"So this is your last trick?"

"It's really huge!"

Looking at the towering sacred tree that can almost stand shoulder to shoulder with the moon, Kenpachi's eyes are also full of anticipation.

With such a body shape, I don't know what the result will be if I cut it down.

Thinking of this, he looked at Obito excitedly.

At this moment, Obito looked at Kenpachi in front of him with serious eyes, and after exhausting all his efforts, the group finally achieved this step.

Next, give him a little more time, and the sacred tree will be able to bloom.

At that time, you can activate Infinite Tsukuyomi and let everyone enter the world without lies and falsehood.

At that time, I will definitely be able to live happily with Lin forever in that world.

However, the man in front of him was his only obstacle.

This guy's eager expression now looks like he is about to give a fatal blow to the sacred tree that holds all his hopes.

I absolutely cannot let him succeed!

"One more minute..."

"As long as I persist for one more minute, I will succeed!"

"I will never let you get in my way. I must complete Infinite Tsukuyomi and create a world in which she exists!"

"Even if you are a man who once suppressed the Sengoku era and was no match for Uchiha Madara, I will never take a step back!"

"I will use everything I have, even my life and soul, to stop you. I must protect this sacred tree and create a world with her!"

At this moment, Obito became more and more excited as he spoke, and his voice almost roared at the end.

He won't back down!

Even if he is trembling, even if he knows that he may die.

However, he must protect the sacred tree behind him and make this false world full of lies disappear completely!

"Tsk tsk..."

“What a great momentum!”

"It seems that you also have things that must be completed, but I still love fighting the most!"

"Since you are so courageous, I will use my rights to let you prove yourself and let me fight happily!"

Kenpachi looked at Obito, this guy is very good.

People are like that sometimes.

For certain things that must be accomplished, they often burst out with far greater strength than before.

But he will not show mercy.

Because this not only allows me to have a good time, but also allows this guy to understand whether what he insists on can succeed.

Fighting with all your strength, this is the romance that belongs to men!

"bring it on!"

With this thought, Kenpachi looked at Obito and the sacred tree in front of him, his eyes full of fighting spirit and excitement.



For a moment, the Reiatsu in his body began to evaporate uncontrollably. This is what happens when facing a powerful enemy.

"This is..."

"Could it be said that now that Kenpachi has reached this level, does he still have more powerful power that he can display?"

"It's really scary. How far will he have to explode before he stops?"

At this moment, Senju Hashirama and the others were surprised to find that there was a more powerful power in Kenpachi's body that he had not yet used.

At this time, Obito felt Kenpachi's terrifying Reiatsu, and cold sweat could not stop flowing down.


"You also hide a more powerful power!"

"But I will never take even one step back!"

"I will be here and try my best to block your attack, and I will not let you destroy this sacred tree in the slightest!"

That's right!

There is indeed a more powerful power hidden in Kenpachi's body, that is, in addition to Zanpakutō, the terrifying Reiatsu in his own body.

In the next blow, he will use all his Reiatsu, as well as the power of this Zanpakutō!

If Obito can bear it, he wins.

If you can't bear it, the winner of this fight is Kenpachi.

But even after sensing Kenpachi's more terrifying strength, Obicho still didn't retreat.

Even though he was covered in cold sweat and his hands and feet were shaking, he still had to block the blow.



At this moment, the Reiatsu on Kenpachi's body was still surging, and the black-red Reiatsu even distorted the space.

At this moment, everyone has realized it.

The next blow is the time to finally see the end...

Gradually, Kenpachi raised the huge Zanpakutō in his hand, holding the sword with both hands instead of one hand.

Zanpakutō was raised high above his head.

Kenpachi was accumulating power, and when everyone saw this scene, they seemed to feel that the whole world would be split into two in the next second.


Obito couldn't help but swallow.

There was a lot of cold sweat on his body at this moment, but he absolutely couldn't let himself have any fearful thoughts.

"Suppress it! My fear!"

"Didn't I already make an agreement with her? From now on, I will never be afraid of anyone again!"

"Then, work hard to complete the plan and live with her forever!"

"If I fall at the last step, then what's the point of everything I've done before?!"

At this moment, Obito has developed fear.

But he couldn't let himself give up just like that, so he began to control his thoughts.

"Damn it!"

"I have to hold on!"

"There is only one last minute, please give me some more time!"

"Only the last minute left..."

After suppressing the fear in his heart, Obito's terrifying Chakra began to explode.

His body was originally unable to support so much Ten Tails Chakra.

However, human willpower can 1.1 conquer everything.

Ever since, the huge amount of Chakra from Ten Tails began to pour into Obito's body like a flood.


Obito roared in pain, his skin began to break inch by inch, and blood flowed profusely.

But he must grit his teeth and persist.

The moment he mobilized Ten Tails' Chakra to its peak, all nine Truth-Seeking Balls behind him flew in front of him.

The next second, a huge black spear gradually took shape.

"Amanuma Spear!!!"


"Open it for me!"

That is, at the same time that Obito's last move, the Amanuma Spear, was taking shape, Kenpachi finally swung the sword forward.

The giant blade moves from top to bottom, forming a huge sword pressure that is different from the previous golden sword pressure. It is completely composed of black and red Reiatsu.

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