People In Konoha: Evolution From Sharingan

Chapter 84: I, Eight Tails, I Am Following You! (Seeking Subscription)

[Kill the Kage-level strong Killer Bee, and get six months of shortened time]

[Current accumulated shortened time: 1 year, 0, 17 days, 5 hours and 22 minutes]

In the room, as Eight Tails was completely sealed into his body, the sound of the system also sounded in Uchiha Xiu's mind.

Killer Bee,


"I said Gyūki, why do you have such an expression?"

"You don't really have feelings for Jinchūriki, do you?"

In Uchiha Xiu's body, seeing Gyūki's distraught look, Shuhe moved closer.

"Bea is a good mate."

Gyūki's interest was obviously not high, and after seeing Shukaku coming, he didn't quarrel with it as usual.

"Tch, what partner, isn't it just to use the power of our tailed beast?"

For Gyūki's words, Shuhe is very disdainful,

The ugliness of human beings, during these years of being sealed, Shuhe has long seen clearly,

On the one hand want to use their power, on the other hand fear their power,

Regardless of their wishes, seal them into Jinchūriki's body,

I don't see the sun all day long, and I don't even have the most basic freedom,

How happy they were before becoming Jinchūriki!

"No Shuzuru, not all humans are like this.

Seeing Shuzuru's disdainful expression, Gyūki explained,


Killer Bee,

Not such a person.

"I ask you, is your Jinchūriki willing to lift the seal for your freedom?"


After listening to Shuzuru's words, Gyūki fell silent,

free again,

Gyūki hadn't had that luxury for a long time.

Being able to meet a Jinchūriki who doesn't make me hate it, and being able to come out occasionally for a breath of air,

In Gyūki's view, it is already a very happy thing.

"I think you've been locked up stupidly."

Shouhe's tone was a bit hateful, but he soon became complacent again

"However, if you go far, this time you meet my uncle's Jinchūriki."

"In the future, if you want to go out to play, you can go out to play, and no one will care about you."

Gyūki was shocked by Shukaku's words, and even felt that Shukaku was deliberately bragging,

How could such a thing exist in this world?

Want to go out and play?

Even in Cloud Shinobi Village, even if Killer Bee has become a perfect Jinchūriki,

Such a thing is still a distant dream for Gyūki,

At most, it can only come out to bask in the sun for a while in a sparsely populated place,

And be watched closely by many Cloud Shinobi,

When the time comes, you have to go back immediately.

"I know you don't believe me, let's go, my uncle will lead you to see the world.

Seeing Gyūki's suspicious look, Shuzuru didn't say much,

It appeared directly outside Uchiha Xiu's body with Gyūki.

"Xiu, Gyūki hasn't been out for a long time, I'm going to take it out for a while."

Shuzuru has a good impression of Uchiha Xiu, Uchiha Xiu is different from other ninjas, never worried about the threat they may cause, and never (cgfj) guard against them,

Even the seals that restrict them are not strong.

This feeling, Shuhe only felt in the old man of Six Paths.

"Okay, then you guys have fun."

"Come back to me if you encounter any trouble, don't deal with it privately.

"Otherwise it might cause me some trouble."

Looking at the miniature versions of Shuzuru and Gyūki on the ground, Uchiha Xiu readily agreed,

He doesn't like to restrict the freedom of tailed beasts,

Since Shouhe wants to go out for a walk, then go.

"Don't worry, I am a crane guard, and I will take good care of Gyūki."

"We walked."

After getting Uchiha Xiu's consent, Shukaku ran out with the dumbfounded Gyūki.

That style made Uchiha Xiu want to laugh,

Do you still look after Gyūki?

You'll be fine if you take care of yourself!

But Uchiha Xiu is not too worried,

Shuhe and Gyūki didn't run out of their own bodies, so there won't be any major problems.

Now, he is thinking whether to evolve the mid-level Sage Body first, or save it for a shorter time and evolve Rinnegan later.

"Forget it, keep it for now, anyway, there is no need to evolve into an intermediate Sage Body now."

After Uchiha Xiu thought about it for a long time, he still decided to keep it and shorten the time,

With Eight Tails and One Tail, he does not lack Chakra,

And the current strength is enough to deal with most things,

After evolving into an intermediate Sage Body, the strength cannot be greatly improved.

It's better to save the shortening time first and evolve Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan into Rinnegan later.

Still, take this opportunity to find Orochimaru,

To clone Mangekyō, his technical team is still needed.

"Wow, it's Shouhe, so cute."

"The one next to it is the Eight Tails that Master Xiu just tamed? It looks the same as a small octopus.

"I didn't expect the tail beast to be so cute after it got smaller. I really want to touch it with my hands."

Outside Konoha's camp, Shukaku and Gyūki have been surrounded by the crowd,

There were even some bold ninjas who squatted down not far away, staring at these two little guys who could easily destroy a small country.

"Shouhe, what's going on here? I didn't have an illusion, did I?"

Seeing this scene, Gyūki was stunned,

Although they were also watched by the crowd, the eyes of this group of Konoha Shinobi were completely different from the eyes of Cloud Shinobi before.

When Cloud Shinobi looked at it, he was full of vigilance, always guarding against its rampage,

But Konoha's ninja's eyes are full of... Maternal love?

No one was on guard,

For a moment, Gyūki thought he had been tricked by Uchiha Xiu.

"Hmph, now do you believe what I said earlier?"

Seeing Gyūki's appearance, Shuzuru looked proud,

This time, he was finally able to put on a good show in front of his brother.

"But why aren't they afraid of us?"

Gyūki was still in disbelief.

"Hmph, of course it's because of my uncle."

"Gyūki, follow me obediently from now on, eat popular food and drink spicy food, these are all nothing to worry about, do you understand?"

Shouhe smiled triumphantly, took the opportunity to win over Gyūki, and wanted to confirm his position as the boss,

This is its biggest dream since its birth.

In fact, what Shouhe said was not wrong,

In the first few days, after Uchiha Xiu released it, most ninjas were still wary of it,

However, out of trust in Uchiha Xiu,

Coupled with Shukaku's cute appearance after shrinking, Konoha's ninjas gradually accepted Shukuru,

After a long time, Shouhe has become the group favorite of Konoha Shinobi,

after all,

Under normal circumstances, ordinary people may not see a tailed beast once in a lifetime,

Although there is one more Eight Tails now, in Konoha Shinobi's opinion, none of them will cause any danger to his life.

"Master Shouhe, can I touch you?"

Just then, a bold female ninja walked up to Shuzuru and Eight Tails,

Holding a string of meatballs in his hand,

It is Shuzuru's favorite food.

" can my lord be touched casually?"

"However, I am a little tired today, my lord will allow you to send me for a while.

After Shouhe pretended to be reserved for a while, he jumped into the arms of the female ninja,

"Let's go, take my lord to go outside the camp for a while."

"Okay, Master Shuhe."

Holding Shukaku in her arms, the female ninja smiled and narrowed her eyes, then handed the balls in her hand to Shukaku,

"Master Shouhe, I heard that you like to eat meatballs. I prepared this specially for you."

The female ninja freed her hand, and under the envious eyes of everyone, she hugged Shuhe and walked towards the outside of the camp.

"Gyūki, hurry up and follow."

Shuzuru was eating the meatballs, but he still didn't forget Gyūki who stayed in place and lost his mind.

"Master Gyūki, Tao Lei? I would like to give you a ride."

"I am willing too, Master Gyūki, what do you like to eat? I am very good at cooking."

"Get out of the way, Master Gyūki, look, this is a freshly picked wild fruit, you must like it."

Since Cloud Shinobi has already retreated, Konoha's ninjas have nothing to do recently,

They all wanted to get close to Eight Tails like the previous ninja,

Feed Eight Tails, hang out with Eight Tails,

This is something you can brag about for a lifetime!


Looking at the enthusiastic Konoha Shinobi fans, Eight Tails swallowed and almost cried,

have a look,

This is the real treatment that tailed beasts should enjoy!

Think back to the days you lived before,

Eight Tails realized,

it decides,

what number of tail beasts,

what strength,

starting today,


keep the crane,

is my big brother,

I Eight Tails,

Follow you!.

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