People In The Ninja World: I, Zaraki Kenpachi, Was Killed By Impure World Reincarnation During The F

Chapter 99: Black Zetsu's Sneak Attack, Uchiha Madara's Wrath!

At this moment, the terrifying sword pressure set off smoke, dust and gravel thousands of meters high, and the entire battlefield was so dark that it was impossible to look directly at it.

But unlike anyone, Uchiha Madara faced this pressure head-on.

No one can compare with his feelings.

The huge sword that could split the whole world was pressed against him, getting closer, getting closer!

At this moment, Uchiha Madara felt that his whole body was trembling uncontrollably.



Threats of death!

These emotions erupted uncontrollably, making him feel like he was about to die.


must escape!

Otherwise, I'm afraid even the soul will be blasted to pieces.

So, is this the true power of Kenpachi's terror?

Obviously, he had already agreed that he would never run away, but when faced with the pressure of the sword in his heart, the first thought that came up in his "zero five zero" was to run away!

However, at this moment he had another idea.

Can't escape!

Can't escape even if killed!

Haven't you already prepared yourself to die?

I have endured decades of time and finally become Ten Tails Jinchūriki, and I will soon be able to face the most terrifying power of Kenpachi!

If you can't overcome your fear of him, then even if you succeed in creating the world of Infinite Tsukuyomi, it doesn't make any sense!


"I will not choose to escape!"

"Kenpachi, I must die to overcome my fear of you!"

"I'm not afraid of you, come on!!!"

At this moment, only madness and ferocity remained on Uchiha Madara's face, and his willpower finally defeated his own fear.

bring it on!

That sword pressure is getting closer and closer to Uchiha Madara!

It seems to be very slow, but time seems to be stopped at this moment.

He could only watch the sword pressing down, getting closer and closer to him.

Even, only the last tens of meters are left.

But in the next second, an untimely voice suddenly appeared behind Uchiha Madara.


"You can't just die like this!"

Suddenly, only the voice of Black Zetsu appeared behind Uchiha Madara, followed by a burst of space fluctuations.

Black Zetsu controlled Obito's body and came behind Uchiha Madara and saved him.

Seeing Black Zetsu appear, Uchiha Madara's pupils shrank.

Immediately afterwards, he roared angrily: "Black Zetsu, let me go! You are a crop produced by my spiritual will, you should understand what I mean!"

"If I give up this time, I will never be able to overcome my fear of him again!"

Madara was furious.

Black Zetsu was created by his own spiritual will.

But at this time, dare to disturb his own killing?!

But why would Black Zetsu listen to him?

In fact, Black Zetsu is the product of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's spiritual will, so he must not let Madara die like this.

With this in mind, Black Zetsu immediately hugged him!


Immediately, there was a space fluctuation around Uchiha Madara and Black Zetsu, and then the two figures were directly swallowed into the Kamui space.

In the next second, the terrifying sword pressure directly slashed at the position before Uchiha Madara and the others.

However, nothing was cut.

The terrifying sword pressure swept all the way back, and everything around was destroyed.

The violent shock lasted for several minutes.

When everyone was able to open their eyes to see again, they were directly overturned by what they saw.

"This... this continent!"

"The continent... split open?"

"Hey, who will slap me, am I dreaming?"

"'s true, our strength is not in the same dimension at all!"

"Damn it! How fucking ridiculous!"

At this moment, all the ninjas were almost dumbfounded. They didn't know whether to cry or laugh, and showed demented expressions.

Because they saw, the continent was torn apart.

That's right!

Starting from where Kenpachi shot, the terrifying sword pressure directly tore the battlefield apart, and then moved forward all the way.

Beginning with the battlefield, a large electric depression thousands of meters wide appeared on the ground.

That's right!

It's the width, not the length!

The width is several thousand meters, and the length is almost endless all the way forward.

Wherever the sword passed, everything was torn apart, as if a sword mark was cut vertically and horizontally across the entire continent...

Cut off the whole land with one knife?!

"This... This knife is enough to split the ninja world, right?"

"It turns out that this is your real strength..."

Senju Hashirama fell to the ground, he was very sure that Kenpachi's knife had the power to split the continent.

The ninja world is composed of the five major ninja countries and countless small countries like the iron country.

However, with Kenpachi's knife just now, no one will doubt that he definitely has the power to split the ninja world.

"'s really disappointing."

Seeing Kenpachi in the sky like a demon god, Senju Hashirama couldn't stop his trembling at all.

He is afraid.

This is no longer an emotion that can be controlled by reason.

This is from instinctive fear.

The weak against the strong, that natural sense of powerlessness.

"I'm so ridiculous."

"I used to even think I was stronger than you"

Senju Hashirama laughed at himself, but then suddenly he remembered Uchiha Madara.

So, he hurriedly looked towards the battlefield.

But then, he and all the members of the Ninja Alliance saw that Uchiha Madara was no longer on the entire battlefield.

"Is this... Uchiha Madara wiped out?!"

"So the war is over?"

"Sure enough, 3.2, this man has the power to completely defeat Uchiha Madara!"

"Compared to him, we are nothing but a joke!"

For a moment, everyone thought that Uchiha Madara had been wiped out, but then they saw Kenpachi's angry expression.

What does it mean?

Why is he so angry when he defeated Uchiha Madara?

But how do they understand.

Kenpachi is sure that Uchiha Madara will not be wiped out by the ashes of the beating.

Otherwise he wouldn't be Six Paths Madara!


Just in the next second...


Suddenly, there was a burst of space fluctuation in the sky on the battlefield, and Uchiha Madara came out of the space unscathed right after.

At the same time, he is holding Uchiha Obito in his hand!


It should be said that it is Obito bent over by Black Zetsu!.

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