Pioneer Knight

Chapter 168:

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"They didn't go to Benz Jersey to challenge, but why did they come here to fight?" Everyone was puzzled.

"Maybe come to find Brooke's body. It is said that Brooke did not die immediately after the battle that day. It was later bleeding excessively and died without any rescue, so his body should still be here!" Someone said aloud.

"Huh? What is the source of those eight people? They were all eighth-level warriors and six-level magicians. They wore exactly the same style, and they were seamlessly matched. They even beat two nine-level warriors and two eighth-level magicians. Power!" the crowd exclaimed again, "there are the four magic swordsmen, golden robes, golden swords, seem to be the magic sword warriors who came out of the holy demon. They came from the Molan Empire in the northern part of the mainland. Here, are they also for that'human treasure'?"

Hearing the four words "Treasure on Earth", everyone exclaimed and all looked at the four magic swordsmen. They turned out to be six-level magic swordsmen. The swords waved and were unstoppable. The warrior and a seventh-level magic swordsman were all bruised.

At this moment, suddenly, the whole valley was gray, and then a light of thunder and lightning with arms thick and thick, threw the thunder, tearing the void, and straight down, the goal was the middle-aged man who was fighting against the old man in white robe .


The people on the hilltop only felt a dazzling white light, and they were overwhelming. Even if they were separated by thirty miles, they were retreated hundreds of meters by the brutal force.

When the white light disappeared and they looked intently again, they found that the middle-aged man did not die, but the whole body was smoking with white smoke, his hair was swollen, and his clothes were worn out, just like the people who were thundered, but his face was It's heavier and heavier, with eyes that make everyone feel trembling.

"Let's die!" The middle-aged man suddenly threw out ten slap-like dark crystals, each of which was circulated with a black awn, arrogantly vomiting and moving.

"What! The Great Soul Seal! The Soul Seal, which can only be issued by the Ninth-level Sword Swordsman, he even issued ten times at once!" Among the audience, there was an Eighth-level Sword Sword who saw the ten dark crystals Shi couldn't help shouting in horror.

"The Great Soul Seal!" Hearing the man's scream, everyone was shocked and couldn't help paying more attention to the battle in the valley, where it was getting more and more tense and exciting.

On the southernmost part of the fierce, tense and explosive battlefield, in a dark and secluded cave, a little boy is sitting cross-legged on the ground, his hands are intertwined, and a cloud of green, yellow and gold emerges around him. Expand and shrink, changing and changing.

He was actually meditating and practicing!

There was a lot of fighting outside, and the sound of roaring, crying, and explosions was bursting into ears. He turned out to be a cluster of golden clouds, green clouds, and yellow clouds here, quietly.

In fact, the little boy is forced to do nothing but practice. Going out? With his current strength, he will definitely die; why sit? It’s just anxious. It's better to practice, eliminate all distractions, and practice seriously, maybe you can make a breakthrough.

The little boy originally thought this place was very secretive, and even the hunter-loving World of Warcraft might not be found, so he thought about practicing here for a few days, and then returned to the Imperial Warrior Academy to continue training after breaking through to the third-level magician.

However, he never imagined that when the sun was slanting west and a slanting sun was shining on the entrance of the cave, three figures appeared at his entrance.

These three men were the three slaves given to him by Elder Carrick, Harry Kuf, Adi Yarra and Mila Doric. The three also found Hughes for a long time. If they had a soul-sensing relationship with Hughes, it would be impossible to find them.

However, the appearance of the three of them disrupted Hughes' plan, and the original hidden cave was also discovered by others.

The people were scolding constantly for not being able to find Hughes. Suddenly they saw three people standing in front of a hidden cave, so they all hurried over immediately and took a look inside. They were overjoyed. It wasn’t that they were trying to sit there. Looking for Hughes? Afterwards, those people would grab Hughes and **** his "treasure on earth".

Harry and the three of them hurried back from the Moran Empire just to protect Hughes. How could others let Hugh Hughes catch him?

With this start, the war is getting bigger and bigger.

First, the three Harry played against several "sleeping group" killers, then a group of super masters coveted "the treasures of the world" joined the competition, and then the eight iron guards and four magic swordsmen of the Frostman family participated. , Then everyone in the Ritchie family, and finally some people who fish in muddy water!

In short, the more the flames of war are burning, the more and more people are participating in the battle, fighting desperately everywhere! In the end, no one came to disturb Hughes again, which made him a bit crying and laughing, and could not get out, so he had to continue to practice!

The speed of this practice has increased several times, coupled with a tense expression and unconsciously, the power of the soul that originally required five or six days to break through, but now there are signs of breakthrough.

"Click, click, click..."

In the depths of Hughes's mind, the body of the soul suspended in the void is changing from large to small, and the patterns of elements outside the body of the soul are constantly compressing, rubbing, fusing and condensing with each other. In this process, all the elements of the world absorbed by the dragon's eye were absorbed by the element pattern, and the speed was fast that Hughes had never seen since his cultivation.

"Call, call, call..."

The sound of elements flying quickly filled the whole mind. One minute and one second passed, dark gold demon crystal fragments gradually appeared in the body of Hughes's soul, and the body of the soul gradually expanded again, and all were signs of breakthrough.

However, at this moment, a shocking explosion was heard outside the cave, and then everyone heard the exclamation: "The Great Soul Seal!" Then came the shock of a force of soul seal sweeping across the sky.

The dragon eye in Hughes’s hand instantly released a mysterious force to block the surging power of the seal, but Hughes’s mind was still shocked by the power of the seal and could not help shaking.


In the mind of Hughes, the magic crystal fragments that are absorbing the elements of heaven and earth, and also in this tremor, showed signs of fragmentation.

"Hurry up and keep your mind!" Laziborg, who had been staying in the mind of Hughes, was taken aback. At this critical moment, if the magic crystal was completely broken, the brutal energy in it would definitely blow Hughes' head into Smash!

Hearing Laziborg's trembling voice, Hughes did not dare to carelessly, immediately stabilized his mind, and urged the dragon's eye to quickly absorb the elements of the world.

But the fissures on the magic crystal fragments continued to expand, and a bit of brutal force leaked out, cutting the delicate brain marrow of Huss, causing him to sweat and sweat, and his body cramped.

"hold onto!"

Laziborg encouraged loudly. He is still in a period of weak souls, and he can only display the primary defensive magic skills-the golden shield to help Hughes resist some of the brutal violence.

It is a pity that the Golden Shield can only withstand it for a while, and in less than a moment, it will be destroyed by the amount of brutal violence. After all, these brute force are released from the fragments of pure energy polymer magic crystal, unless it is a golden bell.

But he knew that he couldn't back down at this time, otherwise Hughes would suffer even more. If Hughes could not hold it up, it would be possible that all the fragments of the magic crystal would break, and then both of them would disappear forever.

As a result, Laziborg quickly displayed the gold shield again and again, as long as he could block it. His soul is also weaker in his magic skills, and he even begins to show signs of injury!

"I can't hold it anymore!" Hughes' face was pale and sweaty, and the pain was so unbearable. He thought that Dragon's Eye would release the mysterious power to help him through the difficulties, but Zuo et al. did not wait for the mysterious power to arrive, and he could not help crying out a pain in his heart.

The tenacious mind couldn't help but loosen, and the amount of brutal violence released by the magic crystal fragments was even more fierce, and suddenly rushed into Hughes' body from his mind. And at this moment, the various medicinal powers, fighting powers, magic crystal energy and "life micro-energy" remaining in Hughes’ body were all excited and rushed into the mind violently, even at once Wrapped the brutal force.

"Hurry up to absorb the elements of heaven and earth, and concentrate the magic crystal with all your strength!" Laziborg saw the sudden tremendous energy enveloping the brutal force, and immediately shouted in surprise.

Hughes knew that this time had come to a critical period. If the brutal violence was rushed out again, he would not be saved at all. So, without hesitation, he immediately urged the dragon's eye to quickly absorb the elements of the world.

The speed at which Dragon Eye absorbs the elements of heaven and earth was originally fast, and Hughes once again actively urged it, and the speed was even ridiculously fast!

"Whirring whirring……"

Like the north wind roaring, the violent and violent elements quickly and fiercely hit Hughes's mind. The cracks on the magic crystal fragments were gradually shrinking, and the new magic crystal fragments were increasing.

"Click, click, click, click..."

The sound of magic crystal fragments rubbing, merging, and condensing spread throughout the mind, making Desius clearly feel that the power of the soul is rapidly increasing, and the body of the soul is also expanding.


I don’t know how long it took before Hughes breathed out in shock, "The breakthrough was finally successful! It’s so dangerous!"

"The magician's practice is inherently difficult. Every breakthrough is very difficult and very dangerous, especially when going through three hurdles. Three levels rise to four levels, six levels rise to seven levels, nine levels rise to Sanctuary, three levels. Kan!" Lazibague said weakly. "However, your soul has mutated. It should have been upgraded from level 3 to level 4 to actually produce magic crystals. However, you have advanced one level, so you are so thrilling. . Luckily I spent it smoothly!"

"Why are there three hurdles?" Hughes asked.

"The three hurdles are actually three major changes in the soul. The first hurdle is to produce magic crystals. As long as the magic crystals are produced, your soul can only rely on it, just like a wandering person who has a home. More progress will be made. Many people on the mainland just can't condense the magic crystal, so they have changed their combat skills. There are some people who just like you just broke the magic crystal, and their brains burst and died."

"The second hurdle is to generate souls, that is, your soul has spirituality. At this time, your soul can come out through the body, win the house, and condense the power of the soul to produce majesty. This is also the most dangerous time. , One accidentally, will be repulsed by the element, more dangerous than the magic crystal fragment just now!"

"The third hurdle is to become a sanctuary. At that time, there will be no change in the soul. I don’t know. After all, the sanctuary has not appeared in the past five thousand years. No one knows what the sanctuary will look like, just know. The power will increase exponentially! What surprises me is that the entire continent could not find a book about the Holy Land, or none of the books written by the Holy Land!"

Lazibug said.

"My soul is mutated now, will it be more dangerous?" Hughes asked, looking at Laziborg nervously.

"I don't know, the situation of soul mutation is rarely encountered, not to mention that the magic crystal is generated outside the body of the soul, and I haven't heard of it for thousands of years!" Lazibague said, "However, according to just now Judging from the situation, your future practice will be more difficult than others! Of course, once you break through, your strength will be much greater than others!"

"Like you are now a third-level magician, but has produced a fourth-level magic crystal, even more powerful than the fourth-level magic crystal, because your magic crystal contains a ray of'life micro-energy' and can Repair and absorb element reinforcement!"

"The body of your soul is also much larger than when I was upgraded from the third level to the fourth level. Therefore, in future cultivation, you may pay a little more than others, and you will get more than others!" Laziborg said with a smile, "Okay, continue to consolidate, I will take a break."

Later, Laziborg stopped talking and seemed to be really asleep. Hughes continued to absorb the elements of the world to consolidate the magic crystal that had just formed.

All in all, it seems that time has passed a long time, but in fact it is only half an hour in the past.

Still fighting in the valley.

After reaching the valley, Lina Ace and Obrota did not release the power of the soul, but stood side by side with the others to watch.

Of course, the content they watch is different.

Obrota is watching the battle of the forces in the valley, but Lina Ais is watching the figure of Hughes.

Before, she had sensed the soul of Hughes, thinking that he was in the valley, but when she arrived, she did not find Hughes’ figure. She wanted to release the power of the soul again, and was afraid of being surrounded by Obro. The tower sensed.

She is well aware of Obrota. It was for this ring at the beginning, he actually invited the other ninth-level pinnacle magicians to hunt down Lazibuge at all costs, and he has been relentlessly chasing from east to west, from north to south, and to Jinjiang. On the battlefield, Laziborg was defeated. During this period, he almost ran across the rivers and continents of the mainland. After experiencing countless fierce battles and crossing countless dangerous places, Obrota didn't even give up. It can be imagined how much he longed for the ring!

"If you let him know that the little slave is here, he will definitely step forward to **** it, and I will have to fight him. Then I am not afraid of him, but it is better not to fight! I will wait. , The little slave must be hiding here!" With such a thought in her mind, Lina Ace no longer looked around and began to watch the battle in the valley with peace of mind.

Standing at Obrota not far from her, although her eyes looked forward, her attention remained on Lina Ace. When she first saw her looking away, she seemed to be looking for something. Obrota's attention was all on her, and as soon as she saw what she did, he would immediately follow.

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