Pioneer Knight

Chapter 819:

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Some people are destined to be admired by others, to inspire others, it is clear that Longyuan Daojun is such a person.

The birth of Longyuan Daojun was born, which caused a **** wind in Xintiandi, but it also filled many people with taboos. So after the mysterious disappearance of Longyuan Daojun, the heroes attacked the Longyuan base, which caused The scene that Hughes saw.

After hearing this, Hughes could feel that kind of disturbance, which made people unable to control themselves. Long Yuan Daojun was not something ordinary people could experience. There was such coquettishness there. I really hope to see the existence of this legend.

Longyuan City is based on the name of Longyuan Daojun. At the beginning, it was very prosperous and had the reputation of "the first city", but now it no longer exists. The previous glory can only be from Longyuan City. The vastness and boundlessness, and the traces left by those years can still be imagined vaguely, but there is no such scene in Longyuan City now.

Now Hughes has two tasks. The first is to go to the Xitian Mausoleum to see if the **** Jiyue is alive. The second is to collect the plane bead fragments.

Just what Huss did not expect was that Xitian Mausoleum was actually the name of the mainland, but this caused Huss to feel a little trouble. This is undoubtedly a needle in the sea. It really takes a lot of time, and now Huss is the most missing. It's time.

"Now I have to take one step at a time to collect the pieces of the plane beads and explore the disappearance of the **** Jiyue." Finally, Hughes could only do so.

Nowadays, Longyuan City is in the hands of "Hengzong", and a strong man with a real essence sits in the town, which is regarded as a third-rate force. The decline of Longyuan Base caused Longyuan City to plummet. In addition, the location was slightly remote. Soon, no one was interested here, which made Hengzong take advantage of it. Otherwise, he would get him in turn.

Longyuan City is still pretty good. There are many people coming and going. All people who come here have the same reason, that is, the treasure left by Longyuan Daojun.

After the Longyuan base was captured, people wanted to obtain treasures, but no one could find them, which made many people unable to give up. They believed that the treasures must have been collected and hidden in a secret place.

People are well aware of the richness of the treasures owned by Longyuan Base. Let us not say that the treasures that the Dark Tower has operated for so many years have been looted, even if the treasures paid by the denominations of the Northern Youshen Kingdom to the Longyuan Base are all people. Jealous.

It was only later that no one could find it, and this matter faded, but there was always someone who did not give up, and was still exploring here, hoping to be inherited and soaring into the sky.

Recently, the number of people in Longyuan City has increased significantly. It is said that there is a fabulous light in the "Wannian Forest" in the thousands of miles north of Longyuan Base. It is a treasure of heaven and earth, or a treasure. People think of it.

But this is what happened in recent days, the news has just come out, only people in the vicinity have arrived first, and some people will come one after another.

The existence of "Wannian Forest" is longer and longer than that of Longyuan Base. It was where it was when the dark tower was the head of the dark tower, it was a forbidden place, there was a terrible existence, and everyone who entered After not coming out again.

Some people say that they have seen a huge figure outside the Wannian Forest, which is more exaggerated than the Troll Clan. Others say that there is a Wannian Tree Demon, and that forest is all his body incarnation, which tempts people to go. It tastes good, and some people say that it is where the Mu people live, and so on. There are many legends, but no one has seen them, so a lot of suspense is left, and it has become the current situation.

Later, it was not that people did not think that the treasure at Longyuan Base was there, but no one dared to go there. Later, a strong artist from Nine Heavens was bold, but he didn't come out again, and this thing stopped.

I just didn't expect it to be ignited again, and the craze was triggered again.

This situation is really bad evaluation. The world is full of profits, and the world is full of profits. After all, it is no match for the word "profit". This is human nature. There is no inappropriate. Little heads can make you die, not to mention the big cake at Longyuan Base.

Hughes thought twice, and finally decided to stay here first. One was to see the heroes of the world. The other was to see if it was really the treasure of Longyuan Base. There is also great help.

Hughes casually found a hotel and stayed, waiting for people to go, but Hughes was not idle. Formation, runes, forging, and puppetry all required Hughes to spend his thoughts. It is impossible to improve the realm. The deep accumulation last time jumped with the two realms of Hughes’ epiphany. That is already the limit of Hughes. Now Hughes needs all that is good accumulation, but other means But it can enhance Hughes' strength, and Hughes is still very interested in these. When I have such free time to get it, I feel very good.

With the passage of time, the entire Longyuan City has become very lively, and many people have come, wanting to see the treasures of the legendary Longyuan Base, all holding a cup of soup. And many well-known strong men have also come, and people can hear people talking everywhere.

"The black clouds of Heiyun Peak did not expect to come. It seems that there are ten or nine treasures in the Wannian Forest. If he hadn’t got accurate information, he rarely went to Heiyun Peak. It is said that he practiced'black "The Lotus Secret Technique" has been reached, and now it is the fourth heaven and the heaven."

The Nine Heaven Realm is divided into: Heavenly Realm, Heavenly Mixed Realm, Heavenly Yuan Realm, Heavenly Realm, Heavenly Realm, Heavenly King Realm, Heavenly Leaping Realm, Heavenly Realm, Heavenly Holy Realm.

The Nine Heaven Realm is divided into three levels, and every three Realms are one level. The Celestial Realm, the Heavens Mixed Realm, the Tianyuan Realm are the next three Celestial Realms, the Heavenly Realm, the Heavenly Respect Realm, and the Heavenly King Realm are the Middle Three Heavenly Realms, and the Heavenly Jumping Realm , Tianzhao Realm, Tiansheng Realm are the last three heavens.

The black cloud is the heavenly realm. This is the Zhongsantian realm, which is already a very strong existence.

"Liu Tian of Wuliu Mountain is also here. It is said that Liu Tian was formed by the willow tree above Wuliu Mountain, and he also possesses the magical power of "Pu Liu Food Feast". He also said that he had devoured the magic flame beast not long ago, and his strength increased greatly. It was through the Chaos Tribulation and stepped into the Heavenly Leaping Realm. Now the people on Mo Yan Mountain want to get rid of him and then quickly, even Mo Kui has already been dispatched, I don’t know the result."

"Magic, that's the power of Tianzhao Realm. Maybe it's even reaching the Heavenly Holy Realm now, but the plant type will be unexpectedly powerful after it's built into a positive result. This seems like a good show."

Walking in Longyuan City, you can hear the deeds of the strongmen and listen to their coquettishness everywhere. Hughes has the most intuitive understanding of the Northern You God Realm, and the intricate relationships of various forces are also clear.

For Demon Flame Mountain, Dongtian Mansion, and Hill Gate, where the Heavenly Sanctuary sits, these are the first-class forces of the Northern Youjing Realm. The sites under their jurisdiction are across the tens of thousands of miles and dominate the side. And if there is a strong person in the Holy Realm, these are super powers. After all, even in Xintiandi, the strong people in the Holy Realm are only a handful.

The super powers in the Northern Celestial Realm only have the reincarnation hall and the Heavenly Demon Realm. This is where the Holy Land can be opened up. It seems to be a Big Mac that nobody in the Northern Celestial Realm can shake.

The Holy Land is destined to be counted by countless people. The method of turning the world upside down, shaking the earth and turning the clouds like a myth, can open up the world and shape the eternal enchantment. It sounds **** when listening to it. .

A few days later, all forces sent someone to come, which undoubtedly made the reputation of Longyuan City reach a kind of peak. The thing about the treasure is like being nailed to the chopping board.

The Liutian of Wuliu Mountain, the black cloud of Heiyun Peak, the devil of Moyan Mountain, the Yanqiu of Dongtian Mansion, and the umbrella music of the hill gate, even the most outstanding disciple of Yanshen in the reincarnation hall appeared. This rhythm makes people There is a feeling of suffocation, the lineup is really too strong and too luxurious.

Hughes secretly observed these people, especially Liu Tian, ​​Shi Yan, Yanqiu. From a distance, Hughes was full of chills. Hughes felt that if they touched them, they would only be able to escape and could not match Unless Hughes can understand the supernatural powers, he may be able to resist.

Xintiandi is indeed a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Looking at these people, Hughes understands that this is the place where the strong should come. All kinds of colorful, all kinds of fresh stimulation, and all kinds of dangerous opportunities have just begun. It is a matter of course that Xintiandi has such a look. It has the advantages of all kinds of innate resources, occupies the most abundant resources, has all kinds of secrets, etc., and all kinds of geniuses can grow quickly, compared with the emperor continent. A lot stronger.

Hughes's heart was full of excitement, and it was brilliant at the moment.

Wannian Forest is in the north of Longyuan City, surrounded by mountains, which seems to be very closed. Usually people are scarce, the leaves are piled up as deep as tens of meters, and there are also dangerous existence of swamps, malaria, etc. This is destined that Wannian Forest is not like the other forests. The sound is like a sound, but here is the unexpected silence.

People are very cautious after entering the Wannian Forest. The legend of the Wannian Forest is still fluctuating in their minds. No one wants to lose their lives and slowly advances. More people choose to follow those. Behind the strong, this is more secure.

Liu Tian, ​​Yanqiu and others didn't care at all. Without any reduction in speed, they headed into the Wannian Forest without a figure in the blink of an eye. This makes many people who want to be fooled and furious look at each other, but in the end it is helpless.

Hughes wants to follow Yanqiu and others, but in that case he must expose himself, but now is not the time, Hughes has to be honestly buried in the crowd. I wanted to probe with God's consciousness, but found that there was a very strange force in the forest for thousands of years that was blocking the exploration of Hughes, and that power could still swallow the spiritual power. If the spirit of Hughes was very strong He keen, maybe you will lose money.

It seems that this ten thousand-year-old forest is more simple than Hughes thought, Hughes is not daring to be so presumptuous, and becomes very little, so he uses the power of "Sky Eye" to watch, Hughes does not Fortunately, when I look at it, I find that the surroundings are all arranged into enchantments, or the enchantments that can self-circulate and exist forever.

Eternal enchantment, this is a means that only the powerful of the Holy Realm can use to give life to the enchantment, just like when the emperor continent was born, it is accurate to say that the emperor continent and Xintiandi are all eternal enchantments and can Eternal existence.

Is it true that the "Wannian Forest" is really an eternal barrier created by the Holy Realm Powerhouse, and the treasures of the Longyuan Base really exist here, but this is also wrong, and the existence of the Wannian Forest is longer than the Longyuan Base. What the **** is going on, Hughes's heart is full of doubts.

No one can solve these problems for Hughes now, and no one understands, here is a mystery.

No one has noticed that there are many black spots on Huss’s body. It’s a silkworm ant. The ability of Tianshou needs a lot of effort. Although Huss doesn’t care about that consumption, the strangeness of Tianshou will inevitably be noticed by others. Original intention.

Just after Huss walked a few miles away, the silkworm ants sent out a very quick message, a danger signal, and then Huss saw that the people in front were penetrated by countless rattans. Actually sucking people's blood, the corpses falling on the ground were swallowed up by the roots of the trees, and the white bones fell like this, which was amazing.

All this happened so quickly that the calcium carbide room was over, so that people hadn't responded yet, and everything was over.

"The tree demon is the tree demon of the Wannian Forest. Those legends are true. There really exists a tree demon." Someone shouted.

At this time, all the people wanted to go back to avoid being captured by the tree monster, but behind them were sprawling out of the cane, countless people were overwhelmed and could not resist at all, and the cane was descended on the side, they were completely surrounded The number of people is rapidly decreasing, and it will soon be killed by half.

Sad, bloody, roaring, bones, these are all scenes of a **** on earth, which is terrifying.

"Pulu" Hughes looked at the plants that attacked people, and soon recognized that it was the legendary "Pulu". "Pulu" was also called "Magic Willow." They devour a lot of blood, and they become more powerful. This is a very different kind of plant. The first Pu Liu in the legend even dare to devour even the strongest of the Holy Land. It is very vulgar. I didn’t expect to be able to here. see.

This reminds Hughes of Liu Tian who was heard in Longyuan City. It is said that he practiced the magical power "Pu Liu food feast", which must be more exaggerated. After all, the Pu Liu here has not yet been born with wisdom and predation. This is just their instinctive behavior, but Liu Tian is completely different.

But at this time, there was a cane flying towards Huss, Huss snorted coldly, the flame was burning in his hand, very dazzling, Huss's figure floated, unable to catch, came to the deity of Pu Liu, gently with his hand Touching Pu Liu, Pu Liu was instantly ignited and could not be extinguished. Without giving Pu Liu more opportunities, he was completely burnt out.

"Jinming Flames"

Pu Liu was burned down, leaving only residue, and the golden flame could not resist it. It instantly flooded the whole world. Pu Liu had dried up and died before he could escape. The scene was very magnificent.

Although Pu Liu in front of him is very strange and difficult to catch, but they have not yet born a wise mind, there is not a very flexible mind, this is their hardship, and their cultivation is only the strength of nothingness, The grade is slightly weaker in Hughes's eyes.

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