Do you want to ask Bruce Banner if he regrets it? That must be regrettable.

If he had known that he would become what he is now, he would not have touched that damn “gamma ray experiment”.

It’s just that there is no medicine for regret in life. Once some things happen, there is no turning back.

That was the case with Bruce Banner.

He is no longer that rising star in physics, but a homeless wretch.

Listening to the sound of footsteps around him, Bruce Banner shrank his body.

It’s so cold, so hungry, I really want someone to see through my bravado and take off my disguise. Then tell yourself, don’t be afraid, I will help you.

It’s just a pity that all of this can only appear in Bruce Banner’s dream.


What Ye Bai, who was enjoying the sunshine at sea, didn’t know.

Under the instigation of his butterfly wings, the Hulk vs. Abomination that was supposed to take place in the Manhattan area of ​​the Big Apple was changed to the City of Angels.

And Bruce Banner, already extremely hungry, sneaked into his luxurious villa in Beverly Hills.

At this time, Ye Bai was still flirting with Hela, unaware that his luxurious villa had been taken over.

“Ye Bai, do you like Captain Barbossa?” (A villain in Pirates of the Caribbean.)

“I don’t like it, old man who would like it.”

Ye Bai replied bluntly, not understanding why Hela asked herself such a strange question.

“What about Sauron the Demon King?” (The biggest villain of The Lord of the Rings.)

“I don’t like it either. Why do you ask that?”

“It’s nothing but a question.”

Hela smiled, her eyes dodged a little.

“Then do you like Voldemort?” (Harry Potter villain.)

“I don’t like it either, who would like a villain.”

Ye Bai wondered why Hela kept asking such mindless questions.

“That’s it, okay.”

Hela was a little reconciled, but she didn’t continue to ask.

It’s just that I was thinking in my heart, it seems that the time for the showdown with Ye Bai has to be delayed.

What Hela didn’t know was that Ye Bai didn’t like those villains, not because they were bad.

It’s that those villains are uglier than the other. How can they be liked?

Men, the three views follow the five senses.

If Haila asked Ye Bai if she liked Jiang Yuyan, Ye Bai would definitely answer yes.

It can only be said that Hella still doesn’t understand men very well.

Although he didn’t know why Hela was asking these questions, Ye Bai could tell that Hela had something on his mind.

Ye Bai didn’t ask any further questions., but quietly embraced Hela.

Doing is always more straightforward than saying it, and it can better express Ye Bai’s intentions.

Hela, who was still a little apprehensive at first, now lay obediently in Ye Bai’s arms, enjoying the beauty of this moment.


Xavier School for Gifted Boys is well-known in the Marvel world.

This is the headquarters of the X-Men and also a paradise for mutants.

Currently one of the most powerful mutants on Earth, Professor X personally sits here, sheltering many homeless mutant children.

Coupled with Professor X’s contacts and energy within the Federation, some ambitious people dare not extend their tentacles here.

Just in the past few days, Professor X, the patron saint of many mutants, fell ill.

In fact, it’s not considered to be ill, it’s more like being attacked by some mysterious force.

At this time, Professor X was lying on a white hospital bed, his pale face was covered with black lines.

On one side, already unconscious, Professor X still frowned from time to time, obviously suffering some kind of terrible pain.

“Qin, how is the professor’s condition?”

Cyclops Scott with a pair of quartz eyes asked Jean Gray anxiously.

Qin Gray’s face was dark, and she slowly shook her head.

“The professor’s condition is very bad. His body’s various skills are weakening, and the strangeness in his body is also dying.”

“If no solution can be found, the professor can only live for three days at most.”

Jean Gray tried her best to control her emotions and tried her best not to cry.

But her words still made the eyes of several other X-Men red.

Professor X has always been everyone’s patron saint, and even the most respectable elder in the hearts of the X-Men.

But such an old man who risked his entire life to mutants suffered such bad luck.

This result made all mutants feel very uncomfortable.

“Damn it, what’s going on? Why did a good professor fall ill?”

Cyclops angrily hammered the wall beside him, the pain in his hands was far less than one ten-thousandth of his heart.

But he was just venting his incompetence, and it didn’t ease Professor X’s current situation in the slightest.

“Qin, please tell me what happened these days, and why the professor collapsed after everything was fine.”

“There must be a reason for this. Think carefully about whether the professor was plotted against by someone.”

Storm is considered the most rational among them, knowing that anxiety can’t solve any problems.

After hearing Storm Girl’s words, everyone’s eyes were on Qin.

Qin also carefully recalled what she had experienced with the doctor in the past few days.

“It seems that there is one thing. I don’t know if it has something to do with the professor’s illness.”

Qin recalled the previous conflict between Professor X and Ye Bai. It seems that since then, the professor’s body began to fail.

After listening to Qin’s narration, many X-Men fell silent.

If Jean Gray is right, then Ye Bai is probably the murderer who caused the professor’s current situation.

But the whole thing itself was provoked by Professor X first.

If Professor X hadn’t checked Ye Bai’s memory rashly, Ye Bai wouldn’t have shot him.

From the point of view of this matter, Professor X himself doesn’t make sense.

Even if he wanted to avenge Professor X, he still couldn’t get over the morality in his heart.

The X-Men have their own moral code, and they can also think in another way.

Rationally speaking, if someone wants to invade their minds, they will kill the other party.

From this point of view, even if Professor X’s current miserable situation is really caused by Ye Bai, it is Professor X’s own fault.

In fact, Ye Bai really did this. Don’t forget that Ye Bai knows the complete book of black magic.

Randomly finding a cursed black magic is enough to kill Professor X.

Thought control is not immune to cursed black magic. Ye Bai is not someone who won’t fight back when he gets hurt.

“I’m going to find him, and I must let him let the professor go!”

As Cyclops who received the most help from Professor X, after hearing that he had a goal, he couldn’t sit still immediately, turned around and planned to leave.

“Scott, you can’t go. If you go, it will only intensify the conflict. This matter itself is our fault.”

Jean Gray called the impulsive Cyclops to stop him from going to trouble with Ye Bai.

“I have to go, I can’t watch the professor die in front of me.”

“Besides, who said I was looking for trouble.”

Cyclops stopped walking, his face was full of stubbornness, and the veins in his clenched right hand were even more visible.

“Then what are you going to do?”

A burly man spoke with a curious tone.

The one who spoke was the veteran of the X-Men, Wolverine Logan.

“I went to beg him to let the professor go. If he didn’t agree, I would kneel down to him. If he didn’t agree, I would keep kneeling. I would kneel wherever I went.”

Cyclops spoke the most embarrassing words in the most ruthless tone.

ps: Thank you [Longhua Shuo] for the reward of 1 monthly pass and 65 flowers, plus 1 update.

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