Pioneer Knight

Chapter 908:

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In the heart of Hughes, he was also a bully-like figure in the city.

"You can go, but your sister can't." Just as the two said, the arrogant son came forward, said with a wicked smile, and stared at Mei Xi's beautiful face. , But where did you take care of the previous girl.

At the same time, he stretched out a hand unscrupulously, and wanted to touch it on Mei Xi's pretty face.

"What are you doing?" Meixi was furious and shouted at the moment, hiding behind Hughes.

"Hey! What are you doing? Does the girl still don't understand, I don't care about anything, except for the beautiful woman like a girl." Zhao Yu smiled wickedly, and when she saw her sister hiding, it seemed even more With interest.

And the group of little guys around Zhao Yu also laughed with **** evil, as if this young master was cool, but they were cool, but the three still had no interesting expression.

"You are shameless," the girl shouted in dismay.

Hughes was extremely smoky to this kind of person, thinking about the kid who had been abolished by himself in the past, and secretly, it seems that this matter is to be repeated again, but it is not as easy as last time.

Although Hughes didn't have a cold for Meixi, she couldn't bear it all the way, but naturally she wouldn't agree to see Meixi being so frivolous. At the moment, she was very angry, and there was no estimate of the three people who were still watching.

The green grudge of the whole body went to the body surface and formed a strange dragon shape. However, now Hughes has a more mind, and he has not shown his true strength. After all, he knows that he was in Putian Village, but he didn’t have to. Deng Di, a family of grudges, is everywhere, and learning to hide strength is essential.

Suddenly, the young man's face was on one side, but his body was orange and grudge showed a special blade-like display. The response was not slow. Seeing Hughes's fighting color, he couldn't help sneering. A senior swordsman and himself a junior swordsman Comparing strength, isn't it the self-defeating by striking the stone with an egg?

But the three people around him were frowning a bit. Zhao Yu was unable to discover the power contained in Hughes’s grudge, but it did not mean that they could not find it. But when he saw Zhao Yu in a posture, he did not intervene. Thinking, this Although Zhao Yu wanted to protect himself, this person was domineering in Deng Li by virtue of family power. Naturally, they didn't care, but they were very ashamed in their hearts, thinking that just let him suffer some hardship today.

Hughes didn't relax his vigilance in Zhao Yu's grudge. He didn't care about Zhao Yu. He really cared about the three people. After a few words, there was no movement.

At the moment, the heart of Hughes' mind changed sharply.

"Long Yingshe."

But I saw that the surface of the grudge blasted a green light, turned into a lightning green dragon, and opened the superb mouth, which was directed at Zhao Yu's colored grudge straight attack. I don't care in my heart, pay attention to the three people, just waiting for the result of Zhao Yu's attack.

Longying photo, angle-level Zhongyuan fighting technique, is the time to practice Longteng tactics, the matching fighting technique taught by Longyang is a low-level fighting technique, but in front of the strength of the world, even if it is a low-level fighting technique, this attack strength It should not be underestimated.

Moreover, the long shadow photography is not mainly reflected in the attack of grudge, but a kind of own idea contained in the long shadow grudge out of this lasing. This kind of idea is the core of "photo", and uses it. Thoughts, deter the opponent’s mind, and cause the opponent’s grudge to be slightly disordered, and then attack again, which can achieve a multiplier effect. Of course, this will only be reflected in the case of relative strength differences.

At this moment, although Zhao Yu was a little surprised by the weirdness of Longying's arrogance, he still did not raise his vigilance when thinking of Xius' arrogance.

In the blink of an eye, I saw that Long Ying's fighting spirit was lightning, enveloping Zhao Yu's entire fighting hood to the regiment. I only heard a low sound of Long Yin, but I saw that Long Ying did not disperse, but it was the leader Wrapped to the top of Zhao Yu's head, no attack was launched, but the dragon's beard was swaying quickly, and his mouth was screaming, but his eyes were blazing a green light for a short time, straight toward Zhao Yu's eyes shrouded in orange grudge. .

At first glance, Zhao Yu saw the two green lights radiated from the green longan. At the moment, he suddenly jumped in his heart. The secret cry was not good. His body was full of grudge, but most of him concentrated on the top of his head. Two green lights were intercepted.

but? Even at this time, Zhao Yu discovered the unusualness of this Longying photo, would Hughes make him so easy to resist his move, if Zhao Yu's grudge can defend the dragon Yinghu's grudge attack, then Hughes's own thoughts embedded in Longyingshe are intangible attacks, unless he uses grudge to form an intangible enchantment on the body surface, otherwise it is impossible to intercept the mind. Yes, but with Zhao Yu’s current strength, he can’t do this at all. The enchantment must be above the sword master’s strength in order to be proud of the seal. That is to say, not only does Zhao Yu not have that strength now, Even now Hughes is difficult to produce enchantment.

Of course, this is not to say that the immaterial attack of mind lies in the face of whether the grudge is invincible, nature, or the relative strength of the two. Furthermore, it is the power of the soul of the cultivator who exerts the mind. Longyang Ju’s matching fighting technique must be handed over to Longyang by himself. It must be a person with a powerful soul power capable of exerting a powerful mind power. In this way, it is easier to break through the opponent’s fighting spirit hood, if his own soul power It is simply unable to keep up with this fighting technique. Then, once you forcefully release your intentional attack, the consequence is that the opponent takes advantage of the opportunity to attack, and your own soul is consumed, your own mind is moving, and you are waiting for yourself. .

However, Hughes didn’t have to worry about this, because after he got up early to practice Longying, he found that his soul was extremely powerful. For this, not only Hughes could not explain, but Longyang was also difficult to explain. .

What's more, nowadays, Hughes is facing Zhao Yu, who is a junior swordsman. He naturally has no need to worry.

Seeing Zhao Yu doing this, Hughes was standing on the side with a cold smile, thinking, if you intercepted Long Yingshe's own idea today, then Hughes was willing to accept it today.


But before Hughes finished speaking, he heard that Zhao Yu screamed, and suddenly his whole body's grudge became disordered and irritable. Where could it be free to control the dragon's grudge that was still wrapped around the surface of its grudge cover, At this moment, the dragon's fighting spirit did not miss Zhao Yu's chance of disturbing his mind. He immediately took advantage of the decline of Zhao Yu's fighting strength, but violently collided with Zhao Yu's body. Although it was collided by the grudge, but in this situation where the grudge was not controlled to remove the force, it was naturally a real effect on its body. After a while, Zhao Yu fell to the ground screaming again. Playing the roller, spitting blood constantly.

"Young Master." The next couple of words were a big change in face, and he couldn't help shouting, but looking at his bones, he naturally knew that these people can only rely on the ups and downs of the young people. For such strong fighting people Things are not a word: death.

However, the most amazing city in Hughes, the three men under Zhao Yu, actually looked at all this coldly, but did not have the urge to rescue, and I was very puzzled, but this vigilance was also improved. Less, after all, dogs without people are the most dangerous.

As expected, the three men glanced at each other at this moment, and the three of them disappeared instantly, but two of them appeared not far away from the sister of Hughes River, but the whole body was aggressive and aggressive. . The other one flashed up beside Zhao Yu, who was still screaming on the ground, but the man with one hand Zimang Dasheng, while Hughes felt the momentum, he was sinking in his heart.

The man suddenly ranted.


The one-handed hand with purple grudges was violently thinking about Zhao Yu's reflection, and Hughes' heart was heavy, and he secretly called badly.

Even when I heard that the dragon's fighting spirit was gone, only Zhao Yu, who was already full of blood, appeared. Looking at him like that, there was still the arrogance before.

In fact, the idea of ​​Hughes in Longying is just to confuse Zhao Yu’s mind, but the time of this confusion is extremely short. Therefore, Zhao Yu can recover his mind after this time, but, The dragon's fighting spirit just took this short time to attack. Originally, Zhao Yu could still force the fighting in his body to force the dragon's fighting spirit back slightly, so that he would not be so embarrassed. However, Zhao Yu He was a lecherous and timid person. Such an attack by Hughes had already broken his line of defense. Just now he only remembered screaming, but where did he know how to force his luck to defend against resistance.

Meixi looked at Hughes nervously, leaning slightly on her body, just a little action, but she felt a lot safer, because this young man has already given himself a lot of surprises. Still believe him. Although she can see the situation now, Hughes has not had the slightest previous ease, and in return is heavy and not serious.

"It's all my bad." Mei Xi said in a low voice and blame

Although Hughes was watching these three people, but now the attention to protect Meixi has not been removed. Naturally, even when Meixi said so softly, it was also heard in her ears, but she couldn't help but smile, dark I think, what is the point of saying this at this time, I still want to get out as soon as possible. I really did not think that I have just entered Deng Dicheng, but it has caused such a thing. It seems that the woman is a scourge. There is nothing wrong with it.

"You are close to me, just close your eyes, don't squeak anything else, you know?" Hughes whispered to the girl who was approaching.

At this moment, Meixi naturally wanted to listen to him, and now he did not hesitate to look at his head, and the beautiful eyes that were hooked immediately closed tightly, but it was inevitable that he was still slightly twitching.

Seeing the man next to Zhao Yu kicking Zhao Yu was sent a grudge, it seems to be stabilizing Zhao Yu's injury, and then seeing a color towards those little babies, the gang of little babbers quickly took their legs In the past, Zhao Yu, who had been slightly better, helped him.

Looking at Zhao Yu's satin long coat was full of blood everywhere, one can imagine how the taste was just now, but Hughes was keenly aware that the boy had eaten the bitter fruit or refused to give up. Shuang Yinxie's eyes are still on Meixi, but when he sees himself, it is cruel.

Hughes sneered in his heart, not caring at all, and looked back at the three men again.

"Three masters, give me this kid's annulment, but don't rush to kill him first, I'll torture him well, and dare to move the ground on Laozi." Then Zhao Yu saw Xiusi's disdainful look and heart Suddenly irritated, he said to the three men at the moment, but his body had not recovered, but he didn't say a few words but his face was red, and he coughed a few times, with bloodshot eyes.

"Master, rest assured that the three of us will help you clean up. The young man is still alive and watching. He should rest and recuperate himself first." The headed man said lightly

Although the three people didn't like Zhao Yu very much, but in Deng Di's place, because of their strength, they were under the eaves and had to bow their heads. Naturally, Zhao Yu suffered a loss, and the three of them were satisfied, then The kid playing Zhao Yu over there could not be let go, because the three of them had to pay.

Hughes already knew the strength of the three men by seven or eight points. All three were great swordsmen. The man headed by him was the middle strength, while the other two were the lower ones. Hughes himself was just right. It’s the strength of the standard. Presumably, it’s naturally a huge gap. However, although Hughes’ mind is dull, he is not worried about the siege of these three people. Small, then just entering Dengdi just caused such a big thing, when I wanted to walk around Dengdi at random, I was afraid that it would be a bit difficult, but I think that it will be the future, and now I still concentrate on these three things. People calm down, leave here to talk.

"Small friendly strength." The man headed did not send a letter attack to the other two, but said to Hughes.

"Let's talk nonsense, are you going to fight together one by one. Although you can't make it, I don't know how to use him like him. You have to teach me for him, and I took it together." Hughes Naturally I don’t want to spend more time talking with three people

As soon as the three people heard this, their face changed slightly, and they thought about how long you can be arrogant. At the moment, the three people looked back at each other.

Hughes tried to defend, but I saw that there were still the figures of the three people, but they disappeared. Immediately, Hughes secretly called it bad, but this kind of exercise has not yet been seen.

But when Hughes turned around and watched the situation around him, he suddenly felt a strong momentum beside him.

Hughes was very anxious. At the moment, the green grudge in his right hand skyrocketed, and he fought back violently, but his left hand kept Mei Xidi’s body, but the recoil force of the figure that had just been solved was thinking about the anti-defense shot. but.

A loud bang, but two forces hit together.

The body that appeared suddenly was a violent shake, and the body was stagnant, and in an instant, the entire figure appeared in the vision of Hughes.

At the first sight, Hughes was very happy, and thought, the three of you have such a weird fighting technique, then since Lao Tzu forced out one, he would first turn it over and say, but? Before waiting for Hughes to think about it, he saw the original figure, but suddenly disappeared again. Hughes cursed, all his nerves tightened, and his back was cold.

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