At noon, Wang Nue directly took back half of Xiaolan's spiritual power.

Xiaolan was busy exorcising demons all night last night, and was sleeping at noon, so she didn't feel the reduction of her spiritual power. It was not until she woke up in the afternoon that she realized the reduction of her spiritual power.

This made Xiaolan panic.

She just took a nap, how come the spiritual power in her body was reduced by half?

This didn't happen before when she slept!

Xiaolan didn't dare to tell others about this, for fear of putting pressure on others.

【It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it's just that my spiritual power has decreased, I can still exorcise demons……】Xiaolan comforted herself in her heart.


The phone at home rang.

Xiaolan ran to answer the phone:"Hello?"

"Miss Xiaolan, something has happened. The water ghost you killed last night has appeared again. And this time it appeared in broad daylight!"The voice of Sato Miwako came from the phone.

"The water ghost appeared again?"Xiao Lan was shocked.

Didn't her magic-breaking arrow really kill the water ghost last night?

"Miss Xiaolan, I'm on my way to your house and will be there soon!" said Sato Miwako.

If it was any other ghost, ordinary people like them could still use their equipment to deal with it, but for the water ghost, ordinary people like them really have no way to deal with it.

After all, that water ghost can turn into water, which is not only immune to physical damage, but even fire can't hurt him.

Although Xiaolan failed to kill the water ghost yesterday, judging from the water ghost's performance yesterday, it seems that he is afraid of Xiaolan.

After all, the water ghost used to ignore them directly.

In less than ten minutes, Sato Miwako's car stopped downstairs of the Maori Detective Agency.

Xiaolan, who had been waiting at the door, immediately got in the car with her equipment.

The two immediately rushed to the place where the water ghost appeared.

But when they arrived, the thick fog had dissipated, the water ghost had disappeared, and only the body of a young woman was found in the nearby river.


Xiaolan clenched her fists. She was unwilling to accept the situation and blamed herself.

If she had killed the water ghost yesterday, there would not be any new victims.

Miwako Sato saw that Xiaolan was in an abnormal mood and quickly comforted her:"Ms. Xiaolan, this is not your responsibility."

"The water ghost appears and disappears very quickly each time. Unless we happen to be nearby, it is difficult for us to catch up."

Water ghosts are different from ordinary ghosts. The fog can block people's sight. With the fog blocking the view, no one knows where the water ghost hides.


In the evening,

Suwa Yuji arrived at the door of a luxurious villa with 5 million in cash.

This luxurious villa was the home of his creditor, Maruden Jiro.

Of course, in addition to 5 million in cash, he also carried the Sword of Thor with him.

His current extraordinary powers were all given by the Sword of Thor. Without the Sword of Thor, his extraordinary powers would disappear.

So even if Suwa Yuji takes a shower or sleeps now, the Sword of Thor will not leave his side.

Because of the prior appointment, after ringing the doorbell, a servant soon took him to the reception room.

After waiting in the reception room for a while, Maruden Jiro appeared.

"Oh, Suwa. Have you collected the money yet? Marudenjiro came and sat down opposite Suwa Yuji.

"Yes, the five million, including the principal and interest, is all here. Please have a look."Suwa Kumaji pushed the envelope of money in front of Maruden Jiro.

Maruden Jiro opened the envelope, took out the money and counted it with a smile.

"Yes, five million."

"Then, Mr. Marudenjiro, can you return Kikuchiyo, who I pledged to you before, to me?" Suwa Yuji asked

"Oh? It's that knife. I've already sold that knife." Marudenjiro stuffed the 5 million back into the envelope.

"I can't get much money from selling it. So, I'll just use the money from selling it as compensation for my interest. Thank you.~~"Marudenjiro stood up and prepared to take the money and leave.

He didn't notice that when he said he had sold the sword, Suwa Yuji's eyes burst into a strong murderous intent. The

Thunder God Sword on his waist was pushed out of the scabbard by his thumb.

"You bastard! Go to hell!"Suwa Yuji drew out the Thunder God Sword in an instant.

As soon as he finished speaking, he had already come from behind Maruden Jiro and stood in front of him.

The Thunder God Sword in his hand had already been put back into the scabbard.

The envelope containing 5 million in Maruden Jiro's hand had also reached Suwa Yuji's hand.


Maruden Jiro didn't feel the pain at first, but as soon as he opened his mouth, a line of blood appeared at the throat, and then a large amount of blood spurted out.

His head was lifted up by the gushing blood and fell off his neck.

A large amount of blood splashed directly onto the ceiling.

Suwa Yuji walked out of the reception room with a cold face.

He worked diligently to run his family's kendo hall, but he couldn't even recruit many students, and the family kendo hall was almost closed down.

And this Maruden Jiro, relying on lending money to suck blood, lived a life that was countless times more comfortable than his own.

It's unfair!!

Since he can make more money by throwing away his conscience, then he doesn't need a conscience!

Killing people and looting goods, he has done it once before, so he doesn't mind doing it a second time.

Maruden Jiro stole his family heirloom sword, so he will rob all his property!


A servant was surprised to see Suwa Yuji covered in blood.


Suwa Yuji instantly appeared behind the servant.

Since he had killed someone, he had to kill him thoroughly. Everyone in Maruden Jiro's family must die!

He couldn't leave any trouble for himself!

An hour later, Suwa Yuji left Maruden Jiro's house.

It only took him a minute or two to kill someone, but he spent a lot of time looking for Maruden Jiro's property.

Cash, gold, and jewelry that were easy to carry and easy to sell were all taken away by Suwa Yuji.

He used to be an honest man who obeyed the law, but he couldn't even keep his family heirloom sword.

From today on, he will be a villain! At around nine o'clock in the evening, the wife who had an affair with the family doctor returned home under the escort of the family doctor.

Then when she opened the door, she was scared to death by the situation at home.

There was a body lying in the middle of the courtyard!

Maruden's wife and the family doctor were so scared that they quickly called the police.

Shiratori from the Investigation Section 1 led a team to the scene.

Then it was discovered that it wasn't someone who was killed in Maruden Jiro's house, but the whole family was wiped out!

In addition to Mrs. Maruden who was out, there were four other servants, including Maruden Jiro, all of whom were killed.

And they were all beheaded with sharp weapons.

In addition, there were signs of rummaging in the house. According to Mrs. Maruden's testimony, more than 80 million in cash, as well as gold and jewelry worth hundreds of millions, were all gone!

Shiratori Jinsaburo's face was extremely serious, not because the robber who broke into the house was too cruel, but because he found that the deaths of these dead people seemed to be the same as those of Odagiri Toshiro, the former director of the Criminal Division of the Metropolitan Police Department!!

Shiratori quickly asked someone to bring the bodies back to the Metropolitan Police Department, and asked the Forensic Department to perform autopsies on several bodies.

Soon, the results of the inspection came out.

The weapon used to kill Maruden Jiro and others should be the same weapon that killed Odagiri Toshiro!

At least, it's the same weapon!

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