Pioneer Knight

Chapter 940:

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Therefore, the inadvertent behavior of Ouyang's poems today gave Meixi a hint that it was an alternative strategic approach of Ouyang's poems, before he was either practicing or demonstrating against himself.

"Smelly woman, stinky woman." Under the words, she was cursing Ouyang's poems, but there was no trace of Hughes. The beautiful eyes flickered with the mist, and the pretty face followed the small mouth. 'S beeping slightly remembered, Xiao Qiong sniffed his nose, it was a bit interesting.

Suddenly thinking of the clay figurines on her body, Mei Xi couldn't help but show a pretty face, smiled, and quickly pulled the figurine out of her pocket. Looking at this mini version of Hughes, Mei Xi was so sad and crying now. Suddenly, put on a pleasant smile.

There are two clay figurines in Meixi, one in the room and the other one who has been carrying him all the time, but at the moment she is smiling and grinning and grinning.

"Stick Hughes, **** Hughes, actually took the hand of Ouyang's poems, hum, and ignore you in the future." At this time, the little clay figurine who looked at Hughes could not help but whispered, but his tone was extremely gentle, But there is a little bit of anger scolding the idea of ​​duty, but it's just doing it.

However, Hughes would laugh aloud when she heard this from Meixi, and ignore him.

Under these two words, slender fingers touched the little clay figure, but again he was inexplicably smiling, but thinking of Hughes's expression, he smiled again, and he touched the little clay figure again and again. Next, it is more tender.

Meixi just likes the look of Hughes, thinking about walking with Hughes in the mountains. Although I haven't experienced any major disasters, the five-day relationship between the two is extremely memorable. The cold face makes me look puzzled and fascinated. It is even more difficult to give up at this moment. Maybe I have to spend my life to solve it. This mystery is opened.

The smile on the face is slightly blooming, and the expression looks like it has obviously entered the mind. It is very longing. At this moment, the beautiful mist is slowly disappearing, and the expression is already a bit natural. At this time, I am addicted to the past and the girl is happy. Huangpu Agarwood didn't even notice when she approached.

Huangpu Chenxiang saw that Meixi entered the house crying and laughing, wondering whether this woman was stimulated, but when she approached the clay figure in Meixi's hands, her heart hurt, and her eyebrows rose. , Biya teeth clenched together, eyes fixed on Meixi still stroking the little clay figurine on the ground, her face twitched, her face suddenly ugly to the extreme.

"Miss Xi girl, are you this?" Despite the pain in her heart and the ugly face, Huangpu Agarwood still covered her chest and asked with a trembling voice. She wanted to ask an understanding and only wanted an answer.

The person who listened to what she said was just knowing that it was Huangpu Agarwood, and her face collapsed, but? Listening to her asking the clay figure in her hand, like a treasure, she quickly grabbed the clay figure into her pocket and looked funny.

Huangpu Agarwood had recognized the appearance of the clay figure at first glance, and at this moment she saw her sister like this. Although he felt a bit exaggerated, he was very envious in his heart and sighed: At least he didn't have such a blessing as a sister, no such clay figure.

Meixi hid in a panic at the moment. Even when she stood up and looked at Huangpu Agarwood, her original smile was gone, but she disappeared and her eyebrows sank slightly.

"It's none of your business." Mei Xi said lightly

Huangpu Chenxiang's brows frowned upon hearing this, but she felt a little brighter in her heart, because at the moment, listening to Mei Xi's words were cold and no emotion at all, but compared to when Mei Xi just came here, she was I know that Meixi has already made some changes.

However, in fact, it was just like what Huangpu Chenxiang thought. Although Meixi was still so cold at the moment, in her heart, she really changed her attitude towards Huangpu Chenxiang, at least Meixi knew , Huangpu Agarwood doesn't want to hate herself like Ouyang's poems, because Huangpu Agarwood is gentle and gentle, Shi Shiran is like a fairy in the dust, there is no slightest dispute against herself, on the contrary, if it is not Huangpu Agarwood, I am afraid that There is no such courage and the woman in Ouyang Shishi can have the courage to fight every time. After all, the reason why Ouyang Shishi didn’t dare to act is because of Huangpu’s face, but not because of herself. For this, As a careful-minded woman and a smart-hearted woman, Meixi can't see it and can't understand it?

Huangpu Chenxiang was anxious to know about the clay figure, but she squeezed her mouth and looked at Meixi sadly, for a long time, her eyes slightly firm, but she still made up her mind and asked again.

"Miss Xi girl, I know you may be prejudiced against me, but I want to know that clay figure..." Then it was a faint glance, looking at Miss Xi, who was only holding the clay figure's hand, hesitating Asked.

Although Meixi knows that Huangpu Chenxiang knows her thoughts about Hughes, but they all exist in their own hearts, and there is no publicity. At this moment, Huangpu Chenxiang is said to be broken. That woman’s pretty face is a stunner. Broken, at the moment it is red and bloody, charming and pretty.

Seeing Meixi's expression, Huangpu Agarwood couldn't help but smile slightly, but she still waited for her voice.

"This is from Hughes to me." Meixi said.

In fact, she was very clear in her heart that this clay figure was not given to him by Hughes at all, but that he wanted Hughes to buy it for himself. Although the thought of Hughes’s unwillingness to take out the silver is irritating, he didn’t finally take out the silver and bought it for himself. Then, this is what Hughes gave to himself. There is nothing wrong with giving it to yourself.

Although Meixi's gangster logic is a bit of a joke, but? As a woman's mind, it is also cute and tight.

Although Huangpu Agarwood had already guessed the specific things in his heart, he still kept such a glimmer of hope. Although such a hope is in his heart, Huangpu Chenxiang knows that it should not be, and feels that he is extremely selfish at this moment because of such a glimmer of hope, but who is not a selfish person? She is like this, just that, it is not easy.

"Oh." Huangpu responded with incense, and there was no lack of envy, and there was a little sob in the vagueness.

At this moment, her expression was like a fairy in a bath full of sorrows, and it looked so distressing in her eyes, but who was distressed by her at this moment? Hughes? Absolutely not, Huangpu Chenxiang said with a wry smile

"I have two." Although Meixi slightly changed her attitude towards Huangpu Agarwood, but one thought was that for Hughes, the two were enemies. She did not immediately consider Huangpu Agarwood's feelings. After listening to Huangpu's tone, he said again, his eyebrows were raised, his beautiful eyes were alive, his mouth was slightly raised, and his expression was very proud.

Although Huangpu Agarwood felt sour at the moment, she could still bear the look of her sister-like expression. Now she was disappointed again, and Qiongbi pantothenic acid.

"Oh." Huangpu Agarwood just choked with a choked voice, but turned away and heard the door closed softly, but there was no sound.

At this moment, Meixi retreated after seeing Huangpu Agarwood in difficulty, and could not help getting up again, but at this moment, vaguely, Meixi was across that layer of door panel, as if she heard what sound, but her face changed again. , I thought to myself secretly, is this practice too much?

Huangpu Agarwood was not happy for a few days. For more than ten years, his mind was all about the scene of the indifferent treatment of himself by the last Hughes. In this life, I thought that I met a live Hughes, but it was unexpected. He was still like this. I don’t know how many tears I have shed for myself, how many times I blame myself, how many times I regret it. However, it’s useless to put these in front of Hughes, everything is so light.

Weeping in a low voice, these days are used to, but the heart still can't get used to this feeling, because it keeps deepening and accentuating.

"Uh, girl, is Huangpu Agarwood here?"

Meixi justified herself but heard a question from the door. Meixi stared at the moment and couldn't help but stunned.

"Er, Mr. Huangpu, it's you." Meixi saw the person who was Huangpu Yuxiang at the moment. She couldn't help but smiled. After all, Meixi still remembered Huangpu Yuxiang's help at that time. It came out, just after saying so, it was a sudden burst of thoughts.

Could it be that Huangpu Agarwood is the sister of Huangpu son?

"It turns out to be a girl, you." Huangpu Yuxiang still wears that plain long gown, simple but not temperament. At this moment, he also recognized Meixi, and immediately smiled, and did not wait for Meixi to reply again. But came into the house.

After all, although Huangpu Yuxiang has been away from the Douyuan for several years, he has gradually entered the family and helped his father to do some things in the family, but he still knows about the residence of his sister Huangpu Chenxiang in Douyuan, just, I saw just now My sister's figure is different from that of Chen Xiang, so I asked him aloud, he didn't understand how this sister would be here, but since he was an acquaintance, he was no longer polite.

"Are you looking for Agarwood?" There was a guess in her heart, but Mei Xi's words were a lot of politeness, even when asked.

"Exactly, I am Chen Xiang's eldest brother. Today I came to the Douyuan to find him if he wanted to talk to her." Huangpu Yuxiang said something important, but his face was slightly different, his eyes flickered, and he seemed to be struggling.

Meixi naturally noticed these things, but she didn’t care too much. After all, this so-called important thing wasn’t on herself, she said immediately.

"Agarwood has just entered the room. Since the son of Huangpu has important matters to discuss with Chenxiang, Meixi will not disturb the conversation between the son of Huangpu and Chenxiang." Meixi also knows the etiquette, and has always been in the heart of Yuxiang. Thankful, when even said softly.

Seeing Huangpu Yuxiang smiled and nodded, but also opened his door and left.

Huangpu Yuxiang now knows the relationship between Meixi and her sister-living under the same roof.

It's just that there are so few things in Douyuan, I don't understand who arranged it, but I couldn't help sighing when I thought about what I was going to say.

The father actually gave this matter to himself, and it seemed that he really had a problem for himself. Although he had a good relationship with his sister when he was young, it was precisely because of this that Huangpu Yuxiang didn't know how to say it, and he also knew Chen Xiang's temper. If he said this, Chen Xiang would be extremely reluctant Don't look at Agarwood's weak temperament, but his heart is very stubborn and unwilling to be manipulated by others, even his father is no exception. If not, why is he staying in the academy for a long time, not within the family.

Huangpu Yuxiang thought about it. Although it was difficult to speak, I also knew that the wood had become a boat. Sooner or later, I wanted to let Chen Xiang know this, and then I slowly came to the gate of Huangpu Chenxiang, and I was about to raise my hand to knock on the door. sound.

Immediately, Huangpu Yuxiang's face changed. His sister had been weak since childhood, but because of her inner strength, she never shed tears easily, but why is it so sobbing at the moment? Was she already aware of her marriage to Helian's family, or was Meixi crying out of anger with this sister? But it was impossible to think about two things. For the matter of marriage, he didn’t know for a long time. He still vaguely remembers the emotion and emotion when he heard his father say this. Slightly calmed down, but my father threw this matter to himself, which seemed to be very irresponsible. However, Huangpu Yuxiang knew his father's thoughts and sighed in his heart, but said that he was a sister I cried my sister with joy, it is certainly impossible, how can the sister's strong temperament be easily cried, look at the look of the sister, temperament, shouldn't it be that woman?

But Huangpu Yuxiang didn’t know that Meixi didn’t have that ability, but Meixi could completely defeat Huangpu Agarwood by a Hughes, because Hughes’ indifference to Huangpu Agarwood was her weakness, fatal point.

"Agarwood, agarwood." Huangpu Yuxiang still banged on the door

When this sound came out, I was shocked at the Huangpu Agarwood inside. At the moment, I wiped the corners of my eyes with the skirt yarn sleeves, but the pair of affectionate eyes cried a little red and the nose was also red. .

Huangpu Chenxiang heard the voice of his elder brother Huangpu Yuxiang, but he didn't understand it. This brother was usually busy helping his father to do family matters. How can he have time to come to himself today, in order not to let Huangpu Yu Xiang found himself very different. He immediately ran to the bronze mirror and sorted out his costumes. The dark road should not be seen by his elder brother.

Although Huangpu Yuxiang heard that the sobbing stopped, there was a panic of footsteps. He could not help but be puzzled, and then knocked on the door panel again, calling:

"Agar, this is Brother! What are you doing? Brother has something to discuss with you."

"Oh, I see, elder brother, I will come out immediately." Huangpu Chenxiang looked anxiously at the mirror to organize her tearful face, but in this way, the swollen eyelids and orbits were still not at all. My heart is even more anxious, and my feet are struggling to stomping on the floor. It is impossible for a short time in my heart. Even if I push the mirror backwards, I turn around and walk to the door, and I look at myself. Whether there is any abnormality on your body, make sure that this will open the door.

"Brother, why did you come to me today, aren't you helping Dad do some housework?" Huangpu Agarwood asked with such enthusiasm, naturally to divert Huangpu Yuxiang's attention, the pair was still crying Slightly red and swollen eyes can avoid Huangpu Yuxiang's eyes.

Huangpu Yuxiang is a clear man, and he can see the situation at a glance. Furthermore, I heard the crying sound of Huangpu Agarwood before, but when I saw Agarwood's eyes flickering like this, he didn't break it at the moment. Nodded.

"Shenxiang, why? Big brother is not welcome?"

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