy in front of him,

It's like the light of fireflies erupting on a volcano,

It's not a class at all.


Mitsui Takuya lowered his hands from his head, looked at the scene in front of him, couldn't help swallowing,

If it is not Luo Sha,

Just now he was given a second move by Uchiha Xiu.

"Is this really a kid who looks like he's only ten years old?"

Mitsui Takuya murmured.

The power of the Fire Style ninjutsu just now has definitely reached the lethality of level 5 ninjutsu.

Even if he is hiding behind Shajin, he can still feel the scorching temperature and huge energy.

"Damn it, where did this brat come from?"

Luo Sha, who received Uchiha Xiu's blow, did not have a good time either.

Just now, if he hadn't tried his best, he would have almost missed it.

Seeing Uchiha Xiu whose expression remained unchanged in front of her, Luo Sha no longer felt contemptuous,

Looking forward solemnly,

"This guy must not let him continue to grow!"

Luo Sha made no secret of her killing intent,

Such strength at such a young age,

If it really grows up, it's hard to guarantee that it won't be the next First Hokage.

Although I don't know why, a boy with such great potential will appear here alone,

But Luo Sha knew,

If it cannot be killed this time,

After that, there may never be such an opportunity.

"Pay attention, this brat may be much stronger than we imagined.

Luo Sha exhorted,

After all, just now, Mitsui Takuya was almost killed by one move.

"Don't worry, I understand."

Mitsui Takuya patted his chest,

A ninja who can possess the strength of an Elite Jōnin is definitely not a fool,

………seeking flowers… 0

The same mistake, he will not make a second time.

"Jariuluo, you are in the rear, ready to support at any time.

After seeing Uchiha Xiu's strength, Luo Sha didn't want Jia Liuluo to join the battle,

If Jia Liuluo accidentally died in battle, it would be a great loss to him.

What's more, Jia Liuluo is better at defense,

If arranged in this way, her role can be better played.

Luo Sha is indeed a very good ninja, and within a short period of time, the entire battle plan was formulated.

"I see."

Although he hated Luo Sha very much in his heart, Jia Liuluo had no objection to Luo Sha.

On the battlefield, all members of the squad must obey the captain unconditionally.

"Okay, everyone don't need to worry too much. An attack like the one just now is definitely not something he can easily unleash."

Luo Sha finally comforted his teammates,

He felt that such powerful ninjutsu as just now would definitely place a heavy burden on Uchiha Xiu.

"Hmph, let's see how many moves you can take."

Uchiha Xiu saw the formation of the three of them, and snorted coldly,

Although with his current Chakra, he can't unleash such a large ninjutsu just now,

But it's easy to come a dozen times,

At this moment, seeing Luo Sha and Mitsui Takuya rushing forward again, Uchiha Xiu's hands began to form seals quickly.

"Fire Style, Dragon Fire Technique!"

"not good!"

Seeing the overwhelming flames, Luo Sha cursed secretly,

Why is this kid's ninjutsu so powerful?

You know, his tricks are already considered a huge range of ninjutsu in Sunagakure,

But the range of ninjutsu released by this brat at will is not much worse than his ninjutsu.

"Luo Sha, save me!"

Compared to Luo Sha, Mitsui Takuya was even worse,

Uchiha Xiu's Dragon Fire Technique released just now has frightened him out of courage,

Seeing the overwhelming flames rushing towards him at this moment, he subconsciously shouted out the thoughts in his heart.


Luo Sha cursed in a low voice,

Mitsui Takuya is completely a burden now,

Let him fight with his arms tied,

However, Mitsui Takuya is very powerful, and he is one of Sunagakure's valuable combat powers.

Luo Sha can't abandon him like he abandoned the three Genin before,


No matter how much hatred he felt, Luo Sha could only use the sand gold to block Uchiha Xiu's attack again.


The huge roar sounded again,

The surrounding land has no moisture at all,

There are cracks everywhere,

Within a radius of 500 meters, not even a single plant could be found.

"Huh? Something's wrong!"

It's just that although the power of ninjutsu confrontation is still very strong this time, Luo Sha felt something was wrong immediately,

This time Uchiha Xiu's attack is much less powerful than last time,

It's just that it looks very large and bluffing.

"This kid is just pretending, his ninjutsu power has dropped too much."

Luo Sha who discovered this was very excited,

In his opinion, the reason why Uchiha Xiu released such a powerful ninjutsu before is because

It's all about reducing the number of staff on my side first,

After all, a three-on-one battle is very unfavorable to him.

But I didn't expect that the full blow was blocked by myself,

Instead, it fell into a passive state.

Luo Sha can be sure that the kid on the opposite side is just putting on airs.

However, when Luo Sha looked up, there was no one at the place where Uchiha Xiu was standing.

"Huh? Run away?"

Rose frowned,

Uchiha Xiu seemed to disappear in an instant, making him unaware.

"No, absolutely not let him run away."

Luo Sha felt a little anxious,

The talent shown by Uchiha Xiu now is really too enchanting,

If let him run away this time,

Then this kid will definitely be a ticking time bomb for Sunagakure in the future.

"Takuya, we can't let him escape, we..."

While talking, Luo Sha dispersed the alluvial gold that was just in front of Mitsui Takuya,

Then I saw Mitsui Takuya's unbelievable expression,

From his chest, a long knife protrudes,

And the one holding the long knife is Uchiha Xiuji who just disappeared. .

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