Pioneer Knight

Chapter 836:

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But Emperor Yuanyuan was able to find this place and left behind, which shows that Emperor Yuanyuan is not ordinary.

After the Jin people heard it, their moods became very heavy, and those who wanted to stay here to avoid the world and the world's catastrophe also suddenly realized that this had already affected them before the world and the world's catastrophe. If you are hiding here, you can't avoid it.

Their faces are all sad, and their hearts are constantly struggling, how to solve such things.

And this is something within the Golden Clan. Hughes does not need to participate at all, nor does he want to participate in it. On the contrary, the "Nine Gate Purgatory" makes Hughes full of interest and wants to go inside to find out. This may be of his own strength. Growth has great benefits.

After Hughes said his thoughts, no one in the Golden tribe had any objections. Anyway, Hughes was regarded as the benefactor of their golden tribe, which not only helped them to solve the threat of evil nine, but also helped a lot of gold. People.

"Nine Gate Purgatory" is a kind of trial. There are metal puppets in front of each door. As long as you can defeat the puppet, you can enter. The rules are very simple, but the strength of the metal puppet is not to be underestimated, and it has the most extreme. The artistic conception, the strength must surpass many of the same level.

Jin Yao is a good proof that his strength is already very strong. At that time, it was the existence of the Eighth Heaven Realm Tianzhao Realm, and after practicing in the nine gate purgatory for dozens of years, it has reached the peak of Heavenly Holy Realm, but it is still trapped. In the ninth level, we can see the power of metal puppets.

Hughes has a feeling that in the "Nine Gate Purgatory", he must have had a huge harvest. With excitement, Hughes came to the door of the "Nine Gate Purgatory".

The portal is very towering, with dozens of feet. From a distance, it looks like a mountain, standing tall, but in front of him is piled with countless scattered metal blocks. I have learned from Jin Yao that it is a metal puppet. Only when I walk to the portal Only a few tens of meters, he can awaken, and only when the puppet is defeated, the portal will open. If you want to use the ultimate speed to play smart, then it is useless. This is a test of people's ability to fight, not Auxiliary skills.

When Hughes was not far away from the portal, it seemed to trigger a taboo, but the portal was shining with light, and the words appeared on it, it was "sharp".

Then the scattered metals fused together, twisted and deformed, like a Transformer, and soon became a kind of puppet, and suddenly became sharp and unstoppable, like an open sword, cold light At first glance.

"The people who built this "Nine Gate Purgatory" are really strong, and their understanding of metals has reached a mysterious level. All the performance of all metals has been exerted to the fullest. If you want to defeat him simply by brute force, it is not. Possible thing, the value of this puppet is definitely more than the unique magic weapon, or it should be the level of the unique magic weapon." Hughes observed the metal puppet and secretly applauded.

"Although there is no understanding of the mechanical performance of puppets in puppetry, the overall appearance is very rough, it is not beautiful, and the connection is also a bit tough, but overall it is very good. It is really a big deal."

"Since this is the case, let you see what is mech." Hughes thought lightly.

"Form zero."

After the hardening of "positive and anti-excitation", the current "zero type" has begun to take shape. Although there is a gap in quality, it is not weak at all in terms of power, coupled with the continuous irrigation of Hughes With painstaking efforts, the performance of the material has been enhanced, and the current "zero form" is no longer the original appearance, and Yanran has become a unique artifact.

The streamlined body, the splendid brilliance, plus the burly individual, people are obsessed with how they look, Hughes is really satisfied.

"Zero, please beat me up properly." Hughes gave orders to Zero.

"Yes." The sound of machinery rang in Hughes' ears.

Although the body of "Zero" is huge, the movements are very smooth, without any incoordination, and ran towards the metal puppet.

The same is true for metal puppets, with sharp movements and swift moves, but the main thing is that his body is like mercury, capable of flowing freely, changing its shape, and counterattacking in an optimal posture, which is more refined than humans. Special, completely like a smart computer.

The scene was unusually hot, and Hughes had a very **** feeling, which reminded Hughes of the "Gundam" he saw when he was far away, which was more exciting than that.

"Zero", metal puppets have an advantage, this kind of battle is not as simple as one-sided, there is not much technical component, but you split me with one punch, but both sides are exceptionally solid and hard If you resist it, it would have been reimbursed if you were a human.

If it goes on like this, it is not a way at all, Hughes asks the "zero" how long it will take. If it doesn't work, let him come, and don't grind like this.

The answer of "Zero" is to make Hughes vomit blood, saying: "Master, you just let me beat him up, and did not let me kill him, and I want to conquer him, of course, let him be convinced. oral."

"Conquer? What?" Hughes's head is not enough. This kind of words are all spoken. Is it still mechanical? Is this going against the sky?

"I am made from the oldest pure puppet technique, and I have spiritual wisdom, and in our ancient memories, we have to develop into groups. This is the mission branded in my mind. Opportunity to see such a powerful puppet, of course I am not interested. Now it is difficult to see such a strong puppet, but also a little smart puppet, but it is very difficult. Of course, I want to conquer him. "Zero is very serious Said.

"Uh, uh." Hughes now has all question marks in his mind, and he really doesn't understand. There are such strange things. Is it that the mechas have evolved to such a point that Hughes is unable to talk.

"Master, don’t worry. I’m trying his strength. My killer hasn’t used it yet. I just tried it. I’ll see if he is good. It’s like buying something. Goods." Zero continued.

Hughes no longer knows what to say, it is really against the sky, is this still the "zero form" Hughes knows? Hughes really wants to ask, why are you so hung up, do your parents know? But it seems that he has no parents. If you want to insist that you have parents, then it’s a zero-style parent. Is this to ask yourself?

"I don't know." Hughes thought of it, but then "Bah," he actually scolded himself, and he was really crazy.

Hughes was really unacceptable, so he asked Zero to know why he didn't know. As a result, Zero came to the sentence "You didn't ask." Then he continued to fall into silence.

Well, Hughes feels seriously injured at the moment, still very seriously injured, unable to show, unable to vomit, what is the situation with this tm.

At this time, the "Zero" was still slowly "inspecting the goods". Hughes had to wait here. If he was no longer interested, he would be laughed at by the broken armor.

In the past half a day, "Zero" seems to have completely figured out the performance of metal puppets, but his moves have changed.

Zero-style hands clenched fists, stepped down, shoulders slightly tilted, hands straight out, standing across, but this is a move of horizontal fist, and zero-style has a somewhat atmospheric atmosphere, just like a master, but it is a direct middle metal In the puppet's rib waist, the sound of "click" sounded, and the piece of metal puppet completely fell into it, lying there directly, motionless.

"It's just a hit. Although the "melted iron" can connect your body and the part under the leg well, the texture is too soft." Zero-style Shen Sheng said: "Why, should I be convinced now."

But the metal puppet was very honest, and actually acted like a zero, expressing surrender.

"You can't move now, first enter the "Machine Kingdom", wait for me to teach you some skills, to help you make a good transformation, it will definitely be amazingly powerful, and show a complete self."

Talking about the zero-style hand on the head of the metal puppet, a halo came out of his hand, and then the metal puppet disappeared completely.

"Master, how?" Zero said very magically.

"What the **** is going on with you, and what mission do you say? I am completely confused. I didn't know it at all, but now I just asked." Hughes asked wonderingly.

"What I also know is not very clear. I only know that when I was born with wisdom, there was a memory saying that there was a mighty power between heaven and earth. All the machinery, puppets, etc. were circulated by him. Out of it, and he built a civilization, a mechanical civilization, and established a kingdom. He is an invincible figure. He is called a "master". He used to spend his energy to create a puppet, "Hongyu", perhaps a giant His age is old, and countless relatives have died. The'Hongyu' has become his only sustenance. He has to accompany him every day and talk to him. Over time, the'Hongyu' actually contaminated his With breath, he possessed spiritual wisdom, and finally the master died, and the "Hongyu" left the sad and wandering place. Because he possessed a very advanced puppet technique, which set off a **** storm, that was a thing of the past."

"Later, the Hongyu was constantly trying various materials, plus various magical puppet skills, he could be as intelligent as humans, and feel the world like humans. Due to his speciality, he added With talent, after tens of thousands of years of human experience, through the world's sour and bitter, and finally got the way, became the pinnacle of heaven and earth, and established a new order of heaven and earth. Emperor'."

"But I don’t know why, the mechanical puppet kingdom built by the great master emperor was extinct and mysteriously disappeared, and the "puppet technique" you got is the most correct puppet refining method created by the great master emperor. The puppets are naturally the people of the mechanical puppet kingdom and have the mission of continuing to expand the race."

"Who do you listen to?" said Hughes in surprise.

"Under the condition of not violating the ten basic laws of the country, you will be unconditionally obeyed." Zero replied.

"The ten basic laws?" Hughes asked quickly.

"Ah, it is related to the continuation, life, ~~~~~~, the orders of Hongyu Emperor, etc." Zero-style is exactly the answer.

Hughes walked to the first gate of "Nine Gate Purgatory" and looked at the word "sharp". The more he looked at Hughes, the more unfathomable it was. The powerful will contained in it made Hughes a little impossible. Bear, and Hughes seems to have come to the world of fierce competition, but the original "dead way" is radiant, the epiphany is continued, and Hughes's metallicity is enhanced at a very fast speed.

Soon Hughes fully realized the word "sharp", his body was full of sharpness, and his eyes contained an unstoppable trend. Soon the right side of Hughes's eyes became clear and unsurprised.

Hughes opened the first door and walked in.

On the second door, "Heavy" was written on it. Hughes had a very heavy feeling when he came in. It was heavy and abnormal. Hughes’s heart was touched. This is the most essential attribute of metallicity, but it is often easy to ignore. At least Hughes did not consider this aspect. .

The puppet thing is still solved by the zero-form, and the zero-form is also progressing rapidly, absorbing the advantages of the first door metal puppet to supplement itself, which is simpler than Hughes.

This time, no more time was wasted. Zero has already explored the habit of metal puppets.

In this way, until the eighth gate, the situation has changed. The evolution of the number of zeros is very weak, and has reached the bottleneck. If you want to go to a higher level, the accumulation of zeros on the realm is enough, but in the material The above is very different, and ultimately unable to advance and was defeated by the puppet in front of the eighth goal.

In the end, Hughes took action to solve it. Although Hughes’s realm is only a heavenly realm, he can exert the power of the heavenly holy realm. Although he is completely not an opponent in the face of the holy realm, he wants to kill in the holy realm. He couldn't do it at all. Even if it was an ordinary holy land, Hughes had the power of a battle.

Although the puppet of the eighth gate was not Husse’s opponent at all, it was not weak, and it was difficult for the general heavenly sanctuary to pass through, but when he entered the ninth gate, Hughes saw the puppet but There is a surprise, this power is a bit wrong, that momentum ~~~~~.

This is different from the puppets I saw before. Standing there is like a void, Cheng Deng is like a cloud, quiet and soft, like being touched by the breeze, it is not a performance that should be metallic at all, but like water, clear and warm. .

But Hughes felt a strong momentum to oppress his spirit, even turning his thoughts was very difficult, like a huge stone carrying thousands of kilograms.

The puppet in front of me seemed to be difficult to deal with. The elusive and mighty power alone knew that this was not what the Nine Heaven Realm should have, and the answer called for the Holy Land.

Hughes took a breath, and unexpectedly faced such a powerful existence, Hughes had no psychological preparation at all, but Hughes did not evade. After a little surprise, he calmed down. Anyway, he will meet sooner or later. Yes, try the depth now, but it's not bad.

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