People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 509 Bai Yu Who Meets A Girl By Chance (Please Subscribe~)

Shizuka Hiratsuka and the others are still very fast. When the three of Shizuka Hiratsuka came out of the garage, the eye-catching effect was full instantly. Shizuka Hiratsuka, Chihiro Chihiro and the girl are all rare beauties, and there are three Type of.

Hiratsuka looked at the bustling street and said: "Everyone come to look separately in the morning, and gather here after you find it. You are not allowed to sneak away! Especially seniors!"

Qianshi Chihiro sighed and said: "I really can't believe it at all... Well! No one is allowed to sneak away! That's it!"

The girl didn't say anything, and after saying hello, she walked in one direction, and Hiratsuka Shizuka and Chihiro Chihiro also walked in the same direction.

As for Bai Yu at this time, he was finally relieved, because Lucifer and the others were going to take Nami and the others to buy personal clothes, so he let Bai Yu move freely first, and called him back later when the shopping was finished.

At that time, Medis wanted to follow Bai Yu when he saw Bai Yu leaving, but Lucifer pulled him back directly, and said angrily: "Medis, Bai Yu will not disappear, come and measure the clothes!"

"Oh...but... I always feel that something is wrong after Bai Yu left"

Lucifer was taken aback, smiled and said, "It should be said that Medis, you are worthy of this race...."


Medis didn't understand Lucifer's words, Lucifer shook his head and said with a smile: "Pender, in a sense, you are too quiet.

Pandemonica was stunned for a moment and walked in silently without saying anything, but there was something real in her eyes.

Bai Yu on the other side seemed very relaxed. He hadn't experienced a walk for a long time, but in a sense, shopping alone seemed a bit boring.

Bai Yu sighed and said, "I'm really used to the noisy feeling around them..."

Just when Bai Yu was thinking about where to go, he heard a voice, turned his head and found nothing, just when he was about to turn around, he saw a pink-haired girl running over with a white-haired girl, and saw the girl Bai Yu was stunned for a while, and after thinking for a while, he looked at the panting girl in front of him and said with a smile, "It's Ms. Fujiwara."

Chika Fujiwara said with a smile: "It's really Manager Bai Yu! Long time no see! Manager Bai Yu!"

Bai Yu nodded and said softly, "I haven't seen you for a few days, you were shopping with your friends."

Chika Fujiwara said with a smile: "Well! This is my sister Moeha's friend Bai Yinkei, we all call her Xiaogui, Xiaogui! This is the Bai Yu store manager I told you about

Bai Yingui nodded and said politely: "Hello, Manager Bai Yu."

"Well, hello, but your sister's friend, why just the two of you?"

"Moe Ye went to the bathroom, eh? Manager Bai Yu, you are shopping alone."

Bai Yu shook his head and said, "It's not alone. They went shopping for their personal clothes, so let me find a place to go shopping by myself. It just so happens that I haven't been shopping in a long time."

"Huh? They?"


Chika Fujiwara was interested in the moment, and said with a smile: "The lover of the store manager Bai Yu must be very beautiful!"

"I'm still a little proud of this, so I won't bother you for now, I wish you a happy time."

"Yeah! Manager Bai Yu! I'll go to your store for dinner sometime later!"

"welcome any time."

After Bai Yu said that, he turned and left. Just after Bai Yu left, a pink-haired girl ran over and asked doubtfully, "Sister, Xiaogui, who is that handsome big brother just now!"

Bai Yingui tilted his head and said, "It's the store manager Bai Yu that Sister Qianhua mentioned, but lovers?"

"Isn't it normal? I walked and went to find something to eat. I'm hungry."

"Oh!" x2

Bai Yu actually met acquaintances on the way. For example, he passed by the fog house and saw Inui Hinako. For example, he saw Atobe who came to buy tennis tape. For example, he met Xiaolan and Yuanzi who came to buy things. At that time, Yuanzi was about to He pestered Bai Yu to go shopping with her, but he still didn't take Bai Yu away in the end.

The reason is because Yuanzi knew that Bai Yu was here as a joke, but it still made Xiaolan eat a bowl of dog food.

The last person Bai Yu met was even Bai Yu himself did not expect that Bai Yu actually met an acquaintance of his, and after the two chatted for a while, Bai Yu decisively left.

Because he knew very well that if he didn't leave, he might not be able to leave. After all, in a sense, if he stayed for a while longer, he might have big problems.

0 for flowers...

Bai Yu breathed a sigh of relief when he arrived at a cafe. He thought it was better to wait like this, after all, girls know everything about choosing clothes.

Bai Yu didn't feel that he would be called away soon, Bai Yu sat there looking at his phone after ordering a cup of mocha, he felt that this was more suitable for him.

At this time, the girl was walking unhurriedly along the street. It can be said that everyone would take a second look on the way. After all, this girl is really too handsome.

"Huh? Where is it?"

When the girl was looking for it, the corners of her lips twitched when she thought of something, she wanted to see one of Lucifer and the others so much now.

"Coffee...too bad Pendor isn't here...huh? Wait..."

Just when the girl passed by the cafe, the girl felt a little emotional, but when she was about to pass by, she suddenly felt something, turned her head to look at the cafe, tilted her head and said softly: "Lucifer, Cerberus, Pender ...has the aura of these three people..."

As soon as she said that, the girl walked in, and the clerk was also surprised when she entered the store, and then asked: "Miss, do you want to..."

"Find someone, thanks."

"Okay, do yourself a favor."

The girl walked forward with her head down, and only raised her head when she got to a certain position. She glanced to the side and saw Bai Yu who was leaning against the bed, looking at his phone with a cup of coffee.

The girl smiled and walked over and said, "Hey, little brother!"

"um, I?"

Bai Yu was also taken aback when he saw the girl. The girl nodded and smiled and said, "Yes, it's you. You're such a handsome little brother. Do you mind if I sit here?"


The girl smiled and sat opposite Bai Yu, propped her face with one hand and said, "I guess, you are a man with good luck."

Bai Yu said with a smile: "I admit this, just like now is the best proof."

The girl was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Hahaha! It's interesting, humorous, and a plus."

"thank you."

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