Luo Wei waved his hand and asked a few pirates to bring this unexpected hero over.


"William Murdoch. Murdoch hesitated and gave his name.


"I am the first officer of this ship."

Rowe was a little surprised, this position was not low, according to the rules, the highest-ranking person on a ship is the captain, followed by the first officer, then the first officer, the second officer, the third officer and so on.

If there is no first officer on the ship, then the first officer is the first officer.

In other words, the William Murdoch in front of him is the third person on the ship, second only to Captain Smith and First Officer Wilder.

Rowe stared at the first officer curiously, and the memories in his mind gradually emerged.

He remembered that this first officer Murdoch had appeared many times in the plot, once when he commanded the lowering of the lifeboat on the starboard side, and another time when he accepted Carl's bribe and then refused it.

The last time was when he shot and killed two passengers who were fighting for a seat, and then committed suicide.

This person left a deep impression on Rowe.���.

Luo Wei remembered that he had read an analysis of"Titanic" in which someone mentioned this character.

In the plot, except for commanding the starboard side to lower the lifeboat, which was a real thing, both accepting bribes and shooting himself were fake.

It was the director who added the scenes to the actors, which in a sense was a blackening of Murdoch.

You know, the movie Titanic was adapted from a true story that happened in the real world.

Later, this incident aroused the anger of Murdoch's relatives. In order to calm the matter, the vice president of Fox, the producer of the film, went to Murdoch's hometown in person to apologize and donated 5,000 pounds to his foundation.

The director also apologized for these two shots.

"Murdoch is like a pair, right?"

Rowe asked while eating steak,"What do you think? Do you think you can take this ship back from us with just a few of you?"

""Didn't your colleague tell you our true identity?"

Murdoch remained silent. Wilder did tell him that this group of pirates were not simple. They were skeleton pirates and had immortal bodies.

But the problem was that he didn't believe it.

Before seeing such a thing with his own eyes, who would believe that there were such outrageous things in the world.

Seeing Murdoch's expression, Rowe suddenly realized,"I think I understand what you are thinking. Let's go back," Murdoch said. I'm in a good mood today. Let's end this matter here."

"But I don't want it to happen again. I believe you are a smart person, right?"

Murdoch did not turn around and leave. He knew that the other party was seeing him off, but his profession and ethics did not allow him to leave in disgrace.

At least he had to find out what these people wanted to do.

"What is your purpose?" Murdoch said:"If you are after money, you have already got what you want last night, why do you still want to occupy this ship."

Rowe said:"What if I tell you that our purpose is to occupy this ship?"

Murdoch said tit for tat:"Then I advise you to give up this idea. This ship is the property of the White Star Line, and there are many wealthy passengers on the ship."

"They have a high status internationally."

"If the ship fails to arrive in New York on time, it will alarm many people."

"At that time, a large number of navy will appear and surround you."

"I admit that you are indeed a little strange, but even a powerful immortal body will still be reduced to ashes under the bombardment of artillery shells. I advise you to stop while you are ahead and take the money and leave now, you can still escape."

Hearing this, Luo Wei couldn't help but clap his hands. It would be a waste if he didn't use this mouth to be a speaker.

"Very interesting speech, Murdoch, if it were someone else, he might have been persuaded by you."

"But I should remind you of one thing. The navy you expect will never appear."

"Because, even if I occupied this ship, no navy fleet would come to trouble me."

These words made Murdoch feel a little uneasy, but he threw this insignificant uneasiness behind his mind the next second.

"The navy will definitely come."After all, he himself is a retired navy, and he has enough confidence in the navy's combat effectiveness and execution.

Although this group of pirates is a bit weird, they are no match for the navy elites.

"Absolutely not."Lo Wei shook his head, looking more confident than Murdoch.

This made Murdoch feel very confused. No, man, why are you so sure that the navy won't come? Am I a retired navy, or are you a retired navy?

"Because this is the 17th century, the Age of Exploration"

"Even if your navy is powerful, can it still defeat us and surround us?"

Luo Wei's casual words confused Murdoch. The seventeenth century, the Age of Exploration? Is this true? I am not well educated, so you can't lie to me.

"No, it's impossible, absolutely impossible." Murdoch shook his head vigorously, indicating that he would never believe such a ridiculous statement.

How could the Titanic appear in the Age of Discovery in the 17th century?

He would only believe this if the sun rose from the east.

Rowe was too lazy to talk too much with Murdoch, and ordered a few pirates to lift him up and throw him out.

Finally, he asked Barbossa to go and call Captain Smith over. After a while, Captain Smith came to the restaurant and saluted Rowe.

Rowe went straight to the point and said,"Next, I will meet with all the passengers on the ship, in groups of ten, starting with the crew of the Titanic."

"Then the first class passengers, then the second class passengers, and finally the third class passengers."

"Go and broadcast this matter to everyone. Anyone who hides will be thrown into the sea to feed the sharks once we catch them."

Of course, feeding the sharks was just a casual remark. Rowe would not do such a cruel thing.

He just wanted everyone present to obey.

Captain Smith was silent for a moment and asked,"May I ask, what is your purpose?"

Rowe replied,"I want to see whether you came to this era because of a natural disaster or a man-made disaster?"

Captain Smith was stunned for a moment, then nodded,"I will."

He also wanted to know whether it was a natural disaster or a man-made disaster.

After returning to the cabin, Captain Smith told everyone on the ship about Rowe's decision through the radio.

The crowd on the Titanic exploded.

No one understood what this group of brutal pirates wanted to do, and an unprecedented sense of uneasiness enveloped the entire ship.

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