Pioneer Knight

Chapter 905:

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"You still stay here for the first two days. After three days, you are looking for an opportunity to go out. Remember, after going out, you must first protect your own safety. You can't force yourself, don't you know?" Feng Qing was still not at ease and repeatedly told him.

Hughes was supported by Feng Qing, and naturally he was at ease in his heart and nodded his head in response.

"You have to talk to Ziyue for the past three days." After that, Feng Qing was beautifully locked and walked out of Hughes's room with a worried face.

Feng Qing is actually betting, but I don't know if he chose the right one.

"I hope so." Feng Qing said with a sigh in his heart out of the room

I thought that I was still talking with Ziyue three days ago, but today, I took the opportunity to follow the method that Feng Qing had handed to myself, broke the boundary, and ran out. I don’t know how Ziyue will be. I wonder if Longyang has found himself.

Hughes is still in the mountains that are thousands of miles away. I can't see the edge at all. I thought, I didn't dare to stop in the footsteps. I continued the alternate transportation of dragon fighting spirit and Fengwu fighting spirit, but just flashed in the mountains. After a purple light and shadow, all of a sudden disappeared.

Putian Village is a remote mountain village located in the central distance between Dengdi and Kunyou Mountain in the Eastern Xia Dynasty. It was originally under the in-situ regime here, and it is also free and easy. Although life is not enough every year, it is barely To maintain it, this kind of life is naturally satisfactory to everyone. After all, under the circumstances of the imperial conquest of the contemporary empire, it is only happy to be able to stay in one corner. Who would not be willing, however, it seems that heaven is always narrow-minded and cannot see Used to the carefree life of this village name.

It was also the same as getting up early, and also happily greeted this work today, but unexpectedly a group of fierce gangsters suddenly broke into this remote and unpretentious Putian mountain village.

In an instant, the thieves in the village screamed for killing, and the screams of men, women and children in the village screamed everywhere.

At this time, it was a warm and comfortable village just a few minutes ago, but it was reduced to **** on earth and **** everywhere.

"Kill all the people here, see what is valuable, and bring them all back to the village." This is a one-eyed faceless thief with a large sword on his back who is slaughtering the villagers. The thirty or so people shouted loudly, and there was a thin green grudge on his body, but there was no mercy in his eyes, and only the excitement and pleasure brought by the **** smell.

The villagers panicked and fled everywhere, but there were the rivals of the bandits. They did not escape a few steps, but were chased by the bandits and hacked to death.

"Mother, father." A little boy, who just wanted to cry and searched for the father and mother who had no idea of ​​life and death, was passed directly by a thief with a knife from the back. After struggling a few times, he was already killed. Going, only staying in this world of cruelty and strong food for a few years.

At this moment, I saw that the thief was excited about the cold corner of the mouth, yanked the **** knife out of the child's body, and then lost his search for the next target.

At the moment, the one-eyed man stopped to look at the dozens of people under his hand. He didn't do it. He just kept standing on the ugly head and wanted to watch. The brothers under his hand, who killed The hardest.

"The two-headed, the second-headed, and the big-headed have been accounted for. When they come out, they can only grab some money and food, and don't kill them casually! You indulge your brothers to kill these innocent villagers like this. If the big-headed guide this matter, How should it be?" Just when the one-eyed man sneered in his heart, it was remembered when he sounded extremely dissonant.

But he saw a thin man, and whispered in fear.

"Li Junjun, you don't say this thing, I don't say it, my brothers don't say it, how can my elder brother know about it, is it that you don't want to be a whistleblower?"

"Oh, don't you dare, I'm just worried about leaking wind, when the big master blames it, it's not easy to handle." Then Li Junjun's body was stunned by the two masters, and he was trembling. Said slightly

"Since you don’t say, how my elder brother knows, look at how long our brothers in Changtianzhai have succumbed, and now they are killing so happily, don’t you want to stop them from suffocating? ?" The second head asked again, with a colder smile.

"Uh, this~~" Although Li Jun couldn't bear to watch this group of innocent villagers being slaughtered like this, however, the second-handed person beside him was not a kind-hearted man, but he knew this person's murderous temperament, and now he is I can't bear this, but I can't commit the loss of my life for this group of villagers. Anyway, even before the big headed man went out of the village, he repeatedly emphasized that he must live with this second headed man, but? But he was very clear in his heart. This big and second headed house established Changtianzhai in one hand. The feelings of the two will not be deep. I'm afraid that even if I go to the head of the big head, I can't get it. Fortunately, I can't just walk around after eating myself.

"Li Junjun, or if you go forward to kill one or two and give it a try, to ensure you are refreshed." Then the two heads suddenly said to Li Junjun at the moment

"Oh, no, no, you are the second person, you don't know, I am able, the villagers don't chop me, then I will be blessed." Li Junjun quickly quit.

It's not that Li Junjun refuted that he didn't want to kill these villagers, but he really did not have that ability. Although the law of this world is the survival of the strong, the weak also have the secret of their own survival. He is one of the weak who masters the secret. That is to live in this world on his own mind, nestled in the cottage as a thief. It's a bit foolish, but you don't have to worry about life's worries, and you only need to help pay attention.

Er Dang was originally aware of this Li Junjun's ability. The reason why he said this was just to be happy. He didn't have a cold for this Li Junjun. But his elder brother looked at this kid quite a lot. I made a few disputes myself.

"Two-headed, two-headed." At this moment, I saw a little guy who was very excited and ran over. The posture was like rushing up to hug the thigh of the two-headed.

"What's wrong?" Erdogan frowned and shouted.

"Two heads, congratulations to the two heads, I didn't expect that there is not much money in this village where the bird does not shit, but there is a peerless stunner."

"Youwu?" Erdangdang did not respond. From this, it seems that Erdangdang is just a person with a little strength but no brain.

"Yeah! The second head, that is, the woman, the brothers, when they were killed inside, they saw a beautiful lady who was born with a beautiful appearance. Oh, I laughed awkwardly, I don't know how to describe it. In short, the characters are the best! Originally they were I wanted to kill them, but when I saw them, I stopped them immediately, and you came here to report it to the lesser two. "That little clerk also specifically pointed out his merits. The purpose is naturally self-evident.

"Women, roles, good, good, good work, wait until Lao Tzu takes this woman back to the village, and give you a good reward." The two masters listened to the small flowers described by this little chatter, and couldn't help but patted with laughter That little chatter's shoulder said

It's just that he neglected that Xiao Xiao's strength and he was not at the same level at all. After such a casual beat, he saw that Xiao Xiao's face immediately changed.

"Thank you for being the second person, thank you for being the second person." But the little guy said that he was flattering to shoulder pain and said flatteringly.

"Go, take me to see." He said that while letting the little leader lead the way ahead, where could he still consider Li Junjun who was thinking on the side.


When I came to the house that the little guy had guided, I was about to go in. The two heads of the house immediately froze their eyes and looked at the ground with horror as they watched the bandits with **** swords around. Tianxiang, the appearance of Qingguoqingcheng, but now it looks pale and weak due to the shock.

"Okay." The two heads of the house, froze for a long time, and immediately shouted, and then laughed: "Bring her back to the village, his mother, I haven't touched the woman for years, it seems I let Lao Tzu find the treasure today."

Upon hearing the cry of the ugly man, the woman on the ground could not help but be overwhelmed. Now she is willing to die, and does not want to be insulted by the man. Suicide.

"Humph, how can it be so easy to die"" But? I didn't have the pain in my imagination, but I heard the man groan, and his body was actually opened a short distance, and there was still a big knife in front of me at the moment, facing only the ground.

"Your group of beasts killed in heaven, don't die, you kill me." The woman cried and scolded, not knowing the courage and strength of where she is now.

"Huh, scold it! Scold it! The more I scold Lao Tzu, the more I feel happy. Seeing Lao Tzu's cottage, how can you succeed, come! Bring me a horse and bring the money from the search and the food back to the cottage." She didn't care about the woman's scolding, Shen Sheng shouted at the people around her.

"I'm going to see what you have the ability to go out from here." At this moment, I heard a man shouting at the door, then heard two screams, and everyone turned back, but they saw A plainly dressed young man stood at the door at this moment, but a few meters away beside him, he quietly lay down two **** bandits.

The two masters were shocked for a while by the young man, but the moment was the reaction. The visitor was just a hairy teenager, and he sneered in his heart.

"Boy, dare to move my brothers under my breath, and also whispered. Today, let Grandpa see how many pounds you have." He said that he took out the long, broad sword on his back and took it in his hands Like the paper industry, it is easy, but it is aroused by the air, and the momentum is terrifying.

A bunch of people rushed against the sword to guard against the suddenly killed young man, while making room on the other side, lest the two of them fight and hurt themselves.

"Hum, it's day and night, slaughtering innocent villagers with no resistance, what's the point of you gangsters living in this world, why have you harvested your life today, and be a happy person in the next life, don't do it again." The young man also showed no signs of weakness, and did not care about the sharpness of the thief’s head, waving the wind, because the color of the fighting body of this human body already knew the strength of this person, but he was only a senior swordsman, but the color of the fighting spirit was light and dark It can be known that it must have just stepped into this realm, and this kind of person can only make a breeze on the innocent village names and sneer at the moment.

Suddenly, the whole body of arrogance was unreserved, and the intent was to kill the entire house. Instantly, the people in the whole house were suffocated by this coercion, but the woman was staring. With this young man, puzzled, but nothing else.

The young man was full of killing intentions at this time, never thought of retaining any strength, because when he first entered the village, he saw the miserable situation here, and then he followed it. I did not expect that the gangsters were so fierce and cold-blooded. The murder of innocent villagers in this way was so angering in their hearts, but it was only a little suppression just now. At this moment, it is a glance of performance.


"Dangdang." The two headed long and broad swords were still waving in the air, sneering secretly in their hearts, and brought back how to clean up the dead boy.

Unexpectedly, with the young man's whole body struggling, the coercion actually made him unable to catch his breath. In an instant, the giant sword waved halfway but fell on the ground stunnedly, arousing a burst of dust, and then the whole People are also powerless to fall to the ground.

In front of absolute strength, there is no trace of resistance.

Looking at the thief's head, it was extremely unbearable under his own pressure, and Junyi sneered on his face, thinking that he had no resistance and sorrow for it.

"Seniors spared their lives, seniors spared their lives. The little ones knew that they were wrong, and the little ones knew they were wrong." The two heads were clever at the moment. They even knew that there was no resistance in front of their absolute strength. They were kneeling and begging for mercy.

"Senior?" The teenager couldn't help but wondered, thinking that he was still a few decades older, how could he become a senior, but the teenager didn't understand the practitioners on Dongling Road By convention, those who practice higher than themselves are called seniors, regardless of age.

"You indulge your men to slaughter the villagers, and also make rants, such crimes, I will spare you." The young man's voice was so cold that he looked at the kneeling man without any emotion, but he saw his whole body fighting Forming a screaming dragon shape, the man walked on the ground, and immediately penetrated the man's chest. The man called and did not call, and it was so soft that he was on the ground.

"Seniors are forgiving! These are our big masters who forced us to do so, seniors are kind." Seeing that his big masters were so vulnerable, the gangs all dropped their **** swords and knelt down together. Shouting for mercy, except that Li Junjun still stood there tremblingly, staring at the young man's eyes without blinking. .

"Did you look at the **** sword beside you? Do you think I will forgive you?" The young man looked at Li Junjun who was still standing with some surprise, but his body was full of fighting again. , Just like the tendency of Wan Jian to return to the sect, twirling around the body for a few weeks, and then, just like the sword out of the string, quickly and accurately shot the little ones who were desperate to listen to the words of the teenager, in the blink of an eye, Dozens of little babies fell down in response, like the two heads, becoming soulless bodies.

The woman kept looking at the young man, but the young man did not look at the woman straight, as if nothing.

"Why don't you want them to beg for mercy?" the young man Shen Sheng asked, getting a little cold when he was gone.

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