Pioneer Knight

Chapter 117:

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"Dad, how much worse are we?" Hughes asked, sitting next to Mark and tilting his head.

"It's coming," Mark thought for a moment. "The task under the master is: four thousand pounds of black gold for adults, four hundred pounds of black gold for children, converted into ore, that is, four hundred thousand pounds for adults and four hundred thousand pounds for children. We have completed forty. It is estimated that the mining of 30,000 jin of ore will be completed by digging another day tomorrow. As for the day after tomorrow..., Dad will take you to Houshan to play, okay?"

"Okay!" Hughes shouted in excitement, then frowned, "However, we are still digging for black gold so that we won't have to work so hard next month."

Mark listened, and suddenly a wetness appeared in his eyes.

Slaves are the cheapest humans on the Golden Phoenix continent, not even pigs and dogs.

They can be slaughtered by arbitrary trades, whipped and verbally abused, without any freedom and dignity, they live only because they cannot die. Because in their minds, there is a mark of imprisoned magic all their lives.

This mark is not only the shackles used by slave owners to restrain slaves, but also the symbol of slaves.

Once the mark is lifted, he will no longer be a slave. Otherwise, he will flee to the end of the world, or he will seek shortsightedness, and will be controlled by the slave owner without any chance of resistance. It can't be turned over, and all generations will be the lives of slaves!

Thinking of this, Mark couldn't help but secretly make up his mind: "For my son, I must fight for every opportunity to restore my freedom!"

However, he knew in his heart that lifting the imprisonment magic was almost impossible, but it was not without any chance.

At present, he knows that there are three ways: first, to ask the magician for help, second, to redeem himself with money, and third, to gain the favor of the slave owner.

Ask the magician for help, Mark never had any extravagance, because although there are many magicians, but there is not so much that anyone can see, sometimes even the average noble wants to see the magician. More difficult thing, let alone a slave?

As for spending money to redeem yourself, that is nothing more than a dream. In reality, not to mention money, even if he himself is the property of Shenmo Yakes, where is the remaining money?

"Thinking about it, there is only a third way to fight for it." Mark said in heart, "As long as the task assigned by the master is completed perfectly, over time, the master will definitely be moved by my sincerity. Although this opportunity Nothing is better than nothing, and I heard that many years ago, Lord Shenmo did restore his freedom because of the performance of a certain slave."

"I will succeed!" Mark stood up. Although the chance was so negligible, he decided to give it a try.

Even if not for himself, but also for his six-year-old son. His son is still too young, and has a long life. He should not be a slave like a pig and dog in his life. He should have a new life. He should have a hopeful and happy future like a civilian child.

Mark strengthened his conviction and worked harder.


"Three adults, it's Mark and his son Hughes who are digging for black gold over there." The face was covered with blood, and the middle-aged slave, who was apparently pumped with several lashes, pointed to the front with a painful face and said in a grudge. .

"Grandma, what the **** is this, I actually walked for four or five hours!" The hooked warrior's temper was most fierce, and he stretched out his hand and pulled a whip on the middle-aged slave. For him, the slave was the object of his anger, not a person with blood and flesh.

"Hey, that little bunny! Yes, it's you who said, get over for me! Your grandma, for you, the three men's legs are almost broken!" cried the red-faced soldier. They are only first-order fighters, with limited physical strength, and they are really tired after walking around in caves.

Along the way, all the slaves in the cave drew attention, and they all looked at them in shock.

The slaves knew that in the history of Tiequan Valley, the proud soldiers had never bothered to enter the cave, but today they entered three soldiers all at once, which is really unusual!

When they heard the cry of the red-faced warrior, they were even more surprised that their eyes fell on the ground. These three warriors entered the cave for the little slave Huss!

At the same time, they inevitably have some doubts: Hughes offended them? Impossible, if offended, they can just wait outside. Is there any treasure in Hughes, they are eager to get it?

The slaves were speculating, but Mark was so scared that his face was green. No need to ask. He also knew that it must have been the morning gathering. The abnormality of his son was seen by the three soldiers, so he came in person. Perhaps they do not yet know the existence of cotton for "ear protection", but it is obviously impossible to hide it.

What should I do?

Mark was thinking about the solution quickly, but he saw that Hughes continued to dig the black gold as if he didn't hear it.

"Huh? That little slave is deaf?" the fine-eyed soldier asked angrily.

The middle-aged slave suddenly shook his heart, and although the fine-eyed warrior had the least words among the three warriors, it was the most vicious one. He could be sure that if he answered yes, that fine The Eye Warrior will definitely kill all the slaves here to vent his inner anger.

Fortunately, Hughes was not deaf, and the middle-aged slave was fortunate in his heart, and he even cried inexplicably: "No, no, absolutely not..."

The three soldiers glanced at each other instantly, and all of them were shining brightly. Sure enough, there were treasures. This trip was not in vain!

"Dad, what's wrong with you? Where is it uncomfortable?" Seeing Mark's face was so bad, even though Six-year-old Hughes didn't understand many things, he also knew that the uncomfortable person would have such a bad complexion, so he reached out and pulled out. A'ear protector' cotton, asked with concern.

Seeing his son's actions, Mark's face was even worse, but he couldn't cover it too obviously, otherwise he would be more eager to cover up. Now he can only pray to heaven for blessing. The three warriors didn't see anything in Hughes' hands.

Obviously that is unrealistic. Under the bright light of the surrounding crystal spar, let alone the soldiers, even the slaves can see clearly. How could those three soldiers not see?

Sure enough, before Mark finished his prayers, he heard the red-faced warrior exclaimed: "‘Ear Protector' cotton! Oh my god, such a noble thing is actually in the hands of a slave, what a sin!"

"It's really a sin!" The fine-eyed soldier also saw it.

"So what are you waiting for?" The Hooked Nose Soldier was most anxious and rushed past.

Mark quickly took Hughes to the depths of the cave. It's a pity, how can a slave he hasn't undergone any training escape the soldier's tracking?

They were about to be caught by them. Suddenly a loud blast came from outside the cave, deafening, and even the cave was shaking steadily, more and more fiercely.

"Click, click, click..." The stone wall in the cave was suddenly torn apart and the sound became louder and louder.

"Uh! Uh! Uh!"

Soon after, I saw a piece of stone falling down.

"No, the cave is about to collapse!"

I don't know who yelled, and immediately scared the slaves who had been panicking for a long time. They all ran out desperately.


The red-faced, thin-eyed and aquiline warrior originally wanted to catch Hughes before escaping, but suddenly a stone hit them in front of them, scaring them out of a cold sweat, quickly turned around and escaped, baby no matter how good , It must be used with life.

The escape of the three men was far more arrogant than the slaves. All the people who stood in front of them were chopped by them, and the slaves in front of them hurriedly gave way to them.


"I'm sure these loud noises came from the Jinjiang battlefield, and there must have been another battle there." During the escape, the red-faced soldiers expressed their opinions with interest while cleaving, "You said, the Xifeng Empire What is the purpose of fighting against our black gold empire every year?"

"For the sake of black gold." The thin-eyed soldier answered very simply.

"For the sake of black gold?" The eagle nose warrior also showed interest.

"Yes. Black gold is a good thing!" The thin-eyed warrior's eyes lit up, and then dimmed again. "Unfortunately, I don't know how good it is. I only know that in the'Black Spirit Pill' that we usually use to enhance the sensitivity. The main material is black gold."

"What! Black Lingdan's main material is black gold? Are you talking about the black gold we are digging?" the red-faced warrior exclaimed in surprise, but did not stay in his hand, regardless of whether the slaves blocked him or not. Chop.

"Yes." The fine-eyed warrior is not weak.

"It is said that a black spirit pill will cost three hundred gold coins, and a black spirit pill is as big as a little finger. We can dig tens of thousands of tons of black gold a day in Tiequan Valley. I don't know how much black spirit pill can be made?" Eagle The hook-nosed warrior is even more arrogant, a knife can kill a large area.

"At least one hundred thousand." The fine-eyed soldier replied.

"Gosh, that is to say, we can make at least 30 million gold coins a day in Tiequan Valley?!" The red-faced warrior was breathless in shock, and even strangely did not raise his sword to cut people.

The eagle nose warrior was also surprised and speechless. This is just a small iron spring valley. There are so many valleys like this in the whole black gold empire. No wonder the Xifeng empire wants to keep up with the black gold empire every year. After the war, which is such a huge profit, which one is not jealous?

Seeing that both companions were shocked, the tiny eyes of the thin-eyed warrior grew strangely a bit bigger, and they hacked the slaves, making them more chic and freehand.


Mark followed them from afar, looking at their cruel swordsmanship, feeling chilled, but helpless. A slave who wants to fight desperately with a warrior is like hitting a stone with an egg. Even if there are too many ‘eggs’, it’s just ‘eggs’ for ‘stones’, at most it’s a little more blood on the body.

Little Hughes also looked upset, and if he hadn’t been pulled by his father, he really wanted to bite them.

The people they killed were all his "family", who had taken care of him and loved him, but now they have become ghosts under their swords, and they have no way to face these three wicked bad guys. No.

Little Hughes was full of guilt and self-blame.

He closed his eyes in pain, and tears shed silently.

The stones in the cave were still ruthlessly smashing down, and the slaves were smashed and their brains burst and blood was flying. The three demon incarnate soldiers were still wielding big swords, killing people like hemp.

Mark squeezed in the crowd suddenly shouted: "Rees, you take Hughes first, and I have to clean up my tools." Then, I saw a red-haired Lis squeezed from the crowd, "The caves are almost collapsed. , No matter what the tool does, run away!"

"Throwing away the tools, but the death penalty." After seeing the three soldiers overwhelmed, Mark began to think about how to complete the master's task perfectly.

Protecting mining tools is the first step!

He knew this very well, so as soon as he saw Reese, he stopped him immediately, handed him Hughes, and turned to pick up the tools.

"You..." Reese put down Hughes and tried to persuade a few words, but saw Mark like a dexterous rabbit, while avoiding the falling stones, he picked up the tools one by one and had to swallow the words back.

When he just leaned over to hug Hughes, he found that he was gone, and hurriedly shouted, "Xius, Hughes, where are you?"

"Uncle Reese, I'm leaving now!" In the noisy voice, Reese heard Husky's shrill child's voice coming from the front, his heart suddenly relaxed, and quickly squeezed over there.

After Mark picked up his tools, he just saw a cowhide basket filled with black gold ore. I thought he was still tens of thousands of pounds. If I carried this basket out, I could reduce the difference a little, and at the same time, it would be more perfect. After completing the task, he bowed and carried the cowhide basket.

Reese squeezed and turned back to Mark, shouting, "Mark, hurry up, follow me!" As a result, Mark didn't forget to carry a basket of ore even when he escaped. Although he was angry, he didn't know the priority, but also for his secretly. Moved by the spirit of daring to give everything for the purpose.


There are many forks in the cave, and slaves are pouring out from each one. The red face, the fine eyes and the eagle hook nose are sour, but they have not walked out half! However, the cave rocked more and more, and the stones smashed down, faster and faster.

"Looking at this posture, it's not like the battle on the Jinjiang battlefield, it's like a magician's fight!" The red face was scared or tired, and it became even redder, **** red, like a monkey butt.

"You're right. The magical elements around you seem to have become a thousand times thicker at once. I can sense it with my weak magical element's sensitivity. It's incredible!" exclaimed thin eyes in shock. Judging from the richness of the magical elements, these magicians must be advanced magicians of order 7 or higher."

"Senior sorcerer?" Both the red face and the aquiline nose startled, not to mention the senior sorcerer above the seventh order, that is, the first-order sorcerer, even those with a little magic element sensitivity Rarely, it would be attentive to say that it is at least seventh order, which is really unimaginable.

Because they didn't feel real, they both smiled contemptuously, and didn't believe in the words of thin eyes.

Careful eyes were trying to persuade the two partners, and suddenly the little slave, who was as dry as a firewood, stood at a fork not far in front of him, squinting at them, gritting his teeth, mumbled some words, but looked at him The look also knew that it was definitely not a good word.

The cave is indeed very large, not crowded by thousands of people, but unfortunately there is only one exit.

Thousands of people ran to an exit, can you imagine how slow it is? It's ridiculously slow! What is even more sad is that all people want to go out quickly, so there is a chaos of trampling, pushing, and pulling. Eventually, few people go out, but there are countless people who are smashed and trampled to death.

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