Pioneer Knight

Chapter 804:

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Tianbo dares to come to God Realm, and he is very unscrupulous. The main thing is that he owns the last killer of the sky tower. What people can’t think of is that Shen Di actually knew the sky tower’s ability, so he created the “ancestor. The illusion of "Fu" actually launched the "Shen Yuan Mantra" to restrain Tianbo and prevent him from using the Sky Tower.

Poor Tianbo did not know that all these things were divine conspiracies, but his calculations were not as deep and thorough as Didi.

The powers of the **** realm looked at the "rebellious" **** realm, and the Huangyang became more colorful. They knew that the Huangyang cracked domain entered a deeper level, but this was what they did not want to see, and they accelerated their pace towards Go where the Huangyang is.

When all the powerful men hurried to the desolate place where Shen Di was located, Hughes was guided by the silkworm plough to the core of God Realm. The main purpose of his coming to Xihuang was to fall leaves, not to be desolate. Heart, especially after hearing the old man's words, Hughes felt even more unnecessary.

All that Didi has is the fragment of the plane bead. He has no possibility of achieving the true plane at all, even if he chooses Xihuang instead of the complete emperor continent. It is terrible to know that the traction required by the real plane is not something that people can measure.

The door of time and space is like a shadow, and the law of space jumps wantonly. The figure of Hughes is full of ghosts.

Desolate and crescendo, rubble scattered, crumbled ditches, accompanied by crying beasts roaring, clarifying sounds at the far end, but the murky bass hovered in the air, did not want to leave the meaning of.

This is the core of God Realm, is the temple, the holy place of God Race.

From a distance, Hughes saw the two stone sculptures lying one thousand feet high in front of the temple.

The sculptures are all beautiful and beautiful, just like the two alien beasts alive, full of power. This is not an ordinary alien, but an ancient alien, with a powerful divine power that is invincible. They were mythical beings during the period of demons.

The golden-winged Dapeng is Galuro, the fastest beast, who can naturally perceive the space gods; the bull-eared leopards are all scorpions, possessing Jiaowei, can bear mountains, and travel like a hurricane, possessing Very powerful.

Jialou Luo, Zhu Qian is the guardian beast of the **** clan. It is said that it was defeated by the **** clan's first surrender, which makes people more shocked how powerful the ancestor's power is.

"The front door of the shrine has the strongest enchantment of the Protoss, "Shenyuan Dao Realm." Only the talents recognized by the Protoss can enter. Otherwise, it will awaken the guardian beast." The silkworm plough reminded next to him.

"Then how did you sneak into the temple?" Hughes asked strangely.

"You should know that "the celestial worm changes", the celestial worm changes nine times, and turns the worm into the dragon. This is the right way for the worm, but I know that I want to turn into a dragon. That is simply impossible, so I change every time. When shaping the soul, I split my soul out. Although this made my strength only stay in the stage of the sixth change into "fission", but it is so that it has made me countless silkworm ants."

"The power of silkworm ants is very weak, and they cannot pose any substantial threats at all. This is naturally insignificant to the beast. He does not care about my existence at all. This is how I directly entered the temple last time. Among them." The silkworm plough said a little embarrassedly.

Hughes is a little speechless, which is still anecdotal, but it is true that Hughes still admires the silkworm plough. It is very valuable to be able to make such a decision. People in the world want to reach a higher level and want to become more powerful. Not to mention the virtual things such as status and ability brought by the strong, that is, the most fundamental lifespan can not be abandoned by anyone. Why is cultivation? Wouldn’t it be possible to live longer and live forever.

"Is there any other way?" Hughes's strength is naturally not afraid of this golden-winged Dapeng and Zhu Qiang, the trouble is the same thing, if the fallen leaves are really God Jiyue, then things are not good, Hughes There is always such a feeling. It is difficult to say whether the title of the fallen leaves is "Yi Ji".

"My emperor may have a way." Silkworm Li said with congratulations.

"Do you have a way to enter the temple?" Hughes' consciousness asked deep into the soul of Emperor.

"This breakthrough gives me new abilities, and allows me to create'Jiuxu Silkworm Ants'. The ability of'Jiuxu Silkworm Ants' is to shape, as long as it can feel, it can be shaped, Even if energy, exercises, even laws, gods, etc. can be shaped, the breath of these two beasts is no problem." The Emperor of the Silkworm really did not disappoint Hughes.

"Jiuxu silkworm ants", there are actually such very strange silkworm ants. It seems that the silkworm clan can stand on the hundred clan, and indeed it has a reason for its existence. At least this ability is not available to that clan. own.

"Jiuxu Silkworm Ant" is very different from the species of silkworm ants seen by Hughes. Its black body glows around it, and its body has waves. It makes people feel that his body is very soft.

The "Nine Asahi Silkworm Ants" sensed the momentum of the gold-winged Dapeng and Zhu Qian in the distance. His body began to flow like water, slowly changing his image, exuding a very pure breath, Hughes I was surprised to find that this "Jiuxu silkworm ant" is like a young roe, and it has strong power. If it weren't for physical and physique problems, it could definitely reach the point of being fake.

"Nine Asahi Silkworm Ants" was put on Huss's body, and Huss's breath immediately changed dramatically. Huss was like a humanoid at the moment, and the immense performance of the archaic heterogeneity was most vividly displayed.

Hughes stepped into the front of the shrines, and a spiritual force swept across the shrine guarded by the golden-winged Dapeng. Hughes keenly discovered that the sculpture had a very slight transformation, but soon disappeared completely, but Xiu Si is very clear that it is Zhu Qian, Jinwing Dapeng's consciousness fluctuates.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with the silkworm plough. The two monsters are still alive. The souls in the sculptures are only the remnants of their remains. The real scorpions, Golden Wings do not know where they are?

To know Zhu Qian, Golden-winged Dapeng existed since ancient times, and they followed the first ancestors of the Protoss. Their strength has long reached the supreme existence of the Nine Heavens Realm. Comfortable, that is now incomparable to the realm of Hughes.

Hughes stepped into the temple, this is where he came to the real center of God Realm, this is where the Protoss lives, but obviously this is a critical moment, but no one is hanging around, which makes Hughes enter the temple Afterwards, he didn't see any people exist, but there was a voice of mourning sacrifices faintly in the place dozens of miles away from the temple.

Hughes followed the voice and went in the direction of the sacrifice. Now all the clans of the Protoss should be there.

At this time, the powerhouses who wanted to rush to the place where the divine spirits were located in the sun, encountered the second wave of trouble. This is also a formation, and it is more fierce and more sound than the Qili Star Sword Array. Full of danger, this is the Protoss' "Fangfang Tiandi Formation".

Sifangtiandi is the oldest formation in the period of the gods and demons. It has the ability to conquer the heavens and the earth, is full of mysterious and unpredictable power, and implies the order of the heavens and the earth.

"A round place" is the first thing that all creatures know about heaven and earth, and the world where the gods and gods born from heaven and earth break free from the perception of heaven and earth. Law, imitating the world, one day, one circle.

This is the last resort of the Protoss and the strongest barrier.

The "quartet" that Hughes saw in Mo Yan Hell was born out of the "quartet heaven and earth". It was later restructured by the powerful of the Protoss when they learned the "quartet heaven and earth". It was a reduced version of the formation, and it was It can only be arranged with the help of the interaction between the four **** beasts in the demon clan, and its power is much weaker.

In the "World and Earth Quartet" arranged during the period of the gods and deities, the lowest level is the gods, and the power is naturally much stronger.

Now there are no such magnificent gods to let the Protoss call, the gods of the entire Emperor Continent are only the last nine pieces, which are sealed in the "Ming Ling", even if the Protoss want to take out four It is also impossible to say that the current Hughes may be possible. There are three on Hughes. If you let others know, it is inevitable.

The Protoss is prepared, based on the Protoss Four Veins, with the Protoss Treasure "Dream Breaking", re-interpreting the gods, imitating the virtual heavenly path, although it is second to the real "Sifangtiandi", but it first appeared. "The clue" reveals the quagmire of "Sifangtiandi".

The East is Ze, the West is Kan, the South is Qiu, and the North is Li.

The four sides vibrated, the ears rumbled, like the sky and the earth, like the universe collapsed, and looked from afar, the earth was up and down like clouds, and the seals were born with the vision, dispersed with the vibration, and the red sun shone and shined, bright and colorful .

The runes span and are connected into pieces, forming very strange runes, mountains, Qiu Ze, majestic, cracked, the scene is vast and the world is chaotic.

The earth cracked, the stone burst, the black mist filled, the runes flying away, Emperor Shitian, the domain master and other strong people all began to have stone tablets, the stone tablets glowed with yellow, exuding the ancient atmosphere of Gushi condensed, like in Famine is there.

"God jade stone" they shouted in some shock.

For those ancient and mysterious treasures, the powerhouses who have passed on for a long time are all heard, and this insight can reveal their details. There are no weak people here, all of which are of amazing origins, can be traced back to ancient times, and have once shown an invincible overlord attitude.

It is this understanding that they are so amazed and dignified, "Horse Jade Stele" has a strong reputation. During the period of the demon, the demon clan has no fundamental knowledge of heaven and earth, and has a "round place". Why can heaven exist in the sky? This is a limitation of people. It is based on this limitation. At first, the demon clan and the demon clan were all panicked, wondering whether this day would collapse one day.

The sky is falling? This is a very serious problem, people think of many ways to solve such a problem, and what the Devil Clan of the Demon Clan originally proposed was to explode the "sky", they thought that only the sky above the head could be broken. Fundamentally solve this problem.

At that time, the power of the two demons and daemons did not dare to say that they could do this. This was really crazy. What powerful power was needed. The strongest of the two demons, the demon emperor and the demon emperor, did not have such strength. Who else can do it?

The Devil Clan thinks that there is some kind of treasure that can store power and accommodate the ultimate power. When this power reaches a certain ultimate, it can successfully burst the sky? The idea is very good, but there is no way to find a container that can store such powerful energy, and then with the exploration of the world, this is just a joke.

However, the Demon Clan is not nothing, they have achievements, and this is the "God Jade Stone", a kind of containing energy and blasting to the treasure, with a very strong attack power, is the most powerful destructive treasure One of them.

During the demon war, the Demon Clan exterminated the Winged Jade Clan with the "God Jade Stele", the head of the Winged Snake Clan, and the strongman of the Nine Heavens Realm, actually lost to the "God Jade Stele", which made everyone in an uproar and achieved the Jade Jade Stele Prestige.

Now seeing this legendary stele, how not to surprise the powerful, to be extra cautious, put away the contempt.

"The God Jade Stele" contains the energy left by the strong four-vein gods of the Protoss, which is prepared for waiting for today. The Protoss Four Veins Saints, Xiaoyao, Riyi, Kuiyin, and their energy can be compatible Mutual repulsion can fully reflect the essence of the formation of the "Sifangtiandi" and can exert the strongest power of the "Sifangtiandi".


With the essence of the rune, the swaying patterns of the Quartet froze, and the Quartet world formed, the three kings of the Protoss respectively guarded the three parties, and in the end, the Shenlu took care of the Divine Guard to achieve the strongest defense of the Protoss.

Emperor Shitian, the domain master, the psychic ancestor, Wan Letian and others looked very carefully at the runes that slowly evolved into a human form, which was actually their own appearance, and the weapons in their hands were generally two.

Sifangtiandi simulates the heaven and earth circle, and opens up new worlds, reflecting the world. It seems that there is indeed such a capability, everyone thinks.

But they have no fear. They all have strong confidence. They dare to compete for the sun and the moon. The God Lord is only a person who holds with them. Although the formation in front of them has a powerful name, they are fearless and fearless.

"Now there is no time to dangle here, let me see if there is anything that can be revealed in this "Sifangtiandi"." The master said coldly.

"Heaven and Earth"

A round of sun and moon hangs upside down behind the domain master, the silver light shines on the earth, the gods and divine power, at this moment, heaven and earth seem to be the only grinding disc, the grinding disc rotates slowly, the heaven and earth suddenly change, the entire time and space are distorted, become deformed, law The cracks are not able to bear the streaks.

Grinding, this is the ultimate interpretation of "force", carrying endless silence.

The rune evolved "domain master" wanted to imitate this move "world and earth grinding plate", but obviously this was completely beyond his extreme, but the result was that it was crushed by the grinding plate and burst apart, and the surrounding "God jade" The "stone" was like a kind of dynamite that burst into flames and exploded. The entire quadrangular formation was disturbed and turned upside down. This led to the cracks in the square formation formation, but the domain master walked out leisurely and headed towards the desolate sun.

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