Pioneer Knight

Chapter 127:

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When he was about to jump into the battle, suddenly, a cloudless clear sky blew a gust of wind, the wind was extremely strong, not only the thief in front was blown up and down, it was difficult to stand his heels, not even Shenmo’s caravan To avoid being blown up, people turned their horses upside down, and the goods were scattered all over the place.

"Wow! There are also eighth-level warriors, three-level fire magicians, I like it!" The voice of Mengasi was heard in the violent wind.

It turned out that she did not disappear just now, but flew into the air with the help of wind magic-floating technique.

The reason why the attack took so long was because the spell she was chanting was too long and the gestures were too complicated.

Although both the warrior and the magician absorb the heaven and earth aura, but the magician absorbs the finer heaven and earth elements in the heaven and earth aura. Therefore, the magician's power is also two levels higher than the warrior.

Specifically, a first-level magician can contend with a third-level warrior. Only when the warrior exceeds the ninth level and reaches the legendary holy warrior, can he ignore the magician below the ninth level.

Seeing the horrifying scene of flying sand and rocks, Shen Mo was determined in his heart: "Those thieves are not lucky to complete the task now, but they are all lucky to be able to escape."

Looking at the bandit gangs in front of him who were blown up by the wind, Shen Mo couldn't help thinking: "Is this God's will? If Miss Monaskin didn't sneak into my carriage, then die in the wilderness today It’s me.”

With such a thought, he immediately decided that he must entertain the naughty lady after the incident, even if she demolished her house.

However, when he saw that his caravan was also blown up and down by the violent wind, he couldn't help but shouted to Mona Siqin: "Miss Mona Siqin, how can your magic skills be against me? You see my caravan makes you blown up terribly."

Mona Siqin looked down at the caravan under his feet. I saw that the caravan of the caravan was toppled to the ground, the cargo on the car was scattered everywhere, and the unruly horses were rushing around, stepping on the ground. The house servants and soldiers who guarded the team were blown to the ground and struggled.

She quickly apologized and apologized: "I'm sorry, Grandpa Shenmo, I didn't do it on purpose. When I go forward to perform magic, your caravan will not be implicated."

She was floating in mid-air, and when she read the spell of floating, her body was like an arrow, and she immediately reached the sky above the bandit gang. Along with the spell's thoughts, there was another violent violent wind, which caused the bandits to bump around and their heads bleed.

The leader of this group of "thieves" is a middle-aged man with a long scar on his face, which looks extremely scary and is the eighth-level soldier.

He was in the wind, but he was not at all chaotic. He stood as quiet as a mountain in his place, with a thick back and a big sword flying in his hands, breaking every sand and stone that hit him against the wind. At the same time, he also waved a fierce knife to slash toward Monasqin.

The fourth-level magician is not in his eyes!

The leader of this thief is Fran Stringer, who has been hired by others all year round to perform all assassinations. According to his previous style of doing things, he usually only commits crimes while the other party has fallen asleep at night.

However, when he learned that there were two 7th-level fighters and one 3rd-level magician performing this mission with him, he decided to change his style.

It has never been a fair and upright, decisively killing a comparable opponent, which is the most regrettable thing in his life.

After learning that the man to be killed was also an eighth-level fighter, and all the fighters in the caravan had no magicians, he decided to block the killing head-on, in order to fill in his regret.

However, people are not as good as heaven!

There is actually a fourth-level magician hidden in Shenmo's caravan, although it is not terrible for him. However, the opponent is a wind magician, good at launching group attack-gust wind, and even more terrifying is that the wind magician will float, which can fly around in the air, giving the warriors no chance at all Good melee combat.

With years of experience in assassinations, he is well aware that the possibility of completing tasks today is already quite low.

Therefore, before Mona Siqin launched the gust of wind, he issued a retreat order. Since it is no longer possible to block killing head-on, change to assassination. This has always been his style!

However, wouldn't Miss Menasqin, who has been depressed and lacking in life, let them easily escape? She didn't know that these people were fake thieves in her mind, but just regarded them as real hair-cutting robbers.

Since it is a little hair thief that everyone hates, she never thought of letting these people live.

Floating in the air, she continued to read spells, her hands made a complicated gesture, and she suddenly exhibited another wind magic technique-wind blade.

The strong wind element in the air condensed into a dagger-like knife under the control of her soul, and sprinted quickly towards the bandit gang.

Sixteen of the bandit gangs are fifth-level fighters. When facing Shenmo’s **** fighters, they were extremely violent, killing people as easily as cutting vegetables.

However, when facing the fourth-level wind magician, it was like a deflated balloon, which was instantly blown up and down, and many wounds were broken by sand and stones on the head, face, and body. The blood was flowing and the pain was unbearable. , The mind has been in dizziness.

At this time, in the face of the rapidly flying wind knife, there was no more resistance and wailed in pain. Although they waved their weapons desperately to resist, they could only block one or two wind knives. More wind knives pierced their bodies directly, leaving countless blood holes and terrifying.

The two 7th-level fighters in the bandit are slightly better. Not only does it block the strong wind, but at the moment, they can use all their power to avoid the wind knife from the thorn.

However, after only a few moments of hard work, the two of them were already sweating and panting, and there were several knife wounds on their bodies, which made them feel weak.

Originally, with their combat power enough to defeat a fourth-level magician, but the bad luck fell on the opponent is a wind magician, the only magician who can fly in the sky below the sanctuary, they can not find an attack to find aims.

They can only be beaten passively, very sadly!

Fran watched that the fifth-level fighters were killed, and the seventh-level fighters couldn't keep up. They were very anxious, but the knife light he emitted was easily avoided by the other party through the floating technique.

The situation is getting worse and worse, and the other side has a soldier of nearly nine levels watching the battle. If they do not retreat, they will probably be wiped out by the whole army.

Fran glanced around and found that the only one who was not injured was the third-level fire magician. He saw a wall of fire around him to block the attack of the wind knife, and the dense and sharp wind knife could not break him. Defense.

Fran was overjoyed, leaning towards him in a hurry and yelling: "Navi, Buch, hurry up to Mr. Jobs! Come together, she can't help us."

Mr. Jobs is the third-level fire magician, and Nawei and Buch are the two seventh-level warriors.

As for the other surviving fifth-level fighters, at this critical moment of life and death, Fran directly ignored them. He did not want these fifth-level fighters to drag his hind legs.

When Nawei and Buch heard the leader's words, they immediately leaned towards Jobs.

Shen Mo listened to Fran’s cry, and also admired him in his heart: “This person is indeed a ruthless character. Not only is he in danger, he is also resourceful, and if Miss Monasqin is not there, I guess I can’t escape. This robbery." I can't help but be more grateful to Meng Nasiqin.

Mona Siqin floated in the air, clearly seeing every move on the ground.

When I saw that the four most powerful members of the bandit gang were gradually getting closer, I was shocked: "Once they get together, their powers are superimposed on each other, and it is difficult to deal with them. Those fifth-level fighters have almost died, and the rest are also Has been seriously injured and will not live long, so let’s put it aside for now. Now attack the two 7th-level fighters first, then deal with the 3rd-level fire magician, and finally kill the 8th-level fighter. She clearly planned the sequence of attacks.

This is enough to see how many crimes the residents of Ulank City have suffered in order to allow this naughty lady to develop such agile fighting ideas.

Meng Nasiqin sipped, and by the impetus of floating technique, the speed was incredible, and immediately rushed to Nawei, and in his hand suddenly added a 20 cm long knife, quickly and absolutely in Nawei Cut a knife on his neck.

Na Wei only felt a flower in front of him, and a shadow passed by. He immediately instinctively swung a knife, but he didn't touch the shadow of the shadow. When he was about to continue the attack, he suddenly felt a pain in his neck, and immediately "gurgled", and his head fell. His eyes were still gurgling a few times, and he didn't seem to understand what was going on.

Buhe, who was not far away from him, only had time to scream and suffered the same fate as Nawei.

An ordinary fourth-level magician may only be able to defeat sixth-level fighters, but a wind-based magician who can use floating techniques to perform combat skills is really terrifying. Even the eighth-level fighter, Frang, dare not confidently say that he can avoid the sudden attack 100%, not to mention the seven-level fighter who has already been somewhat out of force?

It's really easy for Monas to kill them!

"Four-level wind magician who has learned combat skills is so desperate!"

Fran and Steve Jobs saw the wonderful combat skills suddenly displayed by Monas, and they were all in despair.

If Monasqin is just a pure magician, then they still have a fight. After all, the magician needs to read the spell to cast magic, and it takes time to read the spell, so they can use this time to rush Go out.

But now, the opponent is not only a fourth-level magician of the wind system, but also a magician who has practiced combat skills. As long as she uses the wind floating technique to increase the speed to the limit and then exert her combat skills, who can be the sharp edge?

There were only two people in front of me-Fran and Shenmo.

After killing two 7th-level fighters, Monasqin did not immediately attack the leader of the bandit and Jobs.

It's not that she didn't want to, but she suddenly felt tired of her soul and had to rest for a while to continue the fight. If you forcibly cast magic skills, it is likely to hurt the soul.

For the magician, the soul is the most important.

As long as the soul doesn’t die, it doesn’t matter if the body dies, it can still be resurrected, but if the soul is injured, it will take a long time to recover.

"Mr. Fran, the soul of that fourth-level magician has fallen into weakness, what should we do now?"

Jobs, who is also a magician, is very aware of the weakness of his soul. When he looks at the appearance of Meng Nasqin, he knows that she has fallen into the weakness of the soul. If she is killed at this time, it is likely to give her a fatal blow.

However, everything is unexpected. If Mona Siqin fights against the danger of hurting his soul and fights against him with life, a third-level magician can not only hurt the opponent, but also be killed in the end.

Therefore, although he understood that Monasqin had fallen into the weakness of his soul, he still dared not take the risk by himself and had to ask the leader aloud.

"You play magic skills, I play combat skills, let's kill her together. This is our only chance, hurry!"

Fran deserves to be the one who has walked countless times on the edge of life and death. He understands that the opportunity is fleeting, and at the moment, he raises his sword with his hands and shows his first skill in the three strokes of breaking the sky.

He slashed out, the world changed color, and a dazzling blade of light shot like a violent lightning towards Monaskin floating in mid-air.

At the same time, Jobs turned his head upward to read the spell, and his hands made an illusory gesture. He pointed forward, and a thick-armed fire snake opened his fiery mouth and quickly bite at Monas Qin.

Meng Nasiqin is rapidly absorbing the elements of heaven, earth and wind to nourish the soul. Suddenly she feels that there is a trembling danger that is approaching quickly. She has no time to show her defensive magic-the armor of the wind in a hurry.

The body floating in the air was hacked out by the violent blade of light for hundreds of meters, and it was heavily smashed into the mountains beside the official road. Her clothes and hair were also burnt black by the ensuing fire snake.

Fortunately, she exhibited the armor of the wind in time and quickly backed off, otherwise she would be killed by this trick.

Seeing Miss Meng Nasqin was slashed fiercely, Shen Mo was shocked, and hurriedly tried to hug her, but it was a step late.

When he saw Miss Monasqin crawling out of the mountain pit with bleeding eyes and burnt clothes and hair, he was surprised and hated.

It was shocking that Miss Monasqin was so violently attacked that she was only subjected to some skin trauma; she hated that she didn't find the danger in advance, so that the enemy had a chance.

However, Fran did not allow Monasine to have any rest time. At the moment when she was flying, he had raised his sword and exhibited the second trick of breaking the sky. "A more wild blade of light, engulfed in the sky and sand, rammed straight.

It was followed by Jobs’ watermelon-sized fireball. Because of the extremely high temperature, the fireball showed a blue-violet flame on the surface.

Anyone knows that if they are hit by this fireball, they will be burned into coke instantly!

"Be careful!"

Mona Qin shouted and instantly read the spell to cast a float, and Shenmo was also pulled into the air, and it happened that Fran’s knife light and Steve Jobs’ fireball attacked. As long as it was slow, the two would be seriously injured if they were not dead. Fell to the ground.

Shen Mo was shocked, and the wildness of his youth was also inspired, shouting: "Let me go, I will kill them!"

Meng Nasiqin held Shenmo tightly and said, "No, Grandpa Shenmo, you are close to the strength of the eighth-level warrior, kill him at one-and-a-half moment, not to mention he has a third-level magician to help us. Let’s go Well, it’s not too late to revenge."

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