People In One Piece: Almost Exposed That I Am Better Than Roger

Chapter 84: The Straw Hat Pirates, all members are assembled!

After Solo said, he really sat on the spot, waiting patiently for the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates.

So as to catch them all at once.

However, Sanji and others got a respite at this moment.

Chopper took the initiative to deal with the wounds for everyone.

Ready to fight.

They are very clear in their hearts.

Next, is the key.

However, in Robin's view, although the friendship of the Straw Hat Pirates is deep, she moved and envied her a little.

But on strength.

The two sides are undoubtedly far apart.

Not to mention a pirate group with a bounty of less than 100 million.

It is Krokdal, one of the seven martial arts under the king.

And the cp9 organization directly under the world government.

In front of Solo, there was only a disastrous ending.

I'm afraid this farce will end soon.


Several people's footsteps were heard not far away.

"It's Luffy and them!"

Hearing this sound, Sanji immediately stood up from the ground, overjoyed.

The tight nerves suddenly eased a lot.

Maybe one-on-one, he is not Solo's opponent.

But if everyone’s strength is assembled.

You can definitely defeat this navy!

"Navy, your arrogance is doomed to defeat you!"

Sanji clenched his fists and yelled to Solo.

Faced with Sanji's transformation, Solo didn't feel any pressure.

If it were the Straw Hat Pirates two years later, maybe it would be a bit more troublesome.

But with the current straw hats, there is no hope of winning at all.

He looked in the direction where the footsteps came from.

A teenager wearing a yellow straw hat.

A man with a green flat head.

And, the guy who looks like a machine transforming people.


Luffy, Sauron, and Frankie.

"Frankie still got on the boat."

Solo's eyes narrowed slightly, feeling a bit surprised in his heart.

According to his impression, a large part of the reason why Frankie got on the ship was the Judicial Island incident.

But because he destroyed the entire cp9 organization.

The Judicial Island incident will naturally not happen again.

"Presumably, something else happened in the City of Seven Waters."

Solo thought to himself.

Then slowly got up from the ground.

Now that the straw hat gang has assembled, it is time to take them all away.

"Luffy is here!"

On the other side, when Nami and Chopper saw Luffy, Sauron came here and their expressions became extremely excited.

Everyone is here!

the most important is……

Luffy and Sauron are the main force!

Especially Luffy.

He is even a man who can create miracles.

On the sky island, he defeated Ainilu and rang the golden bell!

It is no exaggeration to say that Luffy and others are Nami's hope at this time.


To some extent, Nami also believes in order to believe in hope.

If not even the Straw Hat Pirates who have assembled together can't deal with Solo

So today...

It will be their end!

My dream of drawing a map of the world.

Will also be completely shattered!

"Chopper, Usopp..."

Soon, Luffy also noticed Nami's side.

Chopper was hurt all over.

Usopp and Sanji didn't get there either.

It is not difficult to see that they have just had a battle with people.


Not too optimistic.

Although Nami is safe, there are obvious signs of crying on her face.

My companion has been bullied!

"Luffy, be careful, this navy is very strong."

Upon seeing this, Sanji quickly reminded Luffy to be careful of the enemy.

As a result, what he said was ridiculed by Sauron.

"That's all because you are too weak."

However, although Sauron said so, he had another idea in his heart.

He was on the boat, and his character was often at odds with Sanji.

Two people quarrel frequently.

Really need to discuss strength.


Very strong.

Being able to be said so by him is enough to show that the other party is really very strong.

Sauron held down the hilt of his sword and glanced at the navy in Sanji's mouth.

Luffy, Frankie did the same.

"It's you?!"

However, Luffy just glanced at it, and couldn't help being stunned.

He still remembers Solo's face.

Once in Roggetown, he not only easily avoided his own attack, but also knocked himself out with a single punch.

"Do you know this guy?"

After Sanji noticed Luffy's expression, he was also surprised.

With Luffy's character, it is difficult for him to remember ordinary people.

But now...

Lu Fei's reaction was obviously a deep impression of Solo!


Luffy nodded, saying that it was true, "He was the one who defeated me in Roggetown!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar!

Especially Sanji and others.

They never dreamed of the navy they met here.

It turned out to be the mysterious navy that defeated Luffy in the first place!

At this time, everything was explained.

"So it was this guy who almost caught our captain."

However, Sauron showed excitement becoming stronger.

In addition to Solo's strong message, he also noticed the samurai sword on Solo's waist.

Although it looks unremarkable, it can explain that the navy in front of him is also a man who uses swordsmanship.

Facing Jianhao, myself...

How can you shrink back!

"So, you hurt my companion and made Nami cry, right?"

Luffy's eyes suddenly became serious.

Although I know that Solo is very strong, it is difficult to deal with...

If he met Solo here, he might choose to escape.

However, hurting one's own companion is another nature.

No matter how strong the opponent is, I must beat him!

Come and avenge your companions!

Never forgive!

"I want to be here to knock you off!"

Luffy made a loud voice, as if he was taking an oath.

And the other people in the Straw Hat Pirates Group also made preparations one after another.

Against Solo.

They are also very clear in their hearts.

This battle...

You can only win, not lose.

"Luffy, this guy is not only very fast, but also uses amazing swordsmanship."

"be careful."

Sanji took a deep breath and quickly informed Luffy and Sauron of the information he had just obtained through the battle.

Let them proceed with caution.


Luffy at this time was obviously dazzled by anger.

He listened to Sanji's words, but he didn't fully listen to them.

He took the lead in attacking An arm was thrown behind him and stretched several meters away.

"Rubber rubber..."


I saw Luffy's arm like a long whip and went straight to Solo.

Stirring the surrounding air, there was a burst of breaking air.

When Sanji saw this, his face was even more black.

This guy Luffy...

I didn't listen to what I said at all!

The man in front of him is definitely not a guy that can be defeated one-on-one.

To defeat him, we must gather everyone's strength!

"Luffy, this guy is really a single-celled creature!"

Rao was Solo, and couldn't help but vomit.

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