Chapter 90: Peace of mind, Snow Blowing Group [Subscription! 】。

“Did any weirdos show up?!”

Movement ahead was heard, as well as shouts from the crowd fleeing to this side.

Yamada demon panicked carefully, subconsciously wanted to call Liu Chen, and then turned around and fled with the crowd passing by. But when his gaze fell on Liu Chen, whose expression did not fluctuate.

The words that came to his lips could not be spoken. She suddenly remembered.

Liu Chen, who is with him, can deal with the existence of a ghost-level weirdo that can’t deal with an A-level hero. For a while, the somewhat flustered and scared mind instantly calmed down.

The feeling of peace of mind that follows fills the body and mind.

Soon, the panicked fleeing crowd passed by Liu Chen and Yamada Goblin on the street.

A middle-aged man carrying a black backpack passed by. Liu Chen glanced at the latter.

Shifting his gaze to the road ahead, the self-service drink machine weirdos who were swaggering and walking unscrupulously towards this side. The people in the crowd are running desperately, but to the weirdos, it is as slow as a turtle.

If the drink machine freak wants to chase, he can easily catch up and stop in front of everyone. But it didn’t do that.

It enjoyed the embarrassment of these people running in fear because of their great power. Such a picture gave the self-service drink machine weirdo great satisfaction and pleasure.

Suddenly, the drink machine freak noticed the position behind the crowd that had distanced himself from him. Two people did not flee in the direction of the crowd, but walked out in reverse.

It was a dark-haired youth, and a blonde loli.

“With a face that eats soft rice, and is still with such a cute girl, it’s just damn it!”

The freak’s round eyes were bloodshot, and his expression became terrifying. Before becoming a weirdo, it looked ugly and was taunted by other male and female classmates.

I hate good-looking people, especially handsome boys!

Every time the jealousy and hatred in his heart rose, he would vent on the self-service drink machine that no one cared about on the side of the road. It ended up being this strange gesture with great power.

With such a powerful power, at this time, I saw such a handsome and handsome Liu Chen appear in front of him. And still walking with cute girls.

The jealousy in its heart suddenly set off.

“Hehe, handsome men must be straw bales.”

“I’m going to let the girl next to that bastard see his ugly appearance of running away!”

The sinister expression became even more abhorrent.

A few big strides, then jump up.

The body of the self-service drink machine freak smashed heavily in front of Liu Chen and Yamada Goblin. The body of the beverage machine, which was more than three meters high, looked down at Liu Chen below.

“It’s really just a straw bale, seeing that I’m too scared to walk, right?”

“With such a straw bale, you are also a superficial woman!”

In the eyes of the self-service drink machine freak, Liu Chen and Yamada Goblin were so frightened that they forgot to run away, and could only stay where they were. It taunted the two wantonly.

In the end, his gaze still fell on Liu Chen’s body.

“Human, as long as you kneel down and kowtow to me a few times, I will mercifully let you leave alive.”

“Of course, this woman is going to stay and be killed by me!”



In the idea of the self-service beverage machine, Liu Chen will definitely cry and beg for mercy. Then abandon the girl next to him and run away on his own.

And that girl, while disappointed in Liu Chen, will also feel helpless and hopeless.

Of course, whether it is Liu Chen or the Yamada Goblin, even if it obediently does so, it will regret killing the two.

Thinking of this, it lowered its body slightly, wanting to see Liu Chen’s ugly appearance and the reaction of the Yamada goblin after that. However.

The self-service drink machine weirdo noticed Yamada’s goblin’s gaze looking at him like a clown. There is no fear or fear at all.

And another brunette youth…

It saw the other party slowly raise his head, his eyes open, and his gaze was as calm as the surface of a lake.

On another street next to the street where the self-service drink machine freaks appeared.

Several men and women in suits walked behind a tall, mature woman with black hair. The woman, wearing a dark green gown and a fleece coat draped over her shoulders.

The face and figure are very mature.

Coupled with the man in a dark glasses or a wide suit in the back, and a woman who was not very old immediately followed, this black-haired woman had a feeling of being a big sister.

In fact, they are not some extreme force. Each of them is a hero of the Guild.

The woman at the head is the “Hell Blowing Snow” who ranks first in the B-class of the association. At the same time, she is also the sister of the second “Trembling Tornado” of the Hero Association’s S-class. The rest are members of the “Snow Blowing Group” of the heroic faction she created.

Each one is a B-class hero.

“There are weirdos ahead, and the association judges it as a tiger-level disaster.”

Put away the association’s special contact device, Blowing Snow said.

“Eyelashes, mountain ape, this time it’s up to you.”

“If there is an accident, I will strike again.”

The crowd rushed to the place where the weirdos appeared.

At the same time, Blowing Snow ordered the two men in the rear. These two men are the core members of the snowblowing group. It is in second and third place in Class B.

Strength in the snowblowing group is already the top level in addition to snowblowing. Of course, this is only in the snowblowing group, in the B class.

Similar to a short man plucking a big one.

B-level heroes generally struggle to deal with weirdos.

If it is a tiger-level weirdo, even the weakest tiger-level weirdo cannot win alone. There is only one exception.

That is the “Hell Blowing Snow” at the top of the B class.

Her strength, facing the vast majority of tiger-level can easily defeat with her super power. Among the A-class heroes, they can all rank in the top position.

As for why he didn’t personally eliminate the tiger-level weirdos mentioned by the association, but handed them over to 350 of his own subordinates… Destroy weirdos and complete deeds to earn points that will boost your association’s rankings.

However, even if Chuixue has enough points and merits to advance to the A-level hero, she will not choose to be promoted. Just because, this is the first first in her life.

The first “Kamen Sweetheart” in the A class is a big mountain in the A class, and its strength is even above the S-class heroes at the bottom of the ranking.

For Chuixue, the odds of winning the latter are no different from zero.

It is simply impossible to push the latter down and sit in the first seat of the A class. And the first of the S-class… She didn’t even think about it.

She can get and stand first in the association, only the current B grade. Although his own “first” and tornado’s “second”.

The meaning between the two is completely different.

But at least nominally surpassed her sister, barely maintaining the last dignity and stubbornness in her heart. Therefore, she plans to maintain the status quo all the time and not be promoted to an A-class hero.

The merit and points are naturally distributed to their subordinates without hesitation. Soon.

The blowing snow and the group of blowing snow behind reached the corner of the street where the weirdos were. Just as I was about to go in, I heard a scream.

Immediately afterwards, the blowing snow in the front only felt a flower in front of me. With the air currents caused by heavy objects flying over, it blew up her hair. PS: Please book it all! Customize yourself! [The picture is blowing snow].

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