58. Tsunade: You can do whatever you want me to do

"Why do you say that the feeling after death is no different from that when alive?"

Tsunade asked while drinking..

"Because after death, the soul will go to another world, the pure land, the underworld, and the underworld.......Although the names are different, there is indeed such a local official; death is just a change of place to survive!"

Li Mu said slowly.

"What you mean is that the people I know will live in another world, but we don’t know and can’t contact them! Of course I understand this truth, but does it really exist?"

Tsunade followed..

"Of course it exists! If you die, maybe you can meet your acquaintances!"

Li Mu said with a smile..


Tsunade was silent. This joke is not funny at all. People are dead. Is there any point in reuniting with the person I miss?.

"People must be alive when they are alive. How can we feel the real world after death? Only the soul is left and there is no real feeling!"

Tsunade sighed..

"This is true. In this world, you can no longer experience the wonderful real world after death!"

Li Mu followed.

There are very few pure lands in this world. In Li Mu's impression, only Kakashi and White Fang after his death. The scene of sitting around the fire and communicating.

It was dark all around, and there was no way of knowing what it would be like to fall to the ground in the Pure Land.

But one thing is for sure, nature is not as exciting as the present world.

Only by living can you feel more happiness and joy. Emotional changes cannot be felt in the soul state.

"Everyone has to experience birth, old age, illness and death, and the separation of yin and yang. If the dead can be resurrected, then we don’t have to feel the pain anymore!"

Tsunade continued..

"Birth, aging, sickness and death are the laws of the world. If there were no birth, aging, sickness and death, the world would one day collapse; although there are ninjutsu to resurrect people in the world, there are many limitations!"

Li Mu said slowly.

At the same time, he thought about the existence of this world. The Resurrection Ninjutsu.

The Reincarnation Jutsu should be regarded as the most advanced Resurrection Ninjutsu in the world, but only those with the Reincarnation Eye can perform it! '

Then there is the forbidden Jutsu Reincarnation, although it can be regarded as a true resurrection, but it requires A living sacrifice, without a real body, and still under the control of the caster!'

"There are also reincarnations. Although it can resurrect people, it actually only resurrects the dead at the cost of the caster's life. It is estimated that not many people are willing to dedicate their lives to resurrect others."

"There are also some partial ones, but they are not considered good ninjutsu; they can't even compare to the resurrection ability of Tianshengya." Listening to Li Mu's inner monologue, Tsunade finally understood that there are so many resurrections in this world. Ninjutsu.

However, it can also be seen from Li Mu's analysis that, except for the natural jutsu of reincarnation, none is a true resurrection jutsu. They all have various restrictions and conditions for use.

The natural jutsu of reincarnation can only be used by those with the reincarnation eye. , the reincarnation eye only exists in legends, and there is basically no possibility of it appearing..

"Li Mu, have you ever lost anyone important?"

Tsunade couldn't help asking at this time..

"Important people? Does my grandfather count? I have lived with my grandfather since I was a child. He passed away a few years ago. It was quite uncomfortable during those few days, but I didn’t feel much after that. Birth, aging, illness and death are all human beings.!"

"I really envy you, you have never experienced the pain of loss!"

Tsunade said with a helpless smile.

The death of an elder is indeed nothing, just being sad for a few days is nothing.

But losing a loved one is completely different, especially when you witness it with your own eyes. The death of a loved one is as painful as a knife cutting through your heart.

"Have you lost anyone important?"

Li Mu asked deliberately.

"Well, my brother and my lover!"

Tsunade said slowly, her voice getting lower and lower,"It would be great if they could be resurrected!"

Speaking of which, the death of Senju Nōju caused a lot of trouble for Tsunade. It was a small blow, and then he finally met the like-minded Kato Dan, but he also died, and he died in front of Tsunade. It was indeed miserable," Li Mu thought to himself..

"The death of these two people was a huge blow to Tsunade and caused her to leave Konoha. This shows how important these two people are to her.

"No wonder he was later encouraged by Orochimaru to make a deal at the expense of resurrecting the two of them.

Orochimaru could indeed use the dirt to reincarnate and resurrect the two, and Tsunade was able to reunite with the two people she valued most, but it was only a brief reunion; the dirt was The reincarnated body is not their real body. When Tsunade comes to her senses, she will definitely feel even more uncomfortable.

"This is also when she met the Mouth Release Naruto, otherwise Tsunade might actually have agreed to Orochimaru.!"

"But now that Tsunade has returned to Konoha, Orochimaru looking for Tsunade may not happen..

""I" Tsunade frowned slightly and heard another news about the future!

Indeed, the development of time has changed, and things in the future may also change accordingly. It is no longer simply the historical development that Li Mu understands.

However, Senju Nousuki and Kato Dan have been dead for many years, and they are probably only bones and dregs. Now there should be no other way to resurrect them in this world except Dragon Balls. I don’t know if the reincarnation technique can be used.

Li Mu continued to think.

The only one with the Samsara Eye now is Nagato, but he has a mortal feud with Konoha, so he will definitely not do such a thing.

I haven't figured out how to use Dragon Ball now. I want to be a master of dream fulfillment. The wish of the hand?"

Thinking of this, Li Mu couldn't help but think about it.

When Tsunade heard this, she couldn't help but feel nervous.

She said so much, hoping to guide Li Mu to think in this direction, and now she finally waited. but.......Li Mu seemed unable to decide whether to help her or not..

"The world is really unfair, why should a child as young as Nashu lose his life? He is still so young and still has endless dreams!"

Tsunade continued to drink and remember.

Li Mu couldn't help but frowned when he heard this.

He Why does he feel that the Tsunade today is different from the Tsunade he knew?

Although the Tsunade in the original book has been living in the pain of the past, is she so sentimental? And today she is still in front of a stranger he has just met?

Li Mu is increasingly doubting whether he has traveled to the wrong world. Even if he uses the butterfly effect to explain it, there are still many things that cannot be explained. No matter how strong the butterfly effect is, it will not change a person's personality.

But after thinking about it , Go, Li Mu can still only use the butterfly effect to explain it, and use his own butterfly to explain it."Li Mu, if the person you cherish most dies, what will you do for her?"

Tsunade continued..

"I will definitely let go of the past and face the future with a new attitude. Indulging in past memories will only increase my pain! If my important person dies, her spirit in heaven will definitely wish me better! If you are the one who died, you definitely don’t want the person you love to live in the past and waste time." Li Mu said with a faint smile.

The girls:"!"

After hearing Li Mu's words, everyone fell silent!

Why don't you lie and say something poetic? It's so straightforward. It just ruins the atmosphere.

But then again, it seems to make sense!

Tsunade was silent. At first glance, Li Mu's words didn't sound very good.

But after listening carefully, they did make some sense.

If she died, she would definitely hope that the rope tree could live well. She grew up healthy and strong.

But Naoshu died, but she was still alive. Maybe Naoshu also hoped that as her sister, she could live a good life without suffering.

But she couldn't do it herself, and she couldn't get over the pain of the past. , and cannot forget those painful memories.

Even if there is a chance to erase the designated memory now, she cannot make up her mind to erase the memory of her brother and her lover, even though it will be very painful for herself..

"You are really open-minded, I can't be as open-minded as you; I can't forget the memories of the past. I know that forgetting the past will make me feel better, but I would rather endure the pain, but I can't do it!"

Tsunade continued..

"How pitiful!"

Li Mu sighed..

"If I can bring them back to life, I will do whatever it takes, even if it costs me everything!"

Tsunade continued.

While drinking, she showed an extremely helpless posture.

On the other hand, Li Mu, who was opposite, looked at Tsunade and narrowed her eyes. I opened my eyes and started thinking in my mind..

"Give it your all, what Tsunade said really moved me.!"

"I am a good person who is willing to help others, but I am not greedy for Tsunade's body. Although I am fifty years old, my maintenance and figure will make everyone confused.'

"Do you want the Dragon Balls to help her? But even if I help her, I can’t shamelessly ask for anything. It’s really difficult."

"If Bai helps, I feel a little reluctant to give it up. The Dragon Balls are already overkill for resurrecting the dead.'

The girls:���......"


What you said is too straightforward. Do you think you are willing to help others? She is simply greedy for other people's bodies, and she is greedy for the body of a fifty-year-old aunt. Even if she maintains the posture of a twenty-year-old, the taste is a bit strong.

Although she has long known that Li Mu is not a serious person, Tsunade did not expect it. , Li Mu actually coveted her body so frankly.

This request was not very high. Even if Li Mu was willing to help him, she couldn't agree to such a request.

She felt a little shameless, coveting Tsunade. Body, I can definitely make a wish to the Dragon Balls, Li Mu continued to think in his heart.

As long as he makes a wish, Tsunade will be able to capture it, and no one can resist the wishes of the Dragon Balls. However, using the Dragon Balls to make such a non-nutritious wish is really a waste of natural resources, no Is it appropriate?

The person opposite looked at Li Mu's thoughtful look, her eyes twitching. She really wanted to go up and give Li Mu a good beating.

Fortunately, this guy still had some moral bottom line and had no intention of making such an immoral wish.

But just Just the thought was enough to scare her.

"well! Forget it, don’t waste your brain cells. This time, let’s be a dream master, help Tsunade, and gain a good impression first! '

"Since there is no need for sight now, Dragon Balls should not be stored in the warehouse! '

The sudden inner monologue of Li Mu made Tsunade, who was still angry just now, instantly excited.

But soon, Tsunade realized that she was being literal and hurriedly suppressed her excitement.

When Li Mu decided to help her, Li Mu's image in her mind instantly improved.

Li Mu was about to calm down at the moment. Looking at the extremely seductive Tsunade opposite him who was flushed with alcohol, he took a deep breath, and then slowly Slow down your mouth.

"."Actually, I have a way to resurrect the dead! Want to know??"

"Stop joking, this kind of joke is not funny, how can it be so easy to resurrect the dead!"

Tsunade sneered.

She was getting more and more excited, but even so, she knew she couldn't show it casually..

"Why don't you believe it?"

Li Mu said helplessly,"Want to bet??"

"bet! Okay, if it comes to making a bet, I won't be afraid of anyone! What's the bet?"

Tsunade smiled..

"If I can't resurrect the person you cherish, I will agree to whatever you say; but if I resurrect the person you cherish, what will you do?"

Li Mu said.

"If you do it, you can make any request to me after it's done!"

Tsunade said bluntly..


Li Mu smiled.

The girls:"!"

No, no!

Tsunade-sama actually made such a promise. This Li Mu can really resurrect the dead.

Li Mu is greedy for your body. After the event is completed, he may really make some strange requests.

But what other people think, Tsunade The hand didn't know.

At this moment, Tsunade looked relaxed.

She was a person who was bound to lose every time she gambled. She had lost countless times, lost countless amounts of money, and used countless things as gambling capital.

But......She has lost too many times, and defaulting on her debt has become the norm.

Tsunade knows that she will definitely lose this time, but..........Whether or not she fulfills her promise is her business.

Li Mu can make any demands on her, no matter how excessive they are.

But whether she wants to default on her debt or not, it depends on what kind of demands Li Mu makes..

"Now that we have agreed, then finish your drink and go to the cemetery of the person you cherish!"

Li Mu said slowly.

"Don't wait until you finish drinking. Go now. I want to see how you can resurrect the dead.!"

"Tsunade shouted, then stood up and paid the money.

People who are bound to lose every bet don't believe in evil now. I want to see how you end up later, but don't be shocked.'

Li Mu thought to himself Hearing the confident tone in Li Mu's heart, Tsunade, who was paying, couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

After so many words, she finally succeeded!

Opportunities are for those who are prepared!

"Rope tree, break, wait for me, we can meet soon!"

Tsunade secretly thought, she was extremely excited when she thought about seeing them soon.

After so many years, she finally got through it. , no longer need to feel the pain, but Tsunade didn't know that this time, her wish could not be completely realized.

After paying the bill, Tsunade took Li Mu to the cemetery of Konoha Village.

Maybe it was because of the excessive Due to the combination of anticipation and excitement, Tsunade's pace was so fast that Li Mu had to jog a few steps from time to time to get ahead.

It wasn't until Li Mu complained in his heart that Tsunade inadvertently slowed down a little.

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