Pioneer Knight

Chapter 915:

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"In this way, I will come to help you all. As for what is in danger, Linde refuses to do it." Now Linde is really energetic, but he also joined the ranks of the masters. How much Linde hoped to kill Hughes in this way, but it was a pity that he thought too much.

Originally, Hughes and everyone were forced to be of high moral character. Now that Linde joins, the consequence must be that his true energy is not enough to resist. Naturally, they were shocked by their true energy, and that Linde was eager to die. It is extremely advanced, and now Hughes begins to be confused at any time, but survival is human instinct, and his thoughts quickly turn around.

However, the thought was not coming out, but it felt the true energy of the row of mountains and seas and violently shocked himself through the true gas cover.


Hughes vomited a spit of blood, but his body was a little swaying, and the true gas mask was also extremely unstable. The body was hit again, and the previous meridian damage was not repaired, but a wave of unrest was unexpected, and the current internal force Gradually I don’t know, and how could the masters be idle people, now seizing the good opportunity, the internal force is rising, but it is the deformation of the squeeze of Hughes’s real gas hood, and suddenly he heard a loud sound.


Hughes felt bitter. At the moment, he was awake for four or five points. He was terribly sad, but he was thinking that he could not kill these people, but he died just now, but now he turned his head and looked at the smile that was still in his arms. The body gradually became cold. The sadness of the woman's heart suddenly poured out, full of unwillingness.

but? Just when Hughes was unwilling, and was about to die, he unexpectedly heard a loud shout from his heart, which was very powerful.

"I will help you."

Suddenly time consciousness fell into a blank, and there was no sound.


"Sius, Sius." Seeing that Sius was stunned, the girl was anxious now, worried that Sius would come out again, so she anxiously shouted.

But seeing the corners of Hughes' eyes were slightly moist, and he couldn't help but feel more puzzled.

"Well." Hughes quickly covered it up and wiped the corners of his eyes, but his mind was still immersed in the memories.

At the time, such scenes appeared more than once in a dream, and every time they woke up, the pillows were wet. Naturally, Hughes knew that men can't express themselves easily when they have tears, but men are also human and have feelings. Why do they force them?

Sometimes, tears may vent the sadness of my heart even more, but although Hughes thinks like this, he still doesn't want to behave like this in front of Meixi.

"I'm okay, let's go! Just heard that woman said this is the Academy of Literature, it seems that Dongling Douyuan is not just an academy for cultivating qi, it seems there is another, we still look for where is Douyuan." Si wiped the corners of his eyes again, and then got up and rushed away, but escaped the girl's eyes.

Some of Hughes’ enumerations made Meixi more and more confused. But what did he think of when he saw the figure of Hughes? Secretly nodded and followed again.

The cause and effect of the two lifetimes, there is no cause and effect.

The whole Dongling Douyuan is divided into a literature academy, an Italian control academy, and a Dou academy. Of course, since it is a Dou ayuan, it is naturally dominated by qi cultivating. The center of the academy, and Nawen Academy and Italian Control Academy are mutually encircling Douyuan in the center.

and so. Hughes and Meixi entered through the gate of the Douyuan before, but they have been wandering around in this academy, and they are not really in the Douyuan.

It's just that Xiushe Meixi didn't know the distribution of the students in the Dongling Douyuan, but fortunately, the subconscious was looking from the gate of the academy to the center, but it was the place where he most stepped on the academy of literature and came to the Douyuan.

At the moment, Hughes found out that there was a two-foot-high wall around the Douyuan that separated it from the outside, and now they are standing at the entrance of this Douyuan, presumably that Dongling Douyuan The gate, however, looks a lot of style. After all, the gate of the whole college is only two huge banyan trees as the barrier, and the gate of the Douyuan is all made by man.

In fact, the periphery of the Dongling Douyuan is the Wenyuan and Yikongyuan. There are two gates in the two branches, but the two gates are completely different, but the Wenyuan is a form of natural quietness. It is very similar to this academy of literature, which is in line with the environment of the academy of literature. However, the gate outside the Italian-controlled courtyard is like the entrance of the Douyuan, but it is extremely luxurious.

Naturally, Hughes didn't care about this, and Chong Meixi motioned for a moment, then stepped into the door of the Douyuan.

When you enter the gate, you can't help but froze, but what you see is an empty field, and when you look at it, you can see dozens of groups of people who may be dressed up like students sitting on the field. Talking and laughing, of course, you can see dozens of students who are learning from the center of the venue.

Hughes glanced at the moment, but secretly exclaimed that the venue was so wide and presumably the performance martial arts court of Douyuan, but the purpose of setting such a wide performance martial arts field at the gate of Douyin was naturally self-evident. I just don’t know if the intention is for those students or for some factions.

Meixi felt extremely interested. After all, it was the first time in her life to see such a field. It was difficult to see the border when you looked around.

Hughes secretly whispered a few words, but he immediately noticed that when he glanced at himself, but then he felt extremely depressed, he glanced at it, that is, just swept it, but waited for his own lift. Seeing it, I saw those twin eyes staring at the sisters around me.

"This woman is a trouble everywhere," Hughes said in a moment of sorrow. Naturally, this rhetoric just passed in his heart, but his arm was very inconspicuously touched and still looking up.

"Let's go, play monkey games." Hughes whispered

Walking from the Yanwuchang, Hughes felt that the students who were still laughing and talking around there were a bit wrong.

"Is it possible to think of the old routine again, and it's not possible to paint a little cleverness in front of this woman next to me?" Hughes thought inexplicably, secretly speculating, although the eyes of the gang of students only passed by himself , But it seems extremely unwilling, and the more he walks around the center of the Yanwuchang, the more he perceives the unkindness of this group of people who dare to evolve in space.

My sister was happy in her heart. Looking at the gang of men, they had a pair of wolves-like eyes and a sense of inexplicable satisfaction. However, she didn’t get complacent and forgot, but she trot for two steps, but she looked intimately. Hughes moved closer.

Seeing this situation, Hughes couldn't help but complained, and thought to herself, what did the woman do to deliberately adjust herself? However, this situation is naturally not able to make any excessive moves, just thinking that it is better to keep a distance from this woman in the future.

When letting this performance martial arts field is not just a group of men, of course, there are also quite a few female students in the Douyuan, but there are a group of animals occupying this area, while the other area is a female student area.

It's just that Hughes led a beautiful girl like this to pass in the male student area, which is naturally a miracle. After all, in the past, no woman dared to walk in this place full of wolves. In addition to the female overlord of the Douyuan, Ouyang poetry. I thought a certain "remaining fighter" was now a "sleeping fighter" sportsman. When I first arrived, I didn’t know the name of Ouyang’s poems. I was actually curious to see her dare to shuttle in the male student area. I can’t make a joke, but I know, this word was just exported, and it was a slap from Ouyang Shishi. If it was just an ordinary slap, then the college would eat some pain. However, this Ouyang poetry The shot was also indiscriminate, but the group of gods were forced to fight on the right palm. Poor that the college could not be as good as that of the Ouyang poetry. Two big teeth were suddenly lost. The swollen face of the pig was like a dizzy head. Later, it was rumored that the college was forced by the forces of the Ouyang Shanshan family, and then the student suffered a severe blow to the head through the palm of the hand, and it is still a vegetable, so he dropped out of school.

The name of Ouyang’s poems in Douyuan, or even the entire Dongling Douyuan, is like Lei Guan'er. Among male students, it has been secretly circulated that such a saying: “Ouyang’s poems are not human, even if this is not true, but at least she Not a woman", of course, this kind of statement is limited to male students. If it is listened to by Ouyang Poetry, maybe there will be something big and **** happening to this group of tragic men. People have been silent for a long time. After all, he is the culprit. Once the east window incident occurs in the future, there must be no place to live and no place to die. However, fortunately, these words have been circulating for a while. I don’t know if this group of male students pity the first person who dared to eat crabs, still thinking that such private discussion is a kind of stimulus sought, and he was not surprised that Ouyang’s poems were not heard. It is said that this secrecy work is quite in place, and that the scope is so bright, and the population is so messy, so do it.

It's just that they didn't expect that besides the female overlord Ouyang Shishi dared to do this, they didn't expect that there is still a character woman who dared to cross here, but what they think is very unbelievable is that there is a male animal standing next to the woman, At present, they all have very unhappy eyes on Hughes, and although they are obsessed with Meixi, they also have the precedent of Ouyang's poems, but they have to look far and far.

but? The development of the times always required a few pioneers, and died one after another after another. However, when Hughes was aware of the poor eyesight of these students, he found again that some students had got up and walked towards themselves. Come here, but Hughes knows clearly that this group of people will certainly not openly embarrass themselves. After all, this is the discipline of the students. It is presumed that many of these people are based on the power of the family. They didn’t dare to do it easily thinking about such wanton things. Then, this group of people got up and walked towards themselves. The purpose should be Meixi, think about it, and couldn’t help but secretly helplessly.

At this time, some female students in the other area in the distance seemed to have noticed the situation here, and they glanced at each other. The result was not surprising. Men like women, and women like men. This law, except in some special cases The crowd is not established, the other nature is an ever-changing law, and their eyes are also fiercely looking at Hughes, who is secretly depressed and helpless. Usually, a large group of animals over there have already seen vomiting, but most of them They are all human-like dogs, and some of them are reluctantly good and have to covet. Therefore, their hearts are actually what the male students think, there is no essential difference, only the gender difference in fantasy.

Meixi couldn't be proud now, thinking about the teenagers around her, but she met her first. So obviously, when she had emotions with Hughes, she knew in her heart that Hughes was hers alone, others used It’s not good to look at the words of Hughes with another kind of eyes. The inexplicable woman couldn’t do it before. Now the female students are even more bad. At the moment, Xiumi Leng stared at the scorching group of female animals over there, but her body was attached to it. Hughes was closer.

Meixi's performance like this is to make the male students who have come slowly around feel more uncomfortable.

Although they feel that Hughes is good, but sometimes, people are particularly prone to being cheap, especially in front of beautiful women or handsome men thinking about things like fighting for jealousy. Even if others are good, they still die. , I think he (she) is a fart, is it better to have me?

Immediately, those students were full of unhappiness, and they wished to give Hughes, who had been around Meixi, torn down for a few times to relieve their depression, but the pace of a few people also accelerated a lot.

Hughes noticed a few people, but stopped walking, stopped, looked at the girl's sister that had been attached to herself, and said

"You will have to follow me again like this in the future." The tone was extremely cold.

"Uh." Meixi didn't expect that Hughes actually gave himself such a sentence, and he felt aggrieved at the moment. He looked at Hughes pitifully, but his body still refused to leave, but he saw Hughes just said such a sentence. However, he did not oppose it again, and felt that this gradually improved.

The group of female students met the dozen students who came over, but the purpose was to point directly at Xiushe Meixi. Immediately, they were also interested. They thought that this young man had never seen it, and it must be a freshman. The handsomeness of the young students must be extraordinary. Of course, these are just the wishful thinking of the female students, but they are a little chilly when they look at their expectant expressions.

"Newcomer?" A dozen male students asked, starting with a man. Seeing the male student's expression was very arrogant. Presumably, the female overlord Ouyang poetry came out. It must be the man among these people. A world is gone.

Hughes frowned as soon as he heard this.

"How?" The answer is extremely concise, and the tone is extremely cold. That look is like not looking at these dozen people at all.

The male student had suffered a loss in front of Ouyang Shishi, but he never really fell off his face in front of any male student in this way. Naturally, he was not very ill-tempered and very upset.

"Yo, Dongling Douyuan did not come if you wanted to. If you come, then you have to abide by the rules here." The male student said contemptuously. Presumably this kind of thing has not been done, but seeing the surrounding is far away A large group of male students gathered around to see the man's expression when he saw that most of them had eaten the man's losses when they entered the college.

but? Hughes was the unconvinced master. Although Feng Qing told him when he left Kunyou Mountain, he tried not to provoke others, so as not to cause trouble to his upper body, but? This is a matter of taking the initiative to find yourself, so, since you can't hide, according to the principle of Hughes, it is to face positively. Is it true that the Zhao Yu encountered a few days ago? I just don’t know if Zhao Yu is also practicing in this Douyuan? Thinking, if Zhao Yu is also in this fighting courtyard, then once he is known to be here, then there will be something to do.

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