Pioneer Knight

Chapter 129:

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After a hot egg compress, the swelling on Homon's face subsided slightly. After picking up his sister and saying goodbye to Hughes, he went to the main house.

However, less than an hour later, he came back with his sister, and had not entered the room, he shouted: "Sius, Sius, it's not good!"

Hughes was sitting on the bed thinking about what happened today, especially the first-level gold magical skill that he just learned in the afternoon-flying needles. When he suddenly heard Homon's cry, he had to wake up helplessly.

"what happened?"

Hughes opened the door, slightly annoyed.

He hated that someone interrupted him when he was practicing.

Although he has only 10 days to practice magic, he has been practicing day and night for the past 10 days. He has long been in love with the kind of tranquility, which is unique to me!

"Not good! There is no one in my family, not even a slave in the courtyard!" Homon said anxiously.

"They may have something to go out and will be back soon!" Hughes comforted.

He still didn't believe that anyone would dare to break the ground when he was too old to come to the trouble of the Yekes family!

"No, even in a hurry, my father will at least keep a servant to guard the mansion, it is impossible to be like this now!" Homon said, "Sue, you help me look at my sister, I want to go out and find , See if you can find some acquaintances and ask what happened?"

After all, Hormon was six years older than Hughes and was born in a noble family. His thoughts were much more complicated and his crisis awareness was much higher. Therefore, when no one was at home, the first feeling was that something was wrong!

"What will happen? Haven't you been out in town all the time? If something happened at home, wouldn't you know?" Hughes said.

"No, today, I took my sister to play by the small river outside the town for a while. I remember hearing loud shouts from the town at that time, as well as the battle of the soldiers, I thought ..."

Before Homon's words were finished, Hughes yelled, "You mean something big happened at home! Isn't my dad also implicated? Let's go and see your house!"

Although Hughes was only six years old, he had faced a harsh environment since he was a child, and had already developed a quiet personality.

Even when the black gold cave collapsed and his father and uncle Rees were crushed in the cave, he did not collapse when his life and death were unclear. Instead, he quietly asked the magician to help him excavate stones to save his father and uncle Rees! If the average child is too scared to speak!


The main house of the Yerx family, with continuous houses, fragrant flowers and plants, secluded rockery pavilions, and magnificent courtyards, shows the wealth and luxury of the Yerx family everywhere.

Although Hughes watched it for the first time, he had no mood to appreciate it at all.

He followed Homon, walked through the hallway, and walked through all the rooms. Except for some fighting marks in the living room, the other places were intact, and the furnishings in the room had not moved at all!

"Grandpa Lazibague, who do you think will do this?"

Hughes has told the old man Laziborg in the language of the soul all the things he saw.

Lazibague thought about it and replied: "According to what you said, I guess there are two possibilities. One is that a very powerful person directly subdued the owner of this house and coerced him to take all his family. The servant took away! Another possibility is that the owner of the house did not know what the reason was and called everyone away!"

Hughes nodded and said, "The first case is possible, the second case is unlikely, because the children of the owner of the house haven't left yet!"

Laziborg said: "That's someone who has been there."

Hughes asked: "How powerful do you think that person will be?"

Laziborg said: "I guess this man is at least a 9th-level warrior, or a magician above 5th level! Moreover, there may be more than one powerful character, otherwise the whole house will not be so unconsciously. The people are taken away! They are probably a group of people!"

Hughes cried in amazement: "Nine-level warriors! Five-level magicians! Or a group! I don't know what level the owner of this house is?" Immediately, he turned to Homon and asked, "Homon, the most in your family Who is a great person?"

Hormon didn't understand why Hughes suddenly asked this question, but he honestly replied: "The most powerful is my second uncle, he is a second-level water magician, and a fifth-level warrior, followed by my grandfather, he is eight The top-level warrior, then my father, the top-level warrior of level 7, and the others are all warriors below level 5."

Hughes asked again: "Your grandfather is not at home, only your father is at home, and your second uncle is, isn't he?"

Huo Meng said: "My second uncle went out to practice six months ago, and only my dad is in charge of the overall situation at home!"

Hughes no longer asked, but asked the old Lazibague in the language of the soul: "Grandpa Lazibague, look?"

Laziborg also heard Hormon's voice, frowning: "So, everyone in this family, including your father, must have been taken away!"

"What about then?"

When Hughes thought of his father being taken away, his mind was confused.

But he knows that his father is still a slave, and he may be sold or killed at any time... He dare not think about it anymore!

"Don't panic, there will be a solution for everything!" Lazibug comforted.

Hormon, who was standing on the side, saw Hughes' frowns and anxiety, and quickly asked, "Hughes, what did you think of?"

Hughes glanced at Homon, and then he repeated what the old man said to him.

"So, my dad, they were hijacked by someone? Who dares to be so arrogant, my house is the master of the entire Jinjiang town. All the people here are subject to my own restraint, certainly not the people of this town?"

When Huo Meng heard it, he was furious, and he was very certain that he was not a person from Jinjiang Town, a foreigner, or an outsider invited by some people in the town!

He is now eleven or twelve years old, and he is usually rigorously educated by his father. He thinks deeply about some things!

"What now?" Hughes asked anxiously.

"I don't know, it would be nice if Grandpa was there, who would dare to come to my house for extravagance!"

Huo Meng suddenly remembered Shen Mo's well at this time, but he was usually like a mouse to see a cat, unable to dodge!

"You are more familiar with the people in the town, or will you go out and ask?" Hughes took Monas and embraced her in his arms.

Monas is only four years old, her eyes are innocent, and she doesn't know what happened at home. She thought her brother was going to take her to play, and she was very excited!


Shortly after Hormon walked out of the house, Hughes followed Monas, and he wanted to know his father's whereabouts earlier.

Before Hughes walked out of the gate of the house, he saw a tall, muscular young man carrying Hormon in his hand, striding in like a chicken and kitten.

"Well? Kate's kid lied to me, obviously there were three children, but he told me there were only two! Forget it, two or three is not much different anyway, go back and ask him to ask me to drink a few bowls of gold rice wine!" Muscle youth Seeing Hughes holding Monas, he froze a little, whispering in his heart, but shouted to Hughes: "Come with me!"

"Where?" Hughes took a step back holding Monas and asked cautiously.

"It's verbose!" The muscular young man's long arm stretched, and he wanted to hold Hughes in his hand.

Hughes hurried into a cluster of flowers and plants beside him.

The bushes are dense and low, and ordinary children generally can't get in. However, Hughes is thin and short, and the Monas in her arms is also small and delicate, so those caves that are small for others can also be easily penetrated. And it looks a bit spacious!

Four-year-old Monas’s favorite game is hide and seek. Seeing Hughes hug her into the flowers and plants, she laughed happily and yelled from time to time: "Brother, drill inside, I know there is a great place Hiding, no one will know!"

Hughes thought: "You yelled so much that even the secret place was discovered by others!" However, he did not care about it at this time, and asked Laziborg in the language of the soul: " Grandpa Lazibague, what level of warrior is this man?"

"He is a 4th-level peak fighter. He is only one step away from becoming a 5th-level fighter. Just like you, you can go out and fight with him!" Laziborg encouraged.


Hughes had just learned flying needles, and was eager to find someone to practice. Hearing that the muscular young man outside the flowers and plants were comparable to himself, there was a sudden euphoria in his heart.

He placed Monas under a bush of thick flowers and whispered, "Monas, my brother is going out now to lead the man away, don't move here, okay?"

"Okay! Are we playing hide-and-seek with him?" Monash asked brightly.

"Yes, so I didn't tell you, you must not come out, otherwise you lose, you know?" Hughes smiled, but a little envious of Monas's innocence, he was only two years older than her, But he has lost his naive feeling.

Outside the flowers, the muscular young man waved his hands, knocked down countless flowers and branches, and shouted loudly: "Small miscellaneous, come out quickly, or I will set fire! If I don't come out, I will tear this fat man! Not coming out..."

Hughes knew that he was intimidating, and he wouldn't really do that. The purpose was nothing more than trying to lure him out.

"I came out!" Hughes cried.

From the other side, he rushed out of the flowers and grass, and ran into a large courtyard in the house, before standing still, screaming at the muscular young man who quickly followed: "You put down Homon, I will single you out!"

This is a brave statement, but with his skinny body, the tenderness of the six-year-old child, and the sharp and harsh voice, it seems a little weird and funny!

"Haha..." The muscular young man laughed for a while, and said, "Heads-up? With your small body, I can blow you away with my boxing and leg strength! And..."

"It's verbose!" Hughes said, copying what he said without waiting for him to finish.

The muscular young man was stunned. He didn't expect that he was run over by a six-year-old child. He couldn't help but be furious: "You are the one who dies! Don't blame me mercilessly!"

Hughes had already read the spell of flying needle surgery, and when he saw him punching, he quickly made a mysterious gesture and gathered "golden nails" around him.

However, before he was released, the muscular young man's fist rushed to the door, rushed him out ten meters away, and fell heavily on the ground. The "golden nails" around him also wavered.

"Too fast! I don't have time to release the magic skills at all!"

Hughes was beaten to the ground and spit blood! But I was shocked. The speed and power of the original combat skills were so terrifying!

"Haha..." Muscle youth laughed again. "How about it? Does it taste strong? Would you like to have something spicier?"

"If Kate told me to go back alive, I would not only give out 60% of the strength, otherwise, that punch will definitely kill you!" The muscular young man walked over with pride and wanted to mention that he had been seriously injured Hughes.

"It's not over yet!!" Hughes shouted and stood up.

His body has been seriously injured, but his soul is still tough. The power of the first-level soul instantly attracted the surrounding gold elements to gather sharply towards him, forming finger-sized "golden nails" floating beside him, and then spurred to the muscular youth. go with. At the same time, the dragon's eye also emits a dazzling golden light, covering the eyes of the muscular young man.

"not good!"

The muscular young man shouted in his heart, and his body immediately receded like a wind.

The first-level magician is comparable to his fourth-level peak warrior. If he fights hard, he wins or loses five or five points, but now, his eyes are blinded by golden light, and he can’t see the figure of Hughes. I don’t know how he will be. Offense can only retreat!

Retreat is the best defense, but also for the strongest offense!

Sure enough, after quitting fifty meters, the muscular young man suddenly rushed forward and left, and the strong fist wind rolled up all over the sky and went straight to Hughes!

"Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding..."

"Golden nails" hit a strong punch and made a series of noises!

"What?! Golden nails will still turn!!!"

The muscular young man looked at the nails flying behind him incredulously, and was shocked to add: "This is the control that only the second-level soul power can do! Are you a second-level magician?"

Hughes knew that he was not a second-level magician. He turned the golden nails into the corner and realized it in the afternoon. It was a natural thing for him. If he had to ask why, he couldn't answer it, and he was confused.

Lazibague, who was attached to his soul, knew why.

"This is the amazing thing about the 100% affinity of the gold element! As long as it is the gold element, he can be arbitrarily absorbed and controlled by him, and even the appearance of leapfrogs! The first-level soul power can emit a similar second-level soul power. , If it is the power of the ninth-level soul, can't it be a magical skill similar to the power of the soul of the sanctuary? This is so desperate!"

Laziborg didn't tell Hughes the reason, he just sighed in his heart!

In the courtyard, Hughes was swept away by four or five meters from the muscle young man’s fist, and he fell heavily on the ground. His skeleton seemed to be scattered. The pain was unbearable. Fortunately, he didn’t hurt his internal organs anymore.

The muscular young man was also uncomfortable. He was attacked by golden nails and left and right, and he continuously shot five or six punches before he shot down the golden nails around him, but his thighs and buttocks were stabbed like a horse honeycomb!

This is because the difference between Hughes and his height makes this weird thing happen!

"Good! You are ruthless! You are waiting!"

Leaving a scene, the muscular young man raised Homon and walked over his butt.

The first-level magician, he still has a five-point chance of winning, the second-level magician, that is all about finding a smoker!

"While he hasn't issued magic skills again, he hasn't run quickly, what time will he wait?" The muscular young man thought to himself, although his limbs were developed, his mind was not simple, and he knew nothing about the enemy.

Hughes didn't understand the muscular young man, and he had clearly beaten him seriously, and he could catch it at first sight.

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