Chapter 108

“The boat turned over in the gutter” [for full order]


In just a few seconds, Xiang Yong and the intruder on the opposite side of the eastern face bombarded back and forth several punches.

The more the intruder fought, the more frightened he became.

“How can there be such a strong master in a pharmaceutical factory?!”

He is an A-level member of the Shadow Organization.

Moreover, the strength can rank in the top five among A-level members.

Xiang Yong on the opposite side could attack him without falling behind. He has performed so many missions and rarely encountered such a strong opponent.

At the same time, the other two intruders quickly realized that the situation was not good.

In the beginning, they all had a quick attitude.

Under normal circumstances, with their skills to deal with more than 20 security guards, in less than half a minute, they can all be put down.

However, it was discovered as soon as it was handed over.

The more than 20 people opposite are not ordinary security guards at all!

You know, the members of the sword department are composed of retired special forces, martial arts masters, and gold medal bodyguards.

The strength of everyone is far beyond ordinary people.

These members in the pharmaceutical factory were personally selected by Lin Chen, and they were the elite of the elite!

In terms of individual combat strength, their strength is only inferior to that of captain Xiang Yong.

Even if it is not comparable to the A-level members of the Shadow Organization, the gap in strength is not large.

At this time, the number of members of the sword department has an overwhelming advantage.

Moreover, after a long period of training, the members of the sword department have a very tacit understanding with each other.

Once they cooperate in battle, their strength is multiplied.

More than 20 members of the sword department, fighting against two A-level members of the Shadow Organization, are almost crushed!

After a few photos, the burly black intruder was the first to be pressed to the ground by five members of the Sword Division.

His hands, feet, and head were locked in the cross-fix and guillotine, respectively.

No matter how you move, it is impossible for one person to break free from the shackles of the 5 sword members.

The remaining bearded white man realized as soon as he fought that he had miscalculated the strength of his opponent.

At that moment, he immediately took out a pistol from his waist and shot it at the members of the sword.


The first bullet flew out, aiming directly at the heart of a member of the Sword Division.

However, this member of the sword department also reacted very quickly.

The moment the white man pulled the trigger, he immediately turned sideways.

The bullet passed through his arm, bringing out a splash of blood.

“Bang! Bang! ”

The white man fired three shots in a row, and two more members of the sword were shot.

At this moment, two sharp knives flew out like lightning.


The throwing knife pierced the white man’s palm, shooting the gun off his hand.

The members of the sword department are full of talents, and the sword members who shot those two throwing knives were once the champions of international darts competitions.

And his throwing knife skills are better than darts.

Once defeated three masters with one against three!


The white man’s palm was shot through by a knife, and he instantly let out a scream.

Two other sword members seized the opportunity, one left and one right, and two leg sweeps hit the white man in the ankle.

The white man instantly lost his balance and fell to the ground.

The remaining members of the sword department rushed forward and directly pressed the white man to the ground.

Within a minute of the exchange, two intruders had already been subdued.

The last intruder’s face changed dramatically.

If he continues to fight, he will definitely not be able to escape being caught.

I saw him sweep a sharp kick, forcing Xiang Yong back, and then turned around and rushed out.

“Want to go?”

Xiang Yong snorted coldly.

“Stop him!”

With an order, Xiang Yong took the other members of the sword department and directly blocked all the back roads of the intruders.

There are so many members of the Sword Department here, if they let this invasion run away, then they won’t have the face to see Lin Chen! Seeing that all the retreats were blocked, the heart of the last intruder suddenly sank to the bottom. His strength is the strongest among the three A-level members. However, it was impossible for him alone to block the attacks of so many members of the Sword Division. What’s more, there is also a Xiang Yong whose strength is not much different from him!

Under the siege of numerous members of the Sword Division.

The last intruder, quickly subdued.

Just in case, Xiang Yong first removed the jaws of the three intruders.

Some spies, agents, and killers will commit suicide by biting the highly toxic cyanide in their teeth after being caught.

This is not fiction, it exists in reality.

When Xiang Yong was still a special forces king before, he had encountered such an opponent.

Although it is not clear for the time being, what the identities of the three intruders are.

But to be on the safe side, Xiang Yong checked their teeth first to make sure nothing similar would happen.

“.. What happened to the injured brothers? ”

Xiang Yong asked.

“There are three brothers with gunshot wounds, but fortunately none of them are fatal.”

“Immediately bring the injured brother back to the company base for treatment.”

Xiang Yong ordered.

“Yes, Captain!”

After dealing with the wounded, Xiang Yong asked the three intruders to tie up and lock them up in a warehouse.

The faces of the three invaders were filled with reluctance and anger.

As A-level members of the Shadow Society, they have performed many more dangerous missions.

They once assassinated the leaders of the African Armed Forces in a rained of bullets.

Grabbed goods from the hands of a famous international drug lord.

In order to find the mission target, he lurked for a month on a small island full of poisonous snakes.

Even if he was injured in the line of duty, he was never caught. Unexpectedly, in a small pharmaceutical factory, the boat turned over in the gutter!

Xiang Yong glanced at the three intruders, took out his mobile phone, and dialed Lin Chen’s number.

After two o’clock in the middle of the night, Lin Chen had already gone to sleep.

After receiving Xiang Yong’s call, Lin Chen immediately sat up.

At this time, Xiang Yong called him, and something important must have happened.

“What’s the matter?”

Lin Chen answered the phone and asked.

“Boss, three intruders have just been caught.”

Xiang Yong said.

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows, he had long guessed that there might be someone with the idea of anti-cancer drugs.

I just didn’t expect it to come so quickly!

“Who is the other party?”

Lin Chen asked.

“Haven’t asked yet. However, these three men are very good and carry guns, most likely from mercenaries or other organizations. ”

Xiang Yong replied.

“Got it, you review it first, I’ll come over right away.”

Lin Chen said.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Chen left the villa and drove to the pharmaceutical factory to judge.

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