Pioneer Knight

Chapter 965:

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The crowd only heard a loud noise, but they just felt that their bodies were shaking, their hearts were shaking, and they had not subsided for a long time.

Everyone didn't know what happened in the Purple Dragon Phantom Group at this moment, but at this time, Hughes was sinking to the extreme.

It was with the sound just now that Hughes knew that Long Tengyuan at this moment had been cracked under the shadow of Mu Shuang's dark and strange sword body, and the previous immunity to the energy of Yuluo was in The sword body did not play the slightest role in general.

At the moment, everyone is waiting in the same place, waiting for what will happen, but at this moment, it is found that the purple dragon phantom group that was originally formed into a sphere is constantly expanding and expanding, and then it is another wave. The extremely strange black breath of the strand projected from the purple dragon phantom group.


Everyone hasn’t come and reacted for a moment, but they don’t want to. The sound of another explosion of energy bursts, and the purple dragon phantom swelled to the limit, which is the energy explosion. When it dissipated, the purple dragon phantom and the strange breath were mixed. The strength is to directly rush towards the surrounding enchantment.

After such a collision, the enchantment turned out to be extremely deformed, but Mu Shuangxiu was indeed good, even in this case, she was stabilized by her until the power disappeared.

"This, this is?" Zong Lan saw the strange breath at the moment, and his heart jumped inexplicably, looking at Mu Shuang gradually emerging from the black breath at the moment.

"Why?" Emperor Yang was also surprised. How could Mu Shuang have such a strange and even agreement power, he naturally can also see it, that black sword body is not a mimicked by the grudge.

"Isn't this the blood sacrifice spirit?"

Zong Lan murmured, his eyes wide open, full of disbelief.

"Blood Sacrifice Spirit?" Emperor Yang's heart shone suddenly when he heard it. He looked again and nodded: "Yes, yes, it was the magic sword of the Blood Demon King, but the Blood Demon King disappeared. For hundreds of years, this blood sacrifice spirit also disappeared, but how could it be in Mu Shuang's hands?"

Di Yang said that at this moment he was silent, and his expression was also serious, but seeing that the blood sacrifice spirit continued to stretch this black evil aura in Mu Shuang's hands, it was very embarrassing, and his mind secretly thought about something.

"It seems that at this moment, many students of the Tangling College have surfaced, and Mu Shuang's cultivation is really not shallow. Now that he has this blood sacrifice spirit, I think that the boy of Xiusi must be Mu Shuang's opponent. "

Both the mad woman and Yuan Kui have heard of the prestige of the bloodstained spirit. At this moment, the mad woman said, but she thought it was very interesting. This is really a deep pool of water. The family carefully sent the descendants to this student, but this did not have the slightest extreme. So these people have appeared in this competition, which has never been the case in the past.

"Being able to force Mu Shuang to this point shows how Xiusi's cultivation is like. Although we haven't experienced Longtengyuan, we know the strength of Longtengyuan by virtue of energy fluctuations. It was brought up when Shi Xiu was doing it. If Xiu Xi’s cultivation is being improved again and again, then I can’t imagine how powerful it is."

Zong Lan said with expectation all over his face, he was still optimistic about Hughes in his heart. Of course, Mu Shuang's blood sacrifice spirit was forced to appear, and it was also open for Hughes to win this battle.

"The Mu family seems to have never heard of it." Di Yang said at the moment, he spent many years traveling through the Tangling mainland with his self-cultivation. In this way, his experience and knowledge are certainly very broad, but this Mu family he I really haven't heard of it at this moment, but the blood sacrifice spirit in Mu Shuang's hands is very promising. Could it be...?

"In the college archives, Mu Shuang does not have any family background, but she is also extremely undetailed about her life." Zong Lan reminded

"Well." Di Yang nodded and listened: "This Mu family is not a family that can be underestimated. Although it has never been heard, it is often the most terrifying family." Di Yang said lightly.

"However, Hughes is not necessarily defeated now. Now Hughes’s goal is to achieve. He pushed Mu Shuang’s blood-sacrifice spirit out, then we still have to watch what fighting techniques Hughes has next. That’s why it’s too early to draw conclusions.” Di Yang looked at Hughes at the moment, but his face calmed down.

"Is he able to pass the evil blade of the Blood Demon Lord that year? This is the most evil soldier blade left in the world by the legendary God and Devil War! This blood sacrifice spirit is very spiritual, and it comes with it. Magical, those who are not strong will be controlled by this blood sacrifice spirit. In the next attack, even if Mu Shuang does not control it, it will have an extremely terrifying attack strength. Could Hughes be able to be low-end?" Mad Woman Zi said again, full of doubt between words.

"The blood sacrifice spirit is indeed powerful, but as to whether it is the magic blade left by the war of gods and deities, no one can say badly. Those are too illusory. Furthermore, even in this case, the blood sacrifice spirit is indeed very powerful. However, since Mu Shuang's cultivation can be controlled, this means that the blood sacrifice spirit has been sealed and enchanted by a certain strong character, suppressing the magic, indicating that the magic in it will not affect the current Mu Shuang, however, In this way, the power of the blood sacrifice spirit is also greatly reduced. Can Hughes be able to withstand the subsequent attack of the blood sacrifice spirit, everything still has to wait until the final result to know, we are inconvenient to guess." Di Yang again That's it.

Zong Lan did not expect that the Dean was so optimistic about Hughes, but he was also slightly pleased. Although Hughes was not taught by himself, he was also recommended by his master. It must be inextricably related to the master. The person who is powerful is naturally happy.

The women such as Di Ling and Huang Pu Chen Xiang stood outside the enchantment and looked at Mu Shuang's evil sword at the moment. They were also surprised. Especially Di Ling, she and Mu Shuang have been friends for many years, but for many years Once I saw Mu Shuang had such a strange weapon blade, at this moment I thought that my understanding of Mu Shuang was so shallow and ridiculous. What I wanted to do was to look at Hughes, who was standing calmly. I didn’t worry about Hughes’ strength, because I knew Mu Shuang’s true strength, but at this moment I couldn’t help but worry about it. Mu Shuang’s sword body was too eerie, which was completely different from Dong The breath of anyone in Ling College.

"Cousin, will Hughes have anything to do?" Meixi didn't forget Di Ling's identity at this moment. When she saw such scenes, Mei Xi asked Di Ling with an expression of anxiety, her hands clenched tightly. Holding her own clothes corner, her palms were full of sweat at the moment. Although she didn't know how to practice, she could see the situation with her eyes.

"Relax! Hughes' cultivation is very profound, and nothing will happen." Although Dili said this, he also had no heart. After all, he was just comforting his sister.

but? My sister is so smart. Although Ming knew that she asked Di Ling just to find comfort in her heart, but when Di Ling said this, she heard Di Ling's tone, and her heart was even more uneasy, and she looked at her immediately. In the center of the enchantment, Hughes did not dare to move half a point.

Ouyang's poems are also serious, never like this. Looking at the stinky boy in the enchantment now seems to be in a very bad situation. Why is his heart not to listen to the worries of the call, it stands to reason that Hughes was beaten into a half crippled, himself The heart should be hatred, but the fact is the opposite, entangled.

Hughes frowned slightly and thought to himself, was this Mu Mu's last move? As soon as he came up, Mu Shuang was trying to test himself, but he gave her some sweetness, who thought Mu Shuang was coming Then one stroke of Yu Fei was scattered, which urged Long Tengyuan. At first, there was really no other way to avoid the overwhelming attack of that feather, and it came to try to further test Mu Shuang's strength, but this time the purpose of Hughes was Activate this Hui-level fighting technique to hit Mu Shuang's last defense.

Huss contemplates, but Mu Shuang has not thought about giving Huss a chance to breathe, but when she sees her, she is stunned, as if the cold has appeared, giving people a chill, waving the blood sacrifice in one hand. Spirit, exuding bursts of black weird silhouettes, but that graceful posture was not affected by the black silhouettes at all. She was like a dusty fairy and dancing magic dance. The black man was surprised and surprised. At first glance, lamenting her beauty was horrified by the chill of her body and the breath of the brown sword body.


But listening to Mu Shuang's high-pitched call again at the moment, it was seen that the heavy black sword shadow now contained such a mountain-like power like a swift tiger striking directly at Hughes.

Hughes has not yet grasped the true strength of this black sword body, but life-saving is important, and he can perceive that Mu Shuang's move has no hope of survival.

At this moment, but seeing the strange sword shadow coming straight, Huss had to think about flashing to avoid, however, Huss was thinking that while flashing his body, his body was stagnant, and his heart was suddenly cold.

"How is it possible?" Hughes was chilled, full of disbelief.

Hughes realized at the moment that his body seemed to be imprisoned, as if the transparent space around him was an entity, and he was caught in a very small space in that entity, and could not move at all.

But Hughes couldn't move, but the momentum of the black sword shadow was not weakened, and he bombarded Hughes straight.

"Is he scared and silly?"

Seeing that Hughes had no resistance at all, the onlookers could not help but said doubtfully, however, who would think of Hughes' current situation.

"Oh, what's the matter, stupid boy? Frightened or silly? Don't you know to avoid it? Hurry up!" Ouyang Shishi sees this situation, and immediately looks anxious, and finally complains. .

Meixi's heart was even more anxious, but her tears were about to come out when she saw such a situation, but listening to Ouyang's poem, this man actually said that his heart already defined Ouyang's poem as a crow mouth, like a broom. The characters immediately looked back at Ouyang's poems.

"Can you stop talking non-stop?" Meixi warned fiercely.


Ouyang Shishi didn't think that such a sentence actually attracted a curse from Meixi, a little fox, and his face was so dark that she wanted to do it when she waited. When she thought about it, she was so invincible, she But until Meixi did not cultivate, it was just an ordinary person.

"I told you what's the matter with you? Vixen." Ouyang Shishi forcibly suppressed the bad breath in his heart and gritted his teeth.

Why is Meixi a fox spirit? This is what I said after being roared by Hughes last year. Although Ouyang's poems did not find Hughes, they did not pay much attention to Hughes, and naturally there were many days when they saw Meixi. At this moment, the time is getting longer and longer, and the number of times to see Meixi and Hughes is more and more. The fox essence in her heart has already been brewed. At this moment, seeing Meixi conduct a physical attack on the speech. Will give up this good opportunity.

"You, who do you mean?" said Mei Xi, pointing at the nose of Ouyang's poems immediately. The stupidity was to ask Ouyang's poems to give an explanation.

"What about you? What's the matter?" Ouyang's poems never show weakness under the power of others. Of course, Hughes is the only special case.

"Okay, good girl, girl, poem, what are you arguing about now, Hughes is in an urgent situation now, not Hughes does not want to avoid it, but Mu Shuang’s sword body must have something wrong, Hughes It must have been fixed now. You can see Hughes’s expression.” Huangpu Agarwood saw some problems and immediately said

Ouyang Shishi and Meixi listened to Huangpu Agarwood very much at the moment, because Hughes was in an urgent situation, immediately glared at each other, and snorted twice before putting down personal grudges and unifying the front.


This was just a blink of an eye, but I didn't want to. The powerful and inestimable sword shadow struck stiffly over there and was still motionless.


At first sight, the girl's heart was cold to the extreme, despair suddenly appeared, and then sadness, and Ouyang's poems were the same, but the faces of Emperor Bell and Huangpu Agarwood appeared extremely calm. Although the hearts of the two were beating suddenly at the moment, the sword shadow power was too strong at the moment, and the enchantment isolated most of the energy. They were still difficult to determine the situation of Hughes at the moment.

"That kid is dead now! Immortality is also a crippling."

See this situation. Although the final student was amazed by the horror of Mu Shuang’s sword body, he still had a gloating attitude about Hughes’s encounter. The monster could only blame this kid for having such a relationship with so many beauties in the college. Some hateful.

"It's over."

The mad woman smiled slightly and said, Yuan Kui nodded like this. It seems that these two men are typical of women singing.

Zong Lan didn't give up that easily. Mad woman and Yuan Kui were interested in cultivation, but qi was not their cultivation focus. Naturally, they didn't notice the slightest energy change, and Di Yang looked at the moment. Calm as water, no response at all, eyes fixed on the slightest change in the enchantment.

Mu Shuang's cold face was a little light on the face. The horror sword shadow energy attack of the mysterious killer just now was secondary. The key is that the blood sacrifice spirit was given by the **** without knowing it at the same time. The opponent put a space imprisonment and gave the opponent a surprise.

Originally, the Space Oro was only able to be initially understood by the Sage Saint Cultivator, but this blood sacrifice spirit body is unique. It has this space imprisonment itself, rather than relying on the cultivator. Of course this Imprisonment is not as powerful as the cultivator realizes, but it is enough for Hughes.

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