Pioneer Knight

Chapter 150:

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"Grandpa Benzé, let's go!" Hughes shouted the little girl, screaming at the stunned Benzé.

"Okay!" Benz Jersey recovered, and immediately took Hughes away.

Ramazan and the people who stood in the same place have been talking endlessly, and have not been awake for a long time. This discovery is too shocking!

"What's the kid's way? Why is he walking with Chairman Benz Jersey?" one of the instructors asked.

"Did you hear that the kid called the chairman the grandfather? That must be the grandson of the chairman. Only the ninth-level peak magician like the chairman can educate such excellent children!" said another teacher.

"The chairman's grandson, I have seen it, is almost 18 years old, just a third-level fighter. That kid is definitely not the chairman's grandson! I think it must be a child of a super family!" said another teacher.

"Ramazan, this time you have met your opponent, but the other party is a magician! In the future, our Warrior Academy will not have the opportunity to dominate you!" one of the luxuriously dressed students walked over to Ramazan.

"Huh, I will call him good-looking! Isn't it a magician, what a great thing!" Ramazan walked away with hate, and was too lazy to pick up the one hundred gold coins sprinkled on the ground, or said that he had no face to pick up!


The area of ​​the entire Imperial Warrior Academy is about a hundred miles, but the buildings in it are very scarce, and most of them are martial arts arenas and arenas.

Each martial arts arena is huge and can accommodate thousands of people training on it at the same time.

However, the college has set a level requirement for each martial arts court. From level 1 to level 9, the area is getting larger and larger, and the facilities inside are becoming more and more luxurious.

If you want to enter these high-level martial arts fields to practice martial arts, you must pass the assessment of the academy. The assessment method and location are in the arena between the martial arts arenas. All fighters who want to enter the high-level martial arts field must accept the challenge of fighters of the same level in the arena, and no one will be allowed to enter until no one challenges.

That is to say, entering the high-level martial arts field does not necessarily have to have high-level combat power, but it must be the most powerful warrior of the same level to be eligible to enter.

To the east of these martial arts arenas and arenas are the pitiful three teaching buildings and four dormitory buildings, plus a comprehensive office building.

The three teaching buildings are labeled "Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced". Each building has only three floors, from bottom to top are "low, medium, peak".

The four dormitory buildings are also marked as "primary, intermediate, advanced, and special", but each building has only three floors, from bottom to top is "low, medium, and peak."

Among them, the "superior" dormitory houses are the most elite talents in the college, the most talented talents, and the talents with magic talents! Because of this, this dormitory is also called "Devil's House"!

On the first floor of the "Devil's House", that is, the lower dormitory, in the southernmost dormitory.

"Sius, this is your dormitory!" Benz Jersey said.

The dormitory has only a simple bed and a book shelf, not even a chair or a small bench. There were only two books and two sets of student uniforms on the shelf.

Hughes looked at the humble dormitory and did not show displeasure. For him, as long as there is a place to live.

On the contrary, the little girl who was bought by him for one hundred gold coins screamed in surprise: "So simple, how can I live! Although I am a slave of the Flosman family, I live a thousand times more luxuriously than here!"

"I'm here to learn combat skills and enhance strength, not to enjoy!" Benz Jersey said nothing, Hughes said reasonably, "If you want to have super strength, you must eat a hundred times the hardships. External luxury is not important, not to mention that it can be sheltered from the wind and rain, which is already very good."

Ben Jersey looked deeply at the thin-eyed Hughes, and really could not think of this little boy. The young age was able to say such philosophical words. Of course, if he knew that Hughes had another one behind him, the same The old man of Laziborg, the ninth-level peak magician, would not think so.

"Shuth, I want to know all your experiences, as well as your background and strength! In this way, I can better formulate a reasonable cultivation plan for you." Ben Jersey said with a smile.

"Grandpa Benzei, please help her to lift her imprisonment first. I'm afraid that the little fat man will trigger her imprisonment magic in a rage, then she will die immediately!" Hughes pointed to the little girl.

Every slave's soul has soul imprisonment magic, which is their symbol and the means by which the slave owner controls them. Generally, after the slave transaction, the seller will hand over the magic beads and slaves that store the imprisoned magic spell to the buyer. This time, Hughes bought very suddenly, and Ramazan did not carry the magic beads with the spell removed, so Hughes would have such a request.

"Remove imprisoned magic? Do you want to restore her freedom?" Benz Jersey looked at Hughes in astonishment. He thought Hughes could only see Ramazan's fierceness and sympathy for this little girl. The element of defeat will only cost a hundred gold coins to buy a lowly slave, but unexpectedly, he actually wants to restore her freedom.

In the ideology of Benz Jersey's strong sense of hierarchy, it can't be turned at once!

The little girl stared at Hughes with wide eyes, too shocked to speak. This happiness came too fast and too violent, making her unbearable for a while, and her thin body couldn't help shaking slightly!

"It will be painful to lift the imprisoned magic. Can you hold it up? It depends on whether you are strong enough!" Hughes didn't care about the shocked expression of the two, because he knew that they both thought he was a noble child, if they If you knew that he was a slave before, you would not be so surprised.

"Thank you master, I will stick to it!" The little girl's eyes were full of tears, and the tears were full of happiness and gratitude.

Benze didn't speak any longer, reaching out slowly to release a beam of earthy light, instantly covering the little girl. For him, lifting a slave's imprisonment magic was too simple, it was just a matter of raising hands.

The little girl covered in khaki light was suffering from spasms and sweating. However, to the surprise of the other two, the little girl didn't shout loudly, she could only hear a few moaning sounds.

The time was very short. For a minute or two, the imprisoned magic in the little girl's soul was lifted, and she fainted in pain.

Hughes immediately helped her to lie down on the bed, and then said to Benze: "Thank you, Grandpa Benze. My experience is very simple..." Then, Hughes told him everything he had done in the past two months. Said it again. Except that he didn't tell Benz Jersey that he was a slave, everything else was said.

"100% gold, 80% wood, and 70% affinity for soil?!...become a first-level magician in ten days?!...kill Sofo? Ritchie?!...offended Ahler Frostman and Elder Singer, the elder of the devil?!...Billionaire?!...Having the dragon eye ring?!...Laziburger?Yelukovacs attached to your soul Among them?..." Benz Jersey was shocked by this series of experiences. Although every cultivator will have his own legendary experience, the other party is only a six-year-old boy, just like so many Enough to sensation the entire continent experience, it is really hard not to shock!

"Okay, I know. In these three days, you rest first. I will tell you the specific training plan in three days!" Benzer said, standing up lightly, his mind still in shock. When he was about to walk out of the room, he remembered something like that, and turned back and said, "The little fat man you just taught is called Ramazan? Frostman, and won the favor of Duke Frostman, the owner of the house. You Be careful in the future, after all, I can't always protect you by your side! In addition, you have the dragon eye ring, except me, you should not tell anyone, otherwise it will cause unnecessary trouble, you know? "Seeing that Hughes nodded, he just left.

Carrick and Benzes didn’t **** Hughes’s Dragon Eye Ring, and wanted to use him to lift the curse of the entire continent, but this does not mean that others learned that Hughes has the world’s treasure-the Dragon Eye Ring. , No worries!

After all, who doesn't want to own such a magical baby?

Even Benz Jersey and Carrick wanted to have it, but they hesitated when they thought that the person with the dragon's eyes would bear to crack the curse, or even be eroded by the curse.

No one knows who cast the curse, or why the curse should be cast, and how strong the curse is. If the person under the curse is irritated, will it disappear in an instant, no one can say for sure. Therefore, they only protect those with Dragon Eye Rings, and try their best to help these people become the ninth peak, in order to let these people take the unknown danger!

Of course, Hughes knew nothing about the evil intentions of Benz Jersey and Carrick, just like Laziborg abducted him to learn magic, and he was only grateful.

He thought in self-deprecation in the dormitory at this time: "I really went out to meet nobles! However, the Flosman family is still full of souls, and they can meet their family children everywhere, really fate!"

Hughes shook his head, and suddenly his right hand made a move. Three people appeared on the floor of the dormitory. These three men are the unconscious bald warrior, the stout warrior and Miss Mila.

According to Elder Carrick, they only need to drink a bowl of blood water to each of them to wake up, but the whole dormitory is empty and cannot find a bowl and water at all. Hughes can't help but feel a little worried and don't know what to do.

"You can just drop blood into their mouths, one drop per person!" Laziborg said suddenly, he had been thinking about Carrick's words "the soul can also be practiced alone", but for so long He didn’t come up with a clue, he was always stuck on the question "What if the soul is in danger". If this problem is not solved, he will never be able to practice with peace of mind.

If you have a body, the soul can borrow from the body when it encounters danger, but without the body, all the danger must be borne by the soul itself. The soul is originally fragile. In case of danger, it will definitely be finished! It is precisely because of such worries that Laziborg has never dared to practice alone, and all rely on the cultivation of Hughes to strengthen his soul.

According to Laziborg's instructions, Hughes broke his finger, and then gave everyone a drop.

After a while, the three people who were pale and bloodless suddenly showed vitality, and their breathing became more and more comfortable. After a while, the three people opened their eyes and woke up.

At the moment when they were awake, Hughes suddenly felt three small soul light spots in his mind, and he found that these three light spots were different, bright, dark, and gray. He lightly "touched" the bright spot, and then when he heard Miss Mila's painful moan, touched the black dot, he heard the moan of the bald warrior, and the gray dot was the moan of the stout warrior.

"It turns out that these three soul spots are the soul contract points of the three. No wonder Elder Carrick said that the three did not dare to have any resistance. Also, as long as any of them rebelled, I would just extinguish their soul spots, They will die immediately!" Huston suddenly realized.

The three also felt the difference in their own souls. They all looked at the thin boy in front of their eyes with surprise. They really did not want to believe that they had become the servant of this little fart boy, and actually signed a soul contract with him!

"My name is Hughes Liku, and you are your masters. From now on, you must allegiance to me, otherwise, I will let you disappear and disappear into the world!" Hughes sat by the bed and pressed. Ziborg's teaching, with a naive voice but rather majestic, "Now tell me your name and strength."

"Huh, a little fart kid wants to enslave me, too. Lao Tzu abolished you with a punch!" The bald warrior screamed, but his fists hadn't hit yet, but the punching wind had blown Huss down, "bang", hit the wall.

However, at this moment, the bald warrior suddenly paused and groaned painfully on the ground like the same mud, no longer had the slightest resistance.

"I will let you go for the time being, and if you dare to disrespect next time, don't blame me for being merciless!" Hughes stood up in pain and said coldly.

"Yes!" The bald warrior responded weakly on the ground, and has since completely surrendered.

The other two also understood at this moment that it was impossible to fight Hughes, and had to submit to Hughes like a bald warrior.

"Your injuries are still relatively serious, and you need to rest for ten days and a half months to fully recover. I have three ecstasy beads to help you recover quickly. You eat it!" Hughes took a right hand and took out three. Bewitching beads handed to three people.

The three looked at each other with emotion, shock and a little humor.

The three are all notorious giants, not to mention Miss Mila, they are both the bald warrior and the short warrior, they are all characters that the imperial royal family must stagnate, and now they have become an unknown little fart boy. Slave. Even more ridiculous is that they actually need to accept the alms of this little fart boy to recover the injury!

No one would believe that this is true!

"Thank you Master!" All three resisted the funny thoughts in their hearts, and very unaccustomed to take three ecstasy beads and eat them. However, after they ate the ecstasy beads, they could not suppress the surprise inside. This white bead was actually the psychedelic beads of the Millennium Snow Frog, and it also contains pure elemental crystals, which is absolutely great for the injured. Tonic, could not help but look at the little boy in front of him.

"You haven't answered my words yet!" Hughes said slightly proudly, looking at the joy on their faces.

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