“Do you dare to stop me! So have you already gambled your life?” Anbai’s expression became serious and released a little bully.

“Thor … Come on! We will never retreat!” Although the pirates of the Big Bear Pirates Group were unstable under the influence of overlords, they were almost fainting, but they still insisted on blocking in AmbassyIn front of.

The atmosphere at the scene became extremely dignified. The people on the entire street dared not make a sound, and quietly waited for the emperor’s final trial.

“Forget it!” Anbai suddenly turned his head and left.

“Wait …” Suddenly a voice spread out from the bottom of the pit, and then the “Giant Bear” stayed with a lame.

“Boss! You’re okay!”

The pirates immediately came up and wanted to check the injuries of their boss.

“Cough … I’m okay!” The bear Kuke coughed twice, covering his chest very weak.

“Actually woke up so soon. It seems that the pirates in the first half of the great channel of the great channel are still a bit capable!” Anbai praised, although this was related to Anbai’s water in the Pacific Ocean.

“Thunder! Why don’t you kill us? Those who dare to offend you like me, you have no reason to let go!” The bears asked puzzledly.

“Your courage, or I really appreciate it! How about it? Do you want to rely on me and become the pirate group for my Majesty!”

“I …” The bears were hesitant.

“This giant bear can get Thor’s personally recruitment!”

“It seems that Thor’s goal is the four emperors in the New World!”

The onlookers next to each other whispered.

After hesitating, the giant bear Ruke walked in front of Anbai step by step, and then bowed very formally,

“Boss Anbai, thank you very much for your mercy, I am willing to lead you to the giant bear pirate group to join you”

“Boss, this …” The members of the Big Bear Pirates were very surprised and wanted to discourage it.

“Needless to say, I have decided. If you want to join me, join the empty shadow pirate group. If you do n’t want, you can exit now!” The pirate’s words were not finished, and the giant bear Li Ke interrupted.

“We vowed to follow the boss !!!” The members of the Big Bear Pirates were loyal.

“Very good, you will be a member of my big ship group in the future!” Anbai said with satisfaction.

Then Anbai ordered the boulder to stay in the injury.

… …

“Dear Ray God, our king of Nipton heard that you came away and specially prepared in the palace. I hope you can drive!”

A fisherman wearing armor walked slowly, and then gave a great gift to Anbai and others, very respectfully.

“Anbai, are we going?” Nami looked at Anbai.

“We don’t know what the king is, how can there be free lunch in the world, maybe this is their trap!” Perona said suspiciously.

“This adult really likes to laugh, our king is indeed sincere inviting everyone!”

After hearing this, the guardian guard was scared to sweat, and quickly explained.

“Then go! Anyway, there is no one who can stop us by Murloc Island. To get to know the famous King of Nipton. The only uncertain thing is that all of the dragons are all seawater. Most of us are all of us.Those with abilities are easy to be beaten by one net. ”

‘Even if it is a trap, they will definitely not think that the defects of my devil fruit have been removed by the system. If you dare to do it!hehe!Intersection‘Anbai secretly thought about it.

Then, everyone followed the Murloc’s guard to the entrance of Longgong City.

“Lord Anbai, please take this!” The guard handed a pink object.

“This is?”

“Bubble coral, a tool that can make bubbles, is filled with seawater in Longgong City, humans must be in bubbles to pass!”

The transparent bubbles are separated from the coral, and Anbai and others are surrounded by them, and everyone passes through the water channel connected by Murloc Island and Longgong City.

Through transparent bubbles, the colorful fish groups outside the static distance are much stronger than Anbai’s previous life.

“What a beauty!”

“What a beautiful castle!”

“If you can live here!”

The crowd of the empty shadow pirate group exclaimed.

… …

Everyone finally arrived.

I saw a row of people standing at the door.

“Wow! I didn’t expect Captain Stupid to become so windy now, and even the king had to come out in person!” Perona exaggerated.

“Anbai is so prestigious!” Qiaoba looked at Anbai, worshiping.

A tall and healthy male mermaid came to everyone.

“Welcome everyone from the empty shadow pirate group to Longgong City, I am the king of Murloc Island, Nipton!”

Then, Nipton pointed at a tall figure and blue skin.

“The old man is flat, I have seen Ray God!” She said hello simply.

“King Nipton, thank you very much for inviting us to Dragon Palace!” Anbai, the captain, came forward to answer.

“Where! Where! We want to thank the thunderbolt! I have heard it. The Mermaid of Ray God saved a mermaid on our Murloc Island on the incenseland Islands!”

Then, Nipton beckoned to the crowd, “Barbara, please thank you!”

A beautiful mermaid came over, bowed and thanked: “Thank you Lord Anbai’s life -saving grace!”

This mermaid was the female mermaid rescued when Ambassy had a big trouble.

“It turns out you! No need to be polite, I just did something that thinks right. Those sinful slaves trading, I think as long as they are conscience people, they will not allow them to exist!”

“Master Anbai is really humble!”

After a few words of each other, the atmosphere was obvious.

Nipton was sideways, reached out and invited: “Please come in, the dinner is ready!”

Then led everyone into Longgong City.

After entering the Longgong City, everyone in the empty shadow pirate group was a little disappointed, because it was very beautiful and beautiful outside Longgong City, but inside was slightly inside.

The crowd sat in the position prepared in advance and began to eat it.

“King Nipton, your food in your Dragon Palace is really delicious!” Anbai praised a big lobster and praised.

“Just like Ray God!” Nipton responded with a smile.

… …

… …

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