Pioneer Knight

Chapter 160:

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"I waited for all the flowers to thank, and I finally waited for you!" A thin, twenty-year-old thin warrior in the room saw the three men coming in and immediately stood up and laughed.

Hugh snorted in his heart and nodded slightly, then sat down on the throne honestly, and Moran of course sat next to him.

A trace of anger flashed in the eyes of the skinny warrior in his twenties, and then he concealed again, still smiling with a smile on his face: "Sius, you may not know me yet, introduce yourself, Asel? The first-class fighter is a good brother of Ramazan. I heard that you have a festival, so I came to be a peacemaker!"

"Hello!" Hughes didn't want to make him too embarrassed, so he asked, but his tone was very cold.

At the moment, a few people sat down to eat and drink together. The two were attentive to toast and toast. Hughes and Moran accepted with cold eyes, and did not refuse.

After eating and drinking, Ramazan suddenly raised two wine glasses and stood up, said to Morans: "Morans, you grew up with my parents. Although life was hard before, it was you who grew up after all Place. I will call you a little girl cheeky."

"Sister, you can restore your freedom and get rid of the shackles of slaves. My elder brother is happy for you. Come, I give you a drink. One is to congratulate you and the other is to apologize to you. I shouldn’t have beaten you so hard that day, It's my fault, please forgive me!" After that, Ramazan actually bowed deeply and handed the glass to Moranth.

This time he was far beyond Hughes and Moran's expectations, but he did not expect that he really apologized sincerely.

Hughes was kind-hearted, and after seeing that Ramazan was indeed sincere, full of remorse in his eyes, he motioned to Morans to drink the glass of wine.

This wine is made from a bright red fruit that is very common in the black gold empire. After drinking it, it can be strong but not intoxicating! They had already drank a lot just now, so Hughes did not doubt that he was there!

After Morans finished drinking, Ramazan raised another glass of wine and handed it to Huss, and said, "Shuss, I admire you very much. This one!"

Hughes listened to his arrogant words and couldn't help but laughed and said, "Okay! Do it!" After that, he swallowed his neck.

"Okay, refreshing!" Asel also stood up and clapped, but a conspiracy smile began to appear on his face.

Suddenly, with a "loud throat", Moran suddenly fell to the ground from the stool, suddenly unconscious.

Then there was another "boom", and Ramazan next to Hughes couldn't afford to fall.

At this moment, Hughes also felt a dizzy mind and could not stand. A thick gray-black substance filled the mind instantly.

"What is this?" Hughes knew that he was poisoned, but he knew his soul was protected by a dragon eye ring, so he didn't worry too much.

"This is Soul Eater! Fall down quickly, don't show flaws!" Laziborg said suddenly. Before he came again, he had already told Hughes that if something happened, he would arrange everything. He is an old guy who has lived for hundreds of years, and his life experience is very rich. Upon seeing this posture, he knows that someone wants to murder them, but now everything is unknown, and only by taking account of it can we know who is behind the scene!


Hughes pretended to shake and fell to the ground. At the same time, I transported a tuna practice that I had just learned—the marrow washing, to excrete the gray and black things in my mind from the pores.

"Haha...good wine, come, come, come... continue to drink! Sure enough..."

Hughes fell to the ground, and he heard Asel still clapping his hands, and the sound volume was much higher than before. I don’t know what medicine he sold in the gourd, so his closed eyes opened a slit slightly and looked out. .

I saw Asel talking loudly while groping on Ramazan, and then he saw a dark purple kit.

Hughes is no stranger to this kind of kit, he once searched for eight such kits on Piero.

"Storage tips! Isn't he a good brother of Ramazan? Why should he hold his storage tips?" Hughes puzzled at Asel's every move.

Suddenly, Asel took out a golden chain from the storage bag, and there was a faint light golden light flowing on the chain, and two powerful and trembling powers loomed out.

"What is this?" Hughes had never seen the Warcraft Chain and didn't know it.

"This is the Warcraft chain! The Warcraft chain is divided into five types: iron chain, copper chain, silver chain, gold chain, and platinum chain. The chain in his hand is glowing with golden light. It should be a gold chain, which can lock the chain of seven or eight levels of Warcraft. "Lazi Burg glanced outward through the eyes of the dragon and said in shock, "This Ramazan really did not have good intentions, he wanted to use this Warcraft chain to deal with you! He must think, first Poison you with Soul Eater, and then release Level 8 Warcraft to eat you up. By the time you have been eaten into the belly of Warcraft, he can also make up and make up without being questioned by the Academy, even if there is doubt , That’s no proof of death, it’s gone."

"It's really vicious!" Hughes heard cold sweat, and before watching Ramazan sincerely bowed to Morans, he was really impressed by him, thinking he was the most unique and greatest of the nobles. It was such a sinister villain!

"However, look like this now. It seems that he is also poisoned by Soul Eater! This Asel is the real sinister villain, not even good brothers!" Lazibague is worthy of Lao Jiang, only A glance at what happened in Yajian was transparent.

"This man's heart is so bad!" Hughes's spasms, secretly glad that this man is not his friend, otherwise he did not know if he was sold!

"...Wow, well, it's really bold! The two will have another drink..."

Asel kept crying loudly in his mouth, but his face was a smug smile, carefully put the chain of Warcraft into his kit, and then after thinking about it, he threw Ramazan's purple kit to repair Beside Si, he stood up and walked back to his seat.

"What does he mean?" Hughes has never been framed by anyone, and he never thought the heart would be so insidious.

"He wanted to frame you!" Lazibourg also took a breath, thinking to himself: What a person is most afraid of is not his sinister and fierce, the most feared is that he is both sinister and fierce and thoughtful, this one in front of him The deep fighters in their twenties are such terrible people!

"What now?" Hughes gritted his teeth with hatred, and immediately wanted to issue a gold knife to break him. Today, he is performing gold sword surgery, just like flying needle surgery, and has almost reached the point of instantness!

"Kill... wait! He seems to be moving again!" Laziborg was about to let Huss kill him, but he found that the "yin man" seemed to be thinking of something, and was about to return to his seat again. Turning back, he walked to Hughes's side and fumbled over him.

"Kill!" At the order of Laziborg, the element of gold that Sius had already gathered in his body immediately turned into a gold knife and brushed on Asel's neck.


Asel's head fell to the ground, and blood was sprayed on Hughes. Before his death, his eyes were wide open, all unbelievable, but his mouth was still screaming: "...It is a good brother, buddy, good... …" The word "OK" was not finished, just like the tape was suddenly cut off, and there was no sound in an instant.

"Wow! Wow!"

Asel's body fell on Hughes, but the hand overturned the entire dining table, making a series of noises.

Hughes just wanted to push Asel away, but at this moment, "Bang!" sounded, the door of Yajian was kicked open instantly, two phantoms blew in like a wind, and after solidification, it turned out to be two green robes Old man.

Then there was another illusion, also an old man, dressed in a green robe, with a crane-like face and white beard.

The scene of the three old men seeing Yajian was stunned, and then the two old men who arrived first quickly raised Ramazan, anxiously shouting: "Master, are you awake? How can you eat Soul Grass? Poison?"

Later, the old man in the green robe didn't move, but just glanced at Asel's head, his brow furrowed slightly, and said softly, "You killed this kid?"

This was obviously meant for the two black robe elders. Although the voice was small, the tone was cold, and it contained a strong dignity.

The two old men in black robe didn't seem to hear it. They continued to call Ramazan, and gave him a detoxifying spirit pill made by the Frostman family. Soon, Ramazan's gray face suddenly appeared awake. Flushing.

"Humph!" The old man in Qingpao groaned, and suddenly the entire room was shrouded in his majesty, and Ramazan, who had just relieved, looked pale for a while, and the corners of his mouth even bleed.

Hughes also felt suffocated in his chest, his breath stopped, and the gray-black material surrounding the soul's body was quickly washed away by his marrow washing. At this time, he suddenly returned back, causing Hussden to fall into a semi-coma state. .

He immediately exerted his power to wash the marrow, sucking the gray-black substance out of his mind and expelling it from his pores.

When the enemies around him looked around, he did not dare to use the dragon's eye to absorb the elements from the outside to drive away the gray-black material, because once the dragon's eye absorbed the elements of the world, it would absorb all the elements of hundreds of meters around the kilometer. At that time, Hughes just couldn’t pretend to be comatose, and might even be killed by the three old men in front of him!

"Humph! There are three old monsters in the long-lived Ritchie family, the old blue monster, the old white monster, and the old old monster Lei. If you look at your outfit, if I guess right, you should be the old blue monster-Brooke Ritchie. "!" One of the black robe elders with short beards snorted, and released a powerful majesty to contend with.

The old man in the green robe was Brook Rovic. Twenty days ago, he and Sou Rovic were sent to Jinjiang Town by his family to capture Hughes. When he arrived there, he heard that Hughes had followed him. The Shenmo Yekes family moved to Ulank City. So, the two ran to Ulank City again, never thinking that it was still a step late, and Hughes had gone out to practice.

The two of them were immediately angry!

When they couldn't find Hughes, they threw their fury on the Yerkes family.

They rushed into the new house of the Yakes family and hacked it. They thought a family without super masters was vulnerable! Unexpectedly, the Dark Swordsmen, a school of magic sword warriors not far from Ulank City, sent four or five elders to come to support them, and beat them to the ground! Suo was also seriously injured in that war and was recovering at home.

Brooke was also injured, but recovered after only three or five days of rest. Later, I accidentally heard rumors about Hughes, knowing that he was in the capital of the black gold empire, Sanox City, and could not bear the anger in his heart, so he came to the capital alone.

Who thought that the Chairman of the Imperial Warriors Academy, Benz Jersey, said, "You can kill Hughes, but not in the Academy!" So he encouraged his grandson, a good friend, to be the Aser? Lan Qi, go and get Josius out.

Inconsistent with his plan, Asel himself had his own plans, so he had this scene in the elegant room today.

"You're right." Brooke looked at the two black robe elders lightly. The strong majesty didn't have the slightest strength, but it was still strengthening. "You are the second old black knife of the Frostman family?"

"Ashamed, compared with your wood-based eighth-level peak magician, our two brothers are still a little bit worse!" The short-bearded old man is also invincible, and his majesty continues to increase.

Another old man in black robe cast a defensive magic technique to protect Rama in order to prevent him from being hurt again.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

The wine glasses in the elegant room were squeezed with majesty, bursting with glass **** and wine!

Hughes was lying on the ground. Although Asel's body blocked some of his majesty for him, was the majesty exhibited by the two eighth-level magicians unbearable by a junior magician whose level was less than three?

Then, with a bang, under the powerful squeeze of the two old men, Hughes had a pain in his chest, and immediately spit out a blood, and his soul was weak for an instant.

At this time, he was not thinking of his injury, but Morans lying not far from him.

"I have the protection of the dragon's eye, and can't help vomiting blood. She has no protection, and has never practiced combat magic. It must be more serious! No matter, put her in the dragon's eye first." Xiu For an emotional impulse in his heart, Si didn't pay attention to the dangerous situation around him. He grabbed Morlans with his right hand and immediately caught her into the eyes of the dragon.

To his surprise, Asel's body was also caught in the dragon's eye. When I thought about it carefully, I realized that it was his right hand that caught him, and even the body of Asel was also caught together, so they all caught it!

"Good boy, it turned out that you killed Asel!" Brooke Hsu, also known as the old monster, must have eyes with poisonous eyes. When Hughes moved, he knew the real murderer! Without hesitation, he reached out and grabbed Hughes!

"Magic Crystal, burst!"

Hughes suddenly threw a fourth-level gold magic crystal, and his body shrank into the eyes of the dragon at the same time. He has long heard Laziborg said that any magic crystal of Warcraft contains brutal energy, and the use of special condensing methods can tame the brutal energy above, thus becoming a treasure that quickly replenishes energy, and can also be used Come to refine the body.

However, the magic crystal that hasn't been condensed, if it suddenly gives a foreign force, it will immediately explode, and the power is very huge! This is because the magic crystal must be a Warcraft and Magician of level 3 or higher to form, and it is the purest energy polymer, so even the explosion of the Level 3 magic crystal that has just been formed will make the magician of level 6 or more scared. !

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