Pioneer Knight

Chapter 956:

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"Okay! Since you don’t want to play more, you want to take a break so quickly, I can fulfill you, but I can’t forget what you said to me last year with the boy Xia Houzhen, only Xiahou Zhen Yi, you are not there anymore. How should that be?" Hughes said jokingly.

"Less nonsense, how will you be arrogant later?" Zhao Yu was still confident. Although he and Hughes played against each other and heard Hughes's stop at the Douyuan, none of them could make him realize his gap.

"Quick battle and quick decision." Hughes just said this, his whole body was full of grudge, and suddenly a horrible purple grudge was burst out, wantonly surrounding the space, suffocating.

As soon as everyone noticed, their faces changed a lot, and they thought, good guy, that this boy's strength has grown so fast, but his heart was also a joy, and his original thoughts about Zhao Yu's boy could not be reduced. less.

However, Zhao Yu did not drop any points at all, and his whole body of anger was also urged out. At first glance, it was a lot more improved than last year.

When Zhao Yu Yuxius was fighting on the street last year, he had just stepped into the junior swordsman realm, but this amount was already the strength of the Chinese grid. It is conceivable that this kid did not waste much time during this time. Effectiveness.

Hughes smiled a little in his heart. This junior swordsman won the grid, but his strength is not weak, just...

At the first glance, the faculty member knew that he would not start shouting again, just because these two people would not listen to their own and would start.

Just at the moment when the teacher's voice fell, it was Hughes's mouth that was slightly splayed, but the purple grudges around him spread and danced. It was strange to think about the surrounding space, but it was endless fluctuations.

And at this moment, Zhao Yu's figure disappeared, and everyone's face changed dramatically. Seeing this situation at the moment, Hughes also changed his face and immediately remembered the three people's bizarre fighting technique, stealthy escape.

However, this kind of self is under the profit, but it is a loose heart. If Zhao Yu's strength is really mentioned in several realms, he is really difficult to deal with, but with the current strength of Zhao Yu Even though the three people might have given this invisible escape technique to this kid, Zhao Yu was still far from being able to achieve the strength of the three persons. Furthermore, the invisible escape index can be passed through each other. The ability to sense between them to anticipate the opponent's attack direction in advance, so as to avoid. At first, the strength of the Xiusi Grand Sword Master can barely avoid the attack of the three people, so now he is more than the peak sword by his own grid. Isn't it easier to divide the strength of the division to deal with this Zhao Yu who is much lower than the strength of the three men?

At the moment, the purple fighting spirit seems to have reached the limit, that is, it has stopped spreading, but the deep purple fighting spirit is lingering in the space, but it is strangely very. At this moment, the students watching around have forgotten that Zhao Yu’s kid Has been invisible and escaped, but it was all shocked by Hughes's grudge fighting. Ordinary people can easily push grudges out of their bodies for offense and defense, but the space for grappling is extremely limited, generally distance The source of the two feet on the body surface, but now the dark purple grudge of Hughes is nearly two feet away from the body of Hughes. In this way, how to control the grudge and how to defend? How to attack? This is quite large for grudge consumption.

Everyone didn't understand how Hughes was doing this, so the lecturer also didn't understand, and secretly thought that Hughes's move was obviously creating opportunities for Zhao Yu to hurt himself. But, Hughes is really so stupid. ?

Long Doran

Angular Zhongyuan fighting technique, this is the matching dragon fighting technique that Hughes is only practicing in breaking through the great sword master.

Long Dou Ran is extremely related to his name. Ran Zi intentionally fills the meaning of Ying Ran. As such, Husse urges the fighting spirit to linger. It seems that the fighting energy is almost two feet away from the body surface in space, but in fact it is only one of this fighting technique. This kind of fantasy refers to the fact that Hughes’s fighting spirit will not be far away from the body surface two feet, but it is still as usual. This is the lingering fighting energy around this, but it is just a fantasy state of fighting technique. However, even if it is just a fantasy state, Which is still full of murderous opportunities.

"Zhao Yu, how did you use the stealth escape technique when your three teachers failed to take me? Do you think that this trick can be so powerful in your hands? Since you want a one-stroke system Enemy against me, I am no longer polite to you, so as not to waste everyone's time, but also a trick to control the enemy and you, if I do not win you, I lose, but if you make a mistake, I will not forget Your reckless challenge is nominal." Hughes sneered and said in a low voice, thinking that this kid would never be merciless since he insisted like this. When he was faced with such a barbarous woman as Ouyang Shishi, he There was no mercy, just because the last shot of the Longyu gun was just that, something went wrong in his mind.

What Zhao Yu thought was exactly what Huss said, he could not use this technique of escape to the extreme, even the three teachers could not, which involved the meanings of popularity and speed. Realize that it is only possible to break through with the improvement of cultivation, but he is too thinking about winning Hughes, too much to prove that he did not lose to Hughes that day, but he underestimated his enemies for a while. This trick conceals the secret technique of attacking secretly.

But at the moment, listening to Hughes' calm calm voice, his heart sank to the end. However, he did not look back at the start of the operation. He knew in his heart that Hughes had to carry it hard since he had spoken.

Everyone was surprised when they heard the cold, deep voice of Hughes, thinking about it, although Hughes was much more than Zhao Yu, but Zhao Yu was not a bad taste. Yu was defeated, and it was a reckless defeat. His heart was full of doubts, but he was expecting it inexplicably.

Hughes's voice just fell, but his body jumped up quickly, and the dark purple graffiti of two feet was flashing as he jumped back and forth.

Zhao Yu never dared to get close and had to look for opportunities. Just now Hughes was beating, but he was not deliberately pretending. It was because he was trying to attack, but he did not expect that this kid actually reacted in advance.


But just when Zhao Yu was in a deep hatred, but his heart tightened suddenly. At that time, he just felt that a strong and inexplicable breath swept from himself.

Zhao Yu didn't know how Hughes was, so precisely judged his position. Now he wanted to escape when he quickly followed the escape, but he didn't want to. Now he wanted to move, but he was terrified. Whereas the body can move a little bit, as if it was nailed to the ground by death, the heart is suddenly extremely cold, endlessly cold.

"Huh, you think I don't know where you are, if last year, I found you, but Zhao Yu was unlucky at this moment, oh, no, it should be self-reliance." Hughes' cold voice spread at this moment Here, this voice was not heard by the students who were onlookers, only Zhao Yu's heart rang.

At first sight, Hughes moved his body again, and then fixed it in place, but the purple grudge hood seemed to be wrapped in it, and it continued to be agitated.


At the moment when everyone was puzzled, only one scream was heard that was passed to the onlookers.

Everyone's heart was shocked, thinking about what happened, but they saw the purple grudge, and then they saw a **** person fell on the ground.

Everyone's heart was cold.

"That's Zhao Yu?" A student asked inexplicably a student around him.

"I don't know." The student actually looked at Zhao Yu, who was groaning and moaning in surprise.

All of this came so suddenly, and suddenly it was unacceptable to everyone. From the beginning to the present, it seemed that it was only half a quarter of an hour, and Hughes ended this challenge without any waste of energy. How did Si say that Zhao Yu made it so that he did not let everyone know.

"Is it the reason in the purple fighting hood?" Everyone guessed dementedly.

The trainer also opened his eyes at the moment, but Zhao Yu seemed to be hurting at the moment. He was not like the students, he responded quickly, and ran to Zhao Yu in the middle of the field.

I saw that the trainer's one-handed silver grudge was bursting out, testing Zhao Yu's injury, but his face changed greatly under this exploration.

"Cultivation is exhausted, and the meridians are severely broken."

"How did this kid suddenly make Zhao Yu like this?" The trainer was shocked. Immediately, he used the grudge to slightly stabilize Zhao Yu's injury, but his heart was clear. It was the end of the second half of the life that was a waste.

It was just that Hughes was too cruel to start, and for a moment, it was not even considered that Zhao Yuxiu was completely exhausted, and he had to give all his meridians to the shock.

Hughes looked at Zhao Yu on the ground coldly, and was secretly surprised. He didn't expect this dragon fight to be so powerful, but the combat skills in the corners were so powerful that he was only a great swordsman. After that it had to be.

Seeing everyone looking at him in shock, Hughes didn’t show any expression, but said to the ground, Zhao Yu, who was crying out on the ground.

"I gave you a chance, but you don't want it. How can the ants compete with the sun and the moon? I'm not a real sun and moon for a while, but you are still a ants in front of me. The last time I didn't abolish you, it was because of the three families. Master, whoever wants you to be so arrogant and automatically seeks you up, how can I let go of you, leaving your life just to save energy, you are ready to be a waste in the next half of your life." Indifferently walked down the field.

Everyone listened to the words of Hughes, and their hearts were terrified, and they thought that this crazy was really terrifying. At the moment, there was no slight feeling of joy, but sympathy for Zhao Yu who kept moaning.

Seeing that Hughes came over, they all gave way to each other, and they dared not get too close to Hughes, but this was the faint feeling of the chill in Hughes, and his heart could not help but was surprised. It has changed so much.

"His cultivation base is very strong, you are sure to win him?" Xia Houtian looked at Zhao Yu on the field indifferently, but looked at the leaving Hughes indifferently, and asked him to look at everything far away. Huangpu Agarwood said.

"I never thought of winning him." Huangpu Agarwood said coldly.

Huangpu Agarwood had already received the news of Helian Qiyun who returned to the Northern Slave after that day, and this news made Huangpu Agarwood completely desperate.

The head of the Helian family is different, and his father did not agree to terminate the marriage.

The pretty face was full of bitterness, and his eyes did not stay on Zhao Yu, but he was staring at Hughes who had walked towards the first group of stadiums, and could not move away for a long time.

Xia Houtian saw the fascinating eyes of Huangpu Agarwood and his heart was burning with jealousy. However, Xia Houtian was violently holding his heart in anger. He knew that he could only wait until the future schedule. Above, in the face of Huangpu Agarwood, just like Hughes treats the already sad and pitiful Zhao Yu at this moment, he treats Hughes like that. He wants to let the woman around him know that he is worthy of her, and Hughes is simply unworthy. .

However, Xia Houtian didn't know that even if one day he got what he wanted, and stepped on the bottom of Hughes, it was still just a tragedy. He didn't know that the marriage of Huangpu Chenxiang and He Lianqi Yun was early It is already irreversible, but what can he do in the face of the Helian family? Endless helplessness.

"You reiterate with you again, don't try to move him." Huangpu Chenxiang had already noticed the change in Xiahoutian's breath at this moment, and he was angry.

Xia Houtian did not respond, still staring so coldly at Hughes who had been crowded into the crowd.

"It's your turn, it's from the Yikong Academy. Although your cultivation is advanced, I am afraid it is still not very good to deal with the ideator. Be careful." Xia Houtian said with concern at the moment

Upon hearing this, Huangpu Chenxiang hesitated for a while, but he didn't respond.

Hughes was staring at Di Ling who was still fighting.

Seeing Di Ling's tricks, her heart was a smile, but the girl was not too shallow, but it was so long that she did not win or lose, but you can see that Di Ling certainly does not want to win this competition.

"Emperor bell, why are you so slow." Hughes shouted in a hurry as if he was in a hurry.

The people watching around looked at Hughes at first glance, but they did not know all about it.

Some of them just came to watch Huss’s fight, but they saw Huss’s arrival, and they all pulled away one after another, while some did not know what was going through but were puzzled. How did Huss know this emperor? Bell?

Emperor Ling's name at Dongling College is no less than Ouyang's poems, but Emperor Ling is the real woman in everyone's heart, and he is the object of love. Ouyang's poems are unreasonable and unreasonable. Although it is beautiful, it can only be seen from afar, and it is terrifying to be near.

Emperor Ling is quite the opposite. Emperor Ling Xiu is advanced, but he is never arrogant. On the contrary, he is very popular, and these students who have been watching Emperor Ling fighting are quite a part of this beautiful and character. The impeccable Di Ling students, seeing Hughes shouting like this, again saw Di Ling look back and smiled at Hughes, the smile suddenly made those students secretly indulging in their hearts were annoyed. Inexplicably jealous, he had a bad look at Hughes' head, but he knew the abilities of Hughes and had to vent his jealousy.

Hughes noticed everyone's gaze, but he couldn't guess at all. The dark road, the Emperor Bell, seemed to be the character of the Tangling Academy. Otherwise, there would be so many suitors. .

"As soon as possible, I have something to tell you, or you will regret it."

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