“Come again! Honghuang. Kaitian …” Xu Zuo could hold his hands with his hands and tried to aim at Rayley and then a sword.

Rayley was scared and hurriedly interrupted, “Wait … Wait a minute, I admit it!”

Can’t admit defeat!This stinky boy does not know to respect the elderly at all.

“Uncle Rarel, are you sure?”

“Old and old, I can’t keep up with the footsteps of these young people!” Rare sighed.

Anbai then lifted Xu Zuo Neng, and slowly fell on the ground.

Rayley retracted the sword, and asked curiously, “Anbai, the trick just now … What is the ability? What ability is it? Do I remember that you are not the ability of thunder fruit?”

“That! It is the unique ability of our family’s bloodline to write the unique ability of the wheel eye!”

“Is that case!?” Rayley no longer asked, after all, everyone has their own secrets, and this sea is so vast and its unique ability is possible.

After the two, Aber and Raylie returned to the Thor.

… …

“Anbai! Are you okay? You are injured!”

As soon as he returned to the boat, Nami ran nervously and saw the wounds on Anbai’s body, and asked about it.

Anbai hugged Nami and comforted, “I’m fine, these are all skin trauma, and it will be okay with my recovery for two or three days.”

After speaking, Robin nodded towards Robin, who was worried about his expression.

“Nami, you can rest assured! Captain Huaxin can’t do anything else, and his strength is still very strong!” Perona floated in the air and said with a smile.

“Perona, it seems to be so good to you, let you be so arrogant now, dare to talk to the captain like this.”

Anbai raised his eyebrows at Perona, pretending to scare.

“Slightly ~” Perona made a ghost face and flee the same fly back to the cabin.

… …

Everyone returned to Xia Qi’s bar.

“Xiao Aobai, you are really amazing! I gave Rayley a defeat.” Xia Qi helped his old man with a wound and admired it.

“Hahaha, lucky, lucky! It’s uncle Raylie’s mercy.” An Bai responded modesty.

“I don’t have a mercy, I really can’t beat him, people are old, and I can’t keep up with the times!” Raylie shook his head aside and said with a smile.

“Anyone can’t beat the erosion of time. Even the world’s strongest white beard is old. The era of our old guys has passed. The future is your young people!”

“Old Rayley, wasn’t the Roger Pirates be arrested by all members in the navy’s notification? How did you escape the navy’s arrest?” Perona held a drink in his hand and was boring while drinking.ask.

The crowd of the empty shadow pirate group looked at it curiously.

“Not caught, Roger surrendered!”

Rayley took the wine glass and drank.


Everyone in the empty shadow pirate group was surprised.

“The government may declare that he was arrested to show off his strength.”

“Four years before he was sentenced to punishment, he suffered from incurable disease, and only rely on Kurosa to help to maintain his life.”

“Also … that is, One Piece Gol. Roger dragged his seriously ill body and still defeated countless powerful competitors, and finally arrived at Ravderu !!!” Sauron said in surprise.

Next Raylie talked about the past of the Roger Pirates.

… …

“Uncle Rarel … Have you reached Ralu Delu?” Frank asked shocked.


The crowd opened his mouth in surprise.

Rayley looked at Anbai, who had never spoken, and eating there.

“Is your goal too secret?”

“That, I’m still curious?”

“Just curious? Interesting!”

“Don’t you want to ask me about Rafederu’s location?”

“No, I will go with my partners, and what’s the point of knowing it in advance.” Anbai said with a smile.

“Hahaha, it’s really interesting. I haven’t seen such an interesting newcomer for a long time. Do you have any plans in the next?” Rarehaha laughed.

Anbai thought carefully for a while.

“Next, we will find a place to cultivate to improve our strength, so Uncle Rayley, I hope you can guide me and my companions to cultivate.”

Rayley was a little surprised, “Don’t you go to the new world?”

After the pirates he saw, the pirates were rushed to roar after arriving at the incense land islands. I couldn’t wait to run to the new world immediately. Of course, the end was either defeated by the Four Emperors to the Four Emperor Group or was directly destroyed by the Four Emperor.

Anbai shook his head, “I can fight with Uncle Raylie, all rely on special blood capacity. It is necessary to talk about the real strength, it is still far away, and there is a lot of room for improvement.”

After speaking, Anbai looked at his attribute panel.

Name: 【Ambass】

Age: [17]

Power: 【7 stars】

Agile: [8 Stars]

Physical constitution: [7 stars]

Spirit: [8 Stars]

(Ordinary average is 1 star)

Demon Fruit: [Lingle Thunder Fruit] [7 Stars]

Domineering: [Armed Color] [7 Stars] [See Seeing Color] [6 Stars] [Overlord Sex] [1 Star]

Equipment: Writing wheel eye (Uchiha Itachi Edition)

Comprehensive combat power: [8 stars ~ 8.5] (equipment bonus)

The four major attributes, the armed color and the color of the color have not reached the top, the overlord color is just a fledgling, the fruit ability is not awakened. This strength runs to the new world purely to find abuse.

“Moreover, my crew’s strength is not enough to enter the new world. At this time, taking them into the new world, it hurts them.”

The people of the empty shadow pirate group heard that they were silent.

yes!They are too weak. For so long, many of the enemies they encounter are unable to deal with, and Aobai is at the forefront.

“I haven’t seen the pirates who can be so awake to know myself for a long time! Your request me agreed!” Raley replied with a smile.

“Just, I found a place that is very suitable for cultivation.”

… …

“By the way, Uncle Raylie, would it affect you if I led the general’s general to the incense Islands?” Anbai suddenly came up.

“The Navy … General? Do you want to … Anbai, you are really a bold guy, do you really want to do this?” Rayley first felt puzzled, and then asked shocked.

“You have to think clearly that since the establishment of the World Government 800 years, no one has dared to do so. Your strength is very strong. Coupled with the move of the summoning giant, even the Navy general can leave you … Maybe you youI don’t know, in the time before Roger, one person wanted to do this, and finally failed … ”

“It’s Rocks!”

“How do you know?” Rayley asked in surprise.

Rocke’s existence has obviously been completely wiped out by the world government. No one except the people of that era knew his existence.

… …

… …

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