Seeing Sora casually flipping through the medical ninjutsu guide on his shelf, he put the book on the table and came to his own equipment.

Orochimaru finally decided not to stop the other party.

At this moment, in his mind, emptiness was already more valuable than most of his experiments.

Even if it is to make him suffer, he will waste some money on the purchase of instruments and equipment at most.

As one of the three ninjas, with the support of Tuanzang, he can still afford it.

Under Orochimaru's silent gaze, Sora began to operate his instrument quite skillfully.

Soon, he predicted that Sora was going to make a biological solvent to extract biological chakra.

For this kind of basic experiment, Orochimaru is already familiar and can't be more familiar.

Seeing that Sora was just making a very basic biological solvent, Orochimaru quietly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Fortunately, this time, the other party did not break his common sense in the field he was best at.

However, even so, according to Sora's performance, just a few simple flips through the most basic medical ninjutsu written by Tsunade, this biological solvent was successfully made.

Sora's talent is enough to make some medical ninjas who have studied medical ninjutsu for more than ten years and can only use medical ninjutsu for first aid feel ashamed.


At this moment, in Orochimaru's shocked gaze, Sora took out a piece of white snake phosphorus from his arms.

Feeling the chakra full of vitality contained on it, he recognized it at a glance as the scales of the White Snake Immortal.

Involuntarily, a drop of sweat cut down Orochimaru's face.

What did this kid do in the Dragon Cave?

This reverse scale can't be pulled off by him from the white phosphorus snake, right?

Not soon enough, Orochimaru didn't care about thinking about it.

The next moment, Kong shook the test tube in his hand, and the green liquid inside immediately became clear, and a few bubbles floated, and the solvent had been made.

"Wait a minute......


In Orochimaru's cannibalistic gaze, Sora threw the reverse scales in his hand.

Suddenly, Orochimaru's heart cooled.

At this moment, his heart was a little broken.

Perhaps for the first time in his life, he felt his heart tremble, and for the first time, his expression became a little stagnant on his face, which had always been demonic and calm.

Whether as a contractor of the Dragon Cave or as a researcher with amazing talents, Orochimaru is well aware of the power contained in this small piece of snake phosphorus.

It was the White Snake Immortal, a chakra that had truly lived for thousands of years.

As long as he can parse it, whether it is the immortal mode that he has been desperate for before, or the immortality that he has pursued all his life, it can be solved.

However, all of this, with a slight drop in the air, has already ended.

With that kind of rudimentary solvent, it is impossible to extract the true essence inside, at most a little natural energy.

Although it contains many mysteries, it is only a scale after all, and once the chakra is extracted, the original structure inside is also destroyed.

It is no longer of research value at all.

At the same time, Sora's expression was still calm, holding the test tube in his right hand and placing it flat in front of his eyes, white scales were constantly floating bubbles on the surface of the solvent, and they were being dissolved little by little.

And he, just like making his own cheap instant coffee, shook it slightly with his hands.

However, what Orochimaru couldn't see was that the empty brain, like a computer running at full capacity, was frantically calculating the changes in the reagent.

Under the control of vector control, the small test tube has become the most sophisticated research equipment beyond its time.

Countless data came into his mind, and his every movement controlled the morphological changes at the molecular level on the scales.

Suddenly, Orochimaru looked stunned.

Sora stopped his movements, as if by magic, and inside the test tube in his hand, the green and clear biological solvent had turned into a tube of milky white liquid.

Just standing in this room, my skin is a little warm, as if it is being illuminated by the sun.

"This can't be!".

"This level of life energy! is a white snake cell!".

Looking at the reality in his empty hands, Orochimaru couldn't help but let out a sound, he couldn't control his shock at all, and his vertical pupils shrank to the size of a thin needle.

In his own body, the cells of the White Snake were fused.

It was still in his childhood, when he picked up a white molt from the ground.

Later, when I entered the Dragon Land Cave, I got the opportunity.

That's why the regeneration secret technique he used was so weird, as if he was immortal.

However, compared to the current reagent that perfectly extracts the inverted scale chakra in the bare hands.

The fused white snake cells on his body are simply like ordinary grass snakes.

If only you could drink it yourself.

His ability to recover will be like a snake fairy who has turned into a human being, and as soon as this side is cut, the wound will be restored.

Almost immune to physical attacks!

"Orochimaru, don't be stunned there, come here. "

Just when Orochimaru was a little stunned, Sora lowered his head and wrote the last stroke on a blank scroll, beckoning to Orochimaru.

"What's the problem??".

Holding back the longing in his heart, Orochimaru squeezed out a smile and walked to Sora's side.

This desire simply comes from the deepest genes of his body.

It was the snake, the instinctive desire to turn into a dragon.

"The purification of White Snake cells, I simply designed it into three stages. "

Sora put the scroll in his hand into Orochimaru's hand, and then drank a third of the liquid in the reagent and put it back on the test bench.

Then, as if commanding his assistant again, his empty red eyes stared at Orochimaru, who had a tense face.

"Now, I'm going to complete the first stage of fusion, you follow the steps on the scroll and prepare for the second stage first. "

"Remember, don't just try it yourself. "

"You, can you do it?"

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