Huang Yaoshi was a little surprised when he heard Luo Wei reveal his beloved daughter's name,"Have you seen my daughter, Immortal?"

Luo Wei said,"No, but I know this person."

Sha Gu said on the side,"Master, the young master is good at fortune-telling and knows a lot of things."

Huang Yaoshi then said"Oh."

Qu Lingfeng said,"Master, since the junior sister's cooking skills are so good, why don't you let the junior sister cook some good wine and food for the young master?"

He knew very well that his young master was very generous. If the junior sister could really win the young master's praise, maybe she could get his favor, which would be a great opportunity.

Huang Yaoshi knew this, but the problem was that Huang Rong was not on Peach Blossom Island.

He couldn't help but sigh and said,"To be honest with the immortal, actually I had a big fight with my daughter not long ago because of something, and as a result, my daughter ran away from home the next day and has not returned since."

"This is easy." Luo Wei said,"Do you have a portrait of your daughter?"

Huang Yaoshi didn't understand, but nodded.

"Take it out, I will change your daughter back."

Huang Yaoshi was stunned, then stood up and left the pavilion, walked into the room, took out a portrait, returned to Luo Wei, shook the portrait in his hand, and an innocent, stunningly beautiful girl appeared in front of Luo Wei.

So Huang Rong looks like this. She is really beautiful.

Luo Wei cast a spell, clapped his hands, and teleported the girl in the painting to his side. Knowing magic is so amazing.

However, the Huang Rong who came back was completely different from the Huang Rong in the portrait. She was dressed dirty, with a black and tattered leather hat on her head. Her face and hands were covered with black coal, and her original appearance could no longer be seen.

Huang Yaoshi was stunned when he saw the beggar, but he still recognized that this thin boy with a coal-black face and ragged clothes was his daughter.

But the question is why his daughter became like this. If he was not very familiar with his daughter, he really couldn't tell that this beggar was his beautiful daughter.

Huang Rong was also very confused.

She turned out to be... I was resting in the dilapidated temple, but in a flash, I was back to Peach Blossom Island and even saw my father.

Ah... what happened?

Luo Wei saw the dirty Huang Rong and couldn't help laughing. He simply waved his hand, and a beam of light hit Huang Rong.

The disguise on Huang Rong disappeared instantly, and even the beggar's clothes turned into a pure white dress.

At this time, Huang Rong's white shirt was whiter than snow, like a fairy on the snowy mountain. Although she was still young, she was really the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life. Her beauty is stunning, and her eyes are full of beauty, which makes all the beauties pale in comparison.

Her beauty has the freshness and poetic feeling of the Jiangnan water town, as clear and transparent as the dew on the flowers. Her skin is whiter than snow, her eyebrows are picturesque, she is delicate and graceful, and her white shirt moves slightly in the breeze like a lily blooming in the night.

Her eyes are crystal clear and extremely smart, with a kind of pure beauty that is light and detached from the world, and a kind of pure and innocent natural beauty.


Huang Yaoshi heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Huang Rong now. This was his most beautiful daughter.

"Daddy, you, me, what’s going on here?"

Huang Rong looked at Huang Yaoshi, then at her own body, puzzled, almost thinking that she was dreaming, otherwise it was too incredible.

Huang Yaoshi said:"It was the immortal who called you back."

After that, he bowed to Luo Wei and said,"Thank you, immortal."

"You're welcome." Luo Wei waved his hand and said,"I just want to taste this cooking skill that is better than the master's."

After all, Huang Rong's cooking skills are praised as the best in the novel, and Luo Wei also wants to taste how amazing Huang Rong's cooking skills are. Upon hearing this, Huang Yaoshi said to Huang Rong,"Rong'er, go and prepare a few of your specialties first, and I'll explain to you later."

Huang Rong originally wanted to agree, but when she remembered that she had a quarrel with Huang Yaoshi not long ago and had not reconciled, she snorted and turned her head to the side, pretending that she didn't hear what Huang Yaoshi said.

This made Huang Yaoshi quite embarrassed, and he whispered,"Rong'er, don't make trouble, go quickly, go quickly."

Huang Rong was even angrier when she heard the word"making trouble","Why did I make trouble? This matter was originally my father's fault."

Huang Yaoshi had a more and more headache, but he also knew that now was not the time to scold his daughter, so he could only say a few words to soften her and calm Huang Rong down.

Huang Rong then reluctantly walked into the kitchen and began to get busy.

Qu Lingfeng saw this and gave his daughter a look. Sha Gu understood and stood up and said,"I'll go and help."

After that, she said goodbye to Luo Wei and turned to walk into the kitchen.

About half an hour later, the two women came out of the kitchen with a few dishes in their hands.

As soon as people arrived, the aroma of the dishes had already arrived first.

"It smells so good."

Huang Rong came in gracefully and placed a plate of balls in front of Luo Wei,"Young Master, please taste it."

Luo Wei looked down and saw that there were exactly twenty-four balls on the plate. He smiled and said,"I know, this should be the Twenty-Four Bridges Moonlit Night, right?"

Huang Rong was surprised and said,"It turns out that Young Master is really good at fortune-telling and even knows this."

This Twenty-Four Bridges under the Moonlight is a dish created by Huang Rong. First, a ham is split open and twenty-four round holes are dug. Then, the tofu is cut into twenty-four small balls and placed in the holes. The ham is then pricked with the tofu and steamed. When it is cooked through, the freshness of the ham has penetrated into the tofu and the ham is discarded.

Then, Huang Rong uses the orchid finger-brushing technique inherited from her family. Her ten fingers are nimble and soft, and she uses her strength as if it is there and not there, to cut the tofu into twenty-four round balls.

In the world, no one except Huang Rong can make such a dish.

Luo Wei picked up a round ball and took a bite."It has the deliciousness of meat and the fragrance of tofu. It is indeed the best of the best."

Huang Rong smiled sweetly, put another dish in front of Luo Wei, and said,"Then, sir, do you know what this is?""

Luo Wei looked down and saw that it was a bowl of soup.

Dozens of bright red cherries floated in the emerald green soup, with seven or eight pink petals floating in the air, and tender bamboo shoots underneath. The red, white and green colors complemented each other, and were bright and eye-catching. The soup was filled with the fragrance of lotus leaves. The cherry pits had been taken out and something else was embedded in them.

Luo Wei said,"Then this must be a good matchmaking soup."

It comes from the first chapter of the Book of Songs,"The orioles are chirping on the island in the river. The beautiful lady is the ideal matchmaking for the gentleman."

A face like a flower and a cherry mouth are for beauties; a bamboo with a guilty conscience is for a gentleman, and the lotus is the gentleman among gentlemen, so the bamboo shoots and lotus leaves are both referring to gentlemen.

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