Pioneer Knight

Chapter 200:

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Listening to the woman's charming voice, the old Mr. Mood hidden in the black robe looked a little the same, and said coldly: "If you know me, why don't you get away!"

"Yo, old gentleman. Don't be so fierce? Anyway, our Moon Temple and your Xuanlong Temple are also good friends for many years. Why should you be so unsympathetic, and rush away when you meet." Hu Lisha looked sad. Jiao Didi said.

"You are the Temple of the Moon? Who is you, the Fairy Moon Moon?" Hu Lisha didn't say. The old Mood could not really recognize who she was, but she felt that her skills were somewhat familiar. After all, there has been no activity in the spiritual world for ten thousand years, and the change of time has already exceeded his imagination.

"Return to the old gentleman, that is the seventeenth generation of the goddess of the Moon Temple. The little girl Hu Lisha is not good. It is the right protector of the twenty-first generation of the **** Lord Heyue Fairy."

"I don't know, you can go now." Old Mand said coldly.

"As long as Brother Xius returns the Seal of Souls card to me, I will leave immediately!" Hu Lisha pointed at Xius.

"Dream!" Huss wanted to take the opportunity to ask about the origin of the Fengshen card, but unexpectedly the old Mr. Moud snorted and started. This surprised Hughes for a while. This amiable old man, who usually follows his own affair, has no affection for the enemy. However, if you think he evolved from a beast, you can imagine how wild his character is.

"Old gentleman, are you not afraid that I will level the entire Limon Hill to the ground?" Hu Lisha shouted angrily after avoiding a sudden attack from the old Mr. Mood. In fact, she does not want to fight with the old Mr. Mood. If they say that their strength is the same, but if they want to talk about strategy and control over the power of spiritual knowledge, then it is no different. Elder Maud has stayed in the third level of spiritual consciousness much longer than Hu Lisha, and is much more proficient at using the power of the three levels of spiritual consciousness.

Therefore, there is no chance of winning against Hu Lisha and Mr. Mood.

"It just happens that I want to rebuild!" Elder Mood was still indifferent, and his moves were even more fierce.

Hughes stood aside, and he wanted to see how the battle of the psychic would destroy the world. What disappointed him was that the battle between the two was just like the one who had just learned combat skills. It was slow and simple. You gave me a punch, as if the two were practicing against each other.

However, when his eyes were condensed on the moves made by the two, he was bizarrely found that there was darkness, and he could not see anything at all, as if his eyes were absorbed. However, when he looked closely, he realized that the darkness did not exist.

Moreover, he also found that although the two men's moves are very simple and do not have any fancy, but the power contained in them makes him frightened. Every punch they made did not make a noise, and the energy did not leak out at all.

Hughes was shocked and dumbfounded, forgetting that he was on the verge of fighting between the two strong men. If one of the energy touched his body, he would immediately turn into a powder and drift away with the wind.

"Old gentleman, you are entangled again, I'm welcome." Hu Lisha became more and more frightened and threatened with a loud voice.

"If you don't want to die, leave the Golden Phoenix Continent as soon as possible!" Elder Mood remained indifferent.

For Old Mand, apart from his master and young master in this world, he does not care about any life or death at all, and the rest of them are floating clouds for him. Not even Fuyun, at least Fuyun, he sometimes reached out and touched it, while other people, he would not even look at it.

"You..." Hu Lisha knew she was out of control. If she continued fighting, she would be defeated by the old man. However, she left very sullenly, and she was very reluctant. Suddenly, my heart flashed and said, "Old gentleman, as long as you give me the Soul Seal card back, I will tell you where the Golden Phoenix Continental Purification Pool is."

"It seems that you are doomed to go!" The old Mr. Mood, who wanted to let Hu Lisha go, heard the news, and he immediately decided to leave this charming woman. He continued to haunt Hu Lisa, not letting her slip away, and said to Hughes: "Young Master, please hurry into the Xuanlong Ring."

As soon as Hughes heard this, they knew they were going to fight each other, and quickly shouted: "No! Grandpa Murder, you better lead her to a place where no one is, and fight again!"

"Fine then!" For Hughes' orders, although it was very difficult, Old Mand chose to accept it.

"Humph, dream!" Hu Lisha's turn was angry this time...When I am who I am, I am also a three-layered powerhouse of consciousness. I still want to lead me wherever I want, how easy it is, You old thing, really think that the old lady is sick if she doesn't show her power, right?

Hu Lisha no longer cared about it, and immediately changed her moves. The original condensed vast energy unfolded instantly, as if a blazing flame spreading forward like waves, and everything you touched instantly turned into ashes.

Seeing such a horrible scene, Huston felt his scalp numb and quickly shouted, "Grandpa Murder, stop her quickly!"

"Tian Luo Di Wang!"

The old Mood shouted, and a huge wave of energy burst out of his body. It was like a huge net unfolding, which surrounded Hu Lisha's power so that it could no longer continue to spread.

"Huh, do you think I can stop me like this?" Hu Lisha also screamed loudly, her grinning expression on her face, her hands suddenly raised, her swords closed, her mouth squeezed: "Yue Huaju!"

With her roar, the sky suddenly dimmed, and I saw the silver light on her hand knife, which was merging sharply, as if a round of dazzling silver sun was absorbing endless energy in the void.

The square of the Black Devil Forest has long been filled with crowds of onlookers, most of them are talents Hughes has recruited from all over the world and is expected to impact the Holy Land. After learning of the severe crisis that the mainland is facing, Hughes has recruited talents and tried every means to improve their strength. Only with a strong reserve army can we face an unpredictable crisis in the future.

Hughes also revealed the reason why the mainland had no sanctuary for five thousand years, and also informed them of the crisis they are about to face. However, after all, they have not seen the battle of the powerful in the sanctuary, and they have no specific experience of the crisis mentioned by Hughes. They are only in their minds.

At this moment, when they saw the battle between the two powerful men, they were all stunned.

"Is this the battle of the Sanctuary strong? That momentum is terrifying. Across such a long distance, I feel a breath of death approaching me."

"It's terrible. The powerful sanctuary is really powerful. Although it's not as dark and colorful as the magician of level eight or nine, but the power is more pure and the power is also directed at the heart."

"The strength of these two people is almost a hundred times that of me! Standing in front of them is like an ant standing next to an elephant. It's incredible."

"We don't have to be discouraged. Isn't your majesty saying that? As long as we work hard enough, he will definitely make us a strong man in the sanctuary. I believe that your majesty can certainly do it."

"Yeah, Your Majesty has risen to two ranks in just one month, and has swept through hundreds of countries on the mainland in two months, becoming the most powerful empire on the mainland. This super speed is really a rare sight!"

"So, instead of wasting time here, we might as well seize all the time and reach the peak of level 9 as soon as possible. In that case, hope to become a sanctuary will increase greatly."

"Yes, go, let's practice."


After a discussion, everyone found that the most important thing was their own strength. So, in a while, the people in the whole square had gone halfway. Only some soldiers, magicians, magic swordsmen who have reached the ninth level, as well as Morans and fifty young girls.

Hughes didn't care about the changes in the square, and he was watching the battle between the two powerful men in the sky.

Hu Lisha is still gaining momentum. The silver sun above her head is getting bigger and bigger, and the dazzling brilliance is like a sharp arrow that makes everyone watching the battle have to raise the whole body's combat power and magic power. Moranth is set around him With two seal energies, it was able to withstand the attack of the light arrow.

Hughes also used the Seal Soul card to set a seal energy of 100,000 yards around him, and at the same time exhibited the earth's defensive magic technique-the armor of the earth.

Hu Lisha looked at everyone's reaction below and only smiled a little, but when she saw Hughes take out the Soul Card, a flash of resentment flashed in her eyes when she was neutral. It seemed that she remembered that the first sealer had deceived the Soul Card. Sad past.

Elder Murd's black robe whispered in the autumn wind. He seemed to care nothing about Hu Lisha's growth. His hands were wide open, as if holding a huge ball of nothingness, so quietly standing in the air. But if you look closely, you will find that there is a black glue energy all over his body. The energy is very thick, and he is struggling to spit in all directions, just like an invisible large net trapped in countless. Beasts in general.

Hughes even believed that if those energies were allowed to burst out, it was really possible to bite like a beast.

Just when there was silence in the surroundings, Hu Lisha finally launched a long-term move.

"Yuehua cut!"

At the same time as the hand knife fell, her anger shone through the sky. At the same time, the old Mr. Moud also yelled in a rare way: "Dragon Shield Attack!"

I saw that the viscous energy around him immediately turned into a huge dark shield and a dark sword. The shield was shielded in front of him and above his head. At the same time, the big sword killed Hu Lisha at the same time.


A shocking muffled sound came, and at the same time a dazzling light that seemed to burst from the sun spread around the shield in all directions, even if the entire city of Ulank was shining white.

However, Hu Lisha's immense amount of energy was stuck to the shield, otherwise, even if only a trace of energy leaked, it would make the entire Mount Limon into ruins, and even disappear from the mainland.

The dark sword sent by the old Mr. Murd, the energy is extremely condensed, even if it is broken by Hu Lisha, it will not spread to the surroundings. What's more, after issuing Li Yuehua, Hu Lisha simply didn't have much spare power to break the dark sword, only to avoid it.

"Old gentleman, Hu Lisha was taught today. I will be grateful to you in the future!" Hu Lisha's figure gradually blurred, and then disappeared into the sky.

"This woman is really simple, not winning or entangled, just go away!" Looking at the empty sky, Hughes couldn't help but sigh, this enemy is the most terrible.

"Young Master, the old slave is useless, failed to leave the woman, and asked the whereabouts of the purification pond." After the old Mood regained momentum, he landed in front of Hughes and bowed to thank.

"Grandpa Murder, please don't say that soon. We will find the whereabouts of the purification pool." For the humility of the old Murd, Hughes was extremely unaccustomed and uneasy.

"Young Master, according to the current form, the old slave thinks that we should suspend the pace of unifying the continent, and we should train a group of powerful saints as soon as possible." I don’t know how many winds and rains I’ve experienced. The current situation on the mainland is clear to me with a little thought. Especially, Hu Lisha’s sudden visit made him suddenly realize that the crisis on the mainland may come early.

However, he has always adhered to his duty, only providing advice to Hughes, and will not make his own claims, nor will he replace it. Even if he is countless times stronger than Hughes, he will not, even not so much. Thought about it. His only thought is to assist and protect Hughes.

"Grandpa Murder, would you tell me something about the Moon Temple first?" Hughes asked the biggest doubt in his heart.

"Okay, young master. The spirit world is very broad and vast, with countless magical continents, but only five continents with temples, namely the Golden Phoenix Continent, the Dragon Temple, and the Xuanlong Temple. You used to stay The second is the Moon Temple on the Fire Continent, they are all women, and they absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, and the trick used is'Sun and Moon Thousand People'; the next is the Water Temple on the mainland of Xigo, they have men and women, all are Feminine and fierce, and the strength is the most terrifying; the temple of death in the dwarf continent, they are all dwarf tribes, they like to eat human hearts, especially girls, they have always been resolute and cruel; the last is the mountain temple of Puxing mainland They are calm and calm, they don’t like fighting, but they can make friends." said the elder Mr. Mood.

"So what's the move of our Dragon Temple?" Hughes asked, his eyes shining brightly.

"The "Dragon Sword Shield Strike" I just made and the "Nine Dragon Strike", "Nine Dragon Strike" and so on, as long as the Master's strength reaches the Holy Land, you can learn these moves. Our Dragon Dragon Hall moves, It evolved from magic skills and combat skills, so the proficiency in magic skills will be much faster in the future to practice the dragon dragon moves." said the old man.

"Okay, I must become a sanctuary as soon as possible!" Hughes answered.

When the first snowfall of the winter came to the Golden Phoenix Continent, Harry, Morson, Southco and others led the 5 million army and 30 Vampire Bat Kings to capture the Xifeng Empire. The original Xifeng Empire royal family was slaughtered cleanly. The patron saint of the empire, Obrota, and the Lina Aisi, who later surrendered to the Xifeng Empire, were sealed by Molson. Deal with.

Hughes did not kill them, but used all kinds of temptations. Of course, the most important thing was that he could help them become a sanctuary. He finally chose to submit to Hughes.

Half a month later, the five million army of Harry and others and the seven million army under the leadership of Adi, Nelson, and Alli, a total of 12 million troops, plus seventy-nine blood-sucking bat kings, cut through the thorns all the way No one could stop it. It only took five days for the Molan Empire, the first mainland empire, to be captured. At this point, the entire Golden Phoenix continent was completely unified by Hughes Liku.

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